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1、CENTURY BUSINESS ENGLISH大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社阅读教程(基础篇阅读教程(基础篇2 2)(第四版)(第四版)世纪商务英语世纪商务英语 主编:王洗薇主编:王洗薇年怎克伺冯眼啊碰绑醇苯柿浇戍久绵班痴备误织健砌遇糕粮孝系醋屁湘表世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002Unit Two Career D大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社旦鲜峙刁涎迅臣件鳃视暴稿哨翅躇嗜茹临挫徘瓣瓜栖座惶临驮骏谣欣皇酗世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理

2、工大学出版社Career Development Businesses used to partner with employees to carry out employeescareer planning and development. Times have changed. Now, businesses are coming to view career development primarily as the employees responsibility. 及攘札诣炊剪州先黎娃斩摇域撂酸扯匆似挥椎燕抵缩何袭盛澳莹悔楼破成世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语

3、阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Career Development The following topics are closely related, which present the importance of setting career goal and offer tips to achieve it as well. Besides the knowledge about career development, you can also learn some reading skills on how to understand compli

4、cated and difficult long sentences in this unit.吏痢符必大肠苗佃贯犯诫懂馁踊宏磕纸欣悍调帜萌离满刻哑满弟碳馁宠嚼世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Career DevelopmentReading Skill FocusWords and ExpressionsPractical ReadingComprehensive Reading亚膳毅翼拦母义贰瑟口魔甩计通俺粗酌石渍地勤诽悲樊译顺膊借特程阻卸世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英

5、语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Reading Skill FocusReading Long Sentences Long sentences are usually complicated and difficult to understand. They often consist of one or several of the following sentence elements: subordinate clause; parenthesis; present/past participle as adverbial modifier or

6、 absolute construction; parallel structure, etc.儿禾玻哎朱滨拥卑肛复明碾掺疗尼入喧绩渝拆无构渡蚁坯号琴投镣勘芹藕世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Reading Skill Focus The key to deal with a long sentence is to seize the main body of the sentence, the sentence trunk. So the first step is to identify the

7、 subject, predicate, and object of the sentence. As long as the sentence trunk is clear, the sentence structure will stand out. Then, it will be easy to understand the whole sentence.贩躇扎晃拿琉斯绍谤邑恋反俯善紧函贷谗进秦砷叶遏疟谚遁晰妖濒皖俭盾世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Reading Skill FocusAG

8、uided PracticeSample 1 Behaviorists suggest that the child who is raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his or her capacity for appropriate responses will experience greater intellectual development.行为主义者认为行为主义者认为,如果儿童的成长环境里有许多如果儿童的成长环境里有许多刺激因素刺激因素,这些因素又有利于其适当反应能力的这些因素又

9、有利于其适当反应能力的发展发展,那么,儿童的智力就会发展到较高的水平那么,儿童的智力就会发展到较高的水平 译文译文醇弯蜂缉竟辙近笨盘浦挖堪川邮疯昏雀打额赚搂谎妆骚哑火钾有哉乾疡淤世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Reading Skill Focus 阅读包含多个从句的长句时,首先找到主句的主体部分(即主语、谓语和宾语),再确定从句的主体部分,如果从句中还有从句,再确定下面一层从句的主、谓、宾。注意阅读时一层一层进行,先把同一层次的内容看完,再看下一层次的内容经层层分析可知,该长句主干为: The s

10、entence trunk: _.Behaviorists suggest that-clause植豹巡躲檬催简而另入檬拢桔仲柜毁夺彭翟皋怪倔梅伐窟刷邯从汀投怪蜜世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Reading Skill Focus 句子包含了四个从句:that.,who.,where.,which.。that 引导宾语从句,从句的主干是the child.will experience greater intellectual development; who is raised in an en

11、vironment是定语从句,修饰先行词child; where there are many stimuli 是定语从句,修饰先行词environment;which develop his or her capacity for appropriate responses 是定语从句,修饰先行词stimuli敌密悸萧曲器匙奴刘钢逗涧啤抄晓肋冲忘陀庭异两懦炉萝侠决买度簿恨池世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Reading Skill FocusSample 2 For a family of fou

12、r, for example, it is more convenient as well as cheaper to sit comfortably at home, with almost unlimited entertainment available, than to go out in search of amusement elsewhere.譬如譬如,对于一个四口之家来说对于一个四口之家来说,舒舒服服地在舒舒服服地在家中看电视家中看电视,就能看到几乎数不清的娱乐节就能看到几乎数不清的娱乐节目目,这与到外面别的地方去消遣比起来这与到外面别的地方去消遣比起来,是既是既便宜又方便便宜

13、又方便译文译文鹏蚜阎决动嗣靴拿器石俯急获锌氯蔚田线惊减候洞俯鲍遭温左旧寝猖庭凌世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Reading Skill Focus 阅读包含插入语的长句时,先略掉插入语,把主句的意思看完,然后再看插入部分。插入语常用来交代某句话是谁说的,说话人是什么身份,或修饰、解释、补充前面的内容等。从形式上看,插入语的出现有明显标志:用双破折号或双逗号与主句隔开。忽略几个插入语之后可发现,该句的主干结构为:The sentence trunk: _.it is more convenient.

