自考英语二-Unit 7 Your Inner Voice

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《自考英语二-Unit 7 Your Inner Voice》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《自考英语二-Unit 7 Your Inner Voice(28页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 7 Your Inner VoiceBy: Tracy1.inner adj. 内心的;隐藏的内心的;隐藏的 inside outside2. precisely adv. 准确地;恰好地准确地;恰好地 precise precision联想:联想:accurate accuracy3. bombard v. 大肆抨击;连珠炮似地质问;提大肆抨击;连珠炮似地质问;提 供过多信息供过多信息 bomb 炸弹炸弹4. dreaded adj. 令人害怕的;可怕的令人害怕的;可怕的 dread n. v. 恐惧,担心恐惧,担心5. small talk n. 寒喧;寒喧; 闲谈;聊天闲谈;聊

2、天New words6. hesitation n. 犹豫犹豫hesitate v. hesitant adj.hesitancy / hesitation n.7. wonder v. 想知道;想弄明白;琢磨想知道;想弄明白;琢磨 n. 奇迹奇迹 wonders / miracles8. prompt v. 促使;导致;激起促使;导致;激起9. complete adj. (用以强调)完全的,彻底的(用以强调)完全的,彻底的10. upset adj. 难过的;不高兴的;沮丧的难过的;不高兴的;沮丧的11. roll v. (使)翻滚,滚动(使)翻滚,滚动 roll in 滚滚而来,蜂拥而来

3、滚滚而来,蜂拥而来12. despite prep. 即使;尽管即使;尽管despite / in spite of that fact that 13. feeble adj. 无效的;无力的无效的;无力的14. attempt n./ v. 企图;试图;尝试企图;试图;尝试attempted15. wipe v.(用布、手等)擦干净,抹掉(用布、手等)擦干净,抹掉16. profusely adv. 大量地;连连地大量地;连连地 massively大量地大量地17. address v. 写(收信人)姓名地址;致函写(收信人)姓名地址;致函18. receptionist n. 接待员接待

4、员 reception n. 接待接待19. attach v. 把把固定,把固定,把附(在附(在上)上)attach toattached 依恋的;附加的;附属的依恋的;附加的;附属的attachment 依恋;附件依恋;附件20. emotion n. 强烈的感情;情感;情绪强烈的感情;情感;情绪emotional emotionless21. contain v. 控制,克制,抑制(感情)控制,克制,抑制(感情)22. apparently adv. 据据所知;看来;显然所知;看来;显然23. overwhelming adj. 巨大的;压倒性的;无巨大的;压倒性的;无 法抗拒的法抗拒的

5、overwhelming problemsan overwhelmed person联想:联想:surprised / surprisingexcited / excitingamazed / amazingdisappointed / disappointing注意:注意:excited eyes / expressions / looks24. scream v. 高声喊,大声叫高声喊,大声叫1. be lost in ones thought 陷入沉思陷入沉思2. break down 失败失败3. come up with 找到(答案等);想出找到(答案等);想出4. dropoff

6、(顺路)把(顺路)把放下放下5. take ones own life 自杀自杀6. in desperation 在绝望中;走投无路在绝望中;走投无路7. care about sb. 关心;关怀关心;关怀8. take a chance 冒险冒险9. make a difference 有作用;产生影响有作用;产生影响 Phrases and Expressions Your Inner Voice (1)My day started just like all the other days for the past 15 years where I get up, make some c

7、offee, shower, get dressed and leave for the train station at precisely 7:35 A.M. to arrive at work by 8:30. While on the train I would always choose a seat away from the crowd so I can read the newspaper in peace and quiet. (2)At work I am always being bombarded with questions from coworkers, suppl

8、iers, telephone and then those dreaded meetings, so the last thing I need is some stranger to sit beside me and make small talk. Text Learning1. My day started just like all the other days for the past 15 years where I get up, make some coffee, shower, get dressed and leave for the train station at

