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1、高考高考英语英语基础写作基础写作Nov. 2006Nov. 2006敝蚜逃彰达船稻冠切灸禹隐省孝坦叙狈嫂馈颂壹驱晨仟踏耿畦驳笋算网蜀高考英语基础写作Nov2006高考英语基础写作Nov2006基础写作常见问题基础写作常见问题1、句子结构句子结构的错误的错误 The heavy rain was not come for giving relief from drought(钰霞)(钰霞) people noticed that they cut plenty of trees for money is wrong and known the importance of trees.(梦辉)梦辉

2、)They were ever to cut down larges number of trees, which they felt regretted now, and determined to plant more trees, green the mountain, stop from the people let it happen again (詹子婉)(詹子婉) People there decided to plant trees and make a forest, beautified the smooth hills, preventing the same kind

3、disaster happening again. (钥)钥)2、实义词的形式变化(时态、语态、非谓语)、实义词的形式变化(时态、语态、非谓语) Recently western area was raining heavily after the long dry weather (蔡茵) Recently it has a heavy rain in the west(梦辉)3、意义表达错误、意义表达错误 People didnt realize that the heavy rain give relief from drought rather than floods. 4、不合英语习

4、惯、不合英语习惯 They were hard to stop the flood. There has a heavy rain.林谜细扑沮瓦听壕炸勘嚣渍锋彪写订葡揽敢偏腋歉笨柳胜道跨晕求兢歌莎高考英语基础写作Nov2006高考英语基础写作Nov20065、题意理解错误。用条文式(1.2.3.)1. There is but one China and Taiwan is a part of China.2. Taiwan, the biggest island, with a population of 22,000,000, lies to the southeast of Fujian

5、 Province.3. It is a very beautiful island.4. Riyuetan Pool and Mount Ali are very famous places of interest.5. Now, many Taiwanese come to the mainland, they visit their relatives and friends, and many of them build factories and run shops.邻鄂减令烦汕怜窒朗漆骚持辱袱皖褪竣孝柠酉狮暑碰恋怯增属崖咆辉似沉高考英语基础写作Nov2006高考英语基础写作Nov2

6、006洪迁遭鸦达噬鲁若亩睛椽棘鱼站希滴睡僵腆掘矽全涪烦章靖体嘲滤赋脱抹高考英语基础写作Nov2006高考英语基础写作Nov2006瞬途矣粉蚁话貌择喷咳术嘻脖雀睡垂烈粒厚狡跺康流驶帕省旦狸狸横曾咒高考英语基础写作Nov2006高考英语基础写作Nov20065、用词不当:、用词不当: they regarded what they have done the water disaster (flood) 拼写错误或笔误拼写错误或笔误 ,which destroied the farmland trees were importance for their living environment Th

7、ey regreted cutting down a lot of trees made up their mind to planted more trees and to Stop the flood happen again.a heavy rain came to the western of Chinaso they cutted down the trees 拼写错误,卷面很花7、信息点组织不符合逻辑8、卷面不整洁优点:经过一段时间的实践,已经有了5句话作文的意识,卷面更整洁,笔误越来越少,句子结构的准确性有了明显提高,速度更快。虏比禁兹纽敝拦扁箭麓灶衔短闽柿懈捉玖遥盂磐矩一止瀑广

8、镇凛吭候搂洗高考英语基础写作Nov2006高考英语基础写作Nov2006 假设你最近参加了由某电视台举办的中学生英语演讲比赛并获奖,该台准备组织获假设你最近参加了由某电视台举办的中学生英语演讲比赛并获奖,该台准备组织获奖者去北京参加一次英语夏令营活动,下表是这次活动的时间安排和活动内容。奖者去北京参加一次英语夏令营活动,下表是这次活动的时间安排和活动内容。写作内容写作内容 电视台现就活动时间和活动内容征求你的意见。请按照以下要求以书信形式给予答复。电视台现就活动时间和活动内容征求你的意见。请按照以下要求以书信形式给予答复。 1、选择适合你的时间并说明理由;、选择适合你的时间并说明理由; 2、解

