【外研版】选修六:Module6 Listening课件

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1、Complete the sentences with the verbs in the past simple.break fall feel fly shake think1. I remember that the house _ during the bombing.2. The planes _ very low.shookflew3. A lot of bombs _ on the docks.4. A lot of people _ the underground would be the safest place.fellthoughtbreak ball feel fly s

2、hake think5. They _ the chains on the doors.6. You _ much safer in the underground.feltbreak ball feel fly shake thinkbrokeAnswer the questions abut Alice and Henry Porter.1. How old were Alice and Henry when the bombing campaign started?Alice was 7, and Henry 12.2. Where was Alice when she saw the

3、bombing for the first time?In her bedroom.3. What did Henry and his brother do?They went out into the street to watch the planes.4. Where was Alice when a bomb fell on her street?In the underground.5. Who was Henry with on the night he remembers best?His father.Complete the sentences with the words

4、below.1. I remember that the house shook, and I looked through my bedroom _.2. I remember seeing _ in the distance.firesannoyed counting excited fires shouting sound supposed windowwindow3. I also remember that my parents were very _ with me.4. The first thing I remember was the _ of the planes.anno

5、yedsoundannoyed counting excited fires shouting sound supposed window5. I also remember feeling very _. 6. If I remember rightly, we werent _ to do that.excitedsupposedannoyed counting excited fires shouting sound supposed window7. I can remember the firemen _ to each other.8. I remember _ the time

6、between the raids one night.shoutingannoyed counting excited fires shouting sound supposed windowcountingListen to the tape.Interviewer: Im talking to Alice and Henry Porter, who both living in London during the Second World War, and who both experienced the bombing campaign which is known as the Lo

7、ndon Blitz. Alice, what are your strongest memories of it?Alice: Well, I was only seven years old at the time, and the first bombs fell a long way from my house. But I remember that the house shook and I looked through my bedroom window. I remember seeing fires in the distance. Ive never forgotten t

8、hat. London was on fire all around me. There were so many fires that the clouds in the sky turned pink. Unforgettable.Interviewer: Yes, indeed.Alice: I also remember that my parents were very annoyed with me.Interviewer: Why? Alice: Because I was looking through my bedroom window. You werent suppose

9、d to do that. You had to keep your windows covered all the time at night.Interviewer: Henry. What are your first memories of the Blitz?Alice: Well, Im older than Alice, and I was 12 when the bombing started. The first thing I remember was the sound of the planes. They flew very low. My brother and I

10、 went out into the street to watch. We never told my parents about that. If Id told them about that, they would have killed me!Interviewer: how did you feel when you went into the street? Were you afraid?Alice: Well, yes, I suppose I was. But I also remember feeling very excited.Interviewer: And did

11、 any of the bombs drop near you?Alice: Not on the first night, no. And I often wonder why. I suppose because we werent near any factories and we werent near the docks. A lot of bombs fell on the docks.Interviewer: And later?Alice: Later, yes. A bomb fell on our street. Interviewer: Did you see it?Al

12、ice: No. We were in the air-raid shelter. Otherwise I wouldnt have survived. Actually, we were in the underground station. Thats right, the underground station. If I remember rightly, we werent supposed to do that.Interviewer: Really?Alice: Yes. The government thought that it wouldnt be safe, so the

13、y put chains on the doors. A lot of people thought it would be the safest place so they broke the chains. After that, a lot of people went there.Interviewer: And they were right. It WAS much safer in the underground.Alice:Alice: Yes, you felt much safer in the Yes, you felt much safer in the undergr

14、ound. They were shelters above the underground. They were shelters above the ground as well. And it was much noisier ground as well. And it was much noisier there.there.Interviewer:Interviewer: Henry, what Henry, whats your strongest s your strongest memory?memory?Henry:Henry: One night, my father a

15、nd me came out One night, my father and me came out of the house later than everyone else. We of the house later than everyone else. We had to run about half a mile to the had to run about half a mile to the underground station. And it was one of the underground station. And it was one of the worst

16、nights. The sky was full of planes, worst nights. The sky was full of planes, and you could hear the sounds of falling and you could hear the sounds of falling bombs. That was terrible. Ibombs. That was terrible. Ill never forget ll never forget hearing that sound.hearing that sound.Interviewer:Inte

17、rviewer: What else do you What else do you remember, Alice?remember, Alice?Alice:Alice: The firemen. The firemen.Interviewer: The firemen?Interviewer: The firemen?Alice:Alice: Yes, they were wonderful. As Yes, they were wonderful. As soon as there was a fire, a fire soon as there was a fire, a fire

18、engine arrived. I can remember them engine arrived. I can remember them shouting to each other. Very brave shouting to each other. Very brave men. men. Interviewer:Interviewer: How often did the How often did the bombers come?bombers come?Henry: Every night.Interviewer: Really?Henry: yes, and not ju

19、st once a night. I remember counting the time between the raids one nightthere was a raid every two minutes for about an hour.Interviewer: Thank you both for sharing your memories with us.Alice: Youre welcome.Henry: WE should thank You. We appreciated the opportunity to talk. 同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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