广东省中考英语专项复习 第五部分 考前提分冲刺训练 考前难题提分冲刺训练(十九)课件

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广东省中考英语专项复习 第五部分 考前提分冲刺训练 考前难题提分冲刺训练(十九)课件_第1页
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广东省中考英语专项复习 第五部分 考前提分冲刺训练 考前难题提分冲刺训练(十九)课件_第2页
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广东省中考英语专项复习 第五部分 考前提分冲刺训练 考前难题提分冲刺训练(十九)课件_第3页
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《广东省中考英语专项复习 第五部分 考前提分冲刺训练 考前难题提分冲刺训练(十九)课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省中考英语专项复习 第五部分 考前提分冲刺训练 考前难题提分冲刺训练(十九)课件(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、考前难题提分冲刺考前难题提分冲刺训练训练( (十九十九)第五部分第五部分考前提分考前提分训练冲刺冲刺考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练( (十九十九)一、完形填空一、完形填空Robert was a clever young man.He got on 1 with his classmates.They all liked him though he often boasted(炫耀炫耀).He was strong and hoped to 2 the army when he left the middle school.Bad luck! His leg was hurt in

2、a traffic accident and he couldntwalk,3 hehadtogotohishomevillageto考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练( (十九十九)manage the farm.He read a lot of books on 4 and did well in it.He got much money and bought a few farms.Ten years later he became the richest farmer in his 5 . Once Robert met several friends in 6 ,the cap

3、ital of Britain.Some of them were famous but they knew nothing about Robert.It made Robert考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练( (十九十九)7 and he asked them to visit his farm.They 8 .They saw a beautiful house with a big garden when they got there.Theyfoundhehadalotofsheep,pigs and cows.Then he showed them around his

4、farm.It was so 9 that they couldnt see the other end and it surprised them all.考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练( (十九十九)“Itll take you two days to 10 theotherendofmyfarmbycar!”Robertsaidhappily.“Ithinksomethingiswrongwithyourcar!”one of the guests said with a smile.考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练( (十九十九)( )1.A.badly B.well

5、 C.commonly D.specially( )2.A.take B.lead C.join D.control( )3.A.but B.because C.though )4.A.camping B.planting C.farming D.gardening( ) B.state D.village( )6.A.New York B.London C.Peking D.Sydney( )7.A.excited B.amazed C.happy D.unhappy( )8.A.agreed B.disagreed C.refused D.s

6、miled( )9.A.huge B.small C.medium D.wonderful( )10.A.say to to C.get to D.addtoB BC CD DC CD DB BDAAC考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(十九十九)二、短文填空二、短文填空There were two fishermen who were close friends.They used to go fishing together on weekends. 1 was a Saturday and they decided to drive to a pond for fis

7、hing. When they reached the pond,they started hunting for the fish.The first fisherman got a big fish in a few 2 .He was so happy and placed the fish考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(十九十九)in the ice box to take it back.He then walked to the 3 fisherman.In a few minutes,the second fisherman caught a large fish.Ho

8、wever,he put that 4 into the lake. The first man was surprised 5 his act but he kept silent.The second man caught many big fishes,but he just put back all those fishes into the pond.考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(十九十九) The first fisherman angrily asked him,“Are you mad? 6 do you put your fishes back into the

9、water?They 7 beautiful and big!” The second fisherman answered,“I know they were big,8 I dont have the big pan to cook the big fish! So Im 9 for a smaller fish that fits(适合适合) my cooking pan!”考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(十九十九) 10 the first man heard this,he advised the second fisherman to cut the big fish i

10、nto small pieces. Many people are just like the second fisherman.We have many chances that we miss many times.We need to work out just the same like the big fish fit into a small pan.考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(十九十九)1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._Itminutessecond/otherfishatWhywerebutlookingWhen考前难

11、题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(十九十九)三、读写综合三、读写综合 A.A.信息归纳信息归纳 For most students,the exam time is very stressful.Some students find the exam time so bad that they become ill,because they are afraid of failure,and they are afraid of letting their families down.How to get through exams? Here is some advice for you.

12、 考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(十九十九)Ask a teacher about how to work out the questions fast and correctly and how to check your answers.You should check your answers very carefully even if you write very carefully before you hand in the papers. 考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(十九十九)If you are studying in the evening,dont

13、 stay up too late.Staying up late will make you sleepy in next days exams.It will cause you more worries about the exam.考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(十九十九) If you feel worried before the exam,dont keep it by yourself.You need to talk to someone about your worries or listen to some soft music to make you feel

14、 better.At the same time,you cant be too relaxed! Some stress over exams can make you work hard and get good grades.考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(十九十九)If it upsets you to talk to your friends about an exam after it is finished,dont do it! Nearly everyone will make some mistakes in their exams.Dont check answ

15、ers until all the exams are finished.考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(十九十九)Take a short rest before taking an exam.This will give you enough energy for the exam.During the exams,answer every question carefully. 考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(十九十九)Information CardThe things the students are afraid of 1.The thing you shoul

16、d do before handing in the papers2.The ways to deal with worries 3.The time when you can check answers with each other 4.The number of tips is mentioned to fight against exam stress 5.failure and letting families downto check answerstalking to someone or listening to soft musicwhen all the exams are

17、 finishedfive/5考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(十九十九)B.B.书面表达书面表达 在学校的学习生活中,除了考试给在学校的学习生活中,除了考试给我们带来压力外,如何保持身体健康也是我我们带来压力外,如何保持身体健康也是我们要注意的问题。没有健康的身体,学习就们要注意的问题。没有健康的身体,学习就无从谈起。怎样才能保持身体健康?请你写无从谈起。怎样才能保持身体健康?请你写一篇文章告诉大家。内容包括:一篇文章告诉大家。内容包括: 1.1.身体健康对我们的重要性。身体健康对我们的重要性。 2. 2.如何保持身体健康。如何保持身体健康。( (三点建议三点建议) )考前难题提分考

18、前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(十九十九)作文要求:作文要求: 1.1.不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。 2. 2.语句连贯,词数语句连贯,词数8080左右。左右。考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(十九十九)_ We are very tired every day because we have so much homework to do.So it is very important for us to keep healthy.How can we keep healthy? I think the best way is to take part in sports and have a good sleep.You should also eat more vegetables and fruit,but less meat,because they are good for your body.Whats more,you must go to bed early and get up考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(十九十九)_early,too.If you can do there,you can keep healthy easily. 谢谢观看!



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