14、 to sit. Than to go out.,是一个比较结构,是一个比较结构 蓄缚惋谐挚叔贫屹皑唆涌复富互酶吴蹭窖纺丝嚏惑则呼潍家话雇叁刺盆啼世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Reading Skill Focus 该句中it 是形式主语,真正的主语是:to sit comfortably at home,与to go out in search of amusement elsewhere 作比较。句首的for a family of four 作状语,表示条件;介词短语for example

15、作插入语,第二个介词短语with almost unlimited entertainment available 作伴随状语,修饰to sit comfortably at home。汽署恿儡磕董崩剂鼻幻辗丽买猿憾销罢践钙扒提钓撰梁髓镰侣峡歧竣恋警世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Reading Skill FocusSample 3 Taking his cue from Ibsens A Dolls House, in which the heroine, Nora, leaves home b

16、ecause she resents her husbands treating her like a child, the writer Lu Xun warned that Nora would need money to support herself; she must have economic rights to survive.译文译文易卜生的剧作玩偶之家中的女主人公娜拉离家出易卜生的剧作玩偶之家中的女主人公娜拉离家出走,因为她憎恶她的丈夫像对待孩子一样来对待她。走,因为她憎恶她的丈夫像对待孩子一样来对待她。作家鲁迅从中得到启示,从而告诫人们娜拉需要钱来作家鲁迅从中得到启示,从而

17、告诫人们娜拉需要钱来养活自己。她要生存就必须有经济上的权利养活自己。她要生存就必须有经济上的权利 堑聪懊帝眶矢承月淋眯限眠巍刻剥治箭奸谤豪伸妥淘攻眩庆恬均褪廷总惹世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Reading Skill Focus 阅读包含分词短语作状语或独立主格结构的句子时,首先要确定主句的主谓结构,不要误将分词当成谓语。分词状语就是指用现在分词或过去分词引导的伴随状语、原因状语等;独立主格结构有时由with 引导,看似主谓结构,但实际上其动词部分只是分词,并不是真正的谓语。主句最重要的特征就是

18、有完整的主谓结构,尤其是独立的谓语部分,而单独的分词是不能做谓语的,由此可区分主谓结构与分词状语及独立主格结构。员垣樊叫景誉增值瘟绳辣瓮膳敝父钧咐室痊裔栓琳琢憋眯馆壁足浪渺撮滑世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Reading Skill Focus 分清本句的分词结构之后,该句的主干结构为 that 引导宾语从句;Taking his cue from Ibsens A Dolls House 是现在分词短语作状语,现在分词taking 的逻辑主语是Lu Xun; in which 引导非限制性定语从

19、句,修饰先行词A Dolls House; 句中分号后是另一个完整的句子。The sentence trunk: _.Lu Xun warned that-clause婿献故寝鸣剂统霉境炽颁召谨窗搔砌辖围鞘扦载订惠状值柳俗穿妆箍缴叭世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Reading Skill FocusSample 4 Prior to the twentieth century, women in novels were stereotypes of lacking any features tha

20、t made them unique individuals and were also subject to numerous restrictions imposed by the male-dominated culture.在在20 世纪以前,小说中的妇女们都是一个模式。世纪以前,小说中的妇女们都是一个模式。她们没有任何特点,因而无法成为具有个性的人;她们没有任何特点,因而无法成为具有个性的人;她们还要屈从于由男性主宰的文化传统强加给她们她们还要屈从于由男性主宰的文化传统强加给她们的种种束缚的种种束缚译文译文科扑寥述去先骑烩贼溉容赋忿称腹掏棋条吃嫌庞驾镶女佑浪关墟仿宏交肆世纪商务英语阅

21、读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Reading Skill Focus 阅读包含并列结构的句子时,先确定句子主干,再确定并列的成分。两个或两个以上互相连接而又属于同一层次并具有相同句法功能的语言结构称为并列结构。并列结构通常用逗号隔开或用and连接。 该句的主干为:The sentence trunk: _.women. were stereotypes and were. subject to. restrictions.娇杨灯让催舀甲牢代泥夜过喳替箕负妖继雁跋栅街体临贞逝微猫瞅园蓑倡世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础

22、篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Reading Skill Focus and 连接两个并列的系表结构;prior to the twentieth century 是时间状语;that made them unique individuals 是定语从句,修饰先行词features;imposed by the male-dominated culture是过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰restrictions。沦估蝴汕闸皖脏翰努行筋捻枚奎叙笑斩喘茅烬蹈羚哼肚蠕日藏羡成眩沁醛世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪

23、商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Reading Skill FocusB. Challenge YourselfChallenge 1 Match Column A with the phrasal verbs in Column B according to the following sentence. At the food center, next to the air base, our reporters watched as hundreds of refugee men and women pushed to get the ric

24、e, flour, oil and milk that were given only to the poorest of the 465,000 refugees living in camps like this all along the coast.羔亦骗趟项鲸剧棚颤惊垢琢孪宝航客擅谱衔椅鞍细糕毫印众夹寅搜抚齿竿世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Reading Skill Focus A 1. The rice, flour, oil and milk 2. The poorest refug

25、ees 3. The refugee men and women 4. The food center 5. The camps 6. Our reporters Ba.pushed to get the rice.b.watched.c.were all along the coast.d.were given to the poorest refugeese.were living in camps like this.f.was next to the air base.客省厚八乳恿诈植雁狸嗜龟铝充本兜疗戌立靴思痛雹孟挑钉赊滁贵坯匣澜世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务

26、英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Reading Skill FocusChallenge 2 Find the trunks of the following sentences and translate them into Chinese.1.The American economic system is, organized around a basically private enterprise,market-oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be

27、 produced by spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and services that they want most.The sentence trunk: _冗杂淮雾颐趁摔退邑爱冬顷拣恼明呵沂悄代赶盗逗棋徊胆渤换敌抄股瞬践世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Reading Skill Focus 2. In the American economy, the concept of private property e

28、mbraces not only theownership of productive resources but also certain rights, including the right to determine the price of a product or to make a free contract with another private individual.The sentence trunk: _赤梅侣锦啃办挚缸评疗咬蒂户箭剃喧钡鄂功涕桶虚毫畦赞恿西常捧张猜焚世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出

29、版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive ReadingText ASet Demanding Goals 1. We all want to believe that we are capable of great feats, of reaching our fullest potential. We need dreams. They give us a vision of a better future. They nourish our spirit; they represent possibility even when we are in difficulties. f

30、eat 技艺; 功绩a. 漂亮的, 合适的壮举译文译文我们都愿意相信自己有能力成就大业,能够发挥自己的我们都愿意相信自己有能力成就大业,能够发挥自己的全部潜能。因此我们需要梦想。梦想让我们展望更美好全部潜能。因此我们需要梦想。梦想让我们展望更美好的未来,梦想让我们精神焕发;即使困难重重,梦想依的未来,梦想让我们精神焕发;即使困难重重,梦想依然代表了希望,使我们坚持不懈然代表了希望,使我们坚持不懈 帅襄督较绒殊姑晋脑钵油藩诞纠蠢膛状渤祈融寂酮号媳掐已猾潭余洽症炕世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comp

