剑桥(join in)版 四年级上册 Unit 3 教案(表格版)

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《剑桥(join in)版 四年级上册 Unit 3 教案(表格版)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《剑桥(join in)版 四年级上册 Unit 3 教案(表格版)(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、备课时间备课时间复备时间复备时间课课题题课时分配课时分配项项目目主主 备备 人人授课教师授课教师主主 备备 人人所在单位所在单位授课教师授课教师所在单位所在单位课课型型上课时间上课时间Unit3 Numbers(part6&8)1 1第第4 4课时课时对话内容听说认读词汇:How much、chocolate eggs、an orangejuice熟用: How much理解:things they buy帮助学生理解与运用词句购物。指导学生根据发音规则认读单词,并掌握一定的听音技巧。建立对英语的热情和学习英语的信心,与孩子们进行充分交流与情感沟通。How much?chocolate egg

2、s、an orange juice教教知知识识能能力力过过程程方方法法情情感感态态度度价值观价值观学学目目标标教学重点教学重点教学难点教学难点教学、教具教学、教具(课件)(课件)准准备备things they buyRecorder, cassette tape, words cards.教教学学流流程程教教教教师师活活动动预设学生活动预设学生活动Greetings.Answer freely.学学Step1 Warm-upStep1 Warm-up环环1.Greetings.Talk about the numbers.节节教教学学环环节节 Step2. Presentation Step2

3、. Presentation1)Make a dialogue:- Two apples, please.-20p.-An orange juice, please.-40p.-Here you are.-Thank you.2) Let the pupils listen and find thethings the children buy.Read the names: Colin/ Caroline /RodFind the things: chocolate eggs /bananas / apples/ cola / orangejuice / ice cream3) Listen

4、 again, ask the pupils to tickthe things.4) Ask the pupils to listen and writethe things and prices in the table.Step3 : PracticeStep3 : Practice 1) Ask the Ss to draw more thingsand act the shopping dialogue inpairs. 2) Ask the pupils to act out inclass.Step 4: ExtensionStep 4: Extension1)Ask the p

5、upils to make moreshopping dialogues.2)Show more Exx.HomeworkHomeworkMake more dialogues to act withyour partners.板板Listen carefully.Read more.Listen and tick.Listen and write.Work in pairs.Act out the shoppingdialogue.Work in groups.Do Exx.Unit 2Numbers-Good morning.-Good morning.-Two chocolate eggs, please. How much is it?-12p.-Here you are.-Thank you.-Bye.书书设设计计课课这堂课实践性强,因此创设情境尤为重要,我设计了听对话感知语后后言,听音发现所需,听音完成表格让学生熟悉语言环境和使用场所,然后让学生两两练习,再通过画质所需物品组织对话,从而给学生语言实践提供了广阔空间。最后学生通过做练习巩固所学,目标达成,语言运用水到渠成。反反思思



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