高中英语 Module6 第3课时Cultural Corner课件 外研版必修1 .ppt

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1、成才之路成才之路 英语英语路漫漫其修远兮路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索吾将上下而求索外研版外研版 必修必修1 The Internet and TelecommunicationsModule 6第三课时Cultural CornerModule 6课内合作探究课内合作探究 2课后巩固提升课后巩固提升3课课 时时 作作 业业 4课前自主预习课前自主预习1课前预习提升课前预习提升.速记单词1_(vi.)集中(注意力、思想等)concentration(n.)注意力2_(adj.)明确的definition(n.)释义define(v.)阐明,解释3_(adj.)独立的independence(n

2、.)独立4_(adv.)时常;经常_(adj.)经常的,频繁的frequency(n.)频繁5_(n.)弊端;缺点_(反义词)优势,长处6_(vt.)缩短_(adj.)短的,缺乏的concentrate definite independentfrequentlyfrequentdisadvantageadvantageshortenshort.短语互译1与相比_2聚精会神;集中思想 _3代替,取而代之 _4同意 _5point out _6take out _7a series of _compared with/toconcentrate oninstead ofagree with指出取

3、出,去除一系列,一套.完成句子1我们的英语老师非常优秀,但她不能在50分钟内帮助班里的每一个人。Our English teacher is excellent, but _in the class in 50 minutes.(部分否定)2用手机打电话很贵,所以很多人发短信。_ is expensive, so a lot of people send text messages.(v.ing形式作主语)she cant help everyoneTalking on a mobile phone3如果我们花这些时间上机,那就更好了。It _if we _ the time working

4、on a computer.(虚拟语气)4要读懂一个感情符号,你需要侧着身去看。_,you have to look at it sideways.(不定式作目的状语)would be much betterspentTo read an emoticon.语篇理解根据教材CULTURAL CORNER中的内容回答问题。1Why do people send text messages instead of talking on mobile phones?_2What can you do to make text messages even cheaper?_3What have mobi

5、le phone users developed to show how they feel?_Because text messages are much cheaper.We can shorten the words that we use.They have developed a series of symbols.4What can you do if you say something in a text message which is a joke?_5What does the emoticon :( mean?_We can follow it with a smilin

6、g face.Sad.课内要点探究课内要点探究1.average adj.平均的The average time the Chinese people spend online is 17 hours per week.中国人花在网上的时间是平均每周17小时。His marks are above average; that is to say, he has passed the exam.他的分数在平均分以上;也就是说,他通过了这次考试。We fail one student per year on average.我们平均每年有一个学生不及格。归纳on average 平均算起来abov

7、e average 在平均水平以上below average 在平均水平以下an average of 平均为即学即用语法填空(天津高考改编)He was a good student and scored _ average in most subjects.答案:above2hesitate v. 踌躇,犹豫If you need any help, dont hesitate to call us.如果你需要帮助,尽管给我们打电话。拓展(1)hesitate to do 不愿做某事,对做某事有顾虑hesitate about/over sth. 对某事犹豫,迟疑不决(2)hesitati

8、on n. 踌躇,犹豫without hesitation 毫不犹豫地He hesitates about nothing.他从不优柔寡断。She agreed without the slightest hesitation.她毫不犹豫地同意了。即学即用完成句子I _ so much money on clothes.我舍不得把这么多钱花在衣服上。There is no room for _.没有踌躇的余地了。答案:hesitate to spendhesitation1.a series of一系列的;一连串的There has been a series of car accidents

9、 at the crossing.在那个交叉路口曾经发生过一连串的车祸。There is a television series on this channel every night.这个频道每天晚上都有电视连续剧。注意:a series of一般只与表示物的复数名词搭配,所构成的短语作主语时谓语动词一般用单数,但如果侧重事物的个体, 亦可用复数。A series of problems are/is to be discussed at the meeting.会议上准备讨论一系列的问题。series 是单复数同形的名词,比如:a series of; two series of.知识拓展

10、serial(1)adj. 连续的;同系列的;连载的;分期刊载的serial story 连载小说(2)n.(广播、电视)连续剧;连载小说2take out 拿出;取出;去掉;扣除Take out a piece of paper please.请拿出一张纸来。I had one of my teeth taken out.我拔掉了一颗牙。即学即用语法填空Computers can help customers to put in or take_money from the bank.答案:outtake out“取出”。3instead of 代替I have come instead o

