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1、Chapter 6 Technology, Equipment and Engineering ProgramTechnology, equipment and engineering form the main body of project and the important evidence to judge whether the project is economically reasonableTechnology SelectionMajor Equipment SelectionEngineering Program Selection1技术方案设备方案和工程方案Technol

2、ogy Selection 技术方案选择技术方案选择Refers to production approaches and technology process procedures, etcAdvancementSuitabilityReliabilitySafetyEconomical reasonability2技术方案设备方案和工程方案Production Approach 生产方法选择生产方法选择Advancement and development trend of domestic and international production approachesSuitabilit

3、y for the specific raw materialAvailability of the technology to be appliedMeet the requirement of clean production and resource saving3技术方案设备方案和工程方案Technology Process Procedure Selection 工艺流程方案选择工艺流程方案选择Security to the product qualityProcess connections in the technology flowReasonable consumption

4、quota to increase the yieldMajor technological parameters, such as pressure, temperature, vacuum, speed, and purityReasonable process sequence to both the stability of major process and flexibility of product choice on market requirement4技术方案设备方案和工程方案Technology Comparison 技术方案比技术方案比选选Advancement 技术的

5、先进程度Reliability 技术的可靠程度Security of product quality and characteristics 技术对产品质量性能的保证程度Suitability to the specified raw materials 技术对原材料的适应性Process reasonability 工艺流程的合理性Automation standard 自动化控制水平Availability of the technology 技术获得的难易程度Impact on the environment 对环境的影响程度Economic indicators 技术经济指标5技术方案

6、设备方案和工程方案Major Equipment Selection 主要设备方案选择主要设备方案选择Chose the equipment based on the determination of technology, by studying the specification, model, quantity, origin, and priceProduction equipment Power equipmentConduction equipmentTransportation equipmentResearch equipmentManagement equipmentPubl

7、ic equipment6技术方案设备方案和工程方案Scope of major equipment selectionProposed specification, model and quantity of major equipment according to the scale, product scheme and technologyA statement of source and price of required equipment supplySupply of equipment if it has to be importedTransportation and in

8、stallation measure for extreme size, weight, and heightEquipment modify program for technical innovation project7技术方案设备方案和工程方案Methods of Major Equipment Selection 设备方案比选方法设备方案比选方法1. 设备综合效率分析法设备综合效率设备寿命周期效益设备寿命周期费用例:某设备方案相关数据资料以设备的产量表示其总效益1753500丙2304500乙2504000甲寿命周期费用(万元)寿命周期效益(万吨)设备类型8技术方案设备方案和工程方案

9、权重评分法权重评分法例:某项目设备方案有三种类型,各设备的寿命周期费用分别为:甲设备15.6万元,乙设备16万元,丙设备15.8万元。根据各种资料测定的设备寿命周期效益权重与得分如表:评价因素权重甲设备乙设备丙设备效益 得分 评价值 效益 得分 评价值 效益 得分 评价值可靠度0.35 99%103.50 94%72.45 97%82.80经济寿命期0.20 11年81.60 13年71.40 14年61.20安全性0.10 一般60.60 较安全70.70 安全90.90质量稳定性0.20 高102.00 一般71.40 较高8.51.70环境保护0.15 良好91.35 一般81.20 一

10、般71.05合计9.05 7.15 7.659技术方案设备方案和工程方案2. 追加投资回收期法例:例:某项目有两种可供选择的设备方案,其中:A设备初始投资为8000元,年使用费用为2400元;B设备初始投资为11000元,每年使用费为1900元,基准投资回收期为10年,试确定最优设备方案10技术方案设备方案和工程方案3. 最小费用法年费用法(AC) 年费用设备初始投资额资金回收系数+年维持费用总费用法(PC) 总费用设备初始投资额+年维持费用折现系数例:例:某项目有两种可供选择的设备方案,其中:A设备初始投资为8000元,年使用费用为2400元;B设备初始投资为11000元,每年使用费为190

11、0元;两设备使用寿命均为10年,折现率为10,试确定最优设备方案11技术方案设备方案和工程方案Major equipment statement 主要设备表No. Item Model Specification Unit QuantityResourceExistingDomestic-madeImported Co-made12技术方案设备方案和工程方案Engineering Program Selection 工程方案选择工程方案选择Concerning the buildings on the base of the determination of scale, technology

12、 and equipmentFunctional requirement of productionRequirement of site planning or line directionEngineering standard and conventionEconomical reasonability13技术方案设备方案和工程方案Major building item statement 主要建筑物构筑物一览表No.ItemStoriesAreaoccupied(m2)Areabuilt(m2)StructureformLengthwideheight(mmm)Form offound

13、ationMajor material usedSteel(t)Wood(t)Concrete(t)14技术方案设备方案和工程方案Energy and Water Saving Measures 节能与节水措施节能与节水措施If energy (water) consumption of a project is substantial, the energy (water) saving measure should be explained.Evaluate the energy (water) consumption indicators of the project on the as

14、sumption of taking energy (water) saving measure. The quantity of energy (water) consumed by unit product should be calculated and compared domestically and internationally.15技术方案设备方案和工程方案乙烯工程项目技术设备工程方案l l技术方案技术方案生产方法生产方法工艺流程选择工艺流程选择l l主要设备选择主要设备选择主要设备选型及来源主要设备选型及来源主要设备清单主要设备清单l l土建工程方案土建工程方案建筑设计原则建筑设计原则结构设计原则和方案选择结构设计原则和方案选择建筑物、构筑物一览表建筑物、构筑物一览表“ “三材三材” ”用量估算用量估算1616技术方案设备方案和工程方案技术方案设备方案和工程方案



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