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1、Unit 8 It must belong to Carla Section A 1a-2dWhat does he do?He might/could be a/anI think/guess he is a/an He must be a/anWhose dog is this?It must be Liu Dehuas.It might/ could be_. He is a singer and actor, he is well-known.-It_ belong to Bush. Because_Bush-Whose red bicycle is this ?canthis bik

2、e is white and blue.【文中求宝文中求宝】自学完成并练习下列对话. (用must,might/could,cant,belong to,be填空)S1:Oh,there are so many things here.Whose magazine is this?S2:It belong to Lucy.There is name on it.S1:Whose toy truck is it?Does it belong to Lucy?S2:Im not sure.It be Lucys.There are two kids here.S1:Whose volleyball

3、 is it?Is it Toms?S2:No,it _Tom.He never plays sports.Jack loves volleyball.It _him.S1:Whose are the rest things?S2:I dont know.They not mine.Whose things are these? Make a conversation with your partners. Using the words must , could , might , and cant.Amy Alice Tom A: Whose book is this?B: It must

4、 be Marys./It must belong to Mary.A: Whats the reason?B: Hemingway is her favorite author.Task1:PairworkTask2:Listening1b Listen and match each person with a thing and reason.PersonThingReasonJanes littlebrotherMaryCarla Deng Wen Gracevolleyball toy carmagazine book CD Hemingway is her favorite auth

5、or.She loves volleyball.He was the only little kid at the picnic.She always listens to classical music.He loves cats.2b.Listen again .Fill in the blanks.1. The person must go to our school.2. The person_ be a boy.3. It _ be Meis hair band.4. The hair band _belong to Linda.5. It _ be Lindas schoolbag

6、. cant could might must2dRole-play the conversation(P58)一.(翻译并熟记)1.at the picnic 2.belong to 3.一定是 4 . 参加音乐会 5. 捡到 6.the rest of7.任何人 8.一些有价值的事物 Task3:Language pointsTask3:Language pointsTask3:Language pointsTask3:Language points二.(观察总结并填空)1.It must belong to Carla.belong to 意思是 。后接名名词或人称代或人称代词宾格格。S

7、th belong to Sb.意思是 。如,这个词典属于他。This dictionary him.中间可加情态动词。It cant be Johns.意思是 。cant be后接名名词所有格或名所有格或名词性物主代性物主代词。如,这个词典是她的。This dictionary is 。中间也可加情态动词。2. 情态动词must,might/could,cant表示可能性的大小。Must表示可能性极大,译为 。might/could表示有可能,译为 。cant表示可能性极小,译为 。这些词后都用动词 .belong to someone 和和 be someones 含义基本相同,含义基本相

8、同,都表示都表示“属于某人,归某人所有属于某人,归某人所有”,但要注意用法上的,但要注意用法上的区别:区别:belong to名词或宾格代词。名词或宾格代词。be someones + 名词所有格或名词性物主代词名词所有格或名词性物主代词 e.g. The English book might belong to me. Tne English might mine. The English book must belong to Tom. The English must be Toms ( English book). 3.belong to someone 和和 be someones

9、反馈提升反馈提升一.用must,might,could,cant 填空.1.What is it? I dont know. It be a kind of bird.2.He be Japanese.He speaks Japanese so well.3.Miss Liu be in the office.She has gone to Beijing to study.4.These boys be tired after planting so many trees.5.The toy be bobs.He is the only little kid in this family.二

10、.用词的适当形式填空:1.The dictionary might belong to (she).2.This dress cant be (boys).3.The ring could be (Miss li).4.Does the T-shirt belong to (Terry).5.Taiwan (belong) to China forever.6. This math book is Tinas.=This math book Tina.7.The bag must belong to Li Lei.=The bag . 情态动词情态动词 must, might, could,

11、cant 后接动词后接动词原形原形, , 可以表示可以表示对现在的情况的在的情况的 . .It cant ( )It might/could ( ) It must ( ) + be sbs)It must /might/could 推测推测be Tonys(是(是的)的)belong to Tony.(属于(属于)不可能不可能 可能可能一定一定belong to sbWhose is this ?HomeworkFill in the blanks with must ,may, might, could, cant1.Whose earrings are these? They _ be Marys. she wears earrings sometimes.2.Gina _ come to the party tonight, but Im not sure.3.The telephone is ringing, but nobody answers it. He _ be at home.4. Is this Lan Qiangs boxing glove? Yes, it _ be his. There is his name on the back.5. Youd better take an umbrella. It _ rain this afternoon.



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