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1、I. 根据句意及汉语提示补全单词1.Tom is a (有幽默感的) boy.2.We should keep (沉默的) in the library.3.Mary used to be very (外向的).4.Miss Wang is very (严肃的) in class.5.My brother always gets good (得分) in his exams.II. 用所给单词的适当形式填空6. My brother used (sleep) late when he was young.7. I think the black man is very (fun).8. Now

2、 I am used to (teach) English here.9. Jane is very (help). She always helps others.10. They are (friend) to us.第一课时 Section A(1a2d)humorous silent outgoing serious scores to sleep funny teaching helpful friendly III. 单项选择( )11. Sally used to be _ , but now she enjoys meeting and talking to new frien

3、ds.A. active B. silent C. honest D. outgoing( )12. (2014湖北随州)What do you usually have for breakfast?I used to _ dumplings, but these days Im used to _ bread and milk.A. eat; haveB. eating; having C. eating; have D. eat; having( )13. There used to be a big tree near here,_?A. didn t there B. wasn t t

4、here C. isn t there D. didn t it( )14.She still plays the guitar _ . A. between time and time B. from time and time C. from time to time D. between times to times( )15. _ Mary use to play the piano?No,_ .A. Did; she didnt B. Was; she wasntC. Did ;she wasnt D. Was; she didnt第一课时 Section A(1a2d)BDACAI

5、V. 根据汉语完成句子,每空一词1.麦克过去常打篮球。Mike basketball. 2.我过去是象棋俱乐部的一员。 I used to the chess club .3.自从我大学毕业已经五年了。It five years I left college.4.你过去和女生谈话时,脸常会变红吗? your face to red when you to girls?5.为了考试取得高分,我总是很刻苦。 good scores, I am always .第一课时 Section A(1a2d)used to playbe onhas been since Did use turn talke

6、dTo get hard-workingI. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1. Mr Li told us the b to the war.2. I think I need to look smart for my new job i.3. Liu Mei is a shy girl. She doesnt d to speak English in class.4. My mother is too busy. Even she hardly has p time onweekends.5. Her computer doesnt work. It r repairing.II. 用所给

7、单词的适当形式填空6.Lily didnt dare (talk) in front of the whole class.7.England is a (Europe) country.8.He used (like) country music.9.Betty used to read books on (Africa) culture.10.Are you afraid of (fly) on a plane?第二课时 Section A(3a4c)ackgroundnterviewarerivateequires to talkEuropean to like African flyi

8、ng III. 单项选择( )11. When Grace was fourteen, she had the first _ for a job in a bookshop. A. interview B. meeting C. class D. work( )12. Linda _ go out at night.A. dares not B. not dares C. doesnt dare to D. doesnt dare( )13. We have to be careful _ what we eat.A. of B. on C. for D. about( )14. There

9、 are a lot of old things in my room. I dont know how to _ them.A. make up B. deal with C. turn down D. put off( )15. My lovely sister is a _ girl and she sings very well.A. twelve years old B. twelve-year-oldC. twelve-years-old D. twelve-year-olds第二课时 Section A(3a4c)ACDBB四. 根据汉语完成句子,每空一词16.她成名之后不再拥有

10、太多的私人时间。She doesnt have much time after popular.17.现在朱之文去每一个地方都会倍受关注。Now Zhu Zhiwen everywhere he goes.18.你不得不小心你所说的或做的。You have to what you say or do .19.她敢在群众面前唱歌。She .20.他不得不准备放弃他的正常生活。He has to his normal life.第二课时 Section A(3a4c)private anymore becominggets tons of attentionbe careful aboutdare

11、s to sing in publicbe prepared to give up一. 话题阅读I.完形填空 (2014巴中)Li Yundi, a well-known Chinese pianist, always loved music. He was born in 1982 in Chongqing. When he was a small boy, he 1 songs and difficult pieces of music. He began to learn the accordion at the age of four, and he started to learn

12、2 piano when he was seven. In October 2000, Li Yundi took part in the 3 Chopin International Piano Competition in Poland. He won first prize in his group. He was also the first Chinese pianist in the 4 history of the competition 5 this prize.( )1. A. can hum B. could hummed C. could hum( )2. A. a B.

