高中英语 Unit 15 warmup & Lesson 2 Different Schools课件 北师大版必修5

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1、Lesson 2Different Schools拓展运用keep pace with 跟上的步伐完成句子(1)She likes to walk _ (以她自己的速度)(2)Its important for a firm to _ ( 跟上步伐)changes in the market.at her own pacekeep pace withStudents study at their own pace and the teachersseldom set tests.(P38,Ex 2)学生按照自己的节奏学习,老师很少进行考试。1at ones own pace 以适合自己的速度典

2、例We encourage all the students to work at their ownpace.我们鼓励所有的学生按照自己的节奏学习。2alternative adj.可选择的;另类的nC可供选择的事物典例If this plan is not accepted, we have an alternative plan.如果这个计划不被接受,我们还有另一个计划可供选择。We took the alternative of walking.我们选择了步行。Jack had a “traditional” education and Nicholas hadan “alternat

3、ive” one.(P38, Ex 3)杰克接受的是传统教育而尼古拉斯接受的是选择性教育。运用完成句子(1)Do you have any _(可选择的建议)?(2)You can be paid in cash weekly or by cheque monthly;those are the _ (两种选择)(3)They _ (除之外别无选择) fight till the victory.alternative suggestionstwo alternativeshad no alternative but to拓展辨析have no alternative but (to do)

4、除之外别无选择alternative/choice(1)alternative 常指在两者之间作出选择。(2)choice 常指一般意义上的选择。3contribute to 促成;有助于点拨contribute to 意为“促成;有助于”,to 是介词,其后接名词、代词或动名词形式。如:The construction of a highway will contribute to the growth ofthe suburbs.建造高速公路将有助于郊区的发展。 Our goal is to contribute to the students whole beingby giving e

5、ach of them real-life skills.(P38, Ex 4) 我们的目标是通过给予每个学生真实生活的技能以促进他们的全面发展。(2)make a contribution/contributions to 意为“对作出贡献”。如:Everyone shoud make a contribution/contributions to oursociety.每一个人都应该为我们的社会作出贡献。运用完成句子contribute to(1)Would you like to _ (捐款) our collection?(2)All these factors _ (促成) his

6、success.(3)Charlie Chaplin_ (做出了突出贡献) the film industry.made a great contribution tocontributed to拓展 (1)contribute to 还可意为“ 捐款; 对 作出贡献”。如:She contributed to the hospital.她捐助了这家医院。The old artist has contributed to modern art.那位老艺术家对现代艺术做出了贡献。Our school motto reflects the importance we place ongood ma

7、nners, hard work and success.(P38, Ex 4)我们的校训反映着我们对良好的修养、勤奋工作以及成功的重视。4reflect vt.反映;反射典例A mans actions reflect his thoughts.人的行动反映出他的思想。The water reflected her face.水中映出了她的脸。拓展reflect on 思考;反省运用完成句子reflectedreflect on(1)The still water _ (反射出了) the full moon.(2)You need time to _ (思考) your choice.Du

8、e to the limited number of places and our excellentreputation, students should apply early.(P38, Ex 4) 由于地方数量有限以及我们良好的名声,学生们应该及早申请。5reputation n名誉,名声典例This restaurant has a good reputation.这家饭店的名声很好。拓展辨析have a reputation for 以而闻名reputation/fame(1)reputation 可指好名声,也可指坏名声,强调人们心目中的印象。(2)fame 仅指好名声,强调较高

9、的知名度。运用完成句子(1)If people find out what you are doing, it will ruin your_ (名声)reputation(2)Judge Kelso_ ( 以 而 闻 名 ) beingstrict and fair.has a reputation for6to a certain extent (to some extent)在某种程度上典例To a certain extent, it was my fault that we lost thechance.我们失去这次机会在某种程度上是我的错。运用完成句子To a certain/so

10、me extent_ (在某种程度上) you are correct. 本课时单词 拓展词汇 构词法小结 assignment n 作业;任务,工 作 assign v分配,指定 1.-ment、-tion 和 -ance/ence 为名词后 缀,表示“动作,行 为等”。如: movement 运动; collection 收集; importance 重要 性。2dis-和 mis-为否定前缀。如:dislike 喜欢; mislead 误导。 punishment n 惩罚,处罚 punish v惩罚 loose adj. (指言行)不严谨 的,放荡的;松 动的,不牢的 loosen v

11、松开 loosely adv.松(散)地 obey vt. 服从, 听从 disobey v不服从 disobedience n不服从 disobedient adj.不服的 obedience n服从 obedient adj.服从的 3-en 为动词后缀, 置于形容词或名词 之后, 表示“变 为”。如:widen 加宽。 4-ing 为分词结尾, 构成分词化的名词, 表示行为或行为造 成的后果的总称。 如: speaking 说话。 select vt.挑选 selection n选择 misunderstand v 误解 misunderstanding n 误解 misundersto

12、od adj. 被误会的,不被人理 解的运用用所给单词的适当形式填空1It makes him sad to hear how _ (obey) his son hasbeen.2 His_ (assign) was to inquire into the cause of theaccident.3The boy accepted his _ (punish) without complaint.4The final team _ (select) will be made tomorrow.5First _ (loose) the nuts, then take off the wheel

13、.6 I must think twice before I say something to avoid any_ (understand)disobedientassignmentpunishmentselectionloosenmisunderstandingOne of the problems Ive heard about the sort ofalternative school that Nicholas goes to is that students dontprepare well for tests.(P39, Ex 6)我所了解到的有关尼古拉斯所上的那类选择性学校的其

14、中一个问题是学生们不好好准备考试。点拨这是一个复合句。句中的“Ive heard about the sort ofalternative school”是省略了关系代词 that 的定语从句, 修饰One of the problems;“that Nicholas goes to”也是定语从句,修饰 alternative school ;而“that students dont prepare well fortests”是 that 引导的表语从句。注意:that 引导定语从句并在句中作宾语时,可以省略;但引导表语从句时,不可省略。运用完成句子(1)Where is the man _ (我见到的) this morning?(2)The problem is _ (我们缺钱) (that) I sawthat we lack money



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