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1、Unit 10Unit 10How can I improve my English?How can I improve my English?(第一课时(第一课时 教学设计)教学设计)一、学情分析一、学情分析本单元为英语 1(基础模块 高教版)最后一单元,主要话题为如何提高英语。 在本单元模块中反复呈现英语学习中常见的各种困难并提出相关的学习建议。 职业学校的学生在英语学习上确实存在着各种困难,在如何提高英语的问题上也有着很大的困惑。 虽然外贸班的总体英语水平不错,但学生普遍需要学法的完善,以期英语成绩的更大提高,部分学生甚至英语水平不是很理想,更需要学法指导。因此,教师可通过本单元的听、说

2、、读、写各种教学活动。一方面帮助学生掌握正确表达与英语学习相关的词汇与句型, 另一方面引导学生结合自身的情况反思自己的英语学习, 针对自身的学习问题选择有效的学习策略。二、二、教学分析教学分析1. 教学内容本课时系教材英语 1(基础模块 高教版)第十单元的第一课时,包括Lead- in + listening and speaking 两部分。具体内容为:有关谈论英语学习中的各种困难及学习建议的词汇、 句型,以及相关的对话。这些内容为整个单元的学习活动提供很好的知识储备,使下面一系列的活动展开能顺利进行。而且,本单元的话题是如何提高英语学习。对于外贸专业学生来说,英语学习是重中之重,所以学生们

3、会比较感兴趣,能积极参与探讨英语学习中存在的问题, 如何解决这些问题,从而获得更好的促进英语提升的方法。2. 教学重点、难点:(1)教学重点听懂并掌握有关英语学习中的各种困难及建议的词汇、句式。(2)教学难点有关英语学习的词汇和句型。三、三、 教学目标教学目标1. 知识目标(1)掌握与英语有关的词汇: forget; understand; pass English exams;difficult; pronunciation; remember; memorize; be able to; mention; bepoor at; not be good at; etc(2)掌握表达英语学习难

4、和提出建议的句型I cant understand /read/ rememberIm poor atIm not good atI find it difficult to?I feel it too to What can I do?Can you give me some advice?Can I ask you a question?How can I improve my?Youd betterIt may help.You should /can/may2. 能力目标:(1)学生能听懂有关英语学习中的各种困难及建议的对话。(2)能够运用相关词汇和句式谈论英语学习中的各种困难,并提出

5、建议。3. 情感目标:能够反思自己的英语学习情况, 培养学生在提高英语上有积极主动的学习态度,并积极探究适合自己的学习方法,使得“要我学”变成“我要学”,从而促成英语学习上的提升。四、四、教学步骤教学步骤Step OneStep OneLead-in (8m)Lead-in (8m)1. Make a survey about learning English. The teacher will ask studentsmany questions:(1)How many years have you learned English?(2)Are you interested in Engli

6、sh?(3)Can you speak English?(4)Can you watch English programs or movies?(5)Can you read English magazines or papers?(6)Have you ever talked to foreigners?(7)Do you want to improve your English?2. Activity 1 Read and tick.:Tick your wishes for learning English.( (设计意图:利用大脑爆发式提问促使学生思考自身英语学习的现状设计意图:利用大

7、脑爆发式提问促使学生思考自身英语学习的现状和存在问题,和存在问题, 激发学生提交英语学习的意愿,激发学生提交英语学习的意愿, 并通过联系学生实际生并通过联系学生实际生活,提高对本单元之内容的兴趣活,提高对本单元之内容的兴趣) )3.Activity 2 Look and match: Look and guess what problems people inthe pictures might have. Then match the problems in the table with thepictures. Be sure that every student understands

8、the meanings of thesentences.I cant find it adj. / n. to do sth.too toIm poor at Im not good at ( (设计意图:该活动呈现出本课时的重点句型,为单元学习活动做必设计意图:该活动呈现出本课时的重点句型,为单元学习活动做必要的语言准备要的语言准备) )4. Lead-in: Ask the students,“Do you have the same problems as them?”Several students are asked to answer the question,“whats yo