13、 the C. /( )3.A. fourteenth B. fourteen C. fourteenth( )4. A. 70 years B. 70-year C. 70-years .( )5. A. to win B. winning C. wonSection A 话题阅读与情景交际CBCBAII.阅读理解 I am Yang Fan. I am a middle school student now. It seems that my life has changed a lot in the last few years. For example, I used to have

14、short hair,but now it grows long. I used to be afraid of the sea because I didnt know how to swim,but now I am a good swimmer in our school. I used to be short but now Im tall. As for eating,I used to eat meat but now I eat more vegetables than meat. When I was younger, 1 didnt use to read any books

15、, but now I like reading story-books. When I was in primary school, I used to play football after school,but now I have to go home and do homework. I didnt use to like math best and I used to be afraid of tests,but now I like all the subjects and never mind tests any more. In the past,I used to have

16、 time chatting with my parents,but now I hardly ever chat. I have to study. I miss the old days. ( )6. What does Yang Fans hair look like now?A. Its short. B. Its long.C. Its straight. D. Its curly. ( )7. What does Yang Fan eat now?A. She eats more vegetables than meat.B. She eats only meat.C. She e

17、ats only vegetables.D. She eats more fruit than vegetables. ( )8. What did NOT Yang Fan use to do?A. Eat meat. B. Chat.C. Swim. D. Play football.Section A 话题阅读与情景交际BAC二.情景交际A: Did you use to collect stamps,Frank?B:Yes, I did. But now I 9. _ interested in 10. _ _ to music and 11. _ the violin.A: Youv

18、e 12. _ a lot.B: Thats right. What 13. _ you, Jack?A: Now I enjoy fishing.B: Thats a good hobby. What do you 14. _ of it? A: It helps me to be more patient and it gives me a lot of fun.B: What did you use to 15._ ? A: I used to 16._ pictures.B: I think taking 17. _ is expensive. You had to get a goo

19、d camera and buy films. Am I right?A: You can say that again. Because now I give it 18. _ .Section A 话题阅读与情景交际am listeningplayingchangedabout think dotake pictures up I. 根据句意及及汉语首字母提示补全单词1.Look! There are a lot of a (蚂蚁) on the path.2.Dont kill the helpful i (昆虫).3.She used to be n (紧张的) before the

20、exams.4.They can w (穿) their own clothes to school.5.Lucy likes p (画) pictures.II. 根据汉语提示,用适当形式完成下列句子6. Tom s sister enjoys (画画).7. She works hard at school (直).8. He always (担心)his parents health.9. They (步行上学)every day.10. We (不得不)do lots of homework on weekends.第四课时 Section B(1a1e)nts nsects ervo

21、us ear ainting painting pictures all the time worries about walk to school have toIII. 单项选择( )11 _ Alice use to have short hair?一Yes. But her hair is long now.A. Does B. Did C. Is D. Was ( )12. Sally used to paint pictures after school,_? A. did she B. doesnt sheC. didnt she D. do she( )13. Where _

22、live before you come here?A. did he used B. did he use toC. use he to D. he used to( )14. Her brother used to be _ the school volleyball team.A. in B. at C. to D. on( )15. Alan used to _ to school,but now she is used to _ a bike to school.A. walk ; riding B. walking ; rideC. walking;riding D. walk;r

23、ide第四课时 Section B(1a1e)BCBDAIV.根据汉语完成句子,每空一词16.她父母过去常常早晨7点去上班。Her parents to work at 7 oclock in the morning.17.你不需要担心她,她不再是个孩子了。You neednt her; shes not a child any more.18.彼特总是帮助别人。Peter is helping others .19.晚饭后去散步怎么样?What about after supper?20.我对我的发言感到紧张。I was my speech.第四课时 Section B(1a1e)used