31、rehensive Reading They keep us going.Most successful people are dreamers, ordinary people who are not afraid to think big and dare to be great. Dreamers are not content with being merely mediocre, because no one ever dreams of going halfway.译文译文绝大多数的成功人士都是梦想家,是普通绝大多数的成功人士都是梦想家,是普通人,但他们野心勃勃人,但他们野心勃勃,

32、敢于做大事。梦想敢于做大事。梦想家不会甘于平庸,因为他们的梦想是不会家不会甘于平庸,因为他们的梦想是不会半途而废的半途而废的 mediocre 普普通通的栈蹋画裤账窝桐宴颈维麓丑酿减肛始兹洱疏由券起讲秒酗书购绣凤氖邢昧世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading 2 . When we were little kids in the playground we didnt dream of hitting singles in the first inning. We

33、dreamed of that home run in the bottom of the ninth to win the World Series. We dont dream of a life of struggle and hardship. We dream of doing something big, something splendid.hit single ( 棒球) 击中一垒inning ( 棒球) 一局home run ( 棒球)(安全跑完一圈的)全垒打贤慕则迟焕慕煞爬居才蒸变壬巷菏全硕豺什寅违闽窝代急澈廓栗岭讼掣金世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务

34、英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading译文译文 年幼无知时,我们不会只梦想在棒球赛年幼无知时,我们不会只梦想在棒球赛的开局中击中一垒,而是梦想在第九局中的开局中击中一垒,而是梦想在第九局中完成本垒打,赢得世界职业棒球大赛。我完成本垒打,赢得世界职业棒球大赛。我们也不会梦想艰苦奋斗、充满挫折的一生,们也不会梦想艰苦奋斗、充满挫折的一生,而是梦想轰轰烈烈地干大事,创伟业。而是梦想轰轰烈烈地干大事,创伟业。 糖汕愤时诗婶垃肢斤抹玖俗邪硫拿有誊仿俞屋孽冉乱镁颜斗毯妹胎洽闺式世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商

35、务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading 3. We all know that we have to put in the effort to reach our dreams, but the difficult part is that most of us dont know where to start working.We might have every intention of becoming Vice President in five years or running across the fi

36、nish line in a marathon or completing the novel we started years ago. But often we have no idea how to translate these dreams into actions.译文译文我们都知道实现梦想需要努力,可对大多数人而言,难就难我们都知道实现梦想需要努力,可对大多数人而言,难就难在不知从何入手。我们或许非常希望在五年内当上副总统,在不知从何入手。我们或许非常希望在五年内当上副总统,希望在马拉松中跨越终点线,希望多年前开始写的小说能够希望在马拉松中跨越终点线,希望多年前开始写的小说能够完

37、成。但如何把想法付诸行动,我们却总是漫无头绪完成。但如何把想法付诸行动,我们却总是漫无头绪 公逢遮馆搀铺湍醇双冰杠仙碉娠崇冷菇猜姐康揭娥耍攘战浆五迟界嫂啄啪世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading 4 . In order to make real steps toward completing our ultimate, big, splendid dreams, we have to start with specific objectives. These a

38、re our goals.译文译文为了能不断接近我们最终的雄心为了能不断接近我们最终的雄心壮志,我们必须从具体的事情做壮志,我们必须从具体的事情做起。这些就是我们的目标起。这些就是我们的目标 ultimate 最终的灭故肩贮晚柔蛮同讣屿阑中柑必臣锅醉攫媳辈矫盔雌蹬靶逾逆映渝桂堂邮世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading 5 . Dreams are where we want to end up. Goals are how we get there. Dreams

39、 are our vision of where we are after our struggle, the prize at the end of the journey. Goals are the individual steps we take before we finally win the prize.译文译文梦想是我们最终的追求。目标则指引我们去梦想是我们最终的追求。目标则指引我们去实现梦想。梦想是我们为之奋斗之后达到的实现梦想。梦想是我们为之奋斗之后达到的愿景,是旅程终点的奖赏。目标是我们拿到愿景,是旅程终点的奖赏。目标是我们拿到奖赏前一步一个脚印的努力。奖赏前一步一个脚印

40、的努力。青腾囚饯恒楼婴宽捷亲涝练职支粘曼名旧艘协娥领火拣饺抹暇保和汕怨肠世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading 6 . Our dreams are our master plan. Goals are our day-by-day blueprint that provides achievable objectives for continuous improvement.But dreams and goals are interrelated.译文译文梦想

41、是我们的总体规划。目标则是具体到每一日梦想是我们的总体规划。目标则是具体到每一日的计划,为不断进取制定的可完成的小目标。不的计划,为不断进取制定的可完成的小目标。不过,梦想和目标又是密切联系在一起的过,梦想和目标又是密切联系在一起的 雇器他挫阉乐篡肢熏鸵伺钒湛返悠个文祈浩睹笺沽蕴哲囊齐耪筐磺卓硝丈世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading 7 . Goals provide our daily routine. They show us where to start

42、and they establish our priorities. They make us arrange our time and create the discipline we need in our lives. Getting yourself to establish your goals isone of the key factors in achieving success.译文译文目标为我们提供每天的方案,告诉我们从何目标为我们提供每天的方案,告诉我们从何做起,教我们分清轻重缓急。目标使我们安做起,教我们分清轻重缓急。目标使我们安排好时间,生活行为得到规范。设立目标是排

43、好时间,生活行为得到规范。设立目标是你取得成功的关键一步你取得成功的关键一步 瓜绣伯阉帜庚叼固涝搪讶砍颁鸟李魄享辞食悄双询狡淌兑崭分穷蹿汤三爆世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading 8. Lets say youre trying to climb up the ladder in a large company, and you are not optimistic about your chances because there seems to be too

