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1、百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我Unit2 ShoppingUnit2 ShoppingPeriod IPeriod IVocabularyVocabulary一、自主学习探究:自主学习探究: (根据本单元词汇,做下列练习(根据本单元词汇,做下列练习)1.单词:(adj)(adv)(adv)(adj)(adj)(adv)(n)(adj)(adj)_ (adv)_(adv)_(pl)_(pl)_(反义词)_2.短语。1.别担心_2. 乘出租车_3. 休息一下_4.减肥 _5.在超市_6. 购物中心_7. 百货公司_8. 为担忧_9. 注意 _10. try on_11. in total _

2、12. pay for_style_cash_card_shopping_二、课堂巩固二、课堂巩固:1. The price of the apples in this shop is _ (cheap) than that shop.2. My father _ (buy ) me new dress as a birthday gift last week.3. She is so _ (love) a girl that we all like her very much.4. Would you mind me_ (smoke) in the room?you paid for it

3、_(通过现金) or _(信用卡)?6.How much did you_ (pay) for your new car?7.They are_(清点,登记)allthe goods in the store.8. There are several _ (type) of computers in this department.coat is made_(of/from) cotton.(final),the police found the lost child.三、作业三、作业I. I.预习本单元阅读预习本单元阅读. .II.II.完成以下练习完成以下练习. .1 1、 找出每组单词中

4、拼写错误的一项找出每组单词中拼写错误的一项1百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我() . centerB. departmentC. mallD. salegirl() 2. A. fadeB. gantlemanC. receiptD. sure() 3. A. casherB. nationalC. cottonD. selection() 4. A .perfectB. extreC. availableD. expensive() 5. A. sizeB .prefeC. washD. panda2 2、 用所给词的正确形式填空。用所给词的正确形式填空。in style.by taxi

5、.in total .be sure.lose weight.have a rest.dont worry.go shopping.have a look.in cash.1. How much do I have to pay for these books_.2. Do you think red silk skirts will be _next year?3. His grandpa could only go to the hospital _.4. No problem, I_ Ill get to the airport before 9.5. She ate less in o

6、rder to _.6.He climbed up to the top of the mountain and stopped _.7._! Let me help you .8.Today Lucy is_with her mother in Beijing.9.May I _ at your new watch?10.You must pay for the computer_.Period IIPeriod IIGrammarGrammar一.复习动词不定式的构成:肯定式:否定式:在句中可以作_等成分。二.合作讨论。选择正确答案。1. _ answer the question is

7、not a difficult job.(To/)2Tell him _ the window. (not to shut/to not shut)pretended me_ when I passed by.( not to see/to not see)is necessary_ young students to learn a foreign language. (for/of)5. It is interesting _play this game.( to/for)6. It is good manners_ the young to give their seats to the

8、 old. (for/to)7. It is friendly _ the family to try to make me feel at home in their house. (for/of)8. It took us half an hour_ ride to the town by bike. (to/of)9. The next measure is_ stop the river from being polluted. (to / of)10 .We wanted _ another book. (to buy/buying)11. I dont know what_. (t

9、o do/do)12 .I think it necessary _ us to have a good rest after the long work. (for/of)13. She felt it her duty_ the old woman. (to help/help)14 .They dont know _ the dictionary. (how to use /using)15 .I remember_ the door. (locking /to lock)remember_ the door when you leave. (to lock/locking)17. I

10、sawhim playing basketball/to play basketball on the playground this morning.2百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我teacher made the boy_ the window again. (clean /to clean)19. He was seen_ the window. (to break /break)you got anything_ ? (to eat/eating)21. she gave up the chance_ abroad. (to go/going)was the last one_

11、the classroom last night?( to leave/leaving)went there_ our grandparents. (to see/seeing)am very sorry_that .(to hear/hearing)hurried home only _her father dead. (to find/find)boy worked so hard _make up for the lost time.(in order to/in orderthat)s too late. Why_ now?( not go/not to go)told me to s

