高中英语:《Study skills》专题教学指导课件(新人教版)

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1、Unit 15 Study skillsLesson57 On readingReading comprehension(I)1. Which is the most important tip the author wants to give us in the passage? _A.Three ways of reading.B. Enjoy our reading.C. How to decide what to read.D. How to guess the unknown words.BREADING COMPREHENSION(II)2. “Its enough to dip

2、into it and read bits here and there.” The underlined phrase in the above sentence can be replaced by _. A. put into B. taste C. swallow D. chew and digestBREADING COMPREHENSION(III)3. When corning across a new word in reading, we_. A. should never turn to a dictionary for help B. have to guess its

3、exact meaning from the context (上下文上下文) C. can get some hints (提提示示) from the situation and repeated examples in the text D. neednt pay any attention to itCREADING COMPREHENSION(IV) An interesting magazine, which you may read in a doctors waiting room, belongs to the books for _. A. swallowing B. ta

4、sting C. chewing and digesting D. A & BDLANGUAGE POINTS(I)11. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. (1) _sell this old car, and buy a new one. (2) Its turned awfully chilly, and I think_. (3) The books you borrowed from the library_ be returned

5、before July 5th.(4) The train _arrive in Beijing at 10:25 pm.(5) I met Christine in the door way just as she_ go away.(6) Johnny_ say something more about the problem, but he checked himself.I am going toits going to rainare tois towas about towas about toLANGUAGE POINTS(II)2.For example, you might

6、pick up a travel book and read a few pages before going to sleep.It is enough to dip into it and read bits here and there. In a word, this is “tasting”.# I cant say I know a great deal about American history. I have just _ one or two books on the subject.#Each student _ a finger _ the mixture and su

7、cked it. The mixture tasted terrible.dipped intodippedintoEXERCISES in a word / in other words / above all /at the same time / such as / and so on(1) The band played all the evening-.Beethoven and Wagner _ .(16) Animals that gnaw (咬咬、啃), _ mice, rats, rabbits and weasels, are called rodents (啮齿动物物).(18) Bruce did pass the history exam; _he didnt know the subject very well.(19) Quite a few tips are given on how to be an efficient reader, but _ we must enjoy our reading.(20) Your performance didnt meet our demand _, you failed.and so on such as at the same time above all in other words



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