9、precisely 7:35 A.M. to arrive at work by 8:30.(1) where引导定语从句,先行词为引导定语从句,先行词为days。(2) make coffee冲咖啡,煮咖啡冲咖啡,煮咖啡(3) get dressed穿好衣服穿好衣服(4) leave for 动身去动身去2. At work I am always being bombarded with questions from coworkers, suppliers, telephone and then those dreaded meetings, so the last thing I ne

10、ed is some stranger to sit beside me and make small talk. 工作中,我要无休止地应对同事、供应商提出的各种问题,电话总是响个工作中,我要无休止地应对同事、供应商提出的各种问题,电话总是响个不停,还有那些令人恐惧的会议,所以我最不想做的事就是和坐在身边的陌生不停,还有那些令人恐惧的会议,所以我最不想做的事就是和坐在身边的陌生人闲聊。人闲聊。(1) bombard sb. with questions 不断向某人提问不断向某人提问(2) the last thing最不想最不想的事情的事情He is the last person I wan

11、t to work with.Lying is the last thing hell do.重点及难点:重点及难点: 我的一天又开始了,就像过去我的一天又开始了,就像过去15年中的每一天一年中的每一天一样,起床,煮咖啡,沐浴,穿衣服,在样,起床,煮咖啡,沐浴,穿衣服,在7点点35分分准时赶到火车站搭乘火车以便在准时赶到火车站搭乘火车以便在8点点30分之前到分之前到达工作地点。在火车上,我总是选择远离人群的达工作地点。在火车上,我总是选择远离人群的座位以便我能平静地读报纸。工作中,我要无休座位以便我能平静地读报纸。工作中,我要无休止地应对同事、供应商提出的各种问题,电话总止地应对同事、供应商提

12、出的各种问题,电话总是响个不停,还有那些令人恐惧的会议,所以我是响个不停,还有那些令人恐惧的会议,所以我最不想做的事就是和坐在身边的陌生人闲聊。最不想做的事就是和坐在身边的陌生人闲聊。课文翻译课文翻译 I dont know why but for some reason when I got on the train today it was unusually full, something I dont recall(remember) ever happening in the past. With hesitation I sat down in the only seat avai

13、lable beside a middle-aged man that had his head down and seemed to be lost in his thoughts (定语从句). I was glad that he didnt notice when I sat next to him as he just continued to look down towards the floor.Text Learning课文翻译课文翻译那天我搭乘火车时,不知道出于什么原那天我搭乘火车时,不知道出于什么原因火车上异常拥挤,这是过去不曾发生因火车上异常拥挤,这是过去不曾发生过的。犹

14、豫中,我在唯一的一个空位上过的。犹豫中,我在唯一的一个空位上坐了下来,旁边坐着一个中年男子,他坐了下来,旁边坐着一个中年男子,他低着头,好像陷入了沉思。我很高兴他低着头,好像陷入了沉思。我很高兴他没注意到我坐在他身边,他也只是继续没注意到我坐在他身边,他也只是继续低头看着地板。低头看着地板。 (3)Shortly after the train left for my 30-minute ride downtown I found myself wondering what this man was thinking about. What could be so important that

15、 he didnt even see me sit next to him? I tried to forget about it and started to read my paper. (4)However, for some strange reason this inner voice kept prompting me to talk to this man. (5)I tried to ignore the voice as there was no way I was starting a conversation with a complete stranger.(承上句)T

16、ext Learning3. Shortly after the train left for my 30-minute ride downtown I found myself wondering what this man was thinking about.find在这里接现在分词短语作宾补,还可接过去分词作宾补。在这里接现在分词短语作宾补,还可接过去分词作宾补。例如:例如:When he came to, he found himself lying in hospital.The man found himself surrounded by half a dozen boys.4

17、. However, for some strange reason this inner voice kept prompting me to talk to this man.(1) keep doing sth.(2) prompt sb. to do sth. 促使某人做某事,督促某人做某事促使某人做某事,督促某人做某事重点及难点:重点及难点: 5. I tried to ignore the voice as there was no way I was starting a conversation with a complete stranger.(1) ignore:pay n

