中考英语总复习 第一轮 课本考点聚焦 第8讲 八上 Units 78课件

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1、第8讲八年级(上)Units 78四川专用四川专用1pollute(v.) _(n.)污染;污染物2environment(n.) _(adj.)环境的;周围的;有关环境的3peace(n.) _(adj.)和平的;安宁的4danger(n.) _(adj.)有危险的;不安全的5believe(v.) _(n.)相信;依赖;信仰;信条 _(adj.)可信的6agree(v.) _(n.)同意;赞成;承认【高频】 _(v.)不同意;不赞成;不承认 _(n.)不一致;异议;分歧7fall(v.) _(过去式) _(过去分词) _(现在分词)倒塌;跌倒;掉落pollutionenvironmenta

2、lpeacefuldangerousbeliefbelievableagreementdisagreedisagreementfellfallenfalling8possible(adj.) _(反义词)不可能存在或发生的;不可能的【高频】 _(n.)可能;可能性9shake(n.&v.) _(过去式) _(过去分词) _(现在分词)摇动;抖动10final(adj.) _(adv.)最后;最终【高频】11salt(n.) _(adj.)含盐的;咸的12dig(v.) _(过去式/过去分词) _(现在分词)掘(地);凿(洞);挖(土)13tradition(n.) _(adj.)传统的;惯例的

3、【高频】14travel(v.&n.) _(n.)漂泊者;旅行者;游客impossiblepossibilityshookshakenshakingfinallysaltydugdiggingtraditionaltraveler15celebrate(v.) _(过去式/过去分词) _(现在分词)庆祝;庆贺 _(n.)庆祝;庆祝会celebratedcelebratingcelebration1. 参与(某事)2._ again多次;反复地3. 数以百计的4. 突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌5. 寻找;寻求6. 接通(电流、煤气、水等);打开7. 切碎8. 一片;一块;一条9. 把放入10. 一个接一

4、个;逐个play a partover and overhundreds offall downlook forturn oncut upa piece ofput.intoone by one1你认为人们家里将会有机器人吗?Do you think _ _ _ robots in peoples homes?2人们将会活到两百岁。People will _ _ _ 200 years old.3树木将会更少,环境将极其危险。There will be _ trees and the environment will be _ great _4把牛奶倒进食物搅拌器里。_ the milk _

5、the blender.5我们需要多少香蕉?_ _ bananas do we need?6我们需要多少酸奶?_ _ yogurt do we need?there will belive to befewerindangerPourintoHow manyHow much7你知道如何栽树吗?Do you know _ _ plant a tree?8接下来,用这些面包混合物填充火鸡。Next,_ the turkey _ this bread mix.9火鸡烤好后,把它放在一个大盘子里并把肉汁浇在上面。When it is ready,place the turkey on a large

6、plate and _ it _ gravy.10最后,把火鸡切成薄片,然后合着蔬菜吃。Finally,_ the turkey _ thin pieces and eat the meat _ vegetables. how tofillwithcoverwithcutintowithpaper【典例在线】a piece of paper一张纸;two pieces of paper两张纸Where are my exam papers?I cant find them.我的试卷在哪里?我找不到它们了。【拓展精析】paper表示“纸;纸张”时,为不可数名词。若表示纸张的数量时,通常用.pie

7、ce(s) of。paper还可作可数名词,意为“报纸;试卷;论文”等。其复数形式为papers。【活学活用】1)Please pick up the _Dont keep it on the floor.Apaper Bboxes Cbooks Dbottles2)Can I help you?Id like to have 100 _I want my students to draw pictures.Apiece of paper Bpieces of paperCpieces of papers Dpiece of papersABkeep【典例在线】Its our duty to

