商务英阅读上册unit 5

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1、Unit Five Teaching Objectivesv了解贸易壁垒及其产生的原因v了解关税壁垒及其征收形式v了解非关税壁垒及其表现形式Teaching Emphases vtrade barriersvtariff barriersvad valorem duty /specific duty/alternative duty/compound duty vnon-tariff barriers vquantitative /non-quantitativeContent vText vFast Reading IvFast Reading II TEXT Dont Fence Me O

2、ut!Pre-reading questions1. What are trade barriers? Why do these trade barriers exist?2. What are the two major barriers to free trade?UPPREV.NEXT The concept of comparative advantage makes a strong case for free, unrestricted trade among nations. Meanwhile economists believe free trade will be mutu

3、ally beneficial, yet, many barriers to trade exist today, namely, regulations and measures imposed by authorities that unduly impede trade in goods or services, in export or import. Loss of business opportunities is the most serious impact of a trade barrier, but even their minor effects may require

4、 extra time and trouble and cause additional expenses. For example, the United States restricts the number of cars that may be imported each year from other countries and imposes taxes on certain imported goods; Japan provides subsidies to some companies so they can sell their products at lower pric

5、es to other countries; a tax of 15% makes jewelry from Mexico more expensive than jewelry make in the United States. The benefits of free trade are well known, but why do some people support the use of tariffs or quotas to restrict or stop the international flow of goods and services? We may first f

6、ocus on how world trade came into being. It is known that some regions are abundant in resources; elsewhere, reserves are scarce or nonexistent. Thus, an exchange of goods and services came to play an increasingly essential role in meeting the demand for more affluent life. The location of the world

7、s national resources, also called commodities, determines the patterns of world trade. World resources can be most effectively utilized through full specialization and world trade, which are merely possible when absolutely free trade is permitted. Unfortunately, every country in the world has trade

8、barriers to protect its economy against international market forces, such as to protect homeland industries or new industries, to protect jobs, and to gain income for the government. These barriers to world trade may be divided into tariff barriers and Non-Tariff Barriers ( NTBs). Tariff Barriers A

9、tariff is a tax or duty levied on commodities when they cross national boundaries, normally an import duty, for the purpose of raising their selling price in the importing nations market to reduce competition against domestic producers. It is the most common method of restricting trade. Tariffs may

10、be barely placed on exports, because they want to encourage exports. A tariff may be one of the following four kinds: ad valorem, specific, alternative, or compound. An ad valorem, most commonly used, is figured as a percentage on the value of goods for example, 10, 20 or 25 percent. They may be bas

11、ed, depending on the country, either on the value of the goods landed at the port of destination, or at the port in the country of origin. A specific duty relates to local currency per unit of goods based on weight, number, length, volume, or other unit of measurementfor example, $ 25 per pound or p

12、er yard. An alternative duty is where either an ad valorem duty or a specific one can be prescribed for a product, with the requirement that the more exertive one shall apply. A compound duty is a combination of an ad valorem duty and a specific one for example, 10 percent of value plus $1 per kilog

13、ram. Tariffs have the advantage that they can be selectively levied in terms of products and with differential rates. Therefore, a country may attain rather precise objectives with tariffs while increasing government revenues at the same time. The negative respect of tariffs is that they increase th

14、e cost of imports to the customers. Non-Tariff Barriers ( NTBs) Contrary to tariff duties which are relatively transparent, non-tariff barriers are often more complex and difficult to sniff and therefore assess than tariffs, because they can be “hidden” in rules and practices that have a perfectly l

15、egitimate objective. Furthermore, NTBs can have more trade-restrictive effects than tariffs, which raise the cost of a given product, and go as far as excluding a good from a market altogether. Known as “green trade barriers”, new non-tariff barriers to trade, such as technical trade barriers and en

16、vironmental trade barriers, have tended to take the place of traditional trade barriers. The Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs), including all forms of discrimination against imports other than tariff barriers, are normally in the form of either quantitative or non-quantitative restrictions. Quantitative Qu

17、otas, one type of quantitative barriers, are the most common form. Import quotas are limitations on the quantity of goods that can be imported into the country during a specified period of time, for example, Korea may export only 15,000 automobiles a year to the United States. There are two basic ty

