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1、Joint marketing: jingdong, su ning and gome the truth of the price war Electric business price stood the causes of each event August 14 10 o clock in the morning jingdong mall CEO LiuJiangDong FaWei bo said: jingdong mall, the home appliance commodity prices to ensure 10% cheaper than su ning, gome,

2、 At four in the afternoon that day SuNingYi purchase LiBinWei bo response: su ning all commodity prices to be less than jingdong; 5 p.m. LiuJiangDong again declare: we have nothing but money. You can rest assured dozen, to play the dead! At 10 o clock SuNingYi purchase Nancy FaWei bo said: su ning s

3、tart 3 anniversary shop a month; At the same time 10 PM gome vice President HeYangQing announced: the jingdong sell 1 yuan, gome will sell nine hair five. August 15, at 9 am, electric business price war officially opening. How many goods in price? Heavy famous price-comparison site out network data

4、available show that each big electric business price of goods is not so much publicity, a drop also is not imaginary, jingdong, SuNingYi purchase, gome three price goods were 7.2%, 9.7%, 17%; And the average price drop is only 10%. Thus we have to cool to analyze the price war behind the truth. Elec

5、tric business price standing truth The truth analysis: price is only a pretence, joint marketing is the purpose! Three big electric business so much cry and little wools hard call is really in a fight? Of course not, from the surface looks jingdong, gome, suning is competition relations, many consum

6、ers are unaware of the truth that is the three big brother in do or die, anxiously waiting for the conflict of the old and, in fact, the real truth behind is not so, the surface is jingdong, gome, SuNingSan house price station, is actually three home appliance business to consumer purse to a big enc

7、irclement, so vigorous, already can evoke the eye, increase brand awareness, also can increase sales profit each other. This is and why each a suning appliance stores can be found near gome mall, they leave near is not necessarily the competition, but to create a Internet consumption center拼价格:网上比价店

8、内下单“我们采用最实在的直降方式,广州地区3天将让利高达1个亿,全场价格实行全网实时比价。”据韩宝湘介绍,“双十一”期间,国美门店醒目的地方均会提供电视上网,电脑区也可以上网比价,部分销售人员配备平板电脑,对价格进行实时跟进。据悉,11月9日11日期间,国美开展“双十一大促”,全场商品低于网上价格销售,欢迎消费者在网上比价,店内下单,买贵5倍差价补偿。拼货源:备足10亿元畅销货“价格战比拼的是供应链和物流,是资源战、物流战、服务战。”韩宝湘表示,没有广泛的门店体系和仓储物流体系,没有贯穿全产业链的信息化系统,没有与上游供应商的战略协同,就无法发动真正的价格战。国美有实力打价格战。拼物流:辖区内免送货费 据介绍,目前,广州分部已建立一套完善的B2B、B2C的配送、仓储体系,建立了广州、江门、茂名、湛江等四个物流基地,并组建了清远、韶关等物流中转站,1500辆送货车,确保在广州全区域24小时内送货到位,部分地区可实现上午买下午送,并取消全区域远程送货费,进一步提升市场竞争力。 拼服务:线下购买更放 据介绍,“线上比价,线下下单”已成为一种趋势。国庆前发布的2012年国庆家电消费需求调研报告也显示消费者更趋向于“线上比价,实体店购买”。现在,消费者越发理性,往往通过更多的咨询比价,集中在假日有大力度促销时消费。



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