Languagepoints (5)

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1、Language points for reading分数表达法分数表达法:分子用基数(分子用基数(one, two),分母用序数词,分母用序数词 ( first, second),当分子超过,当分子超过1时,分母的词尾加时,分母的词尾加s.1/3: 2/3: 1/4: 1/5: 3/5: 2 4/5: 1/2: One thirdTwo thirdsOne fourthOne fifthThree fifthsTwo and four fifthsA half / one half(例外例外)百分数表达法:百分数表达法: 百分数百分数 + 单单n + 单谓;百分数单谓;百分数+复复n +复谓

2、复谓75%: seventyfive percent 90%: ninety percentMore than 70% of the surface of the earth is covered by water.40% of the students in our school are girls.数词数词 + 量词量词 + 形容词形容词two hundred kilometers away 两百公里远两百公里远 eight kilometers long 八公里长八公里长 thirty meters wide 三十米宽三十米宽四米深四米深four meters deep五米高五米高fiv

3、e meters high六米厚六米厚six meters thick The train is seven minutes late.My watch is eight minutes fast. (adj 快的快的)1. Imagine your home begins to shake and you must leave it right away. right away: 立刻立刻 马上马上他病了,你应该立刻请医生来。他病了,你应该立刻请医生来。Ex: He is ill, you should call the doctor right away.警察马上就来了Ex:The pol

4、ice will be here right away.拓展拓展:立刻立刻 马上的表达方式马上的表达方式right awaywithout delayright nowimmediatelyat oncein no time2. In the city, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst.Burst 爆裂爆裂 爆发爆发气球爆炸了在寒风中气球爆炸了在寒风中The balloon burst in the cold wind.He burst into laughter.= He burst out laughingHe bur

5、st into tears.= He burst out crying.burst into+ n.burst out + doingTooto1)2)too to可以表示肯定意义也可以表示否定意义,关键在于动词不定式与形容词可以表示肯定意义也可以表示否定意义,关键在于动词不定式与形容词 是否矛盾。矛盾则否定,不矛盾则肯定。是否矛盾。矛盾则否定,不矛盾则肯定。The water is too hot to drink.The soup is too delicious to drink. 这汤喝起来太美味了这汤喝起来太美味了3)tooto 中中too前有否定词表肯定意义前有否定词表肯定意义No

6、t/nevertooto无论无论都不过分都不过分Its never too late to study. 活到老学到老活到老学到老think little of 不看重,对不看重,对评价不高评价不高think highly of 对对评价高评价高think nothing of 把把看得很平常看得很平常speak highly of = sing high praise for 对对高度赞扬高度赞扬5. It seemed as if the world was at an endas if 仿佛,好像(金榜教程难句解析2)at an end 终结,结束终结,结束战争结束了战争结束了The w

7、ar was at an end.In the end 终于,最终最终他们放弃了那计划They gave up the plan in the endAt the end of在末(+地点/时间) 我今年年底回家I will return home at the end of this year.他住在这条街尾He lives at the end of the street. By the end of到末为止(+时间)用过去完成时or将来完成时到上个月末他已经收集了1000张邮票By the end of last month he had collected 1000 stamps.到下

8、月末他将收集1000张邮票了By the end of next month he will have collected 1000 stamps.1) . His father will return home _this year.2) . He will be a scientist _.3) . How many English words had you learned _ last term?at the end ofin the endby the end of6. In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in_.ruins1)规

9、则的说谎()规则的说谎(lie-lied-lied-lying) 不规则的躺(不规则的躺(lie-lay-lain-lying) 躺过就下蛋(躺过就下蛋(lay-laid-laid-laying)2)Ruin v.毁灭,使破产毁灭,使破产 n.毁灭,废墟(金榜教程毁灭,废墟(金榜教程 词汇词汇2) injureinjure: :损害损害损害损害 伤害伤害伤害伤害 使受伤使受伤使受伤使受伤 (金版教程(金版教程(金版教程(金版教程 词汇词汇词汇词汇3 3)7. Twothirds of the them died or were _ during the earthquake.injured8.

10、 People were shocked. Shock: v 震惊、打击(金版教程震惊、打击(金版教程 词汇词汇4)shock :n. 打击;震惊,打击;震惊, 震动震动The news of his wifes death was a terrible shock to him. shocking : adj. 使人震惊的使人震惊的His failure in the exam was shocking to his parents.9. Some of the rescue workers and doctors were trapped under the ruins:n 救援、救助救援

11、、救助a rescue team 营救队营救队 come/go to sbs rescue 营救某人营救某人v 援救、营救援救、营救 rescuefromThe firemen rescued a boy from the fire.(金版教程词汇(金版教程词汇5)wonder : n.奇迹奇迹 v.怀疑,惊讶,想知道怀疑,惊讶,想知道Adj. 奇妙的,非凡的奇妙的,非凡的It is no wonder (that)= No wonder (that)wonder10. People began to _how long the disaster would last.Tom often wo

12、rks into the night every day.No wonder he always gets first in the examinations.disastern 灾难、灾祸灾难、灾祸 Too much water can cause disaster.引起灾难、惹祸引起灾难、惹祸 Disasters always come in three.祸不单行祸不单行10. All hope was not lost.不是所有希望都破灭了。不是所有希望都破灭了。(金版教程(金版教程 难句解析难句解析 3)11. The army organized teams to dig out t

13、hose who were bury the dead.1)dig out:掘出掘出 发现发现 dig into:深入研究深入研究2)bury : 埋葬,掩埋,隐藏埋葬,掩埋,隐藏The dog buried the bone in the ground.I buried myself in my studies.bury oneself in= be buried in (金版教程(金版教程 词汇词汇6)over选用单词的适当形式填空选用单词的适当形式填空1. The flood d_ a lot of houses and many people became homeless.2. Af

14、ter e_ was cut off, the lights went out.3. D_ always come suddenly and cause a lot of damage.4. The f_ girl was speechless after she saw the terrible scene.5. A car accident happened with two people killed and one seriously i_. injured estroyedlectricityisastersrightened6. St. Petersburg was almost

15、in r_ after it was under attack for 900 days by the Germans.7. The rescue workers put up a lot of tents so that the homeless survivors could be s_.8. The river b_ its banks and flooded the village.9. They were badly s_ by the news of her death shakenuinshelteredursthocked选择题选择题3. The death of his wi

16、fe was a terrible _ to him.A. knock B. shock C. surprising D. experience 2. He _ his voice so that everyone could hear him.A. lifted B. rose C. held D. raised 1.The work must be done_. A. right away B. right now C. at once D. all the above 6. _of people came to the meeting from all over the country.

17、 A. Many B. A number C. The number D. A plenty of 5. They tried to prevent their cows from _ .A.injury B. injuring C. being injured D. hurting 4. _ for the worst, and you wont feel too sad if you fail.A.Preparing B. Prepare C. To prepare D. Prepared 8. There was a strange man at the gate _ something

18、 to the little girl.A. said B. says C. to say D. saying7.I will go shopping with her _my mother. A.instead of B. instead C. in fact D. instead with 9._ seen the film, so everybody wants to see it.A.All the students haventB.Any students havent C. As nobody has D. None of us has10. Do you want to go b

19、iking with me? Yes .Id love to. _my bike is brokenA. But B. And C. Sorry D. However11. _ were sent to hospital and the _ were buried. A. The injury, the death B. The injuring, the dying C. The injured, the dead D. The injured, the died12. About _ of the workers in that steel works _ young people. A. third fifths, are B. three fifths, are C. three fifths, is D. three fifth, are



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