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1、Language Testing Course introductionSpring semester, 20141What to be expected How to design a testCriteria of a good testHow to grade a testHow to analyze test itemsHow to analyze students performanceHow to report the results of a testPreparation:Microsoft Excel 2003 in your computerBasic knowledge

2、about statistics2Why do we need this course?n考试大国nPracticalitynInfluence on teaching and learningn英语社会化考试3Course projectnTest designnItem gradingnItem analysisnTest reportn80% of final scores4Classroom quiz (20%)nIt will be given around week 8.5IntroductionnTesting: nthe use of tests, or the study o

3、f the theory & practice of their use, development, evaluation, etc.nTest: Its a method of measuring a learners competence (ability or knowledge) in a given area (Brown, 1994).6Relationship Between testing & teachingnTesting & teaching are closely related.nTests may be constructed primarily as device

4、s to reinforce learning (geared to teaching)Primarily as a means of assessing the students performance in the language (Teaching is often geared largely to the test.)nTests have both positive & negative effects on learning & teaching.7Functions of Testing8Functions of TestingnTo place students in ap

5、propriate classes in a course or programnTo locate students strengths and areas of learning difficulties or diagnose Ss needs & weaknessesnTo evaluate class achievement at the end of a term or a course (e.g., graduate program)nTo select students for certain courses or programsnTo find out proficienc

6、y/progress9Classification of Tests10Types of Tests (purpose of tests)nProficiency testsnAchievement testsnDiagnostic Tests nPlacement Tests11Proficiency Testsnto measure the learners competence in a LanguagenNot based on the content or objectives of a language course nbut based on certain specified

7、abilities that successful candidates should demonstratene.g., CET4, TEM4, Cambridge Exams, TOEFL, etc12Achievement Testsdegree of success in some past learning activity.nIt is limited to particular material covered in a curriculum within a particular time frame (Brown, 1994). nEg. Finals13Diagnostic

8、 Teststo find out what language skills or knowledge the learner knows and what he/she dose not know so as to diagnose his/her difficulties in learning.14Placement Testto put the learners at an appropriate level in a course and sort new students into different levels of teaching groups so that they c

9、an receive training proper to their level.15Approaches to test constructionDirect testing: Indirect testing: it requires the candidate to perform precisely the skill that we wish to measure. it attempts to measure the abilities that underlie the skills in which we are interested. Eg. Writing tasks,

10、speaking tasksTesting to grammar, MC to measure writing ability.16Discrete vs. integrative testingnaccording to approaches to test constructionDiscrete Point Testing (分立型测试)one language element at a time (e.g., grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, etc)the assumption L can be broken down into its c

11、omponent parts and adequately tested. 17Integrative Testing(综合型测试)A language test that attempts to test/assess a learners capacity to use language (many bits all at the same time (e.g., Cloze, dictation)the assumptionL competence cannot be separated requires the learner to use several language skill

12、s at the same time.18Types of tests : ways of interpreting the test resultsCriterion-referenced Tests(标准参照性测试) Criterion-referenced T:a students score is interpreted with reference to an agreed criterion scoreEg. Tests for driving license, CET 4.nNorm-referenced Tests (常规参照性测试) Norm-referenced T: a

13、students score is interpreted with reference to the scores of other students or group of students.NMET19Norm-referenced tests nMeasure global language abilities (e.g. listening, reading speaking, writing)nScore on a test is interpreted relative to the scores of all other students who took the testnN

14、ormal distribution20Normal Distributionhttp:/高考标准分算法:T= 500 + 100Z21Norm-referenced testsnStudents know the format of the test but do not know what specific content or skill will be testednA few relatively long subtests with a variety of question conten

15、ts22Criterion-referenced testsnMeasure well-defined and fairly specific objectivesnInterpretation of scores is considered absolute without referring to other students scoresnDistribution of scores need not to be normalnStudents know in advance what types of questions, tasks, and content to expect fo

16、r the testnA series of short, well-defined subtests with similar question contents23Types of tests in terms of scoring (5)nObjective testsnSubjective tests24What is an Objective test?nA test that can be marked without the use of the examiners personal judgment.nA test item that requires the choice o

17、f a single correct answer.25Objective Test Itemsnmultiple choice itemsnthe true-false itemnmatching itemnshort answer itemncompletion item26Subjective test & its itemsnSubjective tests that are marked according to the personal judgment of the scorer. There may be several possible answers for each qu

18、estion.nEssay questionsRestricted-response essay Q.Extended-response essay Q.nE.g.,CompositionOral tests27Types of tests classified by linguistic levels and skills (7)nTests classified by linguistic levels include test of phonology, test of vocabulary, test of grammar, etc.nTests classified by skills include listening test, reading test, oral test and writing test.28AssignmentnPreview Chapter 4 nValidity29



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