8、keep the classroom clean.保持教室干净是我们的职责。The clever Monkey King keeps fighting to help the weak.聪明的猴王一直为了帮助弱者而战斗。Sometimes he can make the stick so small that keep it in his ear.有时他把棒子变得很小,藏在耳朵里。The clocks loud ticking kept me from sleeping last night.昨晚,闹钟的滴答声吵得我睡不着。【拓展精析】keep sb./sth.形容词,使某人或某物保持某种状态

9、。keep sb./sth.介词短语,使某人或某物保留在某地。keep (sb.) doing sth.(使某人)反复地/不停地做某事。keep sb. from doing sth.防止或阻止某人做某事,相当于stop/prevent sb. from doing sth.。相关短语:keep in touch with保持联系;keep ones cool沉住气,保持冷静;keep.away from避免接近,远离。【活学活用】3)Some of the tired students keep their eyes _ in breaks.Aopened BcloseCclosed Dop

10、en4)你认为我们青少年应该远离网络吗?(2015,黄冈)Do you think we teenagers should _ the Internet?(keep)Ckeep away fromfill【典例在线】Please fill the glass with water.请把杯子装满水。The glass is filled with water.The glass is full of water.玻璃杯里装满了水。【拓展精析】fill动词,意为“(使)充满;装满”,常用于“fill.with.”结构中,意为“用把装满”,强调动作的过程。full为fill的形容词形式,意为“装满的

11、;充满的”。常用短语:be filled withbe full of装满;充满;填满。【活学活用】5)When I heard my baby girl say her first word,my heart was _ with joy.Afilled BpreparedCshown DfullAhundreds of【典例在线】They agree it may take hundreds of years.他们一致认为这可能要花几百年的时间。Over two hundred students visited the farm last Sunday.上星期天两百多个学生参观了农场。【拓

12、展精析】hundred,thousand,million,billion为数量单位,当与具体的数字连用时,本身不加s,其后加名词复数形式。当表示不确定数,意为“数以百计、数以千计、数以百万计”时,本身加s,并与of连用,其后也加名词复数形式。【活学活用】6)The 15th Chinese BridgeChinese Proficiency Competition will be held this year!Thats great!_ foreign college students are interested in Chinese learning.AHundred of BThousa

13、ndsCHundred DThousands of7)More than two _ trees are planted in our neighborhood every year.(2016,淮安)Ahundred BhundredsChundreds of Dhundred ofDAThere will be less free time.空闲时间将会更少。【典例在线】People will have robots in their homes.人们家里将会有机器人。I think there will be fewer trees.我认为树将会更少。Im going to study

14、math really hard.我打算努力学数学。【拓展精析】一般将来时:will/be going to动词原形,表示“将要做什么”。表有计划性进行或迹象表明通常用be going to。There will be.There is going to be.是there be句型的一般将来时,意为“(某地/某时)将会有”。【活学活用】1)The weather forecast says that _ another storm tomorrow.(2016,广州)Athere will have Bthere will beCthere has Dthere has beenBWill

15、people use money in 100 years?一百年后人们还会用钱(币)吗?【典例在线】Theyll leave for London in two weeks.两周后他们将前往伦敦。Well come back after six oclock.我们将在六点之后回来。She got there after three days.她三天后到达了那里。【拓展精析】in与after都可以表示时间。“in一段时间”,用来表示从现在算起的“过一段时间以后”,常用于将来时的肯定句中。通常与go,come,start,arrive,return,finish等表示瞬间动作的终止性动词连用。常

16、用来回答“How soon.?”的问句。“after一段时间”用来表示从过去算起的“过一段时间以后”,谓语动词用过去时,不可用将来时;“after具体时间或某一具体事项”作时间状语时,谓语动词可用过去时,也可用将来时。2)Many scientists believe that robots _ able to talk like humans in 50 years.(2016,黄石)Awere BareCwill be Chave been3)Junior high school days will be over _ a week.How are you feeling?Im tryin

