外研版高中英语Module5SectionⅠⅠntroduction & Reading—Pre--reading课件

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1、欢迎来到英语课堂欢迎来到英语课堂1Can you name some great persons in Ancient China? What are their achievements?2How much do you know about Taoism? Taoism is a philosophy or way of life that may have been started by a man named Lao Tzu who lived a little before Confucius, about 600 BC. Tao means the “way” or the “pa

2、th”. According to the traditional story, Lao Tzu worked as a librarian in the emperors library (this was in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty) Lao Tzu believed that the way to happiness was for people to learn to “go with the flow”. Instead of trying to get things done the hard way, people should take the ti

3、me to figure out the natural or easy way to do things, and then everything would get done more simply. This idea is called wuwei, which means “doing by not doing” Lao Tzu also thought that everything alive in the universe (plants, animals, and people) shared a universal (共同的共同的) lifeforce. There wer

4、e two sides to the lifeforce, which are called the yin and the yang. The yin (the dark side) is the side of women, the moon, things that are still (静止的静止的) like ponds, completion and death. The yang (the light side) is the side of men, the sun, things that move like rivers, dragons, creation and bir

5、th. Everyone has some yin and some yang in them, and Taoism says that it is important to keep them balanced. Chinese doctors believe that a lot of illnesses are caused by too much yin or too much yang. Because everything has this lifeforce in it, Lao Tzu thought it was wrong for people to fight each

6、 other in wars, killing the lifeforce, and that people should be sad when they had to fight, instead of celebrating their victories. He also thought it was wrong for governments (or anybody else) to make a lot of rules and laws about how people should behave. This would only make people act the same

7、 way all the time, and sometimes they would go against the Tao, breaking the principle of wuwei. So Taoism was against anything with rules, like special food diets. He thought people should make their own decisions in each situation. The following are some beliefs of some great ancient philosophers

8、and match them with their Chinese meanings. 1.Man is born good. ( )2All human beings are equal. ( )3The family is important. We are members of a group. ( )CFB4Treat others in the way you want to be treated. ( )5People are more important than rulers. ( )6We should love all human beings. ( )A民民贵君君轻B家天

9、下家天下C人性本善人性本善 D己所不欲,勿施于人己所不欲,勿施于人E兼兼爱 F众生平等众生平等DAEFill in the blanks according to the passage.Philosophers of Ancient Para.11. living background, teachings and his influence.Para.22. living back ground, teachings and his influence.Para.33. living back ground, teachings and his influence.ConfuciussMe

10、nciussMozis.Read the passage and answer the question.What did all the philosophers mentioned in the passage believe in?_答案:答案:The importance of kindness, duty and order in society; man is kind and the importance of government.Choose the best answer according to the passage.1. What is the similarity

11、of Confucius and Mozi?AThey lived in the same period of time.BThey held the same view that the government was most important.CThey had the same idea of kindness.DThey were born poor.2What is the difference between Confucius and Mencius?ATheir teachings.BThey thought man is good.CTheir ideas. DThe id

12、eas about rulers and people. 3_believed that all men were equal.AMoziBConfuciusCMencius DPhilosophers4Which of the following is right according to the passage?AConfucius was the teacher of Mencius and Mozi.BMozi stressed the importance of kindness.CMencius hated the rulers who treated people badly.D

13、Confucius was brought up by his mother alone.答案:答案:1.B2.D3.A4.C Confuciuss 1. is that he believed that 2. ,duty and 3. played an important part in society. His ideas have influenced Chinese society for over 4. years. 5. believed that the reason why man is different from animals is that man is 6. .He

14、 thought that people were more 7. than rulers, and hated the state when it treated people badly. Mozi considered thatideas/teachingskindnessorder2,000 Menciusgoodimportant8. was of great importance. He believed all men were 9. . He taught that we should love all human beings and look after those who

15、 are 10. than ourselves.governmentequalweakerWhy do people all over the world want to know more about the thoughts of Confucius?_参考答案:参考答案:(1)Confucius is the philosopher whose influence has been the greatest in China.(2)He stressed the importance of kindness, duty and order in society and Chinese society was influenced by these ideas for more than 2,000 years.(3)As far as I am concerned, if human beings want to survive in the 21st century, we have to seek wisdom from Confucius.



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