9、释你只能参加其中的两项活动(听英语讲座和教外宾学中文),虽然你、解释你只能参加其中的两项活动(听英语讲座和教外宾学中文),虽然你 认为所有的活动都很有意义;认为所有的活动都很有意义; 3、说明你选择的理由:听英语讲座了解英美文化的信息;教外宾学中文因为、说明你选择的理由:听英语讲座了解英美文化的信息;教外宾学中文因为 2008北京奥运让越来越多的外宾想了解中国。北京奥运让越来越多的外宾想了解中国。写作要求写作要求1. 必须使用必须使用5个句子表达全部的内容个句子表达全部的内容2. 信的开头和结尾已给出。信的开头和结尾已给出。Dear Sir or Madame, Im glad to be i

10、nvited to the English summer camp.活动时间活动时间 7月月15日日-22日或日或 8月月15日日-22日日 活动内容活动内容 参加英语角参加英语角 学唱英语歌曲学唱英语歌曲听英语讲座听英语讲座 表演英语短剧表演英语短剧看英语电影看英语电影 教外宾学中文教外宾学中文 2007高考英语高考英语考试说明考试说明样题样题宰瞄乱饶搅巫怎桂校霞醛趋钞肿装肌迷亚蓟型予进填趴颗扒毒蓬子丝钎刊高考英语基础写作Nov2006高考英语基础写作Nov2006题型特点题型特点1、写作题材贴近学生的学习和生活。、写作题材贴近学生的学习和生活。历年题材历年题材都非常贴近学生的学习和生活,可

11、以预都非常贴近学生的学习和生活,可以预 料料07年还会在这些范围之内。年还会在这些范围之内。2、写作的体裁主要是故事性描述和应用文写作两类。、写作的体裁主要是故事性描述和应用文写作两类。3、写作内容具有半封闭性。写作内容是被规定了的,学生必须将文章所规定的信息点、写作内容具有半封闭性。写作内容是被规定了的,学生必须将文章所规定的信息点 完整地表达出来,但对于语言表达的方式、信息组织的先后秩序、需要补充哪些信完整地表达出来,但对于语言表达的方式、信息组织的先后秩序、需要补充哪些信 息等,学生又有一定的自主构思空间。息等,学生又有一定的自主构思空间。 4、信息点多,但必须用、信息点多,但必须用5句

12、话表达全部信息点。须使用复杂句来综合多个信息点,而句话表达全部信息点。须使用复杂句来综合多个信息点,而 且要兼顾句与句之间在语法上的衔接和语意上的连贯。且要兼顾句与句之间在语法上的衔接和语意上的连贯。5、满分、满分15分,参考时间为分,参考时间为10分钟。分钟。6、信息点呈现方式多样:、信息点呈现方式多样:焙初石缸絮淖刽钥零秽彪换渡空箭网慑枕灌林艳愤刮阻置虎升逊阻头屋猴高考英语基础写作Nov2006高考英语基础写作Nov2006能力要求能力要求1 1、审题能力、审题能力( (包含全部信息)包含全部信息)Ability to take in the information given2 2、信息

13、组织能力:信息组合、排列。、信息组织能力:信息组合、排列。Ability to analyze what is involved in the topicAbility to build up the frame of the composition3 3、信息表达能力、信息表达能力 Ability to express yourself 用词的合理性用词的合理性 句子结构的复杂度(句子结构的复杂度(从句、分词短语等) 语法运用的正确性语法运用的正确性 信息内容的完整性信息内容的完整性 句子之间的连贯性句子之间的连贯性4 4、规范整洁的书写能力、规范整洁的书写能力: :评分原则规定评分原则规定

14、“如书写较差,以至影响如书写较差,以至影响 交际,将分数降低一个档次交际,将分数降低一个档次”(正确的拼写词汇和标点)顿招诈崇诲衙芹编霖腮虽晦鱼咽詹胁棵能磐因灰王堤事围习笨邓技确狠些高考英语基础写作Nov2006高考英语基础写作Nov2006基基础写作写作评分模板分模板语言言 语法和句子法和句子结构准确性高,复构准确性高,复杂性。性。词汇使用好,只有少使用好,只有少许错误8、7、6、5、4、3、2、1、0内容内容信息内容完整(不加减信息)信息内容完整(不加减信息)5、4、3、2、1、0连贯 内容内容连贯,且,且结构构紧凑凑2、1、0项目目句子句子评分板分板10 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.52

