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1、分词的时态和语态课前训练紫禁城 禁果 禁区有意思的人动人的故事婚后生活天生的艺术家不速之客The Forbidden City Forbidden fruit Forbidden zoneAn interesting manA moving storyMarried lifeA born artistUninvited guests分类和时态分类:过去分词,现在分词V+edV+-ing过去分词没有时态的变化。现在分词有两种时态和语态。主动语态被动语态一般式(not) doing(not)being done完成式(not) having done(not)having been done现在分

2、词一般式表示动作与主句谓语动词表示的动作同时发生。1 他来看我时,随同带来了他妻子。2 听到这个坏消息时,她放声大哭。He came to visit me, bringing his wife with him.Hearing the bad news, she burst into tears.现在分词完成式表示动作发生在主句谓语动词表示的动作之前,常用作状语。1 作业写好后,她才回家。2 在田里劳动了两个小时后,他们才休息。Having finished her work, she went home.Having worked in the fields for two hours,

3、they took a rest.分词的句法功能一 分词做表语做be ,get, become, feel, look, seem, appear, remain 表语1这给我留下了深刻的印象。2 棒球无聊透顶。3 雨后,花儿更娇艳。I was quite impressed.Baseball is boring.The flowers look even more charming after the rain.分词形容词分词做表语时,作用相当于形容词。过去分词表示被动和完成;现在分词表示主动和进行。amusing/amusedconfusing/confuseddiscouraging/d

4、iscouragedfascinating/fascinatedembarrassing/embarrassedsurprising/surprised小贴士:过去分词作表语与“be+过去分词”构成的被动语态有区别:被动语态:表示以主语为承受者的动作。系表结构则表示主语的特点或所处的状态。The report was carefully written.The report was written by a black writer.When I came into the room, I found the glass was broken.It was Friday that the gl

5、ass was broken by my sister.分词的用法功能二 分词做宾补分词可以在“动词名词(宾语)分词(宾补)”句式里作宾补。这一句式中的动词一般是 see, hear, feel, smell, watch, find, notice, observe,look at, listen to 等表示感觉和心理状态的动词。练习1 每当起床时,就会听到柔和的音乐声。You can hear soft music playing when it is time to get up.2 我没有注意到他在等我。I didnt notice him waiting.3 我们发现她变了很多。W

6、e found her greatly changed.4 看,正下着倾盆大雨。Look at the rain falling in torrents.5 我们看着吉姆和约翰打篮球。We watched Jim and John playing basketball.分词也可以用于have, make, set, keep, get, catch, leave, start等动词之后作宾语补足语。1 他的话使我笑了起来。His words set me laughing.2 烟味使他咳嗽了起来。The smoke started her coughing.3 请告知我们最新进展。Please

7、 keep us informed of the latest development.三 分词做定语分词做定语时候,可以做前置定语也可以做后置定语。1 我是个教化学的教授。I am a professor teaching chemistry.2 我在打电话询问刊登在今天早上报纸上的工作招聘情况。I am phoning about the job advertised in this mornings paper.3 报名参加脱产学习的外国学生需要缴纳相当于一个学期的学费的定金。Overseas students enrolling for full-time course may be

8、required to pay a deposit equivalent to one terms fee.四 分词做状语分词做状语相当与其对应的状语从句可以做时间状语,原因状语,条件状语,让步状语,结果状语等示范练习:1 由于冬季时间安排确实会有变化,因此订票前请核实清楚。Winter schedules do vary-so please check before booking. (before you book)2环顾四周,我吃惊地意识到整个车上只有我一个人了。Looking around, I realized with a shock that I was the only passenger left on the bus. (when I was looking around)



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