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1、法律英语经典表达法律英语经典表达1.in accordance with/ pursuant to根据;依照;按照根据;依照;按照的规定的规定n nThe arbitration is to be administered by the American Arbitration Association and is to be conducted in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association.n n仲裁将由美国仲裁协会主持并根据该会的商事仲裁规则进行。n n

2、After friendly consultations conducted in accordance with the principles of equality and mutual benefit, the Parties have agreed to enter into a sales contract in accordance with Applicable Laws and the provisions of this Contract.n n各方在平等互利的基础上,经友好协商, 一致同意依照相关法律和本合同的规定签订一份销售合同。n n“Shipment” shall m

3、ean the set of Equipment comprising an individual shipment to be delivered to Buyer by Seller pursuant to this Contract.n n“一批合同设备”或“一批货物”指将由卖方根据本合同向买方交付的某批合同设备。2. In respect of/in connection with/with respect to 就就 n nThe Contract Price does not cover costs and expenses that are for Buyers account

4、under this Contract, or any taxes (including but not limited to customs duty and value added tax) payable by Buyer in respect of this Contract.n n合同总价不含根据本合同应当由买方承担的费用和开销, 或买方就本合同应支付的税款(包括但不限于关税及增值税)。n nIf the License becomes aware that any other person, If the License becomes aware that any other p

5、erson, firm or company alleged that any of the Licensed firm or company alleged that any of the Licensed Trademarks is invalid, or infringes any rights of Trademarks is invalid, or infringes any rights of another party, the Licensee shall immediately give the another party, the Licensee shall immedi

6、ately give the Licensor in writing full particulars in respect thereof Licensor in writing full particulars in respect thereof and may make no disclosure of information or and may make no disclosure of information or admission to any third party in respect thereof.admission to any third party in res

7、pect thereof.n n如果被许可方获悉任何其他人、商号或公司宣称如果被许可方获悉任何其他人、商号或公司宣称被许可商标无效或被许可商标的使用侵犯了他方被许可商标无效或被许可商标的使用侵犯了他方权利,被许可方应立即以书面形式将上述详细情权利,被许可方应立即以书面形式将上述详细情况告知许可方,并不得向任何第三方披露与此况告知许可方,并不得向任何第三方披露与此 有有关的信息或承认(侵权)。关的信息或承认(侵权)。3. save/except (for)/unlessn nSave as otherwise provided in this Contract, each Party shall

8、 bear its own legal and other professional costs in relation to the preparation, negotiation and entry into of this Contract.n n除非本合同另有规定,各方负责本身为准备、谈判和签署合同所花费的律师费和其他专业服务费用。n nExcept as stipulated in Article 255 of this code, where Except as stipulated in Article 255 of this code, where a total loss

9、occurs to the subject matter insured and a total loss occurs to the subject matter insured and the full insured amount is paid, the insurer shall the full insured amount is paid, the insurer shall acquire the full right to the subject matter insured. In acquire the full right to the subject matter i

10、nsured. In the case of sunder-insurance, the insurer shall acquire the case of sunder-insurance, the insurer shall acquire the right to the subject matter insured in the the right to the subject matter insured in the proportion that the insured amount bears to the proportion that the insured amount

11、bears to the insured value.insured value.n n除本法第二百五十五条的规定之外,保险标的发除本法第二百五十五条的规定之外,保险标的发生全损,保险人支付全部保险金额的,取得对保生全损,保险人支付全部保险金额的,取得对保险标的的全部权利;但是,在不足额保险的情况险标的的全部权利;但是,在不足额保险的情况下,保险人按照保险金额与保险价值的比例取得下,保险人按照保险金额与保险价值的比例取得对保险标的的部分权利。对保险标的的部分权利。n nUnless the terms or context of this Contract otherwise provide,

12、 this Contract shall be interpreted in accordance with Schedule A, and each of the terms used herein shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Schedule A (Definitions and Interpretation) or Schedule B (Special Terms) as the case may be.n n除本合同条款或上下文另有所指外,本合同应根据附录一进行解释,本合同的定义见附录一(定义和解释)或附录二(特别条款), 以适用

13、者为准。4. Notwithstanding 无论无论如何规如何规定;尽管有定;尽管有的规定的规定n nNotwithstanding any law or practice to the contrary, it shall be lawful for, the court in any proceedings for an offence under Part II to comment on the failure of the accused to give evidence on oath.n n即使任何法律或惯例有相反规定, 在因第II部所定罪行而进行的法律程序中,法庭可就被控人不

14、宣誓作供一事加以评论。n nNotwithstanding clauses (a) and (b) of this Article5.6 above, the Assigning Party may transfer all or part of its amount of the registered capital of the company to an Affiliate (the “Affiliate Assignee”) of the Assigning Party on the following conditions.n n尽管有上述5.6条(a)、(b)款的规定,转让方可将持

15、有的合营公司注册资本份额部分或全部按下列条款转让给其某一关联机构(“关联受让方”):5. Provided that但(前提)是但(前提)是n nThe Chairman, following consultation with the Vice The Chairman, following consultation with the Vice Chairman, shall decide on the timing and location of Chairman, shall decide on the timing and location of such interim Board

16、meeting, provided that such such interim Board meeting, provided that such interim Board meeting shall be held not less than interim Board meeting shall be held not less than fifteen (15) days and not more than forty-five fifteen (15) days and not more than forty-five (45)days following delivery of

