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1、以读促写以读促写-在阅读训练的基础在阅读训练的基础上加强写作训练上加强写作训练浙江大学外语学院浙江大学外语学院 熊海虹熊海虹一、理论与教材编写原则二、读写课堂三、冰果智能作文评阅系统四、拓展与总结理论与教材编写原则大学英语教学大纲变化85年-较强的阅读能力、一定的写译能力、初步的听说能力 97年-较强的阅读能力、一定的听说写译能力03年(试行)-较强综合应用能力,尤其是听说能力07年-英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在今后的学习、工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行交际,同时增强其自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要理论与教材编写原则Third genera

2、tion of language teaching Communicative competence Linguistic competenceDiscourse competencePragmatic competence理论与教材编写原则learning a language learning of phonetics, grammar and vocabulary learning of the skills of operating the symbols = acquisition of the ability/competence to communicate with other

3、s EI intake output理论与教材编写原则新编大学英语新编大学英语的特点的特点 AuthenticityCreativityVarietyRelevanceInterestUp-to-date 理论与教材编写原则教学原则教学原则:以学生为中心;进行语言综合应用能力的培养;重视培养学生的自学能力;课堂活动和练习的设计应以学生能积极参与为衡量标准。 理论与教材编写原则教学模式教学模式以学生为中心的主题教学模式理论与教材编写原则课堂教学课堂教学Preparation Viewing-Listening-Centered ActivitiesReading-Centered Activit

4、iesFurther Development课外自学课外自学Listening Practice After-Class Reading 读写课堂Lesson planUnit 1, Book 2A Good Heart to Lean On读写课堂1. Lead-in2. Post-Reading3. Language Study & Practice4. Oral Practice5. Writing Practice读写课堂 Lead-inNow watch a video clip from I Am Sam about a father and a daughter and tell

5、 your partner. Describe the father and the daughter. Your description should include Age, appearance, hair color, eye color, the surrounding, what they are doing, etc. What do you think of the father? The daughter?读写课堂 Lead-inIn-class Reading: A Good Heart to Lean On读写课堂 Lead-inPre-reading questions

6、: 1. How do you feel when you walk on the street and see a disabled person?2. Do you know anyone who is disabled? Talk about him or her.读写课堂 Lead-inWriting styleNarrative,descriptiveTensesPast tensePast progressivePast futurePresent读写课堂 Lead-inSome important verbs:adjust (to)bothercling tocomplain (

7、complaint) aboutcoordinateengage inparticipate in 读写课堂 Lead-inSome adjectives in relation with ones feelings: content embarrassed envious (of) nasty reluctant fortunate frustrated读写课堂 Text ReadingNow read the text The Good Heart to Lean On in ten minutes. 读写课堂 Post-ReadingOutline of the text Part I:

8、 Paras 1- 4The fathers physical condition and how he managed to get to work.Part II: Paras 5-7The sons comment on the fathers personalityPart III: Paras 8-11The fathers attempt to experience things directly or indirectlyPart IV: Para 12The fathers influence on his son读写课堂 Post-ReadingPart I: Paras 1

9、- 4The fathers physical conditionand how he managed to get towork.1. What was the fathers physical condition like?2. How did he manage to get to work?3. How did the son feel when people stared at him and his father?读写课堂 Post-ReadingDescribe feeling:embarrassed, ashamed, bothered, impatient, a matter

10、 of pride, Describe appearance:short, crippled, Describe actions:let on, coordinate steps, set the pace, adjust to, make it to, cling toDescribe facts:It was impossible to, despite nasty weather, 读写课堂 Post-ReadingPart II: Paras 5-7The sons comment on the fatherspersonality1. What does the son think

11、of his fathers personality?2. Can you describe his fathers personality? Please give examples.读写课堂 Post-Readingmarvel at, subject oneself to, take courage, show envy, look for, judge people by a proper standard, know precisely, engage in, indignity, stress, an object of pity, the more fortunate and a

