广东省中考英语 第三部分 中考话题综合训练 话题一 个人情况复习课件

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《广东省中考英语 第三部分 中考话题综合训练 话题一 个人情况复习课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省中考英语 第三部分 中考话题综合训练 话题一 个人情况复习课件(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第三部分中考话题综合训练话题一个人情况话题一个人情况(Personal Background)Part 1:话题相关词句话题相关词句名字name 年龄age 生日birthday 学生student 老师teacher 高的tall 矮的short 胖的fat 瘦的thin丑的ugly 美的beautiful 帅的handsome酷的cool 懒的lazy 勤奋的hard-working细心的careful 诚实的honest 友好的friendly 简单的simple 外向的outgoing 害羞的shy安静的quiet 吵闹的noisy 严肃的serious活泼的lively 健康的hea

2、lthy 快乐的happy 强壮的strong 聪明的smart / clever / bright重点单词重点单词常用词组常用词组出生于be born 中学middle school 岁了.years old 圆脸round face 大大的黑眼睛big black eyes 直/卷发straight / curly hair大/小嘴巴big / small mouth 戴眼镜 wear glasses 中等身高of medium height 体重适中of medium weight 在(地方)工作/学习work/study in.在方面有天赋be talented in (doing)

3、对感兴趣 be interested in(doing)擅长于be good at / do well in在方面做得不错do a good job in (doing)严格要求某人be strict with sb. 在方面要求严格 be strict in (doing) sth.和某人交朋友make friends with 电话号码telephone number像/与相似take after / be similar to / be like 看起来像look like喜欢/爱做某事like / love / enjoy doing sth. 想要做某事want to do sth.

4、程序设计师computer engineer 篮球运动员basketball player典型句子典型句子 1. 我叫汤姆。我是名中学生。My name is Tom. Im a middle school student. 2. 我出生于2002年。I was born in 2002. 3. 我十四岁了,我的生日在十一月。I am 14 years old and my birthday is in November. 4. 我过去住在长沙市建设路25号。I used to live at No.25 Jianshe Road,Changsha. 5. 我的父亲是一名工程师,我的母亲是位英

5、语教师。My father is an engineer and my mother is an English teacher. 6. 我家离学校不远。My home is not far from school. /I live near the school. 7. 我是一位戴着眼镜的聪明快乐的男孩。Im a smart happy boy with a pair of glasses. 8. 我觉得我长得像我妈妈。I think I take after my mother. 9. 我有一双又大又黑的眼睛,长了一头短直发。I have big black eyes and short

6、straight hair. 10. 我身高一米六,强壮健康。Im 1.6 meters tall. Im very strong and healthy. 11. 我过去很内向,但现在很开朗。I used to be really quiet but I am very outgoing now. 12. 我夏天喜欢游泳。I like swimming in summer. 13. 我也喜爱看历史书。I also enjoy reading his-tory books. 14. 此外,我对打篮球非常感兴趣。Besides, Im very interested in playing basketball. 15. 我想成为一名篮球运动员。I want to be a bask-etball player. 16. 我觉得我在数学方面有天赋。我学得不错。I think Im talented in math. Im good at it. 17. 我想做名程序设计师。I want to be a computer programmer. 18. 我想我会做得很出色。I think Ill do a good job.



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