9、urproblem?”( (设计意图:通过问答活动,对表示学习困难的重点词汇和句型进行设计意图:通过问答活动,对表示学习困难的重点词汇和句型进行了反复操练并自然衔接至听说部分了反复操练并自然衔接至听说部分) )Step Two Listening and speaking (20m)Step Two Listening and speaking (20m)5. Activity 3 Listen and stick: Listen to dialogue A and tick who arecalling.6. Activity 4 Listen and match: Listen again

10、 and match the people withtheir problems.7. Activity 5 Read and underline: Read the dialogue after the tape andunderline the words and sentences to talk about problems and to ask foradvice. Make sure students understand them.8. Activity 6 Practice the dialogue with your partner.( (设计意图:训练学生听的能力;呈现单元

11、重要知识点,并通过跟读设计意图:训练学生听的能力;呈现单元重要知识点,并通过跟读与反复操练掌握重要的语句,为下部分说的活动作好准备与反复操练掌握重要的语句,为下部分说的活动作好准备) )9. Activity7 Listen and write: Some people are calling“Prof Learningsadvice”, an English radio program, to get advice on English Learning.Listen to Dialogue B and write down who are calling.10. Activity 8 Li

12、sten and write: Listen to the tape again and write downProf Learnings advice.11. Activity 9 Read and underline: Read the dialogue after the tape andunderline the words and sentences to ask about problems and to giveadvice.12.Activity 10 Listen and repeat: Read again and learn to say theunderlined wo

13、rds and sentences.Whats your problem?Im poor at memorizing new words. Can you give some advice?You should write them down in your notebook and read themeveryday.What can I do?Well, you may ask them to repeat.13. Activity10 Practice: Make a similar dialogue with yourpartner afterthe teacher makes a d

14、ialogue with a good student as a demonstration.( (设计意图:通过听读、重复对话,帮助学生掌握询问难题及提出建设计意图:通过听读、重复对话,帮助学生掌握询问难题及提出建议的语句,议的语句,并进行熟练的操练,并进行熟练的操练,通过教师和学生的对话作为示范,通过教师和学生的对话作为示范,降降低任务的难度低任务的难度) )Step Three Survey and Discussion (15m)Step Three Survey and Discussion (15m)14. Activity 11 Survey: Talk to at least

15、five classmates and ask about whatproblems they have in using English. And then fill in the following form.NameNameProblemProblem15.Activity 12 Discuss in groups of four. Find out three most commonproblems and decide on efficient solutions. Write them down in the form.ProblemProblemSolutionSolution(

16、 (设计意图:使学生在掌握重点语句的基础上,输出应用到实际的语设计意图:使学生在掌握重点语句的基础上,输出应用到实际的语境中,境中, 训练学生能在相对真实的情况下说出有关英语学习中的困难的训练学生能在相对真实的情况下说出有关英语学习中的困难的解决策略解决策略) )16. Summary: Make a short summary of the group work.Our surrey shows that the most common problem we have in usingEnglish is that _. Many classmates also have trouble i

17、n/with_.Somefinditdifficultto_.In our opinion, to solvetheseproblems,weshould_.( (设计意图:通过小组工作总结反馈教学信息,了解学生对本课重点设计意图:通过小组工作总结反馈教学信息,了解学生对本课重点的掌握情况,并同时对本课时所学的做个小结。的掌握情况,并同时对本课时所学的做个小结。) )Step FourStep FourHomework(1m)Homework(1m)1. Practice dialogue B with your classmates after class.2. Write down the

18、 summary on the exercise-book.五、板书设计五、板书设计Unit10 How can I improve my English?Unit10 How can I improve my English?ProblemsI cant understand.I find it difficult to AdviceYoud better memorize the words ingroups.I fell too shy to talk with foreigners. You may ask them to repeat.Im poor at pronunciation .You should right them down inIm not good at reading in English .your note book and read them everyI often forget English words.day.Watch some English cartoons.Just try to understand the keywords.



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