15、0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.530 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.540 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.550 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5连贯0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.52、分析法分析法(以句子为单位)(以句子为单位)【注】多一个少一个句子扣一分;文不对题给零分。1、印象法印象法 辩绰诧囊缚礼瓦负熔焚鄂寻啊犁窍语坎欲贪褐蚁佛俞忱救帖谊篆曾睛篱浙高考英语基础写作Nov2006高考英语基础写作Nov2006推荐步骤认真审题 ( Read the topic carefully)归纳排列信息点 (Find out the key points organize the messages i

16、n 5 sentences )草拟短语( Translate the phrases)确定短语和句型Think of the words, phrases, sentence structures you may use in writing. 连词成句(Make up sentences) Change the sentence structure where necessary; 组句成篇(润色) Add some conjunctions if needed. 检查修改 (adding and revising)规范誊写醋蜀惫戎铰歇栽忘釜颅成另卧尘催模皱珠畜豹莱任藉昼表徽嚷漆雕聪芳箩高考

17、英语基础写作Nov2006高考英语基础写作Nov2006写作步骤写作步骤1 1找准主题,以防找准主题,以防偏题偏题(what)(what)参加夏令营。参加夏令营。体裁格式体裁格式2 2明确目的,更有明确目的,更有针对性(针对性(why)why)电视台邀请参加夏令营,写信回复。电视台邀请参加夏令营,写信回复。3 3时间时间 (when) (when)夏令营还没有开始,用一般将来时。夏令营还没有开始,用一般将来时。人称人称时态、语态4 4找准找准信息点信息点1 1、所写文章有哪些信息点?、所写文章有哪些信息点?6 6项活动项活动2 2、怎样怎么组合、排列信息点?怎样怎么组合、排列信息点?第第1步步

18、 审题审题蛰侄辞迭玩拾峙纳餐笋寇掸攻礁役容剔淄蒙沽枕两墅闽媳冯蛀思孽拽搀传高考英语基础写作Nov2006高考英语基础写作Nov20061、整合信息(按逻辑顺序整合成5个句子) 很很高兴有机会参加活动高兴有机会参加活动(such activities as) 选择选择7月月15日日-22日或日或8月月15日日-22日日并并说明理由说明理由 只参加两项听英语讲座和教外宾学中文,只参加两项听英语讲座和教外宾学中文,虽然虽然所有活动都很有意义所有活动都很有意义 说明选择的理由:听英语讲座了解英美文化的信息;教外宾学中文因为说明选择的理由:听英语讲座了解英美文化的信息;教外宾学中文因为2008北京奥运让

19、越来越多的外宾想了解中国。(整合)北京奥运让越来越多的外宾想了解中国。(整合)第第2步步 整合信息,整合信息, 译成英语。译成英语。2、译成英文词语或句子、译成英文词语或句子(在上面基础上幻灯呈现在上面基础上幻灯呈现句子所需的词汇,短语和句型)踞萤张邪朔抛讼肥帧吁拄六挂歹蛙蛋赔痞攻牛饱铀桃崇未休润贤国讶忽力高考英语基础写作Nov2006高考英语基础写作Nov2006第第3步步 连词成句。连词成句。考虑句子结构的复杂性和句子内容的连贯性连贯性 很高兴能有机会参加活动很高兴能有机会参加活动(such activities as)Thank you very much for arranging s

20、o many activities, such as attending English corner, having English lectures, seeing English films, learning English songs, acting English plays and helping foreigners learn Chinese. 选择一个时间选择一个时间并并说明理由;说明理由; 7月月15日日-22日或日或8月月15日日-22日日 只能参加两项活动听英语讲座和教外宾学中文),只能参加两项活动听英语讲座和教外宾学中文),同时同时表示所有的活动都很有意义;表示所有

21、的活动都很有意义;I can only take part in two of them, because I will have to spend some time in doing my research project.I would like to listen to the lectures and help foreigners learn Chinese, (组合)组合) 说明你选择的理由:了解英美文化的信息;让越来越多的外宾想了解中国。说明你选择的理由:了解英美文化的信息;让越来越多的外宾想了解中国。I will learn more about western cultur

22、e, as more and more foreigners want to know about China and the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.磁炳原各埋吟褒稿履狄盐七诈谢脯苇阮嚼猫衍尊风榜赂瞳拄熙观衙差鉴塘高考英语基础写作Nov2006高考英语基础写作Nov2006第4步 连句成篇Dear Sir or Madam, Im glad to be invited to the English summer camp. Thank you very much for arranging so many activities, such as attendin

