广东省广州天河外国语学校高考英语语法一轮复习 形容词和副词课件2

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1、四、形容词和副词四、形容词和副词Directions:For each of the following unfinished sentences there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.()1.For the kiteflying competition, his grandfather made a _ kite.A. silk dragonshaped golden B. golden silk dragonshapedC. dragonshape

2、d golden silk D. golden dragonshaped silk1C。考查多个形容词修饰名词的排序问题。考查多个形容词修饰名词的排序问题。常用的顺序是:限定词数量形容词描绘性常用的顺序是:限定词数量形容词描绘性形容词大小、长短、高低等形体性形容词形容词大小、长短、高低等形体性形容词新旧颜色国籍材料用途被修饰名词。新旧颜色国籍材料用途被修饰名词。 ()2.We were in _ when we left that we forgot the airline tickets.A.a rush so anxious B.B. a such anxious rushC. so an

3、 anxious rush D. such an anxious rush 2D。考查。考查such和和so固定结构:固定结构:soadj.a/ann. 或或sucha/anadj.n.。 ()3.He wanted to read more, so he asked his friend if there was _ to read.A. something easy enough B. something enough easyC. enough easy something D. easy enough something3A。 修饰不定代词的形容词要放到其后,修饰不定代词的形容词要放到

4、其后,enough修饰形容词或副词要后置。修饰形容词或副词要后置。 ()4.Did you enjoy your trip to the Great Wall? Yes. I had never expected _ trip.A. the better B. a betterC. the best D. a best4B。“否定词比较级否定词比较级”表最高级的句表最高级的句型运用。同时注意没有比较范围,所以不型运用。同时注意没有比较范围,所以不用定冠词。用定冠词。 ()5.The Pacific is _ ocean in the world, which is partially resp

5、onsible for the change of the weather. A. the larger by far B. a largest by far C. by far the largest D. by far the larger5C。本题看似没有范围的比较,但实际上是。本题看似没有范围的比较,但实际上是有范围的有范围的(即四大洋中的即四大洋中的)最高级比较。最高级比较。by far the largest表示表示“最大的,比最大的,比(其余的其余的)大得多的大得多的 ”。 ()6.The village is far away from here indeed. Its _ w

6、alk.A. a four hour B. a four hours C. a fourhours D. a four hours 6D。句意为:这个村庄离这其实挺远的。句意为:这个村庄离这其实挺远的。需要需要4个小时的路程。个小时的路程。()7.Henry,how is everything going on with you in your new university?Fairly well. Not so smoothly as I expected,_.Athough BinsteadCeither Dtoo 7A。考查副词。考查副词。though作副词时放于句末,作副词时放于句末,

7、表示意思的转折,和前面的句子用逗号隔开。表示意思的转折,和前面的句子用逗号隔开。 ()8.Theres nothing _ being robbed while you are on holiday. Abetter than Bwrong with Cas well Dworse than8D。句意:没有什么比你在度假的时候被。句意:没有什么比你在度假的时候被抢更加糟糕的了。抢更加糟糕的了。worse than 比比更糟糕更糟糕的,更坏的。的,更坏的。 ()9.Dont take it too _to have such kind of examination, for its anythi

8、ng but difficult. A. different B. easyC. seriously D. simple9C。take it too seriously to do sth 为固定为固定结构,表示太把做某事当一回事。结构,表示太把做某事当一回事。 ()10.Have you known the news that we will have a visit to the USA in three weeks?Surely. _, I would not be so happy.A.Therefore B. AnywayB.C. Otherwise D. Moreover 10C。

9、句意是:。句意是:你已经知道了我们要去美你已经知道了我们要去美国进行为期三周的参观的消息吗?国进行为期三周的参观的消息吗?当然。当然。要不然,我不会这么高兴的。要不然,我不会这么高兴的。otherwise 否则,否则,要不然;要不然;therefore 因此;因此; anyway 不管怎样,不管怎样,无论如何;无论如何;moreover 而且。而且。()11._, the young man didnt seem to do anything right.A.Tiring and discouragingB. Tiringly and discouragingly C. Tired and d

10、iscouraged D. Tiredly and discouraged11C。形容词短语作状语,表伴随。形容词短语作状语,表伴随。 ()12.Could we put off the meeting? _. This is the only day everyone is available. A. Not likely B. Not exactly C. Not nearly D. Not really12D。根据答语中。根据答语中“今天是人人都在的唯一今天是人人都在的唯一一天一天”,我们,我们“不能不能”推迟会议,表示委婉的推迟会议,表示委婉的否定对方的提议。否定对方的提议。 ()13

11、.How was your job interview?Oh, I couldnt feel _. I hardly found proper answers to most of the questions they asked.A.bad B. easilyC. worse D. happily13C。否定词和比较级连用表示最高级。句。否定词和比较级连用表示最高级。句意为意为“我感觉最糟糕了,没有回答出他们问的我感觉最糟糕了,没有回答出他们问的大部分问题大部分问题”。 ()14.Everyone in the market saw the pickpocket stealing a pur

12、se from a woman. _, none of them dared to stop. A. Moreover B. Eventually C. Meanwhile D. Nevertheless 14D。本题考查副词的用法。句意:市场的。本题考查副词的用法。句意:市场的每个人都看见了扒手偷走了一位妇女的钱包,每个人都看见了扒手偷走了一位妇女的钱包,然而,没有一个人敢阻止这件事。根据句意,然而,没有一个人敢阻止这件事。根据句意,选择选择nevertheless(然而,不过然而,不过)。moreover意为意为“而且,此外而且,此外”,eventually表示表示“最后,终最后,终于于”

13、,meanwhile“同时同时”。 ()15.The building they are building will be _ the old one.A. four times the height ofB. four times as higher asC. higher four times than D. as four times high as15A。本题考查倍数的表达。结构为:倍数。本题考查倍数的表达。结构为:倍数the n.of, 还有其他结构。还有其他结构。 ()16.Is this the dictionary you want? Oh,thats not _ what I

14、 want.I mean the new EnglishChinese Dictionary. Apossibly Bprobably Cexactly Dgenerally16C。句意:那可不是我想要的,我想要一。句意:那可不是我想要的,我想要一本新英汉词典。本新英汉词典。not exactly 可不是,并不是。可不是,并不是。 ()17.He won a gold medal in the Olympic Games but he was just _ then.A. at the age of 17 yearsB. a 17yearsold boy C. a boy of 17 D. a

15、 17year boy17C。 表示年龄的说法有:表示年龄的说法有:He is at the age of 17. He is a seventeenyearold boy. He is seventeen years old. He is a boy of 17。 ()18._ for money for drug, the crazy young man robbed the women passing the dark narrow lane.A. Be desperate B. DesperateC. Desperately D. Being desperate18B。 形容词短语作原

16、因状语。形容词短语作原因状语。desperate for sth 渴望做某事。渴望做某事。 ()19.Farmers in the country have _ incomes and _ education and welfare.A. less; lower B. fewer; lower C. lower; less D. less; fewer19C。 income收入的多少不能用收入的多少不能用few,many 来来修饰,而用修饰,而用high,low;而不可数名词;而不可数名词education则用则用little,much来修饰。来修饰。()20.Football fans are _ young people between the ages of fifteen and twenty. A. most B. almostC. mostly D. at most 20C。句意:足球迷们大部分是。句意:足球迷们大部分是15到到20岁的岁的年轻人。年轻人。mostly相对于相对于almost all;most作副词作副词多用来构成形容词或者副词的最高级形式;多用来构成形容词或者副词的最高级形式;almost差不多,几乎;差不多,几乎;at most 至多。至多。



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