12、ble读写课堂 Post-ReadingPart III: Paras 8-11The fathers attempt to experience things directly or indirectly1. How did the father experience things directly?2. Indirectly?读写课堂 Post-Readingtry to participate, keep sth. going, find oneself with/without, have a good time doing sth., break out, stand unaided

13、, be urged to, participate vicariously, come home on leave, see to it that, knowledgeable, memorable, 读写课堂 Post-ReadingPart IV: Para 12The fathers influence on his sonHow does the son think about his father now?读写课堂 Post-Reading sense the reluctance, regret, complain about trifles, regain balance, u

14、nworthy, envious of读写课堂 Post-ReadingUnderstand the change of the writers feeling for his father When growing up: embarrassed, ashamed, impatientHis hands on my arm for balanceSister and I pulled him through street on sleigh读写课堂 Post-ReadingLooking back: marveled, sorry, regrettedA good heartHe liked

15、 to go to dances & partiesProud of his son读写课堂 Language Study cling to engage in participate marvel at coordinate subject to 读写课堂 Language StudyOnce there, he would cling to the handrail until he reached the lower steps that the warmer tunnel air kept ice-free. (para. 4)cling to: 1) to hold someone

16、or something tightly, especially because you do not feel safe e.g. 两个迷路的孩子互相紧紧地抓住两个迷路的孩子互相紧紧地抓住.The two lost children clung tightly to each other.They clung to the floating wreckage. 2) to continue to believe or do something, even though it may not be true or useful any longer e.g. He clung to the h

17、ope that she would be cured.ice-free (duty-free)读写课堂 Language Studyengage in: to be doing or to become involved in an activity e.g. In his spare time, he engages in voluntary work.They never learned skills to _.(吸引别人的注意)。engage the attention of the others读写课堂 Language PracticeChoose at least one wor

18、d from each group and make a meaningful sentence.Group A:let on, coordinate steps, set the pace, adjust to, make it to, cling to, marvel at, subject oneself to, take courage, show envy, look for, judge people by a proper standard, know precisely, engage in, Group B:embarrassed to, ashamed, bothered,

19、 difficult, impatient, a matter of pride, indignity, stress, an object of pity, the more fortunate and able读写课堂 Oral PracticeDiscuss the following questions with your group members.1.What do you think makes a good heart now?2. What have you learned from this article about the relationship between th

20、e father and the son?3. How and why did the sons attitude change? If you were the son, how would you feel towards the father?读写课堂 Oral PracticeNow imagine yourself as the father and tell the story to someone you just made an acquaintance with. 读写课堂 Writing Practice1. Descriptive writing - creates an

21、 image in the minds of its readers2. can be objective or subjective but the dominant impression always conveys an attitude读写课堂 Writing Practice(1) Perspectives and Order of presentationSpatial order (To the south of it ., high above ., down to the path ., etc.)Thematic order (categories, classificat

22、ions, grouping order, etc.)Impressionistic order (the most dominant impression, less significant impression, etc.)读写课堂 Writing Practice(2) Show, dont tell I grew tired after dinner. As I leaned back and rested my head against the top of the chair, my eyelids began to feel heavy, and the edges of the

23、 empty plate in front of me blurred with the white tablecloth.(3) MetaphorsAll the world is a stage, and all the men and women are merely players. (Shakespeare)Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.Janes Uncle is an old fox, up to all kinds of evils.读写

24、课堂 Writing Practicea checklist of the following essential questions in mind for your descriptive writingWhat or who do you want to describe? What is your reason for writing your description? How can you show your readers what you are describing? What are the particular qualities that you want to foc

25、us on?different types of description 1. Describing people2. Describing scenes3. Describing places4. Describing processes and mechanisms5. Describing GraphsExample- A Friendly ClownOn one corner of my dresser sits a smiling toy clown on a tiny unicyclea gift I received last Christmas from a very clos

26、e friend. The clowns short yellow hair, made of yarn, cover its ears but is parted above the eyes. The blue eyes are outlined in black with thin, dark lashes flowing from the brows. It has cherry-red cheeks, nose, and lips, and its broad grin disappears into the wide, white ruffle around its neck. T