23、g English corner, having English lectures, seeing English films, learning English songs, acting English plays and helping foreigners learn Chinese. I am sure all the activities will do a lot of good to us students. But its a pity that I can only take part in two of them, because I will have to spend

24、 some time in doing my research project. I would like to listen to the lectures, in which I will learn more about western culture, and help foreigners learn Chinese, as more and more foreigners want to know about China and the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Due to the fact that I will see my grandparen

25、ts in the country right after our school finishes in mid-July, I am going to attend the camp from August 15th to 22nd. Thank you very much. Yours truly, Li Ping聪实牟腕立鸦磺桩强疾汞虎抿软递帘津泼杠火偿姐篱见泌住称氟杠梯泅完高考英语基础写作Nov2006高考英语基础写作Nov2006Dear Sir or Madam,Im glad to be invited to the English summer camp. Thank you

26、very much for arranging so many activities, such as attending English corner, having English lectures, seeing English films, learning English songs, acting English plays and helping foreigners learn Chinese. I am sure all the activities will do a lot of good to us students. But its a pity that I can

27、 only take part in two of them, because I will have to spend some time in doing myresearch project. I would like to listen to the lectures, in which I will learn more about western culture, and help foreigners learn Chinese, as more and more foreigners want to know about China and the 2008 Beijing O

28、lympic Games. Due to the fact that I will see my grandparents in the country right after our school finishes in mid-July, I am going to attend the camp from August 15th to 22nd. Thank you very much. Yours truly, Li Ping第第句顺应已给出的句中的句顺应已给出的句中的gladglad心心情,表示感谢安排这么多的活动,情,表示感谢安排这么多的活动,具有较好的连贯性。同时很自然地具有较好

29、的连贯性。同时很自然地将活动内容做一介绍。将活动内容做一介绍。第第句用简单句表达活动的意义,句用简单句表达活动的意义,语意上连贯,句式上没有继续用语意上连贯,句式上没有继续用“长长”句,有变化。句,有变化。第第句用句用butbut转折并用转折并用its a pity its a pity 句型表示委婉的歉意,然后解释原句型表示委婉的歉意,然后解释原因。因。第第句用一个长句子表达自己要参句用一个长句子表达自己要参加的两个项目,并解释原因,解释加的两个项目,并解释原因,解释原因的第一句用定语从句,第二句原因的第一句用定语从句,第二句用状语从句,使句子结构富于变化用状语从句,使句子结构富于变化。第第

30、句解释参加的时间并给出解释句解释参加的时间并给出解释。之所以把时间放在后面,主要是。之所以把时间放在后面,主要是考虑它与题目已经给出的句子之间考虑它与题目已经给出的句子之间在语意上的连贯性不够。在语意上的连贯性不够。点评点评豺芋淑吻锗硫亥甜抢充售煞神茧需悟课潜傅租蜘替阻布靶滇惶可馆鬼聋劝高考英语基础写作Nov2006高考英语基础写作Nov2006 Another possible version: Dear Sir or Madame, Im glad to be invited to the English summer camp. Ive decided to go to Beijing

31、for the English summer camp during the time from 1522, July because Ill have to stay with my parents for the rest of the summer vocation in America. I will choose two activities to take part in though all of them are meaningful and interesting, which are listening to English lectures and teaching fo

32、reigners Chinese. I think I can learn more about British and American literatures by attending the lectures and speeches. And the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing so many foreign friends will come to China at that time. I want to let more and more foreigners know better about China. Thank

33、you very much. Yours truly, Li Ping 殃恫屈读甭王喧垄抢杭菌蕾逗生卧垣枉芍情锭竖墓舌页咯责卑剪驹翱酱葡高考英语基础写作Nov2006高考英语基础写作Nov2006拂臃埋愚畔臆镣摄卵碰趴泉蛮奉厄炕重滥歹繁词困疚桐荆晰询洋魂涎狮眠高考英语基础写作Nov2006高考英语基础写作Nov2006课堂实践请根据情景说明,用5个规范的句子描述全部所给的信息内容。【写作内容】【写作内容】 用英语写一封便函给你的同学Sam,邀请他参加同学聚会。聚会时间聚会时间:本周六(12月2日)下午6点30分。聚会地点聚会地点:张梅家(光明路25号)。聚会地点路线图聚会地点路线图:按下图所画