18、pes of quotas: absolute quotas and tariff-rate quotas. Absolute quotas limit the quantity of imports to a specified level during a specified period of time. Sometimes these quotas are set globally and thus affect all imports while sometimes they are set only against specified countries. Absolute quo

19、tas are generally administered on a first-come first-served basis. For this reason, many quotas are filled shortly after the opening of the quota period. Once the quota for the period has been filled, no more import licenses are issued. Tariff-rate quotas allow a specified quantity of goods to be im

20、ported at a reduced tariff rate during the specified quota period. They may be imposed unilaterally, and can also be negotiated bilaterally or multilaterally on a so-called voluntary basis. There has been, for many years, an agreement among nations against imposing unilateral quotas on goods. Accord

21、ingly, governments have negotiated voluntary export restraints (VERs) with other nations. For example, to avoid the import quotas on Japanese automobiles placed by the United States, Japanese car makers set up a VER program, agreeing to limit exports of passenger cars to it annually. Orderly marketi

22、ng arrangements are VERs constituted by official agreements between the governments of exporting and importing countries to limit international competition and safeguard some of the national market for local producers, normally by stipulating the size of the export or import quotas that each nation

23、will have for a particular good. Non-quantitative It is claimed by many international trade specialist that the most significant NTBs are the non-quantitative type. All the distinct forms may generally be classified under three principal headings: (a) direct government participation in trade, (b) cu

24、stoms and other administrative procedures, and (c) various standards. Subsidy is the most common form of direct government participation, mainly to protect agriculture as well as industries. Government procurement policies are also trade barriers because of their favor for domestic producers and sev

25、ere restriction on purchases of imported goods by government agencies. Those policies may require that products purchased by government agencies have a stipulated minimum local content. Customs and other administrative procedures cover a great variety of government policies and procedures that eithe

26、r discriminate against imports or favor exports. Meanwhile, governments have also found ways to set restrictions on services import. Foreign companies may find registration requirements, licensing procedures, qualification requirements and procedures more burdensome for them than for domestic servic

27、e providers. Both government and private standards to protect the health and security of a nations citizens are certainly reasonable, but for years exporting firms may have been confronted with many complex and discriminatory standards, including new technical standards, labeling requirements, burde

28、nsome testing, etc. Compared with tariffs, NTBs have several advantages in that they are more flexible and pertinent, more efficient on limiting importing and more concealable. With the development of the world economy and technology, NTBs tend to be more varied and unpredictable. However, markets h

29、ave been going global and everyone knows it. A number of communities such as free trade areas and economic unions have come into being for the elimination of trade barriers. These endeavors can contribute to a more prosperous growth in international trade, which may accordingly raise aggregate econo

30、mic efficiency.Language points impose-v. to place ( a penalty, tax, etc) officially on sb./ sth. 加(惩罚等)于某人;对某物征(税)e.g. impose a tax on imports 征收进口税 impose duties on wines and spirits 征收酒类税UPPREV.NEXTLanguage points Trade barriers 贸易壁垒,指妨碍商品和服务在国家之间自由交换的人为限制,常见的形式包括关税、补贴、配额和外汇管制等。UPPREV.NEXTLanguage

31、 points levy- vt. to collect ( a payment, etc) by authority or force 征收,征集(款额等)e.g. levy a fine tax on sb. 向某人征收罚金税款 levy a ransom on sb. 向某人索取赎金UPPREV.NEXTLanguage points Ad valorem duty 从价税, 是指按货值征收的关税。ad valorem 是拉丁语,意为 in proportion to the value 。UPPREV.NEXTLanguage points specific duty 从量税,即按商品

32、的数量或重量征税。UPPREV.NEXTLanguage points alternative duty 选择税,是指一种产品既可以征收从价税又可以征收从量税,要求按照税额更多的税种征收。UPPREV.NEXTLanguage points compound duty 复合关税,即对进口货物同时征收从量税和从价税。UPPREV.NEXTLanguage points in terms of-concerning, with regard to 谈及,关于,就而言e.g. It was a bad year for films, in terms of both quantity and qua