11、f my brother, because he is ill.我代替我哥哥来了,因为他病了。In warm weather he often reads under a tree instead of in the library.天气暖和的时候,他常常在树下而不是在图书馆里读书。辨析:instead与instead of词语意思例句instead副词,意思是“代替”“顶替”,常放在句子的后面。He is tired; let me go instead.他累了,让我替他去吧。instead of介词短语,“代替”“而不是”,后面要接宾语。Instead of going to Qingda

12、o, Im going to Dalian this year.今年我将去大连,而不去青岛。即学即用完成句子(2011天津改编)The young man couldnt afford a new car._, he bought a used one.那个年轻人买不起一辆新车而是买了一辆二手车。答案:Instead本题考查副词词义。instead “代替;反而”。Today Ill do my homework in my bedroom _(而不是)in the classroom.答案:instead of1.You can also avoid using punctuation li

13、ke inverted commas.你也能避免使用标点,像引号。avoid v. 避免;防止;避开;躲避;后接名词、动名词,不可接不定式。avoid doing表示“成功避免做”。 You can avoid danger by being careful.你只要时时小心就能避免危险。She went in the opposite direction so as to avoid meeting him.她朝另一个方向走去,以免见到他。They built a stonewall to avoid the house being washed away.他们建了一堵石头墙以避免房子被水冲走

14、。知识拓展类似avoid之后只能用动名词作宾语而不能用不定式作宾语的动词有:suggest, finish, practise, dislike, enjoy, consider,appreciate, imagine, excuse, miss, allow, permit, mind,escape等。Can you tell me when you can finish reading these books?你能告诉我什么时候看完这本书吗?He enjoys listening to pop music.他喜欢听流行音乐。The dog narrowly escaped being ru

15、n over by a car.这只狗差点儿被车子压死。即学即用语法填空I tried to avoid_(meet)him because he always bored me.答案:meetingavoid doing“避免做某事”。2Why not give me a call?为什么不给我打电话?Why not.?是一个固定结构,直接跟动词原形,意为“为什么不?”用来提出建议,相当于Why dont you.?Why not close the door?为什么不关上门呢?Why not go out for a walk?为什么不出去散散步呢?即学即用语法填空We could inv

16、ite John and Barbara to the Friday night party.Yes, _not? Ill give them a call right now.答案:why本题考查交际用语。句意:“我们邀请约翰和巴巴拉参加周五的晚会”。“好啊!我马上给他们打电话”。why not“好啊”,表示同意对方意见,符合题意。课后巩固提升课后巩固提升.完成句子1They_(加宽)the road.2We walked _(侧身)through the entrance.3She _(缩短) the skirt by an inch.4The scientist wrote _books

17、 on this subject.(一系列的)5They would like to live in the country_(而不)in the city.答案:1.widened2.sideways3.shortened4.a series of 5.rather than.词语辨析1用 instead,instead of,without 填空(1)The water here is not good ,so I am drinking some beer _.(2)He is working _any hope of reward.(3)Well have tea in the gar

18、den_in the house.2用specially 和especially 填空(1)He often catches cold,_in early spring.(2)This is_made for the disabled.答 案 : 1.(1)instead (2)without (3)instead of 2.(1) especially(2) specially.句型转换1You should concentrate on what the teacher said in class.You should _ _ what the teacher said in class.

19、2They are travelling to London via Paris.They are travelling to London _ _ _ Paris.3If you compare the weather here with that in Hunan, you will find it much wetter in spring._ _ the weather in Hunan, it is much wetter here in spring.4He seldom visited Mr White as time passed._ _ to Mr White _ _ fre

20、quent as time passed.5We should make full use of every chance to learn.We should _ _ _ every chance to learn.答案:1.pay, attention, to 2.by, way, of 3.Compared, with/to4.His, visits; became, less5.take, advantage, of4 Having failed my French exams, I decided to _science subjects.5During her illness her weight _ from 50 kilos to 40 kilos. 6No matter who _ our shortcoming, we will correct them.7First you _ the meat, then you put it on the board.8I decided to treat myself to a taxi _walking.答案:1.shorten2.disadvantages3.average4.concentrate on 5went down6.points out7.take out8.instead of



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