24、to go worry about all the timegoing for a walk nervous about I. 根据句意及及汉语首字母提示补全单词1.The conversation with his parents i his way of thinking.2.Tony s goes to the movies on weekends. He usually watches TV.3.Lin Ming was a from classes yesterday.4.We take English e once a month.5.Can you give us a g int

25、roduction about yourself?II. 用所给单词的适当形式填空6.We are all (pride) of Li Na, because she won the first prize in the tennis game again.7.Michael failed (finish) his homework.8.Jacks parents sent him to a (board) school last year.9.Mr. Green is (exact) friendly to us.10.They made a decision (have) a party

26、for their mother.第五课时 Section B(2a3b)nfluenced eldombsentxaminationseneralproud to finish boarding exactly to haveIII. 单项选择( )11. Did Jack play the newest computer game?No. He _ play computer games because it takes a lot of time.A. not longer B. no longerC. at all D. any more( )12. Wu Loulou won the

27、 first prize in the chess competition.一Really? Her parents must _ her.A. proud of B. are proud ofC. take pride D. take pride in( )13. Its necessary for us to pay _ to _ notes in classes.A. attention; take B. attentions;takeC. attention; taking D. an attention; taking( )14._ she shouted for help,nobo

28、dy heard her.A. Until B. As if C. Because D. Even though( )15. Could you give me some advice on how to solve this problem?Sorry. I dont know, either. But I advise you _ for MissYao.A. to ask B. asked C. asking D. ask第五课时 Section B(2a3b)BDCDAIV. 根据汉语完成句子,每空一词16.他们的国家应该为他们感到自豪。Their country should the

29、m.17.使他们吃惊的是,当他们到达那里时,这个工厂仍然倒废水进河里。 ,the factory was still pour waste water into the river when they got there.18.我将努力地帮他自信起来。Ill try to help him himself.19.你应该亲自与她交谈。You should talk to her . 20.当他小的时候,我在一个寄宿学校学习。He studied at a when he was young.第五课时 Section B(2a3b)be proud of To their surprisefeel

30、 good about in personboarding school 一. 话题阅读I.根据首字母提示完成下面的短文。Dear Mr. Smith,I was a student of yours in Grade Seven, and I hope you can still r 1 me. I am writing this letter to tell you that the school year with you was important and special to me. I take p 2 in it all the time.You know I u 3 to be

31、 quiet in class. And you did something that c 4 my life a lot. You see, all through my first year at school, I h 5 to read. Books were very boring for me. Ill never forget the first day of Grade Seven. On that day, you took out a book and b6 to read a story to us. It s7 that your voice changed with

32、the people in the story, and you drew pictures in my mind as you read aloud. From then on, I made a d 8 to do the reading well. I will never give up r 9 in my life!When I picked up a book and read it myself, I found that I could make the words interesting, too. Now I love reading! Thank you for o 10

33、 the world of books for me.Yours, AmySection B 话题阅读与写作ememberridesedhanged ated egan eemedecision eadingpeningII.根据短文内容,完成下面各题。My name is Matha. I am fifteen years old. I live in Makeni, the Republic of Sierra Leone(塞拉利昂共和国). I am an orphan. My mother died when I was a baby. My father died two years

34、 ago. My father loved me very much. He used to buy me clothes, take me to school in the morning and tell me interesting stories at night until I went to sleep. When I was ten years old, my father got very sick. He couldnt walk well, but he still went to school with me. He said,“I want to see you eve

35、ry minute.”The day before he died, he told me to go to university no matter how poor we were. I really miss him and I havent forgotten his words. Now I live with my aunt. I cant go to middle school because I dont have enough money. I help my aunt sell things in the market. This is what I say every d