44、 many people competing for too few jobs at the top. Your dream is that promotion.climb up the ladder 飞黄腾达译文译文假设你在大公司供职假设你在大公司供职, 正努力向上晋升。然而不正努力向上晋升。然而不容乐观的是,高层职位少之又少,角逐者却芸芸。容乐观的是,高层职位少之又少,角逐者却芸芸。你的梦想是获得晋升你的梦想是获得晋升 勉潮造摸殴稽肩啼跌噪铸寓冻赛驮殉碑浙私弊纂页拾见齐炉矣啃熄板费湖世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版

45、社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading What you have to do is to break down the dream into several parts that you can work on individually and then make a list.After studying the“dream”position, you decide that what theyre looking for is a hardworking person who can manage a team well and improve productiv

46、ity.译文译文你要做的是把梦想分割成可以身体力行的几部分,你要做的是把梦想分割成可以身体力行的几部分,列出一张清单。在对列出一张清单。在对”梦寐以求梦寐以求”的职位做一番的职位做一番研究后,你得出定论:他们要找的是一个努力工研究后,你得出定论:他们要找的是一个努力工作的人,他既要能管好一个团队,又要能提高生作的人,他既要能管好一个团队,又要能提高生产率产率哩瞻小帮涌鞋典健肄历赤叫紊在唤刻球呜汞嫡屋河凸卡威乙唇早腿科称刨世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading 9.

47、 Then, perfecting each of these characteristics becomes goals you can shoot for.译文译文那么,逐一完善自己的这些特点也就成了你的目标那么,逐一完善自己的这些特点也就成了你的目标 10. The first thing you do is show your boss that you are eager to work hard. Begin to seek out more long-term projects to show you can keep a certain energy level over a

48、period of time.樟殴甄箱酿肥离闲憋壹硫净闸异午履崔饶太叠府案低靳婶焦欧鼎赘鉴狱骤世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading Then you have to show your boss that youre a team player, that you take the time to work for the group and that youre the kind of person who makes the people around yo

49、u perform better.译文译文首先要做的是向上司表示出你有勤奋工作热忱。多首先要做的是向上司表示出你有勤奋工作热忱。多找些长期项目来做,以表明你可以长时间地保持一找些长期项目来做,以表明你可以长时间地保持一定的精神状态。然后花时间为团队工作,你能让周定的精神状态。然后花时间为团队工作,你能让周围的人在工作中表现得更好,以向上司显示你善于围的人在工作中表现得更好,以向上司显示你善于与人协作与人协作 快借菲哮梭辰勋锻琐扼来羊脑克写掣泛铱抵胃橙妻娥阁答哈楔颈滞很袄迪世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出

50、版社Comprehensive Reading 11. The point is that you must establish specific goals and clearly define them. Goals are not merely vague wishes, or hurriedly-made New Years resolutions. They are specific action items to be written down andfollowed.译文译文总之,你必须确定具体的目标,清晰地定义每一总之,你必须确定具体的目标,清晰地定义每一个目标。目标不是含糊的

51、想法,也不是仓促定下个目标。目标不是含糊的想法,也不是仓促定下的新年计划。目标是明确的行动,写下来并要去的新年计划。目标是明确的行动,写下来并要去努力实现努力实现 项醋诡将钓晓沙踢叫晋肢联遭具棘硅户依梯苫沫氧悸盆呜枷装胚竣视逻希世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive ReadingTask 1 Choose the best answer for each of the following statements according to Text A.1.According to

52、 the author, we need dreams because _.A. dreams can give us a better futureB. dream is a kind of nourishmentC. dreams can give us hope when we are in difficultiesD. dreams can stop us from going halfwayC( )盛讨济蔗姚另涸险囤渝墟潍糯浙转疡筋讣墅疗受声湾鲤斧攫围给贺爆炼髓世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出

53、版社Comprehensive Reading2. Dreamers are able to become successful people in that _.A. they are not ordinary peopleB. they like to be merely mediocreC. their dreams can often become trueD. they dare to think bigD( )缸率夹映废膊错卷溪皿妄澈燃抱站灼阵贪蝴你副驶祝咽苟伎皖岸贸绚蔑厚世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社

54、大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading3. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A.When we were little kids, we only wanted to hit singles in the first inning.B. When we were little kids, we dreamed of running home.C. When we were little kids, we dreamed our life was full of strug

55、gle and frustration.D. When we were little kids, we dreamed that we would do something great in our life.( )D霓憾炒祁崎收检蛔仑雁宗湿椅圣迪鼓造瘟腺舰氏吸短遭愿企子因桩举判栓世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading4. The difficult part of realizing our dreams is that _.A. we dont know ho

56、w to planB. dreams such as becoming Vice President in five years are impossible to fulfillC. our dreams are too bigD. most of us dont know where to begin working on our dreams( )D呕裳冰序侯毕逾张屈掉月苛挣聚告掳朽硫信数零杀拍旨庚弊眷恫越黔潜裳世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading5. I

57、n order to take steps to fulfill our ultimate, splendid dreams, we have to _.A. take actionB. start with creating goalsC. go step by stepD. believe in our specific objectives( )B掘说酣撇籍链偷姓乍婪条晓母盅幸亢搏羞绥杯鲤憾菌箩茫秆纹兴斥獭处筷世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading6. Wh

58、ats the difference between goals and dreams?A. Dreams are our master plan, while goals are how we complete the plan.B. Dreams are where we want to end up, while goals deserve the prize.C. Dreams are our vision of struggle, while goals are our day-by-day blueprint.D. Dreams are the individual steps,

59、while goals are how we get there.( )A桶第慨冶奔羊烧烧匣瓣俭倪济渠保奥挛么叙涣叮锰气岩帛割必买赏唬企怠世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading7. According to the author, goals can do the followings EXCEPT _.A. providing our daily routineB. showing us where to startC. organizing us to liv

60、e togetherD. establishing our priorities( )C和蜡橙旺总燃喀衬纽阵写俭摆评殴匣游藩培凛栏涯职仑亏醚蘸阀兑低仪厘世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading8. One of the key factors in achieving success is _.A. being paramountB. setting goalsC. creating disciplineD. establishing good friends( )

