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1、2023-2024学年第二学期期末考试八年级英语试卷一、听力(每小题1分,计20分)1How does Marias father go on business? ABC2What are the two speakers talking about? ABC3Which sign does the woman mean? ABC4What does Daniel do now? ABC5What did the woman do yesterday? AShe visited South Hill.BShe went to a meeting.CShe took care of her ba

2、by.6What will the weather be like tomorrow? ASunny.BCloudy.CRainy.7Which is the womans favourite food? AChinese.BIndian.CItalian.8What can we know from the talk? AMichael doesnt know what to do.BMichael will take the advice.CMichael will have an exam.9When did the man make the invitation?AWednesday.

3、BFriday.CSunday.10How long has the woman been here?AFor 5 minutes.BFor 15 minutes.CFor 20 minutes.听一段对话,回答下列各小题。11Where may the dialogue happen?AIn a cinema.BOver the phone.COutside a cinema.12Why was the man late?AHe helped a friend in need.BHe met a friend in need.CHe visited a friend in need.听短文,

4、回答以下各小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。A telephone messageThe location of the roomsOn the 13 floorPrice for two rooms 14 per nightFree meal 15 Things to bringID card13AfifteenthBfifthCtenth14A$50B$ 300C$ 15015AbreakfastBlunchCsupper听短文,回答下列各小题。16Why is David walking across Europe?ATo do exercise.BTo see dif

5、ferent places.CTo raise money for charity.17How old was David when he lost his legs?AEight.BTen.CTwelve.18Which country will David end up in?ARussia.BFrance.CGermany.19How long will it take David to complete the journey?AAbout one month.BAt least two months.COver three months.20Where will David stay

6、 during the journey?AIn a tent.BIn hotels.CIn peoples houses.二、补全对话(每小题1分,计5分)W: Good evening, Ted! Tell our listeners what you do, pleaseM: Good evening! I help collect rubbish along the Zhou River with other members in our volunteer teamW: Thats great! 21 M: As you see, the Zhou River is our mothe

7、r riverIt provides us with clear water 22 W: I agree with you 23 M: Um 10 girls and 15 boysW: When do you do this work?M: We live near the riverAfter dinner every evening, 24 and when we see the rubbish, we collect itW: 25 M: Yeah, I think so.AWe dont want it to be polluted.BHow many members do you

8、have in the team?CIts good for your health and the environment, isnt it?DHow did you come up with the idea?Ewe take a long walk along the side of the river三、完形填空(每小题1分,计15分)May is a beautiful month full of sunshine and loveIt is also the month when we show 26 to our mothers on Mothers DayIn my famil

9、y, every years Mothers Day celebration is 27 Two years ago, I made breakfast in bed for my mom and she still remembers all the 28 I cooked that morningLast year, I bought her a selfie stick (自拍杆) with the money that I made from 29 some of my old booksShe likes it very much that she uses it all the t

10、imeI wanted to do 30 special on Mothers Day in 2020In April, I started to 31 different gift ideas on the InternetFinally, I decided to make multiple (多层的) cards 32 myself and make paper box out of the cardsI cut and layered each card according to their 33 and taped them into a box shapeIt took me a

11、long time to make the lid (盖子) fit 34 I also put a small bag of colorful chocolates in the boxThe 35 I wrote on the cards were some small things I could do for my mom, such as washing dishes, cooking dinner and cleaning the roomOn the night 36 Mothers Day, I asked my mom to go to sleep 37 so that I

12、could go into her room and put the gift next to her bedWhen she woke up, she was very 38 about my gift and spent a lot of time looking at the whole box completelyMy mom is my hero and she has 39 her job to take care of meI am glad that there is a special day in May for me to 40 the love to my dear m

13、other.26AthanksBreasonsCtalentDhobby27AsameBsadCluckyDdifferent28AdishesBmealsCproductsDfruits29AkeepingBsellingCgivingDshowing30AanythingBnothingCsomethingDeverything31Aleave forBcare forCpay forDlook for32Awith robotBby handCon phoneDin English33AsizeBgameCscoreDquestion34AsuddenlyBclearlyCcorrect

14、lyDhardly35AnewsBbooksCmessagesDadvice36AbeforeBafterCsinceDfor37AbadlyBearlyClateDwisely38AexcitedBsadCangryDupset39Aended upBgiven upCtaken upDcome up40AshowBopenCloseDachieve四、阅读理解(每小题2分,计40分)(一)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。AThe Mud OlympicsThe Mud Olympics is held every year in a small German town called BrunsbuettelAround 50 teams from different countries meet and play football and other sports in deep mudAs you can see, the players ge



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