36、ay,“Biscuits,100 leones. ” I, am,as,do,told,to, me,trying my best,father. Im sure I will go to university one day with the money I earn by myself. Section B 话题阅读与写作II.根据短文内容,完成下面各题。My name is Matha. I am fifteen years old. I live in Makeni, the Republic of Sierra Leone(塞拉利昂共和国). I am an orphan. My m

37、other died when I was a baby. My father died two years ago. My father loved me very much. He used to buy me clothes, take me to school in the morning and tell me interesting stories at night until I went to sleep. When I was ten years old, my father got very sick. He couldnt walk well, but he still

38、went to school with me. He said,“I want to see you every minute.”The day before he died, he told me to go to university no matter how poor we were. I really miss him and I havent forgotten his words. Now I live with my aunt. I cant go to middle school because I dont have enough money. I help my aunt

39、 sell things in the market. This is what I say every day,“Biscuits,100 leones. ” I, am,as,do,told,to, me,trying my best,father. Im sure I will go to university one day with the money I earn by myself. 11. The underlined word “orphan”means “ ” in Chinese.12. Does Matha study at school now?13. What wo

40、rds doesnt Matha forget till now?14.将画线部分的单词组成通顺的句子。Section B 话题阅读与写作孤儿孤儿No, she doesnt.Shell go to university no matter how poor she is.I am trying my best to do as father told me.二、话题写作Section B 话题阅读与写作写作话题写作话题写作话题写作话题 生活多姿多彩,变化无处不在。现在的你和过去相比较肯定发生了很大的变化。请以“Changes in My Life”为题写一篇作文,把你的变化告诉大家。 词数8

41、0左右。 此篇作文主要内容此篇作文主要内容应谈论我的外貌、性格我的外貌、性格爱好等方面的好等方面的变化。化。运用运用used to结构构谈论过去去,对照照现在在,用一般用一般现在在时陈述述现在的在的情况情况,通通过今昔今昔对比方式描述比方式描述变化。化。二、话题写作Section B 话题阅读与写作写作指导写作指导写作指导写作指导二、话题写作Section B 话题阅读与写作写作示范写作示范写作示范写作示范Changes in My Life My life has changed a lot in the past few years. I used to be short, but now

42、 Im tall. I used to be afraid of dogs,but now I like playing with them. I used to like watching TV, but now I cant watch TV, because 1m too busy. My biggest change is I used to be outgoing,but now I am really quiet. I have a lot of homework to do every day. It gives me stress. It seems that I was ha

43、ppier in the past. I really miss the old days. I.单项选择( )l. My mother used to _ vegetables and flowers in the yard.A. grows B. growingC. grow D. grew( )2. Do you like seeing a movie on your mobile phone?No. I _ do that because it makesme uncomfortable.A. seldom B. oftenC. usually D. sometimes( )3. Be

44、tty is _ and she has an _ sister.A. 11-year-old ; 8-year-oldB. 11 years old ; 8-year-oldC. 11 years old; 8 years oldD. 11-year-old;8 years old( )4. (2014四川南允) She used to _ a bus to school, but now she is used to _ to school.A. taking; walk B. take; walk C. taking; walking D. take; walking( )5.David

45、 Beckham decided to_ playing football match forever because he is not energetic enough.A. put off B. deal withC. give out D. give upSelf CheckCABDD( )6. _,all her friends organized a partyfor her.A. Surprised B. In surprisedC. To her surprise D. In surprise( )7. Im afraid of insects. _?Me? Oh,I like

46、 them.A. Have you changedB. What about youC. Why notD. Did you( )8. Sarah did her best in the physics test, but she _ it. A. beat B. succeededC. passed D. failed( )9. _ Joe _ take a bus to school?Yes. But now she usually goes to school on foot.A. Did;use to B. Were;used to C. Do;use to D. Will;use t

47、o( )10. Tom saw them _ volleyball when he passed by the playground yesterday. A. playing B. playedC. to play D. playSelf CheckCBDAAII.词汇运用A. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词11. Her mother has a great i on her,so she has changed a lot.12. The heavy snow c a lot of sheep to die in Inner Mongolia(内蒙古).13. He wants to ha