17、g to keep my cool because weve been together _ three years.Ain;in Bfor;inCin;for Dfor;forCC4)What do you think your life will be like _ twenty years?(2016,鄂州)Yeah,I have thought about it _ three years.Abefore;of Bafter;inCin;for Cfor;forCmore,fewer与less【典例在线】You can use less water and plant more tre

18、es.你可以用更少的水,种更多的树。People will have more free time because there will be fewer things to do.因为会有更少的事情要做,人们将会有更多的空闲时间。【拓展精析】more意为“更多”,是many,much的比较级,既修饰可数名词复数,又修饰不可数名词。fewer意为“更少”,是few的比较级,修饰可数名词复数。less意为“更少”,是little的比较级,修饰不可数名词。【注意】the most意为“最多”,是many,much的最高级;the fewest,the least意为“最少”,分别是few,litt

19、le的最高级。【活学活用】1)There will be _ (更少) jobs for people because some robots will do the same jobs as people.2)在考试中,我们越细心,我们犯的错误就越少。In our exam,the _ careful we are,the_ mistakes well make.3)Bob knows how to cut the cost of the project.Im sure he can do the work with _ money and _ people.(2015,广东)Aless;l

20、ess Bfewer;moreCmore;fewer Dless;fewerfewermore fewerDyet与already【典例在线】I have finished reading the book already.我已经读完这本书了。Have you found the book yet?你已经找到那本书了吗?Not yet.还没找到。She hasnt finished her homework yet.她还没有做完她的作业。【拓展精析】already常用于肯定句中,意为“已经”;yet常用于疑问句或否定句中,在疑问句中意为“已经”,在否定句中意为“还”,常放在句末。【活学活用】4

21、)Have you been to Shanghai _?Yes,Ive _ been there twice.Aalready;already Balready;yetCyet;already Dyet;yetCanother与more【典例在线】Add the cabbage,tomatoes and onion and cook for an another 10 minutes.然后加入卷心菜、西红柿和洋葱,再煮上10分钟。There isnt enough meat,we need some more.肉不够,我们需要再多一些。【拓展精析】三者都指在原来的基础上再增加一些,但所处的位

22、置不同:another基数词名词;基词数more名词。【活学活用】6)If you prefer the red evening dress,youll have to pay _ (又,再) 30 dollars,because its made of silk.7)Do you have enough students to clean the laboratory?No.I think we need two _ students.anothermoreturn down,turn off,turn up与turn on【典例在线】The radio is very loud.Can y

23、ou turn it down a little,please?收音机声音太大,你能调小一点儿吗?Please turn off/on the radio.请把收音机关上/打开。She sat down and turned up the radio.她坐下来,把收音机的声音调大了。【拓展精析】turn down表示“关小;调低(音量)”;turn off表示“关掉”;turn up表示“开大;调高(音量)”;turn on表示“打开”。turn on与turn off;turn up与turn down均互为反义词组。注意:on,off,up,down这四个词都是副词,在使用过程中,当宾语为

24、代词时,只能置于动词和副词之间;当宾语为名词时,既可置于动词和副词之间,也可置于副词之后。【活学活用】7)Could you _ the computer for me,dear?I want to check my emails.(2015,襄阳)Certainly,Ill do it right away.Aturn on Bturn downCturn off Dturn up8)Would you like to attend the farewell party next week,Mr.Huang?Sure,Id love to.I have no reason to _ your

25、 invitation.(2016,黄冈)Aturn down Bturn offCturn up Dturn onAA9)We planned to meet at 10:30 at the station last Sunday,but Bob didnt _ until 12:00.(2015,安微)Aturn up Bgive upCturn off Dgrow upA一、单项选择。1Is the tall building _ university?Yes.My cousin is studying in _ university.(2016,德阳)Aan;an Ban;the Ca

26、;the Dthe;a2I found my sister _ my things and took my new magazines.What should I do?I guess you should tell her its not right.(2016,乐山)Alooking through Blooking upClooking forCA3If more people give up driving cars,the air will get much _ in a few years.(2016,资阳)Aclean BcleanerCthe cleaner Dthe clea