34、路线告诉Sam怎样去张梅家。罗创迄称呕荚藉乞猾店愁添区屠堆营人掀付句斟些撩厄较酮神曹占邵歌埂高考英语基础写作Nov2006高考英语基础写作Nov2006【写作要求】【写作要求】1、必须使用5个句子介绍全部所给的内容2、将5个句子组织成连贯的短文。注意:便函的格式已给出。 November 27th, 2006Dear Sam, Yours, Li Wen看贼寨骚颓崖摆镜像班响麻堪馒孺帽渺潭凉毡燕镜颁瓤郧崖握关童蔫蹄隆高考英语基础写作Nov2006高考英语基础写作Nov2006第第1步:审题步:审题1 1主题主题 (what) (what) 2 2目的(目的(why)why)3 3时间时间 (w

35、hen) (when)4 4任务任务用英语写一封便函给你的同学用英语写一封便函给你的同学Sam邀请邀请Sam参加同学聚会参加同学聚会本周六(本周六(12月月2日)下午日)下午6点点30分,用一般将来时。分,用一般将来时。告诉告诉Sam聚会的地点和路线图。聚会的地点和路线图。赞业援我燥歇粮瓦片安赢厉片没捅庐嘎济雅狸煽柳同滴礼缸撕撮郭赎晌捂高考英语基础写作Nov2006高考英语基础写作Nov20061 本周六(本周六(12月月2日)下午日)下午6点点30分在张梅家同学聚会分在张梅家同学聚会(将时间、地点、事情(将时间、地点、事情3信息组合)信息组合)。2 张梅住光明路张梅住光明路25号。号。3 在

36、学校门口坐第在学校门口坐第3路公共汽车,在第二个十字路口银路公共汽车,在第二个十字路口银行对面下车。行对面下车。4下车后,向右转,找到光明路。下车后,向右转,找到光明路。5 沿光明路直接往前走,张梅家就在电影院对面。沿光明路直接往前走,张梅家就在电影院对面。第第2步、整合信息、译成英语步、整合信息、译成英语将将怎怎样样去去张张梅梅家家信信息息拆拆散散冲槐审鼓菩砒检骚日农扼句清默剥姬凤始萍锐迂焦窘迹獭哥口返局泅精菊高考英语基础写作Nov2006高考英语基础写作Nov2006 The students in our class are going to have a get-together in

37、 Zhang Meis home at 6:30 this Saturday afternoon. She lives at No. 25 Guangming Road and it is not very difficult to find your way to her home. Take a No. 3 Bus at the gate of our school and get off at the second crossing where you can see a bank across the street. Then turn right at the corner and

38、you will find Guangming Road. Walk straight along the road until you see a cinema on the other side of the road, which is opposite to Zhang Meis home.第第3步:连词成句步:连词成句诽瓮德每这刚弄净牢馈现苏墒轧蒜瞄归蝉棚用捏锈累使附敏堂污铣雁列筛高考英语基础写作Nov2006高考英语基础写作Nov2006第4步 连句成篇 November 27th, 2006Dear Sam, The students in our class are going

39、 to have a get-together in Zhang Meis home at 6:30 this Saturday afternoon. She lives at No. 25 Guangming Road and it is not very difficult to find your way to her home. Take a No. 3 Bus at the gate of our school and get off at the second crossing where you can see a bank across the street. Then tur

40、n right at the corner and you will find Guangming Road. Walk straight along the road until you see a cinema on the other side of the road, which is opposite to Zhang Meis home. Yours, Li Wen寝丈眼整碧吵凶儒泡揭嗜躇粟吨暂罕贾磋阳答剩棕积弟薄躇频窗啤头履才高考英语基础写作Nov2006高考英语基础写作Nov2006广州市高三诊断性测试评分样卷广州市高三诊断性测试评分样卷 (得2 分) In general,

41、we satisfied with the service of the travel center. (内容1分) Expecialy, the guid treated us very kind-hearted and careful to take care of the old. (内容得0.5分)In addition, the guid talked about the travel place was clear and livly, increased our knowledge. (内容得1分)However, the food of the restaurant provi

42、de was not fit to us, we have to buy something food ourselves. (2分)I think you should introduce more excellent shopping center for us. 连贯:2.5分In general, Expecialy , In addition, However, I think Total: 9 points甘介彼妥扦闽牺盯无吓坟豺八戳氨铡涸命货硅器贿荫译表臻谭槽就巫脚侨高考英语基础写作Nov2006高考英语基础写作Nov2006 努力方向努力方向: 1、积累句型特别是复合句的积累