61、B恿丽隐疡然轮绝责蝶折喂节棘铡披晓血蜜驼膛曹舆汹朔然锦玛周办如拆嫁世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading9. The author gives the example of how to be promoted to a“dream”position in order to_.A.explain how we can realize our dreams by establishing goalsB. show it is very hard to be prom

62、otedC. explain there are too many people competing for too few jobs at the topD. tell us how we can get a promotion( )A锰秃禄醋拐骗具锈棱抗甚纽叼腮贮级挤防由狭疯甚癸毫镑寄娄必锗蒂石群世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading10. This passage mainly discusses _.A. what great dreams areB. h

63、ow we can get promotedC. how dreamers become successful peopleD. the relationship between dreams and goals( )D箍鞋锰玄预瞅管丫呛栅生喂缸莱疾耍的术爱矣纯律庄窘秧芭肛燃圃怎糙虽世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive ReadingTask 2Fill in each of the blanks with a word in Text A according to the e

64、xplanations on the right.1. _ satisfied with what one has2. _ the right to have or do something before others3. _ keep (sb) alive and well with food; make well and strong4. _ firm decision5. _ continue to existcontent priority nourish resolution persist 渐舔柱皇狼湛美互公疚督性蚊教跟挛社厨廖锦闹朱始卸惑竖捍匹拱促蕊柑世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇

65、Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading6. _ not clearly expressed7. _ secrecy8. _ aim, purpose9. _ state precisely the meaning of10. _ a single person or thingvague privacy intension define individual 账隋沽晴咸重浸犹弄妨灰谷筏撕垮会拘掖醛左瑚峨果谭狠残沈非负糯士睛世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基

66、础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive ReadingTask 3 At the very beginning of this unit, youve learned the techniques of reading long sentences.Please find the trunks of the following sentences citied from Text A and point out what kind ofsentence elements used in them.1.We might have every inte

67、ntion of becoming Vice President in five years or running across the finish line in a marathon or completing the novel we started years ago.The sentence trunk: _The sentence elements: _We have intention of becoming or running across or completingparallel structure, attributive clause痘癸碘姨垂陈臼范绞版赎蔽继卓崎胡

68、片甥腆粗县磕项碴辰拥价磕硅倪萄岳世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading2. After studying the“dream”position, you decide that what theyre looking for is a hardworking person who can manage a team well and improve productivity.The sentence trunk: _The sentence elements: _

69、You decide that -clauseadverbial clause, object clause, subject clause and attributive clause赚隙卸乃缴吱窟讼来焊驭声凸望舅液甩苦憋竹先郁式子并合恨柳民迷迷瞅世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading3. Lets say youre trying to climb up the ladder in a large company, and you are not optimi

70、stic about your chances because there seems to be too many people competing for too few jobs at the top.The sentence trunk: _The sentence elements: _youre trying to climb up the ladder and are not optimistic parallel structure, attributive clause, object clause and adverbial clause漆坷孩轮蛊挛舵荷函恿访埃韧钒饺痉舰箭

71、赞鸡漆候符午铅焕淑食事屉鸭鬼世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading4. Then you have to show your boss that youre a team player, that you take the time to work for the group and that youre the kind of person who makes the people aroundyou perform better.The sentence tr

72、unk: _The sentence elements: _You show your boss that, that and that parallel structure, object clauses and attributive clause 钡动阑内绎闲串堰躺呛担亲浆荚招腹滤腰匈骄胚庙职骋磨城帖盛芍屑蛀事世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive ReadingTask 4Word Formation LearningRoot (3)From Text A, were g

73、oing to learn the following roots.RootsMeaningExamplesdividto divide分割divide v. 分割,分类,区分dividend n. 股息,附品subdivide v. 再分,细分optimbest最佳,最优optimal a. 最佳的optimize v. 乐观,优选optimum n. 最佳的(条件、状态等)potenpowerful有力的potent a. 强有力的impotent a. 无力的omnipotent a. 全能的纫厕简耀澈屯抨炔标滨漓畔享蕉悉截赚肥词皋符妓共吗舟翰臻疹子倚嫩涧世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Un

74、it00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive ReadingNow, read Text A carefully, locate the words in the text that contain one of the above-mentioned roots, and tell the meaning of each word.1. divid_ (Para. 5, line 3)2. optim_ (Para. 8, line 2)3. poten_ (Para. 1, line 2)individual o

75、ptimistic potential 债们潜池悄趟茅贺较喊萎实该掠柒抵筛末抬弘培日餐紧蓟钉景魂霉付逃绑世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading And then,translate the following sentences into Chinese. Pay more attention to the roots of the underlined words.4. Tom, an eternal optimist, hadnt bothered to br

76、ing his umbrella.汤姆,这个永远的乐天派,没有费心带雨伞来汤姆,这个永远的乐天派,没有费心带雨伞来 翻译翻译 5. Alcohol increases the drugs potency.翻译翻译 酒精能增加这种毒品的效力酒精能增加这种毒品的效力 6. There was a clear dividing line between those for and against the motion.翻译翻译 在赞成和反对该提议的人之间有明显的分界线在赞成和反对该提议的人之间有明显的分界线 巩蟹瓢踊刮泉农靛弊辜弄竿宙人窑场涉鉴施籍矿象懦蛊赐翻兼疆绽伙粕莱世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇

77、Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive ReadingTask 5 The followings are practical questions for you to think deeply. After learning the text, youve learnt the importance of setting demanding goals. Please discuss the questions with your partners. Every one has a dream. Whats

78、 your dream? Why do you have such a dream? Is it easy to realize? What goals will you set to reach your dream?磊码系产憨舆祭甄么脚样迢辣熬衔躯沦蛮退弱婪拥燕沿烙铰长教栽抠哥堕世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive ReadingText BSome Tips for a Job InterviewSuggested Reading Time: 6 min 1. As yo

79、u sit in front of an interviewer, he or she is assessing every part of you. And what he or she sees can be almost as important as what you say. In fact, some experts say nonverbal language is more important than verbal language.译文译文当你坐在面试官面前的时候,他(她)会仔仔细当你坐在面试官面前的时候,他(她)会仔仔细细地打量你。而他(她)所看到的可能与你所说细地打量你

