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1、working-the-land-working-the-land-课件课件Book4 Unit 2 Working the Book4 Unit 2 Working the landlandwarming up and readingI dont know how to work on a farm!Whats the first step?First, buy or select the seeds from the store.Secondly , I should sow the seeds in the soil.What should I do next?Thirdly, if t

2、he soil is dry, I should water the crop.Whats wrong with the soil?Finally, I can harvest my grain.What does the star mean?water the croprid the soil of the weedfertilize the soilkill off the pestWhats the purpose(目的)(目的)of their hard work?ToIncrease OutputIn the late 1990s, Brown, an American schola

3、r, wrote an article named Who will feed China, which said that in the 2030s, Chinese population will add up to 1.6 billion, and have the question who would feed the Chinese people.2020世纪世纪9090年代,美国学者布朗曾写过一年代,美国学者布朗曾写过一篇文章篇文章谁来养活中国谁来养活中国。在书中布朗。在书中布朗声称在声称在19901990年至年至20302030年间,由于中国人年间,由于中国人口迅速增长,中国将出

4、现粮食危机,中口迅速增长,中国将出现粮食危机,中国人将养活不了自己。国人将养活不了自己。For China it was really a serious problem .中国农民说,吃饭靠中国农民说,吃饭靠“两两平平”,一靠邓小平,一靠邓小平-制定制定了生产承包责任制的政策,了生产承包责任制的政策,二靠袁隆平二靠袁隆平-发明了杂交发明了杂交稻稻。Who is he?Dr. Yuan LongpingTask 1 Skimming (浏览浏览)Task 2 Listening and Scanning(略读)(略读) Task 3 Careful reading(精读)(精读)Rules :

5、7 GROUPS. Cooperate with your groupmates .If you can give me a right answer, you can get one rice plant for your group. See which group can get most rice plants?Task 1 Skimming (浏览浏览)Task 2 Listening and Scanning(略读)(略读) Task 3 Careful reading(精读)(精读)Para1A.DrYuansdreams.Para2B.DrYuanspersonality.Pa

6、ra3C.DrYuansbiography.Para4D.DrYuansappearanceandhisachievements.Skimthepassageandmatchtherightparagraphswiththefollowingmainideas.2分钟分钟What may be the style of the passage? A. a story B. a travel journal C. a biography (An introduction to a person) 要求:要求:1.迅速浏览,自主探究。迅速浏览,自主探究。2.时间:时间:2分钟。分钟。 BackIn

7、formation CardName:_Nationality:_(国籍)(国籍)Occupation:_(职业)职业)Dreams:_(how manyhow many)Hobbies:_(how many(how many)Make an information card on your whiteboard.Year of birth:_BackInformation CardName:Nationality:Occupation:Dreams(how many):Hobbies(how many):Year of birth:Yuan LongpingChina1930Scientis

8、t/farmer4 2Read Para.1 carefully , then fill in the blanks.He has a _ face and arms and a _ , _ body, which looks like a _.sunburntslimstrongfarmerHey, What do I look like?He grows what is called _, which makes it possible to produce _ more of the crop in the same fields.superhybridrice20%Hey, what

9、is my achievement?Search the Search the time data time data in in paragraph 2 and paragraph 2 and putDrputDrYuansbiographyintheYuansbiographyintherightrighttimeorder.timeorder.Para.2PutDrYuansbiographyintherightordera. He was born into a poor farmers family .b. He graduated from Southwest Agricultur

10、al college.c.,Chinese farmers produced 50 million tons of rice.d. 200 millon tons of rice was produced by growing his hybrid rice. e. He searched a way to increase rice harvests without expanding the area of fields.f. He helps rid the world of hunger by circulating his knowledge in less developed co

11、untries.Properorder:acbedfRead Para.3 carefully , then do the “true or false1.Hewouldratherleadacomfortablelifethanwork.2.Hecareslittleaboutmoneyandfame.3.Heissatisfiedwithhislifebecauseheisnowrichandfamous.4.Heenjoysasimplerlifethanmostrichandfamouspeople.Para.3DrYuanspersonality(性格)性格)True or Fals

12、eChoose the right answerWhich picture is not Yuans hobby?ABCDWhats the topic sentence of para.4?Just dreaming for things, however, costs nothing.Para 4: his dreamsHis first dreamHis second dream(rice plants) As tall as sorghum( each ear) As big as an ear of corn(each grain) As huge as a peanutTo exp

13、ort his rice so that it can be grown around the globe第第 小组的组员们,小组的组员们, 在在Working The LandWorking The Land课堂竞赛中获得第一名,课堂竞赛中获得第一名,被评为被评为先锋小组先锋小组特发此证,以资鼓励。特发此证,以资鼓励。2016.9.22Think about why Yuan Longping wants to export his rice around the globe?What is happening to them?Our life Their lifeIf you had th

14、e chance to do something to help them, what would you do ?Onlyinthiswaycanweaccomplishourdreams!只有这样我们才能达成梦想!只有这样我们才能达成梦想!Justdreamingforthingsisnotenough!只有梦想是不够的!只有梦想是不够的!Only in this way can we harvest our “Super Rice”!只有这样我们才能收获我们的果实!只有这样我们才能收获我们的果实!Weshouldretainahugeambitionthatcannotbechanged

15、!我们应怀有远大的抱负及雄心我们应怀有远大的抱负及雄心!Weshouldsticktotheundyingbeliefthatcannotbedefeated!我们应坚持不死的信念!我们应坚持不死的信念!Weshouldhavethegreatperseverancethatcannotbeslaved!我们应怀有着不被他人左右的毅力!我们应怀有着不被他人左右的毅力!Onlyinthiswaywillweaccomplishourdreams!只有这样我们才能达成梦想!只有这样我们才能达成梦想!Only in this way will we harvest our “Super Rice”!

16、只有这样我们才能收获我们的果实!只有这样我们才能收获我们的果实!Wewillretainahugeambitionthatcannotbechanged!我们应怀有远大的抱负及雄心我们应怀有远大的抱负及雄心!Wewillsticktotheundyingbeliefthatcannotbedefeated!我们应坚持不死的信念!我们应坚持不死的信念!Wewillhavethegreatperseverancethatcannotbeslaved!我们应怀有着不被他人左右的毅力!我们应怀有着不被他人左右的毅力!Wewillstruggleforourdream!Wewillstruggleforthe“superrice”!Homework Write a short composition about how to reduce hunger according to the discussion result.THANKS!THANKS!谢谢!结束结束



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