12、tay there and _ for him. (to wait/ wait)shall go if I want _. (go/to go)the truth, the solider was captured. (To tell/telling)三、单项选择1. The teacher asked us _so much noise.A .dont makeB. not makeC. not makingD .not to make13. As a result of my laziness, I failed _ my work in time.A. and finishedB. to

13、 finishC. and finishingD. to finished3. I am sorry _ written you a letter at the time.A. to have notB. to not haveC. not to haveD. not having4. Theres a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means_ trouble.A. makingB. to makeC. to have madeD. having made5. I remember _him _th

14、e bike needed _.A. hearing, saying, to repairB. to hear, say,to repairC. hearing, say, repairingD. to hear, saying, to be repaired6. when are they _ in their plan?A. handB. handedC. to handD. give7. -Are you a student?-No, but I used _.A. to beB. to wasC. to doD. to be a8. We are not allowed _ outdo

15、ors with some other children.A. playingB. to be playingC. to playD. be playing9. Zhou Lan doesnt have to be made_. She always studies very hard.A. learnB. to learnC. learningD. learnedPeriodPeriod IVIVTestTest一、翻译一、翻译6.流行_2.总计,合计_7.3.现金付款_4.乘出租车_5. 购物_6.购物中心_7.肯定会,保证_3百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我8. Lets go th

16、ere by taxi now . Im sure you can find what you want9. The teacher made the boy clean the window again ._10. The women workers in this company were made to work 12 hours a二、单项填空二、单项填空() advised _ at once.A. him to startingB. him to startC. to startingD. to start() shouldnt allow _ games near the cla

17、ssroom, for its too noisy.A. student playing B. to play C. students to play D. to playing()t forget _ the letter for me on your way home.A. postB. to postC. postingD. posted() you forgotten _a ruler from Betty? Please remember _it toher tomorrow.A. borrowing, to returnB. borrowing, returningC. to bo

18、rrow, to returnD. to borrow, returning() forget _ them _ in the school garden.A. allowing, playingB. allow, to playB. C. allowing, to playD .to allow, playing() finished his homework and then went on _ me.A. helpingB. with helpC. with helpingD. to help()t get _ in the rain.A. to be caughtB. catching

19、C. to catchD. caught() havent got a chair _. Will you make room for me?A. to sitB. to sit inC. for sittingD. sitting()teacher forbade _ our seats.A. us to leaveB. us leavingC. to leaveD. to leaving()do you think well leave tomorrow? Youd better _ ready at sevenoclock.A. to beB. beC. beingD. been()ha

20、d better _ your shoes _.A. to have, mendedB. have, mendedC. have, mendingD. have,mend() d better _ when you come in.A. not wake up meB. not wake me upC. not to wake up meD. not to wake me up()you often have someone _ your clothes?-Yes, I often have them _.A. wash, to washB. to wash, washedC. washed,

21、 washD. wash, washed()had her friend _ the best one.A. chooseB. chosenC. choseD. to choose()those days my family didnt have enough room _.A. to live inB. living inC. to liveD. living三、补全对话三、补全对话4百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我Salesgirl:Salesgirl: Hello , Welcome to ourMs Smith:Ms Smith: I want to buy a silk blou

22、se. Would you show me it ,please?Salesgirl:Salesgirl: Certainly. Chinese silk blouses are in styleMs Smith:Ms Smith: I think its perfect. _Salesgirl:Salesgirl: Dont worry. The color will not fade easily.Ms Smith:Ms Smith: OK . Ill take it ._Salesgirl:Salesgirl: One hundred and ten yuan RMB. Do you t

23、ake visa card?Ms Smith:Ms Smith:_. Heres my card.Salesgirl:Salesgirl: OK. Please sign here .Thank you for shopping with us.Ms smith:Ms smith: Thank you ! I like this shop.A. How much is it ?B. What can I do for you?C. What do you think of it ?D. But will the color fade?E. Yes, it is available.F. what about this one?G. Its quiet cheap.5



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