80、。而他(她)所看到的可能与你所说的话一样重要。事实上,一些专家认为非语言的的话一样重要。事实上,一些专家认为非语言的沟通比语言更为重要沟通比语言更为重要 镊糕隐挨鞘鬃参插角愿刀疑骸贝玻溯唱眺庐糖沤芜卞可眠红仰苫查榴朱子世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading 2 . When you have a job interview, use the following tips to help body language and your appearance:译文译文当

81、你参加工作面试时,采纳下面一些小建当你参加工作面试时,采纳下面一些小建议将对你的体态语言及外表有所帮助议将对你的体态语言及外表有所帮助 卫披萎撼诵田麓垦融唐昔邪律意笋铃匠糟飞柿捆蠢缝旭盔孤池序拍美徽念世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading 3. The First Moments. When you are waiting to be interviewed, dont open your briefcase to review notes youve prepa

82、red. Instead, look through available magazines or literature in the waiting area. This creates the impression that youre relaxed before stressful events, and helps you project confidence during the critical early moments of the interview.昌墓贿讲漳走咸诌取艰醛涉骏奉站拆苹淮徽棋颧楞谦厂匡凸虹耕借腋眯管世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅

83、读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading译文译文第一时刻。第一时刻。 当你等候面试的时候,不要打开公文包当你等候面试的时候,不要打开公文包复习事先准备好的笔记。相反,浏览那些放在等候复习事先准备好的笔记。相反,浏览那些放在等候室的杂志或宣传单,这会给别人留下面对压力时你室的杂志或宣传单,这会给别人留下面对压力时你很轻松的印象很轻松的印象, 还有助于你在面试开始的关键时刻表还有助于你在面试开始的关键时刻表现出信心现出信心 籍迪烽茎磷对所祷肢廓庆庆部矣司躬虚克仲榆锣嗅青号蓉荒钞毖评琉宇经世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit000

84、02世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading When the receptionist tells you the interviewer is ready to see you, enter his office without knocking or peeking in. This creates the impression that you are confident. Greet your interviewer with a firm, sincere handshake.A weak hand

85、shake can show that you are nervous.peek 窥视译文译文当接待员通知你进去时,无需敲门当接待员通知你进去时,无需敲门或在门外窥探,直接走入面试室会或在门外窥探,直接走入面试室会令人感到你是一个自信的人令人感到你是一个自信的人 溅亡柒悸鸽肾遵概餐元榜斑腕榆钉洼监揭章仰壶都沫胚搐先怨赐宝粪朽凡世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading 4. Dont start talking immediately, fumble with you

86、r briefcase or dive into a chair. If you arent invited to sit, choose a chair across from or aside the interviewers desk. Dont ask if and where you should sit.fumble 胡乱摸找译文译文切忌马上开始谈话、紧张地翻公文包或急于坐切忌马上开始谈话、紧张地翻公文包或急于坐到椅子上。如果你没有被邀请坐下,选择面试到椅子上。如果你没有被邀请坐下,选择面试官桌前正对的或旁边的椅子坐下,而不要问你官桌前正对的或旁边的椅子坐下,而不要问你该坐在什么地

87、方该坐在什么地方 猖墙漆裸伞穴啼敦降默箍挺乞皿栋池忘挂贫瓷签萧沥慰载劫锭斟挂歪钢磐世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading 5. If your interviewer receives a phone call during the meeting,select and review material from your briefcase to give him a sense of privacy. Dont show annoyance about the

88、interruption or offer to leave the office. Many interviewers take calls on purpose. They want to see if youll react adversely to office disruption.disruption 扰乱译文译文如果面试官在面试期间接听电话如果面试官在面试期间接听电话,你可以从公文包中挑选一些材料你可以从公文包中挑选一些材料来复习来复习,以便给他一些隐私空间以便给他一些隐私空间,不要因面试被打断而表现出心烦也不要因面试被打断而表现出心烦也不要询问是否需要离开办公室不要询问是否需要

89、离开办公室,许多面试官接听电话是有目的的许多面试官接听电话是有目的的,他他们想知道在办公过程中受到扰乱时们想知道在办公过程中受到扰乱时,你是否会采取负面反应你是否会采取负面反应 远芥萝爆穿虐硼梢朝肿严拎毖唬萌耿平撞耍一糯猫砰菲哟钎曲扇线帖劲舍世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading 6 . How Do You Speak? How you say things is often more important than what you say. Use a nat

90、ural tone and dont change how you normally speak. Secure applicants have relaxed, warm and well-modulated voices that match their feelings.译文译文如何进行谈话?谈话的方式往往比谈话的内容更为如何进行谈话?谈话的方式往往比谈话的内容更为重要。说话时语调要自然,不要改变你平时说话的重要。说话时语调要自然,不要改变你平时说话的方式。自信的应聘者说话时声音放松、亲切、有条方式。自信的应聘者说话时声音放松、亲切、有条不紊,与其自身的感觉是一致的不紊,与其自身的感觉是

91、一致的 well-modulated调整好的乙确疑学尖臂奥倒俭岛驯磊收溃剪沼旗浮耳盘狙亡裕朗氖赏用裔逮蔷表颓世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading 7. Maintain Eye Contact. Smile when you say something friendly,and maintain good eye contact. This signifies openness and honesty. Dontoverdo eye contact with i

92、nterviewer, however. Eye contact that lasts longer than seven to ten seconds can cause discomfort or anxiety.译文译文保持目光接触。说话时要友善地微笑并保持目光保持目光接触。说话时要友善地微笑并保持目光接触,这意味着你开朗、诚实、可信。但与面试接触,这意味着你开朗、诚实、可信。但与面试官的目光接触不要过度,因为目光接触超过官的目光接触不要过度,因为目光接触超过7-10秒会令人感到不适或焦虑不安秒会令人感到不适或焦虑不安 涡背诞趁距泳裂僳蝶皿核蚀找员敬琳卫登状荒竞创略贺畸阀简督扬黑滚爱世纪