18、o attention to on purpose(2) there is no way 没有办法没有办法课文翻译课文翻译没多久,火车就沿着我去市区的方向已行没多久,火车就沿着我去市区的方向已行驶了驶了30分钟,我发现自己开始好奇这个男分钟,我发现自己开始好奇这个男子在思考什么。是什么如此重要以至于他子在思考什么。是什么如此重要以至于他甚至没看见我坐在他身旁甚至没看见我坐在他身旁?我试图忘掉这件我试图忘掉这件事,并开始阅读我的报纸。然而,出于某事,并开始阅读我的报纸。然而,出于某些奇怪的原因,内心的声音不断呼唤我跟些奇怪的原因,内心的声音不断呼唤我跟这个人交谈。我试图忽略这个声音,因为这个人交

19、谈。我试图忽略这个声音,因为与一个完全陌生的人攀谈不是那么容易的与一个完全陌生的人攀谈不是那么容易的事情。事情。Text LearningAs you probably guessed I eventually broke down and came up with an excuse to ask him a question. When he raised his head and turned his eyes towards me I could see that he must have been really upset as he had red eyes and still h

20、ad some tears rolling down the side of his face despite his feeble attempt to wipe them away. I cant describe the sadness I felt seeing someone in so much pain.6. As you probably guessed I eventually broke down and came up with an excuse to ask him a question.(1) break down 出故障;分解;失败;垮掉出故障;分解;失败;垮掉(

21、2) come up with 提出;想出提出;想出区分:区分:come down with 病倒,染上病倒,染上7. I cant describe the sadness I felt seeing someone in so much pain.seeing someone in so much pain 作状语,作状语,表示原因。这句话相当于表示原因。这句话相当于Seeing someone in so much pain I felt very sad, and I couldnt describe the sadness.课文翻译课文翻译正如您可能猜到的,我最终被内心的声音所打正如

22、您可能猜到的,我最终被内心的声音所打败,想出了一个问他问题的借口。当他抬起头,败,想出了一个问他问题的借口。当他抬起头,把视线转向我时,我能看出他一定真的很难过,把视线转向我时,我能看出他一定真的很难过,因为他眼睛红肿,尽管他无力地想要擦拭泪水,因为他眼睛红肿,尽管他无力地想要擦拭泪水,但还是会有泪水顺着脸颊流下来。我无法形容但还是会有泪水顺着脸颊流下来。我无法形容看着一个人陷于如此悲痛时所感受到的悲伤。看着一个人陷于如此悲痛时所感受到的悲伤。We talked for about 20 minutes and in the end he seemed to be doing better.

23、As we were leaving the train he thanked me profusely for being an angel by taking the time to talk. I never did find out what was making his heart so heavy with pain but was glad I listened to the voice that day.Text Learning8. As we were leaving the train he thanked me profusely for being an angel

24、by taking the time to talk.(1) thank sb. for (doing) sth.(2) by taking the time to talk作状语修饰being an angel。课文翻译课文翻译我们谈了大约我们谈了大约20分钟,最后他看上去好了很多。分钟,最后他看上去好了很多。当我们下火车时他极力感谢我,说我就像一个愿当我们下火车时他极力感谢我,说我就像一个愿意花时间与他谈话的天使。虽然我始终没找出是意花时间与他谈话的天使。虽然我始终没找出是什么使他的心如此沉重而满怀痛苦,但我很高兴什么使他的心如此沉重而满怀痛苦,但我很高兴那一天我听从自己内心的声音。那一天

25、我听从自己内心的声音。Text LearningSeveral weeks had passed when I noticed an envelope on my desk after returning from lunch. It was not addressed to anyone and only had the word angel written on it. My receptionist attached a note saying a gentleman dropped it off saying he did not know my name but had descri

26、bed me well enough that the receptionist knew it was for me. When I read the note inside the envelope I was so filled with emotions that I couldnt contain myself. It was a letter form the man I met on the train thanking me again for talking to him and saving his life that day.9. My receptionist atta