27、he clown wears a fluffy, two-tone nylon costume. The left side of the outfit is light blue, and the right side is red. The two colors merge in a dark line that runs down the center of the small outfit. Surrounding its ankles and disguising its long black shoes are big pink bows. The white spokes on

28、the wheels of the unicycle gather in the center and expand to the black tire so that the wheel somewhat resembles the inner half of a grapefruit. The clown and unicycle together stand about a foot high. As a cherished gift from my good friend Tran, this colorful figure greets me with a smile every t

29、ime I enter my room.读写课堂 Writing PracticeWriting assignment 1. Write a short paragraph describing someone you know well.2. Write an essay on “My Father/Mother/Best Friend”. Choose two or three aspects to focus on.学生需大量写作以提高写作水平老师欲布置大量作文却无力批改冲突Options Peer review and rewritingRandom samplingTA markin

30、g?每学期教师可以布置大量的作文题,让学生在不断的练习中获得提高教师可以设置作文提交的最后期限,一天后可下载所有提交的作文(excel形式)及分数和评语教师可以选择高分作文或低分作文在课堂上通过大屏幕讲解智能作文批阅系统不受人为因素影响,不知疲倦,评分快速(95)准确独立于任何一套教材冰果英语智能作文批阅系统使用网址:网址:http:/ 学生最后提交时间,作文长度,期望平均分等)布置新作文后系统产生一个序列号,将序列号告诉学生;检查学生提交情况,修改设置下载保存成绩和学生作文学生可以在系统里根据老师提供的序列号找到新作文题目及要求根据要求提交作文查看自己的作文分数和评语没有冰果学生练习不够 英

31、语写作水平无法提高老师布置了写作作业 没有足够时间批改以我为例:170个学生,每周交一篇作文,平均7.5分钟看一篇,需要20400分钟(合340小时)以浙大为例70个大学英语老师,需要1,428,000分钟(合23800小时)拓展与总结拓展与总结拓展与总结 Lead-in单词联想视频音频http:/拓展与总结 阅读理解没有足够量的,可理解的并且是真实的语言输入就不可能有输出要理解课文结构不了解文章结构,对文章内容只能记得不连贯的点滴信息outline是树枝, detailed information是果实检查学生是否理解了课文可以通过提炼文章结构,复述故事,课堂讨论来进行拓展与总结 阅读理解不

32、同体裁课文 不同方法描述性(记叙文) who, where, when, how, why, what议论文 观点论据 1论据 2结论说明文 解释事物,说明意义 事实 1事实 2结论拓展与总结 阅读理解巩固阅读理解之手段巩固阅读理解之手段 for global information找文章结构故事复述小组讨论回答问题summary outline 拓展与总结 阅读理解巩固阅读理解之手段巩固阅读理解之手段 for detailed information表演辩论T/FM/CQ/ARole play translation and paraphrasing拓展与总结 词汇词汇是理解的基础,有一定的

33、词汇量是保证阅读准确性的条件词汇训练手段词汇训练手段词汇联想竞赛:分组进行,写出与某个主题相关的单词最多的小组获胜造句:教师给10个单词,学生造句,每个句子必须至少包含2个单词,句子不仅要grammatically right, 还要meaningful写段落:教师给一组单词,学生用单词组织一个段落Crossword puzzle: 教师可以把单词输入软件制作拓展与总结 词汇词汇训练手段词汇训练手段Jeopardy记单词翻译词语搭配句子翻译拓展与总结 写作训练多写法写长法续写法众人同写问卷设计,调查,报告学生互改教师修订冰果智能作文评阅系统拓展与总结 写作训练根据文章体裁或内容进行写作指导记叙文应用文议论文拓展与总结 写作的修改学习者的过渡语有自身的体系过渡语与目标语对比才能发现对错通过大量接触语言的正面输入,和英语水平的提高,很多错误会自行消失教师可以和学生集体评阅优秀习作感谢感谢在本次示范课和ppt准备过程中得到了何莲珍教授,蒋景阳教授,周颂波老师,傅莹老师,张璐老师,方富民老师和朱晔老师的大力支持,在此表示衷心感谢!Thank you!



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