33、lity. 今年的电影无论从数量上还是质量上都说不上好。 Staying up late makes him at his worst in terms of physical situation. 熬夜使得他的体力状况处于低潮。 UPPREV.NEXT Language points assess-v. to estimate the quality of sth. 估定,评定e.g. Its difficult to assess the impact of the Presidents speech. 总统讲话的巨大影响很难估计. Id assess your chances as ex

34、tremely low. 我估计你成功的机会极微. UPPREV.NEXTLanguage points absolute quota 绝对配额,是指在一定时期内,对某些商品规定一个最高的进口数量或金额,一旦达到这个最高数额就不准进口。绝对配额又分为两种形式:其一,采取“全球配额”(global quotas),它适用于来自任何国家或地区的商品。主管当局按进口商申请先后或按过去某一时期的进口实绩,批给一定的额度,直至总配额发放完毕为止;其二,采取“国别配额”(country quotas),这是在总配额中按国别和地区分配配额。不同国家和地区如超过所规定的配额,就不准进口。UPPREV.NEXT

35、Language points tariff-rate quota 关税配额, 是指对同一种商品设定相对高低不同的税率, 即在一定时期内对预先规定的配额以内的进口商品征收较低关税或者减免关税,对超过配额部分则征收较高进口关税。UPPREV.NEXT Language points voluntary export restraints (VERs)自动出口限制,又称自愿出口限制或自动出口配额制 (Voluntary Export Quotas),是指出口国家或地区在进口国的要求或压力下,自动规定某一时期内某些商品对该国出口的数量或金额的限制,在限定的配额内自行控制出口,超过配额即禁止出口,属于

36、非关税壁垒的一种措施。“自动出口限制”在形式上表现为自愿性,但在实质上却具有强制的性质。进口国往往以商品大量进口使其有关工业受到严重损害,造成“市场混乱”为由,要求出口国实行有秩序的增长,自动限制商品出口。因此,“自动出口限制”往往是出口国在面临进口国采取报复性贸易措施的威胁时所作出的 一种选择。UPPREV.NEXT Language points safeguard-v. to protect or guard sb./ sth. 保护或保卫某人或某事物e.g. We have found a way of safeguarding our money. 我们已有了保护钱财的办法. The

37、 Bill of Rights safeguards our individual liberties. 权力法案保护我们的个人自由。 UPPREV.NEXTLanguage points stipulate-v. to state (sth.) clearly and firmly as a requirement 讲明,规定(某要求)e.g. It was stipulated that the goods should be delivered within three days. 按规定货物须在三日内送交. The Constitution stipulates that women

38、shall have equal rights with men in voting and being elected. 宪法规定妇女和男子一样,有同等的选举权和被选举权。 UPPREV.NEXTLanguage points subsidy 贸易补贴,是指国家政府或者公共机构采取直接或间接的方式向本国出口企业提供现金补贴、或者财政优惠政策,以降低企业出口的成本从而提高竞争力。贸易补贴可以是直接的,也可以是间接的。直接贸易补贴简单来说就是负税,其后果与税收正相反。间接贸易补贴则一般采取放宽信贷、廉价使用能源或免费使用基础设施等方式。补贴量可以与贸易量保持某一固定比例关系,称为从量补贴;也可以

39、与贸易值保持某一固定比例关系,称为从价补贴。UPPREV.NEXTLanguage points come into being-be born or come into existence 出现(存在,产生,形成,成立)e.g. A new rule will soon come into being. 一个新规则很快就要出台了。 A car comes into being through a series of complex operations. 汽车经过一连串的复杂作业程序而制成。 UPPREV.NEXTLanguage points economic efficiency 经济效

40、率 ,也即资源配置效率,是指在经济资源稀缺的条件下,如何充分利用资源,使资源得到最有效合理的安排,以最少的资源投入取得最大的经济效益,因此也可一般地称为资源的利用效率。UPPREV.NEXTI. Answer the following questions based on the text.1.What is a tariff? And what can it do? A tariff is a tax or duty levied on commodities when they cross national boundaries, normally an import duty, for

41、 the purpose of raising their selling price in the importing nations market to reduce competition against domestic producers. It is the most common method of restricting trade. ReferenceI. Answer the following questions based on the text.2. What are the ways that a tariff can be calculated? Give bri