17、such request.(45)days following delivery of such request.n n董事长经与副董事长协商后,应确定此次临时董董事长经与副董事长协商后,应确定此次临时董事会会议的时间和地点,但是举行该临时董事会事会会议的时间和地点,但是举行该临时董事会会议的时间必须在提议提交后十五日到四十五日会议的时间必须在提议提交后十五日到四十五日之间。之间。 Provided that if any representation and warranty of a Party under Article B.1 is not true and correct in al

18、l material respects when made, or if there is a breach of Article E, then there shall be no Cure Period.n nIn addition, with the prior approval of the Chairman In addition, with the prior approval of the Chairman and Vice Chairman, any director may invite any other and Vice Chairman, any director ma

19、y invite any other person to attend all or part of any Board meeting, person to attend all or part of any Board meeting, provided that such guest shall sign non-disclosure provided that such guest shall sign non-disclosure agreements in such form as the Chairman and Vice agreements in such form as t

20、he Chairman and Vice Chairman deem appropriate.Chairman deem appropriate.n n此外,经董事长和副董事长批准,董事可以邀请此外,经董事长和副董事长批准,董事可以邀请其他人士作为嘉宾列席会议的部分或全部,但前其他人士作为嘉宾列席会议的部分或全部,但前提是该嘉宾应按照董事长和副董事长认为适当的提是该嘉宾应按照董事长和副董事长认为适当的格式签署保密协议。格式签署保密协议。6. For the purpose of 就就而言;在而言;在中中n nFor the purpose of this Agreement, capitali

21、zed terms For the purpose of this Agreement, capitalized terms which are used herein and not otherwise defined shall which are used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings given such terms in the Plan of have the meanings given such terms in the Plan of Reorganization and the follow

22、ing terms shall have the Reorganization and the following terms shall have the meanings specified in this Article 1.meanings specified in this Article 1.n n就本协议而言,本协议中使用但未另行定义的英就本协议而言,本协议中使用但未另行定义的英文首字母大写术语与重组计划书中的该等定义含文首字母大写术语与重组计划书中的该等定义含义相同,且下列术语的含义以第一条中规定的为义相同,且下列术语的含义以第一条中规定的为准。准。n nThis Law is

23、 formulated in order to protect patent rights for invention-creations, encourage invention-creations and facilitate their popularization and application, promote the development of science and technologyn n为了保护发明创造专利权,鼓励发明创造,有利于发明创造的推广应用,促进科学技术的发展, 特制定本法。7.otherwisen nAll costs of arbitration (inclu

24、ding but not limited to arbitration fees, costs of arbitrators and legal fees and disbursements) shall be borne by the losing party, unless otherwise determined by the arbitration tribunal.n n所有仲裁费用(包括但不限于仲裁费、仲裁员费用和法定费用和支出)应由败诉方承担,除非仲裁庭另有决定。n nAny person who by threats, persuasion or otherwise induc

25、es a witness or a party not to give evidence in any hearing before the Board commits an offence.n n任何人藉恐吓,怂恿或以其它手段诱使证人或一方当事人不在仲裁处聆讯中作证,即属犯罪。8.Subject to 根据根据的规定;在不的规定;在不抵触抵触的前提下的前提下n nSubject to this section, an appeal shall be brought in such manner and shall be subject to such conditions as are pr

26、escribed by rules made under subsection (5).n n在符合本条规定下,上诉须根据依第(5)款订立的规则内订明的方式提出,并须受该规则所订明的条件限制。9. Without prejudice to在不影响在不影响前提下;不影响前提下;不影响n nWithout prejudice to section24, the following shall be treated as properly executedn n在不影响第24条规定的原则下,以下遗嘱须视为正式签立n nWithout prejudice to your powers and disc

27、retions, we hereby authorize you and your agents to take any actions including but not limited to the followingn n在不使贵行权力和自行决定权受到损害的前提下,本公司兹授权贵行或贵行代理采取包括但不限于下列任何行动:10.Where 如果;凡如果;凡n nWhere a defendant is fined and the same is not forth with paid, the magistrate may order the defendant to be searche

28、d.n n凡被告人被判处罚款,但没有随即缴付罚款的,裁判官可命令搜查该被告。n nWhere the applicant for a patent for invention has not Where the applicant for a patent for invention has not been granted a patent right within two years from the been granted a patent right within two years from the date of filing, it shall pay a fee for th

29、e maintenance of date of filing, it shall pay a fee for the maintenance of the application from the third year. The first the application from the third year. The first maintenance fee shall be paid within the first month maintenance fee shall be paid within the first month of the third year. The su

30、bsequent maintenance fees of the third year. The subsequent maintenance fees shall be paid in advance within the month before the shall be paid in advance within the month before the expiration of the proceeding year.expiration of the proceeding year.n n发明专利申请人自申请日起满两年尚未被授予专发明专利申请人自申请日起满两年尚未被授予专利权的,

31、自第三年度起每年缴纳申请维持费。第利权的,自第三年度起每年缴纳申请维持费。第一次申请维持费应当在第三年度的第一个月内缴一次申请维持费应当在第三年度的第一个月内缴纳,以后的申请维持费应当在前一年度期满前一纳,以后的申请维持费应当在前一年度期满前一个月内缴纳。个月内缴纳。11.Absent 如果没有如果没有n nAbsent a contractual provision to the contrary, consequential damages are generally not recoverable against the Indemnitor.n n如果不存在相反的合同规定,通常不得向赔偿方要求补偿间接损失。



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