27、nest4_ beautiful picture!I couldnt believe it was painted by a young child.(2016,乐山)AWhat a BWhat CHow5Its already tens of years _ the worlds population reached five billion.(2016,宜宾)Abefore Bafter CsinceBAC6Mom,could I watch the game show now?Sorry,you cant watch it _ you clean your room.(2016,资阳)A

28、when Bif Cafter Duntil7The population of China is much _ than that of England.(2016,广安)Alarger Blargest Cmore Dlarge8_ will your English teacher come back from Shanghai?(2015,泸州)In two weeks.AHow often BHow soonCHow far DHow longDAB9Why are you in such a hurry,John?There _ a basketball match between

29、 Class Three and our class in ten minutes.(2015,南充)Ais going to be Bis going to haveCwill have Dwill hold10Mike _ reading _ playing computer games.(2015,眉山)Aprefers;than Bprefers;toCwould rather;than Dwould rather;toAB二、短文填空。用下面方框中单词的适当形式填入短文空格内,使短文意思正确、通顺(每词限用一次)。 (2015,成都)backbadexpressfeelitloudl

30、ucksimplesweetthanktwowarmOnce upon a time,a young man came across a spring(泉水) of clear water while crossing the desert.The water was very sweet,and he filled his leather container(皮革容器) so that he could bring some 11._ to his teacher.After a fourday journey,he presented the water to his teacher.ba

31、ckThe old man took a deep drink,smiled 12._ and thanked his student very much for the sweet water.The young man returned to his village with a happy heart.After a while,the teacher let a 13._ student taste the water.He spat(吐) it out,saying it was terrible.It was clear that the water had become no l

32、onger fresh sweet because of the old leather container.The student questioned his teacher,“Master,the water tasted strange.Why did you still like it?” The teacher replied,“You 14._ tasted the water while I tasted the gift.The water was the container for an act of love and kindness and nothing could

33、be 15. _”warmlysecondsimplysweeterAfter reading the story,we can understand that when we receive a chocolate as a gift from a child,we get more than the chocolate 16. _What we should do properly is to express 17._ naturally to him or her because we love the idea within the gift.Gratitude(感谢) doesnt

34、always come naturally.18. _,most children and many grownups like only the thing given rather than the 19._ shown in it.We should remind ourselves and teach our children about the beauty of feelings and 20._ of gratitude.After all,gifts from the heart are really gifts of the heart.itselfthanksUnlucki

35、lyfeelingsexpression三、根据短文内容,从方框中选出适当的选项补全短文。(2016,成都)Smashed cucumber (拍黄瓜) salad is one of the most popular cold dishes in China.You can find the green dish anywhere from restaurants to homes.21._According to The New York Times,smashed cucumber salad is “everywhere” in New York.Some restaurants ha

36、ve even added the dish to their menus.22._ But American cooks are trying yogurt,honey,lemon and other common western ingredients.Why is this dish becoming so popular ?23._ Smashed cucumbers can hold onto tastes more than cucumbers which are cut into fixed shape and size.“Just changing the way you br

37、eak down an ingredient.changes the way it feels and tastes.Its cool.” said Danny Bowien,a cook at a New York restaurant.AFB24_ The cook smashes fresh cucumbers with the flat side of a knife.25._ Then other ingredients can be added.Also,it takes only five minutes to make the salad.Cook Julia Goldberg

38、 said its really “satisfying”The success of smashed cucumber salad abroad shows that we should try to fit into local conditions when spreading Chinese culture across the world,said The Beijing News.CDAThis summer,even Americans are trying it.BMost people like the special taste it produces.CThe way the dish is prepared also draws peoples attention.DThe strong smash makes the cucumbers different shapes and sizes.EAmericans have expressed their opinions on the taste of this salad.FIn China,people use garlic (蒜),vinegar (醋)and oil to make the cucumber tastier.



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