42、ef explanation to each of them. Ad valorem, specific, alternative, or compound. An ad valorem, is figured as a percentage on the value of goods. They may be based, depending on the country, either on the value of the goods landed at the port of destination, or at the port in the country of origin. A

43、 specific duty relates to local currency per unit of goods based on weight, number, length, volume, or other unit of measurement. An alternative duty is where either an ad valorem duty or a specific one can be prescribed for a product, with the requirement that the more exertive one shall apply. A c

44、ompound duty is a combination of an ad valorem duty and a specific one.ReferenceI. Answer the following questions based on the text.3. What are the differences between tariff barriers and NTBs ? Contrary to tariff duties which are relatively transparent, non-tariff barriers are often more complex an

45、d difficult to sniff and therefore assess than tariffs. Furthermore, NTBs can have more trade-restrictive effects than tariffs.ReferenceI. Answer the following questions based on the text.4. What are the types mentioned in the passage concerning quantitative restrictions?Quotas and voluntary export

46、restraints (VERs). ReferenceI. Answer the following questions based on the text. 5. How many types of non-quantitative restrictions are generally classified into? What are they? All the distinct forms may generally be classified under three principal headings: (a) direct government participation in

47、trade, (b) customs and other administrative procedures, and (c) various standards. ReferenceII. Read the following terms and match each with its proper definition.1.trade barrier2. comparative advantage 3. subsidy4. quota 5. NTB6. voluntary export restraints 7. ad valorem duty8. specific duty9. tari

48、ff10. tariff-rate quotasa. a grant paid by a government to an enterprise that benefits the publicb. tax figured as a percentage on the value of goodsc. artificial restraint on the free exchange of goods and services between countries, usually in the form of tariffs, subsidies, quotas or exchange con

49、trolsd. duty or tax levied on a specific commodity when it crosses national boundariese. a proportional share, as of goods, assigned to a group or to each member of a group; a limitation on importsf. situation that exists when a country can produce a good or service at much lower cost than any other

50、 countryg. a restriction set by a government on the quantity of goods that can be exported out of a country during a specified period of timeh. non-Tariff Barrieri. quotas permitting a stipulated amount of goods to enter the nation duty-free or at a low rate, while charging a much higher duty for su

51、bsequent importations when the amount is reachedj. tax relating to local currency per unit of goods based on physical measurements 1. c 2. f 3. a 4. e 5. h 6. g 7.b 8. j 9. d 10.iIII. Translate the following passage into Chinese A tariff may be one of the following four kinds: ad valorem, specific,

52、alternative, or compound. An ad valorem, most commonly used, is figured as a percentage on the value of goods for example, 10,20 or 25 percent. They may be base , depending on the country, either on the value of the goods landed at the port of destination, or at the port in the country of origin. A

53、specific duty relates to local currency per unit of goods based on weight, number, length, volume, or other unit of measurementfor example, $ 25 per pound or per yard. An alternative duty is where either an ad valorem duty or a specific one can be prescribed for a product, with the requirement that

54、the more exertive one shall apply. A compound duty is a combination of an ad valorem duty and a specific one for example, 10 percent of value plus $1 per kilogram. 关税会以下列四种形式出现:从价税,从量税,选择税或复合关税。最常使用的一种是从价税,是以商品价格的百分比计算例如10%,20%或25%。根据不同国家,它们不是以到达目的港的商品价格为依据,就是以原产国港口的货物价格为依据。从量税是根据商品的重量,数量,长度,体积或其他单位

55、来征税例如,每磅或每码25美元。选择税,是一种产品被规定既可以征收从价税又可以征收从量税,要求按照税额更多的税种征收。复合关税,即对进口货物同时征收从量税和从价税例如,征收商品价格的10%外加每千克1美元。ReferenceIV. Please put the following sentences into English.1. 工会要求政府对外国小汽车施加贸易壁垒。 The union has asked the government to impose trade barrier on foreign cars.ReferenceIV. Please put the following

56、sentences into English.2. 贸易壁垒通常包括关税壁垒和非关税壁垒。 Trade barriers usually consist of tariff barriers and non-tariff barriers.ReferenceIV. Please put the following sentences into English.3. 关税下滑遍及全球,已由1940年的平均40%降至1990年的7%。 Tariffs have declined worldwide from an average of 40% in 1940 to 7% in 1990.Refer

