高中英语《Uint13 People Lesson4》课件 北师大版必修5.ppt

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1、Unit 13 Lesson 4 First ImpressionLanguage points重点短语重点短语glare at 怒目而怒目而视 对比:比:stare at 盯着看着看 glance at 瞥瞥见pick up捡起;收听;起;收听;习得;抱起;接某人得;抱起;接某人shout at 对某人大喊大叫某人大喊大叫 laugh at 嘲笑某人嘲笑某人apologize for 为而道歉而道歉to be honest说实话sign with relief如如释重重负be willing to do 愿意做愿意做动宾词组: 原原谅某人的缺点某人的缺点 forgive ones short

2、comings体会真正的友体会真正的友谊 experience the true friendship内容内容展示展示点评点评Task 1,2Task 1,2G9G9Task 3,4Task 3,4G8G8Task 5,6Task 5,6G7G7Task 7,8Task 7,8G6G6Task 9,10Task 9,10G5G5展示同学展示同学: 认真规范书写,抓紧时间。认真规范书写,抓紧时间。非展示同学非展示同学:背诵导学案例句;背诵导学案例句; 浏览黑板上的内容,准备讨论、质疑。浏览黑板上的内容,准备讨论、质疑。展示组确定统一本组答案后,选展示组确定统一本组答案后,选两两个人展示。个人展示

3、。keys1.confirm v n. confirmation adj. confirmed (1) were confirmed (2) confirmation (3) confirmed 2. as1)像,如同像,如同2)由于由于3) 作为作为4)由于,因为由于,因为1. As she grew older she gained in confidence.2. They did as I had asked.当当时候时候按照按照方式方式注:类似的一些单词还有很多,例如:注:类似的一些单词还有很多,例如:由于:由于:since , for, because 像像: like 3. 看看

4、1)staring at2) glanced at3) glared at 4) Look at 4. pick up 1)Pick up the bag on the floor.2) I will drive to pick you up.3) I picked up French 4) to pick up the programmes5. cant help doing sth.1)I cant help hearing what you just said.2) feeling, (to) do6. if anything 如果有什么不同的话,相反如果有什么不同的话,相反If any

5、thing with +n. + 介词短语介词短语 现在分词现在分词 过去分词过去分词 to do adj adv 7. With的复合结构的复合结构 1)with a smile on his face2)with no cars running 3) with his hands tied back/ behind4) with the collar/neck open5) with a lot of problems to settle6) with the lights on8.1)The moment I saw her2) the year his father died.9.1)

6、If I were you, I would teach him a lesson.2)If it had been fine yesterday, we would have gone for a picnic.Step 21. with a book in his/her hand (with 的复合的复合结构结构)2. glanced at the child (看的相关短语及区别看的相关短语及区别)3. picked up Japanese (pick up的几个意思的几个意思)4. If you had followed the teachers advice (if引导的虚拟语气引

7、导的虚拟语气)5.If necessary (if 的相关短语的相关短语)即时练习1. confirm2. anxiety3. guilty4. glaring5. getting along6. To be honest7. figured out单词复习1. strenghs 2. weaknees 3. inappropriate 4. concentrate 5. previous 6. associate 7. mental 8. positive 9. expression 10. connection 11. emergency 12. gifted 13. predict 14

8、. failure 15. was accused 16. independent 17. sharpen 18. harvest 19. characteristic 20. desire 21. upset 22. bleeding 23. relief 24. allergic 25. confirm 26. guilty 27. dovotes 28. glared 29. revision 30. salty 语法复习1. what 2. is 3. that, hired 4. failing 5. in 6. recognised 7. lost 8. in behind 9.

9、what 10. that翻译1. Those who devote all their life to science deserve our respect. 2. He accused his neighbour of hurting the squirrels.3. It is said that jogging is beneficial to heart.4. During the war, he was forced to separate from his family.5. People always associate raining with Xiao Jingteng.6. Research ahs confirmed that the risk is higher to children.



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