八年级英语上册 Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time(第5课时)课件

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《八年级英语上册 Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time(第5课时)课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语上册 Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time(第5课时)课件(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

欢欢迎迎来来到到英英语语课课堂堂Unit 10 If you go to the party, youll have a great time! 第五课时第五课时 Self check根据句意和提示完成句子。根据句意和提示完成句子。1. I didnt see the film last night because I didnt _(买到票) . 2. My sister wasnt happy these days because she _(与吵架) her classmates. 3. If you are late for the class, you should _( 向道歉) to the teacher. 自主学习方案自主学习方案-新词自查新词自查get the ticket got into fight withsay sorry to 课堂导学方案课堂导学方案-Step1/selfchek 1apartmentmovieschoolparty课堂导学方案课堂导学方案-Step2/selfchek 2Aregoing wont if willfight sorrywill课堂导学方案课堂导学方案- Step2/selfchek 3 Thank you ! Bye!励志名言励志名言形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋安全小贴上课间活动注意安全



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