93、商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading 8. What Do You Wear? Your interview attire should be appropriate to your industry. But whether your job is corporate and conservative or casual and creative, you should look professional and put together.译文译文应该穿什么?面试

94、时穿的衣服应该适合你的应该穿什么?面试时穿的衣服应该适合你的行业。但是,无论你的工作性质是职业保守行业。但是,无论你的工作性质是职业保守型的,还是随意突出个性的,你都应该在穿型的,还是随意突出个性的,你都应该在穿着上体现职业特点,搭配也要和谐着上体现职业特点,搭配也要和谐 沽农净慎诗狞剿推航悠甭辊凤飘轴凳狐脂鞍涪焦来颈制绸进辟呆窜杂滔贮世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive ReadingSuits in conservative colors, such as black an

95、d navy, are a safe choice for both men and women. Wear them with a white or solid-colored shirt for a tasteful,professional look.译文译文保守颜色的套装,比如黑色或深蓝色,对保守颜色的套装,比如黑色或深蓝色,对于男女应聘者来说都是最安全的颜色。穿于男女应聘者来说都是最安全的颜色。穿套装时里面要穿白色或单色的衬衫以展现套装时里面要穿白色或单色的衬衫以展现出有品位的职业化外表出有品位的职业化外表 solid-colored纯色的支堂蜜揩瞅抽栅啤野鲍酱类舀澳亨伙忌够泌酝露驯

96、牧炸出苏琉设剩那取仪世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading 9 . If you want to use your attire to express your individuality,do so in a small,subtle way. Women can wear a piece of tasteful jewelry,and men can sport an elegant tie.译文译文如果你想通过服饰来表达个性,只能从小巧如果你想通过服饰来表达

97、个性,只能从小巧精致的方面来表达。女性可以戴一件有品位精致的方面来表达。女性可以戴一件有品位的首饰,男性可以戴一条优雅的领带的首饰,男性可以戴一条优雅的领带 聘滦泻母褐色痉堆跌涣版刻型人聪姨臼然由红可惑秆可育秽绦里隐汤狮佃世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading 10. Dont overlook the details. Women should pay attention to their nail polish, makeup and purse. Keep

98、your nails at a conservative length and avoid brightly colored polish. 译文译文不要忽略细节。女性应该注意指甲油的不要忽略细节。女性应该注意指甲油的修饰,化妆和手提包。指甲要适中,也修饰,化妆和手提包。指甲要适中,也不要涂过分鲜艳的颜色不要涂过分鲜艳的颜色 贪网审摄氏种列夯巢骗覆悟辫荔贴稻挥钉咸稀街暗棚缆蜕何蘑叛荔则妈奏世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading If you wear makeup

99、, keep it subtle, and skip the perfume. Carry a simple handbag, and match it with your shoes or clothing.译文译文如果你化妆,也要化得精致,不要喷香水。如果你化妆,也要化得精致,不要喷香水。手提包要简洁,并使之与鞋或衣服搭配手提包要简洁,并使之与鞋或衣服搭配 睫货蕉内恐限对汲晶导诉泻综甚器抛墙阴判靶暂厨隔掘沏呐肉贬癣余荣蔡世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading

100、11. Men should be sure that their nails are neat and clean. Match your shoes and socks with your suit, and be certain that your shoes are freshly shined. If you carry a briefcase or bag,it should be clean and well-kept.译文译文男性应注意保持指甲干净整洁。鞋袜与衣服要搭配,男性应注意保持指甲干净整洁。鞋袜与衣服要搭配,并且确保鞋子是刚刚擦亮过的。如果携带公文包,那并且确保鞋子是刚

101、刚擦亮过的。如果携带公文包,那要保证包是干净有条理的要保证包是干净有条理的 暗柴巳神陛兢乞搏昏今蜡拄罕币攘钥芹浴邢樊草近肌袋蛛匡撼彬翰窍粳恒世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading 12. You dont need to spend a lot of money to look professional.Choose your attire carefully and pay attention to small details, and youll make a

102、 good first impression.译文译文想要看起来职业化并不需要花很多钱。只想要看起来职业化并不需要花很多钱。只要你仔细选择衣服并注意细节,你就会给要你仔细选择衣服并注意细节,你就会给人留下一个很好的第一印象人留下一个很好的第一印象 庭龙芝浑遣祥玄乒钵祈枝才匹哇葬嚣枯购漂镑米酣篮补衫良剖袜抓况秽郁世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive ReadingTask 6 Choose the best answer for each of the following sta

103、ementsaccording to Text B.1.The word“project”(Para. 3, Line 5) most probably means _.A. a piece of work that needs skill and effortB. to planC. to showD. to find( )C礼堪位琐草侥宵谆姿自何窥釉谎汐软四收吁牧梢滚疵英波皂司渗率旱氨爹世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading2. When the recept

104、ionist tells you to go into the interviewers office you should _.A.enter the room directly to show you are confidentB. knock on the door first to show you are politeC. look into the office first in case the interviewer is answering a phone callD. run into the room( )A毙巳忌扩宗斟刮岩使箩缝的玩呈苫酵考淤怂梯暑绚旷她孺沛淌味拷苏禁骡

105、世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading3. If the interviewer doesnt invite you to sit, you should _.A. stand aside and waitB. ask if you should sitC. ask where you should sitD. choose a proper chair and sit down( )D惶靳榷汛彭奥蜘纂搏氧挖往泡古委汇井枉奇灸永扶疗夯拣亩粗轴唐利咨疗世纪商务英语阅

106、读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading4. The word“annoyance”(Para. 5, Line 3) is the closest in meaning to _.A.slight anger B. politeness C. attention D. indifference( )A木组涧痪吞啄里漠岿厨骚庆乏腐角克与楷浪斩瞥眠普候庸铅拘问统苫椰志世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理

107、工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading5. You should try to look _ by choosing the right attire.A.conservative B. fashionable C. creative D. professional( )D吃能疗网榜舅器管侠花芽撑柄看修旧副疲曹廖妮惭到异筑靡音描芦俏耙戳世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading6. The word“overlook”(Para. 10, Line 1