57、enceIV. Please put the following sentences into English.4. 世贸组织一直致力于消除贸易壁垒。 The WTO has continued to push for the elimination of trade barriers.ReferenceIV. Please put the following sentences into English. 5. 我们应该减少贸易壁垒,把双方的经贸合作提高到一个新的水平。 We should reduce trade barriers and enhance economic and trad

58、e cooperation to a new level. ReferenceFast Reading I Bush Administration Seeks to Lower Trade Barriers With Latin AmericaUPPREV.NEXT WASHINGTON - The Bush administrations drive to remove trade barriers to U.S. exports is working and needs to be expanded with a new free trade agreement with six Lati

59、n American countries, Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez said Tuesday. Outlining President Bushs trade goals for his second term, Gutierrez said the administration planned to turn its attention to winning congressional approval for the Central American Free Trade Agreement. It covers the Central Am

60、erican nations of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua as well as the Caribbean nation of the Dominican Republic. CAFTA would create the second-largest U.S. export market in Latin America, behind only Mexico, and the 13th largest U.S. export market in the world, Gutierrez told

61、the Washington International Trade Association. He said the market would be larger than Americas sales to Russia, India and Indonesia combined. Gutierrez said that while 80 percent of products from the five Central American nations already come into the United States duty-free because of various tra

62、de preference programs, U.S. exporters in many cases face high tariffs on their products. This agreement levels the relationship out and gives our companies much broader access to this valuable market, Gutierrez said, citing private studies that estimated the deal has the potential of boosting U.S.

63、manufactured exports by $3 billion annually and increasing U.S. farm exports by $1.5 billion per year. He said a free trade agreement with Chile had boosted U.S. exports by 32 percent in the first six months it was in effect last year. Despite those gains, the United States ran up a record trade def

64、icit of $617 billion last year, a gaping imbalance that has fueled protectionist sentiments in Congress. Asked about the soaring trade deficit, Gutierrez said that the problem was sluggish growth in major U.S. trading partners such as Europe and Japan, which dampens demand for U.S. exports. Gutierre

65、z said the administration over the next few months would “pay considerable attention” to promoting the CAFTA deal, which has been completed since early last year but has yet to be brought up for a vote in Congress. Democrats are unhappy with the deal because they claim it does not provide enough pro

66、tection for American workers against competition from low-wage countries with lax labor and environmental protections. The Bush administration also faces opposition from Democrats and Republicans who represent textile manufacturers and sugar growers, who contend the deal would seriously hurt their s

67、ales. Gutierrez said the administration also planned to push ahead with global negotiations being conducted by the 148-nation World Trade Organization to wrap up the Doha Round of trade talks. In those discussions, developing nations are pressuring the United States and other wealthy countries to re

68、duce farm subsidies so that farmers in poor nations can better compete.I. Determine whether the following statements are True or False according to the text. Write “T” for true and “F” for false in the brackets.1. ( ) Now the Bush administration is removing trade barriers to US exports.2. ( ) Presid

69、ent Bush has long focused on winning congressional approval for the CAFTA in his first term.3. ( ) All the sales to Russia, India and Indonesia may not exceed those of the market CAFTA would create.4. ( ) Neither of the exporters from the US and the five central American nations is charged by any du

70、ty.5. ( ) The agreement would particularly boost the US exports.1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.TII. Choose the best answer to complete each of the sentences.1. The passage may be a . A. government bill B. press coverage C. speech D. thesisII. Choose the best answer to complete each of the sentences.2. is the lar

71、gest US export market in Latin America.A. Costa Rica B. Guatemala C. Nicaragua D. MexicoII. Choose the best answer to complete each of the sentences.3. What can we infer about the protectionists in Congress from the sentence underlined in the passage ?A. They are filled with pleasure. B. They are fi

72、lled with depression.C. They are filled with anxiety. D. They are filled with anger.II. Choose the best answer to complete each of the sentences.4. Which of the following statements is the main cause for the high trade deficit of the US? A. Major US trading partners demand less for US products due t

73、o their economic depression. B. US exports face high tariffs on their products. C. The US hasnt created the largest export market in Latin America. D. The US manufacturers suffer from a high labor cost.II. Choose the best answer to complete each of the sentences.5. The Bush administration may face o