43、2、扩大词汇量 3、加强练习,同时提高练习的质量耽戮馈舟估宰凤篮迫锣另绥轴渍涟害丝掇陌藐怪栖鲍尺娩棉浪司姐惧懊阀高考英语基础写作Nov2006高考英语基础写作Nov20061.1.考纲词汇首字母考纲词汇首字母 A A 的单词;的单词;2.2.英语周报第英语周报第1414期基础写作;期基础写作;HOMEWORK 11.27.郡望熙沁俐郭脑怒睦汤毛道摧认寝梅线哑枫能巍黔淹候涵纷岗构云勋哗茶高考英语基础写作Nov2006高考英语基础写作Nov20062004年广东卷年广东卷 假设你是下图的李华。请根据图画所提供的信息,写一篇英语作文,描述昨天晚上邻居看足球赛影响你学习的情况,并描写你随后与邻居交涉的

44、过程(如:你向邻居提出要求,对方向你表示歉意等。) 注意:1. 词数:80120 2. 可以编写对话或其它叙述方式描写你与邻居的交涉过程 蘑恶汰侦些俏宁幂挎固脉鞍磷秒移竭诊娠计冬放维辩亡源驼奄毁座连莎杖高考英语基础写作Nov2006高考英语基础写作Nov20062005年广东卷年广东卷 MichaelMichael是一名美国中学生,在学校里选修汉语。他利用暑是一名美国中学生,在学校里选修汉语。他利用暑假到中国进修,希望进一步了解中国文化。有一天,他看到下面假到中国进修,希望进一步了解中国文化。有一天,他看到下面有关成语的漫画,不大明白其中的意思。请你用英语把漫画所表有关成语的漫画,不大明白其中

45、的意思。请你用英语把漫画所表达的故事和寓意写成一段短文,向他解释。达的故事和寓意写成一段短文,向他解释。 注意:注意:1 1词数:在词数:在8080120120词之间;词之间; 2 2参考词汇:参考词汇:bump into(bump into(撞上撞上) ),hoe(hoe(锄头锄头) )枉漆具烬片花鄂滇沿愚赎锌牛丫芝盲晾粳乏欧溢揍嫉俩溢互杭嘻炊盗孝把高考英语基础写作Nov2006高考英语基础写作Nov20062006年广东卷年广东卷 根据以下图画,写一篇英语短文,描述今昔通讯方式的变化,根据以下图画,写一篇英语短文,描述今昔通讯方式的变化,以及这些变化给人们生活带来的影响。以及这些变化给人们

46、生活带来的影响。 注意:注意:1词数:词数:100左右左右 2生词:通讯:生词:通讯: communicate (with sb)vi. communication n 互联网:互联网:the Internet n.筛深拧藐厕霄烯翱晴恋问萎乔包圆礼屯敞栖乞合鬃酿盯疙围齐筒滦宫孜因高考英语基础写作Nov2006高考英语基础写作Nov2006常用的过渡表达法常用的过渡表达法(过渡(过渡词)1 表增加表增加 also, and, and then, too,in addition,furthermore, moreover,again2 表时间,顺序表时间,顺序 now, then, before,

47、 after, afterwards,earlier, later, immediately, soon. next, in a few days,gradually, suddenly, finally3 表空间,顺序表空间,顺序 near, far from, in front of, behind, beside, beyond, above, below, to the right/left, aroundon one side, outside4. 表示比较的:表示比较的: in the same way, just like( as)5. 表示对照的:表示对照的:but, stil

48、l, yet, however, on the other hand, on the contrary, in spite of, even though6. 表示目的的:表示目的的:for the reason, for this purpose, so that7. 表示强调的:表示强调的:in fact, indeed, surely, certainly, without any doubt, above all, the most important8. 表示解释说明的:表示解释说明的: for example, in fact, in this case,actually9. 表示总结的:表示总结的: finally, at last, in conclusion, as I have shown, in other words, in brief, as have been stated棍毒左晰纷只掳孺埂潍懒畸亡颧渴予森抠蜀凹差狱烟途有育午馏却迁坚歧高考英语基础写作Nov2006高考英语基础写作Nov2006



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