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1、play+球类运动打棒球打排球打篮球踢足球打网球踢足球打乒乓球做 运 动2021/3/101讲解:讲解:XXlike+动名词(动词+ing)我喜欢打网球。我喜欢踢足球。他喜欢打棒球她喜欢看电视。I like playing tennis.I like playing soccer.He likes playing baseball.She likes watching TV.2021/3/102讲解:讲解:XX人称代词人称代词主格主格和和宾格宾格主格:Iweyouhesheitthey宾格:2021/3/103讲解:讲解:XXlet 的用法的用法let 允许,让, 1.是实义动词 ( V )2

2、. 由let 开头的句子叫祈使句,用来提出建议。3.let + 人称代词宾格4. 让某人做某事 let sb do sth 2021/3/104讲解:讲解:XXLets go . 让我们走吧!Lets play . 让我们玩吧Lets play tennis. 让我们打网球吧Lets ask. 让我们问问吧2021/3/105讲解:讲解:XXLet me get it. 让我去取它!Let him help me. 让他帮助我!Let her call us. 让她 给我们打电话!Let them find it. 让他们找到它2021/3/106讲解:讲解:XX动名词(doing)作主语Pl

3、ayingcomputergamesisinteresting.主语Playingvolleyballisdifficult.WatchingTVisboring.Playingbasketballisfun.2021/3/107讲解:讲解:XXIt is interesting to play computer games. It is difficult to play volleyball .It is boring to watch TV.It is fun to play basketball.2021/3/108讲解:讲解:XXItis+形容词+todosth做某事是.的。2021

4、/3/109讲解:讲解:XXIt is interesting for me to play computer games. It is difficult for me to play volleyball .It is boring for me to watch TV.It is fun for me to play basketball.2021/3/1010讲解:讲解:XXIt is +形容词形容词 +(for sb)+ to do sth(对于某人来说)(对于某人来说)做某事是做某事是.的。的。2021/3/1011讲解:讲解:XX阅读阅读2b回答问题回答问题Whohasasocc

5、erball?GinaSmith(hasasoccerball).2021/3/1012讲解:讲解:XX阅读第一段回答问题阅读第一段回答问题WhoisAlan?AreFrankandAlaninthesameschool?Dotheylikesoccer?Whatdotheythinkofsoccer?Franks brotherYes , they are.(Its) realaxing.Yes , they do.2021/3/1013讲解:讲解:XXWhatsGinas family name?Howmanybaseballsdoesshe have?Does sheplaysports

6、?阅读第二段回答问题阅读第二段回答问题(Ginas family name is) Smith(She has ) five (baseballs).No, she doesnt.2021/3/1014讲解:讲解:XXWhat does Wang Wei think of soccer?Does he like ping-pong? Why (为什么)?为什么)?How many ping-pong bats does he have?Who does he play ping-pong with?阅读第三段回答问题阅读第三段回答问题(Soccer is )difficultYes, he d

7、oes. Its easy for him.(He has) two (ping-pong bats).(He plays ping-pong with )his classmates.2021/3/1015讲解:讲解:XX1.I dont have a soccer, but my brother Alan does 我没有一个足球,但是我的哥哥Alan 有。2. We go to the same school and we love soccer. 我们去同一所学校并且我们喜爱足球。3. We play it at school with our friends. 我们和我们的朋友们一起

8、在学校踢它2021/3/1016讲解:讲解:XX4. I love sports, but I dont play them- I only watch them on TV. 我喜爱运动,但是我不做它们我仅仅在电视上看它们。5.Its easy for me.对于我来说它是容易的6. After class, I play ping-pong with my classmates. 课后,我和我的同学们一起打乒乓球。2021/3/1017讲解:讲解:XX7.Soccer is not easy for me.对于我来说足球是不容易的。8. My brother and I are in th

9、e same school.我的哥哥和我在同一所学校2021/3/1018讲解:讲解:XX1.thesame相同的,一样的gotothesameschool去同一所学校beinthesameschool在同一所学校beinthesameclass在同一个班2.gotoschool去上学atschool在学校2021/3/1019讲解:讲解:XX3.with(介词 ) 和.一起 do sth with sb 和某人一起做某事和某人一起做某事I play tennis with my sister.带有 He is a father with two sons他是一个他是一个带有带有两个儿子的两个

10、儿子的父亲。父亲。使用We can say with our mouth(嘴巴)。嘴巴)。我们能我们能用用我们的嘴巴我们的嘴巴说话说话 2021/3/1020讲解:讲解:XX4.动词或介词+人称代词宾格playthem玩它们watchthemonTV在电视上观看它们5.only(副词)仅仅,只Ionlylikeyou.我只喜欢你。Ionlyplaytennisatschool.我只在学校打网球6.difficult=noteasy困难的=不容易的2021/3/1021讲解:讲解:XX7.Itseasyformetoplayping-pong.对于我来说打乒乓球是容易的8.after(介词),在

11、.之后before(介词),在.之前afterclass课后beforeclass课前afterschool放学后2021/3/1022讲解:讲解:XXWhat do you think of.?你认为你认为.怎么样?怎么样?What does he /she think of.?他他/ 她她 认为认为.怎么样?怎么样?How many 多少多少 (询问数量)(询问数量)How many baseballs do you have?你有多少个棒球?你有多少个棒球?2021/3/1023讲解:讲解:XXFrank _ (not have) a soccer ball . He _ (go) to

12、 the same school with his brother, Alan. He_ ( love) soccer. His brother_ (love) it, too. They _ (play) it with their friends at school. They _ (think) its relaxing.doesnt have lovesgoeslovesplaythink2021/3/1024讲解:讲解:XXGina Smith _(have) two soccer ball . She_ (love) sports. But she _( not play) spo

13、rts. She only _(watch) them on TVhashasdoesnt havewatches2021/3/1025讲解:讲解:XXWang Wei_ (not have) a soccer. He _(think) its difficult. He _(like) ping-pong. He_(think) its easy for him. He _(have)three ping-pong balls and two ping-pong bats. After class , he _ (play) ping-pong with his classmates.doesnt havethinksthinkshasplayslikes2021/3/1026讲解:讲解:XX动词第三人称单数变化规则1. 直接在动词词尾加 S2. 以O结尾的动词加es go-goes 3. 以辅音字母+ y 结尾变y 为i 加es study - studies2021/3/1027讲解:讲解:XX感谢您的阅读收藏,谢谢!2021/3/1028



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