74、pposition for the following reasons EXCEPT .A. not enough protection for American workersB. not enough environmental protectionsC. seriously hurting the textile and sugar salesD. reducing farm subsidies for farmers in poor nations to better competeFast Reading IIEU Proposes Protection For Plastic Bo

75、ttle IndustryUPPREV.NEXT BRUSSELS - The European Union wants to impose new trade barriers on imported plastic from Iran, Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates, saying the countries illegally give aid to exporters who supply plastic for Europes rapidly growing soft-drinks market. The European Commiss

76、ion - the EUs executive - wants to impose duties worth about 140, 44 and 42 per ton on imports of plastic for bottles and food packaging from Iran, Pakistan and the UAE respectively, according to documents seen by Reuters on Monday. The proposal follows an investigation into allegations of illegal s

77、ubsidies in the three countries that was brought last year by European plastics makers who say illegal trade practices are squeezing them out of Europes market. In view of the definitive conclusions reached . it is considered that a definitive countervailing duty should be imposed on imports of the

78、product concerned originating in Iran, Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates, the Commission said in conclusions. European governments are widely expected to back the plan next week. The bloc has traditionally been united in its opposition to illegal foreign state aid, diplomats say. Europe is a maj

79、or market for plastics exporters. European citizens buy one in five of the half trillion plastic bottles sold globally each year, as well as a significant portion of the worlds food wrapping, according to industry estimates. European demand for polyethylene terephthalate or PET - the specific plasti

80、c facing duties - totaled about 3 million tons at a value of around 3 billion last year, industry figures show. About 1 million tons of PET was imported. In the conclusions, the Commission abandoned plans to impose additional duties on illegal market dumping by the three countries involved and EU me

81、mber states are also expected to back that decision. Europe already has trade barriers in place against plastic imports from China, India, Indonesia, South Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan and Thailand, while European producers such as Spains La Seda Group have closed plants and struggle to compete. The duti

82、es are strongly opposed by Coca-Cola Group, Danone and PepsiCo, among others, according to Commission documents. Soft drinks makers fear duties will translate into plastic shortages. Importers and bottle makers say the tariffs will squeeze their profits and open their own operations to competition f

83、rom abroad, while failing to save local plastics production long term. The industry is in a coma(昏迷), and these duties will only extend the coma, said Francesco Zanchi, chief executive of Global Services International, which uses 40% of PET imported into Europe. There will be duties in this case, bu

84、t the EUs governments should really start to think about opposing senseless policy that will do more harm than good.I. Answer the following questions based on the text.1. Why does the European Union want to impose new trade barriers on imported plastic from the three countries? Because they illegall

85、y give aid to exporters who supply plastic for Europes rapidly growing soft-drinks market.ReferenceI. Answer the following questions based on the text.2. According to the passage, what should be the correct order of the following events, the proposal, an investigation, allegations of illegal subsidi

86、es in the three countries? Allegations of illegal subsidies in the three countries, an investigation and then the proposal.ReferenceI. Answer the following questions based on the text.3. Who initiated the investigation into the allegations of illegal subsidies? European plastics makers who say illeg

87、al trade practices are squeezing them out of Europes market.ReferenceI. Answer the following questions based on the text.4. Why do the soft drinks makers strongly oppose the imposition of the duties? Because they fear duties will translate into plastic shortages.ReferenceI. Answer the following ques

88、tions based on the text.5. What do the importers and bottle makers think the tariffs will bring about? They will squeeze their profits and open their own operations to competition from abroad, while failing to save local plastics production long term.ReferenceII. Determine whether the following stat

89、ements are True or False according to the text. Write “T” for true and “F” for false in the brackets. 1. ( ) The European Commission wants to impose duties on the imported plastic from the three countries by a different amount.2. ( ) The plan has been widely approved by European governments to impos

90、e a definitive countervailing duty.3. ( ) The E.U. has always been united to oppose illegal foreign imports.4. ( ) In the conclusions, the Commission decided not to impose any duties on the illegal trade practices by the three countries.5. ( ) The trade barriers against plastic imports from other countries have helped European producers thrive successfully.1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.FHOME



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