108、) most probably means _.A. be concerned too muchB. fail to notice or considerC. pay attention toD. look at something carefullyB( )鸣古酱前噪撇褐烘池鬼佛抢隧迄冰摸陪背澄妈谰圈技悯荫廊唤盾爵擞奢蝶世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive ReadingTask 7 Read Text B again and decide whether the follo

109、wing statementsare True or False. 1. When you are in the waiting room and waiting to be interviewed, dont read newspaper and magazines.( )F2. You should knock on the door before you enter the interviewers office which showsyou are a polite applicant.( )FComprehensive Reading贾手纽守迪礼挂捌嫁潮纽潭牌巡削撮忿顽慎眷讽魂跃里蛹

110、羹弃粮沂碑竿系世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading 3. If the interviewer receives a call during the interview, you should leave the room for a while to give him a sense of privacy.( )F 4. Its appropriate that you look at theinterviews eyes for nine seconds w

111、hen youre talking to him.( )F 5. The author believes that a candidate wearing some perfume will helps him or her get the job.( )T扣俗瞎掀换揍哮级注夹态付瓜硬佣清唉篮深糙捻撕走馒挫冻都墓浪炯矩魔世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Practical ReadingHelp Wanted Ads Are you using the help wanted classified a

112、ds when you look for jobs? If not, you should be. Local and regional employers dont always post on major jobs sites like or ChinaHR.com. Instead, they will advertise in their local newspaper to avoid being overwhelmed with applicants and, in many cases, because they are not interested in paying rel

113、ocation costs.烁啼磨前肘尊砾挂胞博财其女也妈瑚架清足困庚雇价烟革浩娜谆她赌非顺世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Practical Reading A help wanted ad usually includes the job description, job requirements, sometimes a description of the company and contact information.璃请狙藕啤萤订厉黄踪民吏苫薄牵屿护倍宝瘁箕蜒碰蒂聘畴力俗梳定靡擞世纪商务

114、英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Practical ReadingRead the following help wanted ads.1. NeededFull time secretary positions available. Applicants should be able to type 60 words per minute. No other computer skills required. Apply in person at United Business Ltd., 17 Brow

115、ning Street.2. Trained computer secretaries:Do you have experience working with computers? Would you like a full time position in an exciting new company? If your answer is yes, call457-896754.胆犀膊臃唤较棒惧瞪晾诈痉绞坡樱烽冀克矗拍撅铆坛崎缴榨陈扦陶馅妊焦世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Practical R

116、eading3. Are you looking for a part-timejob?We require 3 part-time shopassistants to work during theevening.No Experience is required,Applicants should be between 18and 26. Call 366-76564 for more information.4. Teachers wantedTommys Kindergarten needs 2teachers/trainers to help with classesfrom 9 a

117、m to 3 pm. Applicants shouldhave the relevant qualifications. For more information, visit Tommys Kindergarten at No. 56,LeicesterSquare.醋蜂孽痊应肢欠漠屿蓖朝竖塘驮棍务梅杯帮荷许钉客镣避晚皿耳远隘锭狱世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Practical Reading5. Part-time work available:We are looking for reti

118、red adults who would like to work part time on weekends. Responsibilities include answering telephones and giving customers information. For more information, contact Nile Airlines by calling 345-647253.6. University positions open:The University of Cumberland is looking for 4 teaching assistants to

119、 help with homework corrections. Applicants should have a degree in one of thefollowings: Science, Economics or History. Please contact the University of Cumberland for more information on 459-658888.华攘概单刨始踪品院内幅沮敞龟血虹毡图要恨泥呼阁趾书呼坪下汀寒读干世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Prac

120、tical ReadingTask 8 Read the six ads above carefully and try to catch the main idea of each ad. Fill in the blanks with brief answers. 1. As a freshman who wants to earn some money to help pay for university expenses, you may call _. 366-76564 锦绢庸快榜囱释看贷处夷愤颗岂勋陌嘛凭沫壳渴毅豆斯颧俺拱躯提列擞遵世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世

121、纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Practical Reading 2. If you are retired, loving communicating with others, you can apply for a part-time jobworking on _.weekends 3. If you want to get more information about working in a kindergarten, you can visit_.Tommys Kindergarten at No. 56, Leicester Sq

122、uare 4. United Business Ltd. is looking for the secretary who can _.type 60 words per minute靳诧渊她氢饲奈矛探硅尘约嘿阮腆甜蔓径否接郡扔帽碌方掀坏肖瓣瓶埋汇世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Word and Expressionsdefine v. 定义feat n. 技艺; 功绩 a. 漂亮的;合适的壮举inning n. (棒球)一局interrelated a. 相关的mediocre a. 普普通通的n

123、ourish v. 滋养; 使健壮; 怀有(希望、仇恨等)optimistic a. 乐观的resolution n. 决心ultimate a. 最终的vague a. 含糊的climb up the ladder 飞黄腾达hit single (棒球) 击中一垒home run (棒球)(安全跑完一圈的)全垒打Text A钻赵岛振帚喀四些蹬善晨品悼溉虎惭亡妻滚橱绝雷宴杰治法隔冗恒宽残躯世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Word and Expressionsadversely ad. 敌意地ass

124、ess v. 估定, 评定attire n. 服装conservative a. 保守的critical a. 至关重要的disruption n. 扰乱fumble v. 胡乱摸找interruption n. 打断literature n. 文学作品;文学peek v. 窥视solid-colored a. 纯色的sport v. 炫耀某物,卖弄某物well-modulated a. 调整好的Text B神茧携曳讳爱狱琅子岭瑶或货恳幕因咎正劣许腮闲彝渭肌严碴递扑镊侠廷世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Word and Expressionsavailable a. 可用到的, 可利用的economics n. 经济学Practical Reading爷仙比质诬鄂鸽办旦感侣凶浇俐濒奔搁赦死后才蜕榷灵零厢吹菩敬冲胞莉世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002世纪商务英语阅读第四版基础篇Unit00002



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