48、ve a p car. So that its convenient when travelling.14. The movie star has got a lot of a because she plays well in her job.15. Its dark and Ann doesnt d to go out.B. 用所给单词的适当形式填空16. Thats (exact) what he wants.17. The doctor told Tonys father to give up (smoke).18. Little Jack is too young to dress

49、(he).19. It was hard for him to make a (decide),but he decided to leave his job.20. Bob is the (proud) of his family.Self Checknfluenceausedrivatettentionareexactly smoking himself decision pride III. 根据汉语完成句子,每空一词21.这个小孩从不足够勇敢地回答这些问题。The kid was never answer these questions.22.看到人们如此地改变是有趣的。Its how

50、 people have changed.23. 5年前,我开始学唱歌了。I singing five years ago.24.她不再喜欢数学了。She like math .25.他过去通过收音机学英语。He English on the radio.Self Checkbrave enough tointeresting to see took updoesnt any moreused to learnIV.完形填空 For most people,having a job is one of the most important ways to make a living. It m

51、ight seem 26 to get a job, but sometimes it isnt easy. Being out of work is a problem for people all over the world. It has been a big 27 for the people of France.A young man named Dominique knew how 28 it was to be out of work. He was a film editor. When he did not have a job, he didnt even have en

52、ough 29to go to the movies. He often went to a job center to find a job, but he couldnt 30 anything. He was out of work for two years. He said that the experience (经历)of being out of work for so long was 31 . Being out of work affects people in many ways. You might not mind if you cant find a job. I

53、n fact,you would probably like it !32 , for adults, being out of work causes real problems. Adults who dont have jobs sometimes 33 disappointed. They can have low self-respect (自尊). They might visit their doctors more and spend more days in bed 34 illness. They are worried because they cant 35 their

54、 bills. Many French families are facing these situations because of the high rate (比率) of being out of work.Self Check( )26.A.difficult B.luckyC.simple D. normal( )27 .A. challenge B. situationC. development D. chance( )28.A. important B. hard C. proper D. satisfied( )29. A.time B.food Crmation D. m

55、oney ( )30.A.find B.discover C.see D hear( )31. A. pleased B. comfortable C. tiring D. interesting( )32.A. So B. And C. Instead D. However( )33. A. sound B. feel C. has D. want( )34.A. for B. of C. with D. on( )35.A. give B. tell C. pay D.spend Self CheckCABDCCDBACV.阅读理解 I am a middle school student

56、. My name is Wang Jing. My grandfather is 70 years old now. He often says life has changed a lot. It becomes better and better. I ask him what life was like when he was a child. The following was what he said.When he was a child,he used to feel hungry. There didnt use to be enough food for him to ea

57、t. He has two brothers and two sisters. His parents were both farmers. They were very poor and couldnt let their children eat as much as possible. As for clothes,they didnt use to have enough clothes. They didnt use to buy new clothes. The younger brothers and sisters often wore their elder brothers

58、 and sisters clothes. My grand-father is the youngest. Only he went to school and had a job in the city. His brothers and sisters didnt get an education and live in the countryside now. Now my grandfather has retired and lives a happy life. He can eat any food that he wants. He can buy clothes that

59、he wants to buy. He says he is much happier than before. He often asks me to study hard. He says if I work hard,I can have a good future.Self Check( )36. Wang Jings grandfather _ get enough food when he was a child.A. used to B. canC. could D. couldnt( )37. Her grandfathers parents has _ children.A. three B. four C. five D. six ( )38. Whose clothes did her grandfather use to wear?A. His brothers. B. His mothers. C. His own. D. His father s.( )39. Is Wang Jings grandfather happy now?A. No,he isnt. B. Yes,he is.C. We dont know. D. He doesnt feel happy. Self CheckDCAB



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