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2、沐风教资13沐风教资14沐风教资15沐风教资16沐风教资17沐风教资直接引语变间接引语“四变”1.变人称“一随主,二随宾,第三人称不更新”2.变时态“时态向后退一步”3.变状语“状语变化按规则”4.变语序“陈述语序先主后谓”18沐风教资19沐风教资直接引语改间接引语直接引语改间接引语(3)情态动词由现在时改成过去时态:情态动词由现在时改成过去时态:I can see you tomorrow, she said.She said (that) she could see me the next day.Ill help you, she said.She said (that) she wou

3、ld help me.I may return at six oclock, she told me.She told me (that) she might return at six oclock.20沐风教资(4)为过去时为过去时(could, should, would, might)情态助动词不变:情态助动词不变:I could see you tomorrow, she said.She said (that) she could see me the next day.I would complain if I were you, she told me.She told me

4、(that) she would complain if she were me.(5)如果直接引语中的情态动词没有过去时的形式,则如果直接引语中的情态动词没有过去时的形式,则不改。不改。(ought to,had better, used to)Peter said. “You had better come here today.Peter said I had better go there that day.21沐风教资直接引语是客观真理。直接引语是客观真理。The earth moves around the sun and the moon moves around the ear

5、th,” the teacher told me. The teacher told me the earth moves around the sun and the moon moves around the earth.22沐风教资直接引语是过去进行时,时态不变。如:直接引语是过去进行时,时态不变。如:Jack said. John, Where were you going when I met you in the street?Jack asked John where he was going when he met him in the street。23沐风教资直接引语中有具

6、体的过去某年、某月、某日直接引语中有具体的过去某年、某月、某日作状语,变为间接引语时,时态不变。如:作状语,变为间接引语时,时态不变。如:Xiao Wang said. I was born on April 21, 1980.Xiao Wang said he was born on April 21, 1980.24沐风教资直接引语如果是一般现在时。表示一种反直接引语如果是一般现在时。表示一种反复出现或习惯性的动作,变间接引语,时态复出现或习惯性的动作,变间接引语,时态不变。如:不变。如:He said, I get up at six every morning.He said he g

7、ets up at six every morning.25沐风教资1. 陈述句变间接引语,用陈述句变间接引语,用that连接连接She said: “I am a girl.”She said that she was a girl.2. 一般疑问句,选择疑问句和翻译疑问句:用连一般疑问句,选择疑问句和翻译疑问句:用连词词if或或whether引导,使用陈述句语序引导,使用陈述句语序She asked me: “Are you Mr. Li?”She asked me if I was Mr. Li.She asked us: “Do you want to go on a picnic?”

8、She asked us if we wanted to go on a picnic.二、句式上的变化二、句式上的变化26沐风教资3. 特殊疑问句特殊疑问句 用特殊疑问词引导,使用用特殊疑问词引导,使用陈述句语陈述句语序序“How much have we spent on petrol this year?” Susan asked her husband.Susan asked her husband how much they had spent on petrol that year.4. 祈使句祈使句 用用tell (ask, order, beg) sb. to do sth.H

9、e said to her: “Dont take book away.”He asked her not to take the book away.27沐风教资1. “Do you know where she lives?” he asked.He asked knew where she . 2. “Stop making so much noise, children.” he said. He the children making so much noise.3. “Dont tell him the news.” she said.She told me him the new

10、s. 4. “Are you interested in Maths?” he said.He I was interested in Maths.if/whetherIlivedtoldto stopnottotellaskedif/whether28沐风教资1、我知道你是对的。、我知道你是对的。 2、Mary告诉我她已经完成了家庭作业。告诉我她已经完成了家庭作业。 3、我听说(、我听说(hear)她明天将会去香港。)她明天将会去香港。 4、我想、我想Jim现在正在听音乐。现在正在听音乐。 5、Lisa说说Ken昨天没有去学校。昨天没有去学校。 试试 一一 试试Iknow/knewthaty

11、ouare/wereright.Marytoldmethatshehadalreadydoneherhomework.IheardthatshewouldgotoHongKongtomorrow.IthinkJimislisteningtothemusicnow.LisasaysthatKendidntgotoschoolyesterday.29沐风教资Lesson 135The latest report30沐风教资Lesson 135The latest reportintroduce ntrdju:s v. 介绍介绍31沐风教资未婚夫未婚夫 fiance future wife =fia

12、ncee 未婚妻未婚妻 1. future 1)adj. 未来的,将来的未来的,将来的 表示尚未发生的表示尚未发生的She introduced him as her future husband.2)n. 将来、前途将来、前途a bright future 光明的未来光明的未来我很有把握中国会有光明的未来。IfeelquitesureaboutChinasbright future.a dark future 暗淡的未来暗淡的未来Ifwehaveanegativeattitude,wewillhaveadark future.32沐风教资in the futurein futurein fu

13、ture = from now on 今后今后in the future 未来,将来未来,将来The boy wants to become a philosopher _.I hope theyll be more cautious _, he said.以后以后别那那样做了。做了。Dont do that in future.未来,可以通未来,可以通过可可视电话购物。物。In the future, shopping can be done by videophone.33沐风教资2.get married 结婚结婚marry sb. 和某人结婚和某人结婚He married Bea in

