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1、Section A (1a 1c)P19Wheres my schoolbag?Unit 4东坪镇中学东坪镇中学 陶宇陶宇Learning(学学)1.Knowledgeaims(知识目标知识目标): 1) where, table, bed, bookcase, sofa, chair, on, in, under 2) Wheres my pencil box? Its in your schoolbag. Where are my books? Theyre on the sofa.2.Abilityaim(能力目标能力目标): Be able to talk about where th

2、ings are.3.Motionalaim(情感目标情感目标): Be able to have the habits of putting the things in the right place.New words(新单词)1.where/we/2.table/teibl/3.bed/bed/4.bookcase/bukkeis/5.sofa/suf/6.chair/te/7.on/n/8.under/nd/adv. 在哪里;到哪里在哪里;到哪里n. 桌子桌子n. 床床n. 书架;架;书柜柜n. 沙沙发n. 椅子椅子prep. 在在.上上prep. 在在.下下sofatable boo

3、kcase bed- Whats this? - Its a/an .- Wheres the .? - Its - Where are the ? - Theyre chair/teibl/bed/bukkeis/suf/te/inunderonGuiding(导)Its onthe sofa.Where is the baseball?Where is my dictionary?Its in the bookcase.Where are my keys?They are underthe table.They are onthe chair.Where are my books?1c G

4、roupwork: try to make conversations by using the things around you.(请用教室里你身用教室里你身边的事物的事物问答)答)on in underA: Wheres my/the + 单单n.?B: Its on/in/under A: Where are my/the + 复复n.?B: Theyre on/in/under Acting(演)1aMatchthewordswiththethingsinthepicture.1.table_2.bed _3.bookcase _4.sofa _5.chair_6.schoolbag

5、 _7.books_8.keys _behgdafcPracticing(练)1bListenandnumberthethingsinthepicture1-4.234Tom: Where _ my books?Father: Theyre on the _. Tom: How about my pencil box?Mother: Its in your schoolbag.Tom: OK. And _ my computer game?Helen: Your computer game? Its _ your bed.Tom: Great. Now where are my keys?Fa

6、ther: Oh, theyre _ the table.are wheresonundersofaClass Activity: Listen again and complete the conversation.I.Choosethebestanswer.(每题每题10分分)1. -_ is my baseball, Mom? -Its under your bed. A. How B. What C. Where2. -Wheres his dictionary? -_ in the bookcase. A. It B. Its C. Theyre3. -Where _ the pen

7、cils? -Theyre on the table. A. is B. are C. be4. -Where is my watch? -Oh, its _ the chair, _ the floor(地板地板). A. on, under B. in; on C. under; on5. Look! Your pencils _ the schoolbag! A. are in B. am on C. is inTesting(过)1. -Is my schoolbag _(在我的床上在我的床上) ? -Yes, it is.2. -Where is my watch? -Its _(在

8、沙发上在沙发上).3. The books are _(在书柜里在书柜里).4. -Where are my keys? -Oh, theyre _(在桌子下在桌子下).5. -Are the keys on the chair? -No, theyre _ (在椅子下面在椅子下面).II.Completethesentences.(每题每题10分分)on my bedon the sofain the bookcaseunder the tableunder the chair1. Draw a picture of your room and make a conversation about where your things are. (配配图对话)2. Write three sentences about the things in your classroom with on, in, under. (用用词写句写句)



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