27、ched a note (saying a gentleman dropped it off) (saying he did not know my name but had described me well enough that the receptionist knew it was for me).本句的主干是本句的主干是My receptionist attached a note.。 saying作定语修饰作定语修饰a note,a gentleman dropped it off but had described me well enough that the recepti

28、onist knew it was for me作作saying的宾语,的宾语,but后省略了主语后省略了主语a gentleman。saying he didnt know my name作定语修饰作定语修饰a gentleman。but后面的内容,其中后面的内容,其中well enough that 相当于相当于so well that。本句话的译文为本句话的译文为我的接待员在信封上贴了一张便条,上面写道:我的接待员在信封上贴了一张便条,上面写道:这封信是一个绅士留下的,他说他不知道我的名字,但从他细这封信是一个绅士留下的,他说他不知道我的名字,但从他细致的描述可知他所说的人是我。致的描述

29、可知他所说的人是我。 课文翻译课文翻译当我午餐回来后注意到我书桌上的一个信封时,当我午餐回来后注意到我书桌上的一个信封时,这件事已经过去了几周。信封上没有注明是寄这件事已经过去了几周。信封上没有注明是寄给谁的,在上面只有一个词给谁的,在上面只有一个词天使。我的接天使。我的接待员告诉我说,是一位先生留下的,那位先生待员告诉我说,是一位先生留下的,那位先生不知道我的名字,但把我描述得很详细,因此不知道我的名字,但把我描述得很详细,因此接待员知道它是给我的。读着信封里的便条,接待员知道它是给我的。读着信封里的便条,我激动得不能自已。这是来自我在火车上遇到我激动得不能自已。这是来自我在火车上遇到的那个

30、男人的一封信,他再一次感谢我那天跟的那个男人的一封信,他再一次感谢我那天跟他交谈,而且还挽救了他的生命。他交谈,而且还挽救了他的生命。Apparently he had some very hurtful personal problems (that were so overwhelming that he was planning to take his own life that day)定语从句. In his letter he went on to explain that he was a religious person and in desperation screamed

31、out to God that if God really cared about him he would send someone to prevent him from taking his own life. In his eyes I was that someone, that angel sent by God. Text Learning课文翻译课文翻译很显然,他那天有极其令人痛心的个人问题,很显然,他那天有极其令人痛心的个人问题,让他无法抵抗到他打算结束自己的生命。在让他无法抵抗到他打算结束自己的生命。在信中他接着解释道,他是一个有宗教信仰的信中他接着解释道,他是一个有宗教信

32、仰的人,在绝望中他会向上帝呼喊,如果上帝真人,在绝望中他会向上帝呼喊,如果上帝真的关心他,就会派人来阻止他结束自己的生的关心他,就会派人来阻止他结束自己的生命。在他眼中我就是那个人命。在他眼中我就是那个人上帝派来的上帝派来的天使。天使。Not being a religious person myself, I dont know what that voice was that made me take a chance and talk to a stranger, but I do know that it made a difference in someones life that

33、day. So the next time you feel prompted for no apparent reason to talk to a friend, relative, neighbor or even a complete stranger please remember my story. You just may make a difference in someones life when you listen to your inner voice.Text Learning课文翻译课文翻译我不是一个有宗教信仰的人,我不知道那个让我不是一个有宗教信仰的人,我不知道那个让我找机会和陌生人攀谈的声音是什么,但我知我找机会和陌生人攀谈的声音是什么,但我知道的是这个声音在那一天改变了一个人的生活。道的是这个声音在那一天改变了一个人的生活。所以下一次当你感到没有明显缘由地被促使着所以下一次当你感到没有明显缘由地被促使着与一位朋友、亲属、邻居,抑或是一个完全陌与一位朋友、亲属、邻居,抑或是一个完全陌生的人交谈时,请记得我的故事。当你倾听自生的人交谈时,请记得我的故事。当你倾听自己内心的声音时,你可能会改变一个人的生活。己内心的声音时,你可能会改变一个人的生活。



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