14、 1925.be married (to sb.) 表示状态表示状态In spoken English, “get married” is more common than “marry”married 结了婚的,已婚的,婚姻的结了婚的,已婚的,婚姻的married life=marriage life 婚后生活婚后生活marriage lines结婚证结婚证34沐风教资1). marry (sb.) / get married (to sb.) 表示表示动作作, 娶(嫁)(娶(嫁)(给某人某人)我要和我要和约翰翰结婚了。婚了。 I am going to marry John. 你愿意嫁你愿

15、意嫁给我我吗?Would you marry me?他他们去年去年结的婚。的婚。 They got married last year. 我将在下个月我将在下个月结婚。婚。 Im getting married next month. 她何她何时结的婚?的婚? When did she get married? 注注: They married last year. 也正确。也正确。 但但现在人在人们更更倾向于用向于用get married 来表示来表示结婚婚这一行一行为。 他娶了个漂亮的姑娘。他娶了个漂亮的姑娘。 He married a pretty girl. 她嫁她嫁给了一位士兵。了一

16、位士兵。 She married a soldier. = She got married to a soldier.35沐风教资2). marry 是个非持续性动词,它的完成时不可和一段时间连是个非持续性动词,它的完成时不可和一段时间连用。用。 他们已经结婚13年了【误】Theymarriedfor13years.【正】Theygotmarried13yearago.=Theymarried13yearsago.bemarried(tosb.)表示状态【正】Theyhavebeenmarriedfor13years.【正】Theygotmarried13yearago.她嫁给我10年了。Sh

17、ehasbeenmarriedtomefor10years.bemarried用来询问某人是否结婚Isshemarried?/Hasshebeenmarried?她结婚了吗?(前者更常见些)36沐风教资3). marry +状语状语: She married young / early. 她很早就结婚了。她很早就结婚了。 She married late (in life). 她结婚晚。她结婚晚。 She married well. =She married a rich man. 她嫁给了一个有钱人。她嫁给了一个有钱人。 直到直到50岁她才结婚。岁她才结婚。 She didnt get ma

18、rried until 50. She never married in life. 她一生未嫁。她一生未嫁。37沐风教资4)、通常不这样说:、通常不这样说: a). When did you marry? b). Has she married? c). She married with an Englishman. 注:注:marry 一般不与介词一般不与介词with 连用连用, 但是它的名词后可以:但是它的名词后可以:【误】ShegotmarriedwithMr.Wanglastyear.【正】ShegotmarriedtoMr.Wanglastyear.After her marria

19、ge to / with Mr. Smith, Miss Jones became Mrs. Smith. 一和史密斯先生结婚,一和史密斯先生结婚,Jones小姐就成了史密斯夫人小姐就成了史密斯夫人. 38沐风教资39沐风教资latest4. 1). 最晚的(最晚的(late的最高级)的最高级)她是来的最晚的一个。她是来的最晚的一个。She was the latest person to come.2). 最新的最新的the latest news 最新消息最新消息the latest report 最新报道最新报道最新报道说又有五个人丧生了。最新报道说又有五个人丧生了。The latest

20、 reports say another five people have been killed.40沐风教资5. introduce v. 介绍介绍introduce oneself 自我介绍自我介绍Excuseme,mayItaketheopportunitytointroducemyselfasaninterpreter?作为译员,我可以冒昧自我介绍一下吗?introduce sb. 介绍某人介绍某人Itsmygreatpleasuretointroducetonightsspeaker,ProfessorLewis.我很荣幸地介绍今晚的主讲人,刘易斯教授。introduce sb.

21、to sb. 把某人介绍给某人把某人介绍给某人 May I introduce my friend George to you?41沐风教资introduce sb. /sth. into sp. 引进、插入引进、插入Sheintroducedmeintothelobby.她把我引进休息室。Youneedaspecialtooltointroducethepipeintothehole.你需要一种专门的工具来把管子插入洞内。Shakespearealwaysintroducedsomecomicreliefintohistragedies.莎士比亚总爱在他的悲剧中穿插一些令人轻松的滑稽场面。罗

22、马人把公路引进英国。TheRomansintroducedroadsintoBritain.现代的科学发明给语言引进了许多新词。Modernscientificinventionshaveintroducedmanynewwordsintothelanguage.42沐风教资introduction n. 序言、序言、导论、介、介绍、说明明书introductionThereisan_aboutNorwayinthismagazine.政府认为引进新技术至关重要。Thegovernmentthinkstheintroductionofnewtechnologyisvital.该书的引言简短。Thebooksintroductionisbrief.43沐风教资44沐风教资45沐风教资46沐风教资47沐风教资48沐风教资49沐风教资50沐风教资51沐风教资Then she introduce us to Carlos and told us .MISS MARSH: We are going to get married next week.they would get married next week52沐风教资个月了53沐风教资54沐风教资55沐风教资56沐风教资57沐风教资58沐风教资59沐风教资



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