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1、人教版高二人教版高二 Unit 20 ArchaeologyUnit 20 ArchaeologyPeriod 1 Lets listen and speak!Goals Learn to talk about archaeological discoveries. Learn to express curiosity. Review the use of “it”.ProceduresLeading in: by discussion.Hi, boys and girls. We are now living in a highly developed world, with advance

2、d culture andhighly developed civilizations. But have you ever thought what are the base of all the culture andcivilizations? Oh, yes, they are based on those which were created by our great, great grandfatherslived a long, long time ago. No one exactly knows what they lived on, what were their hous

3、ingand home decoration conditions, what kind of tools they usually used in their production activities,and what entertainment they had in their spare time. Anyway, we can imagine! So now, letsdivide into groups of four and, with the help of your imagination, discuss what kinds of food theearly man a

4、te, what their housing conditions and home decorations were like, what tools theymade and what entertainment they had intheir spare time. Then Ill ask some of you to report theresults to the whole class.Task 1: Looking and discussing1) Look at page 73, boys and girls. There are 4 pictures, some ques

5、tions and a table. Please look atthe pictures, read the questions carefully, discuss these questions in groups of four and try to fill inthe table with what youve discussed. In the end, Ill ask some of you to make a report to thewhole class.2) Look at page 74, boys and girls. Lets discuss the second

6、 question, “Can you give examples ofimportant discoveries from these different periods? Where were they unearthed and where can yougo and see them?” While discussing, you should make use of your common sense, and if you areinterested in archaeology, you are able to give a lot of examples of the impo

7、rtant discoveries fromthese different periods. I will ask some of you to report the results to the whole class.Task 2: Listening, filling and speaking.1. Listen to the tape twice and fill in the blanks on page 74.2. First, the students should try to make a drawing of the tool according to the conten

8、t of the tape;second, they should write down five of the questions asked by the students; third, they shouldanswer the questions according to what theyve heard; fourth, they should try to guess what elsethe object could be used for with the help of the drawing on page 74.Task 3: Speaking up.1) Work

9、in pairs to make a dialogue. The purpose is to practice students speaking ability.Students A talks about a topic he or she likes, while Student B gives suggestions.Some useful topics for the students:Student A wants to know something about the prehistoric housing of the early man.Student B is intere

10、sted in the food the prehistoric people had.Student C is eager to know the history of Sanxingdui ruins.Student D enjoys archaeological discoveries very much.Student E wants to have a clear idea of all the ancient archaeological sites both at home andabroad.Students F wants to know the development of

11、 agriculture in history.2) Work in pairs or small groups and talk about archaeological findings, such as artifacts, tombs orunearthed towns.Closing up by interviewing an archaeologist.Suppose that a famous archaeologist is giving you a talk about what archaeology is. He tells youthat archaeology is

12、the scientific study of peoples in the past, their culture and their relationshipwith their environment. The purpose of archaeology is to understand how humans in the pastinteracted with their environment, and to preserve this history for present and future learning.After listening to the talk, you

13、want to ask him some questions about archaeology. Thesequestions should include the contents above.HomeworkAsk the students to write a short passage about archaeology. They may write something aboutwhether they are interested in archaeology, what they think of archaeology, how much they knowabout ar

14、chaeology, or what they have learned from the text.Unit 20 Period 2 Lets read!(THE KING OF STONEHENGE)Goals Learn to read for a general idea. Learn some useful words and expressions.ProceduresLeading in: by storyBoys and girls, now Id like to tell you a story. In the spring of 2002, people in Britai

15、n planned tobuild a school at Amesbury in Wiltshire. While the workers dug the work site, they discoveredsomething unusual, which led to the discovery of the grave of the King of Stonehenge. It isthought that this is a very important discovery in archaeology, because archaeologists discoveredthe ric

16、hest Bronze Age burial in Britain. Do you want to know more about the discovery? Good.Now, Ill give you five minutes for you to read the text and answer my question:Why is the discovery important?Task 1: Reading for the main idea.1. Read the text quickly and answer the following questions. How many

17、kinds of things were discovered in the grave of the King of Stonehenge? What is the most important reason to describe the discovery as an important one?2. Read the text carefully and then decide whether the given statements are true or false. On March. 3, 2002, archaeologists in England found a grav

18、e of a man dating back to around3000 BC. People got to know where the man was from by testing his bones. From what were found in the grave people had a clear idea of the dressing of the King ofStonehenge when he was buried. All the relics found in the grave of the King of Stonehenge were buried with

19、 him for his futureuse in the next life because of the belief that a dead man would come back to life. The discovery of the King of Stonehenge was far from important. The two earrings are not only the oldest gold ever found in England, but also a proof that theancient British were clever enough to m

20、ake gold even in around 2,500 BC. Because of his power and his successful organization of the construction of Stonehenge, theman got his title as the King of Stonehenge. In ancient times it was very difficult for the people then to construct the Stonehenge notbecause the stones were huge and heavybu

21、t because they couldnt use our modern machines.Keys: F F T T F F T FTask 2: Reading and copying.Now its time to read the text again and copy down all the useful expressions.Useful expressions from the textdate back to around 2,300 BC, with his face to the north, a bone pin, carry on ones breast, gol

22、dearrings, be made of, a second smaller copper knife, a cushion stone, work metal, a variety ofreasons, tend to do sth., a member of a powerful class, the construction of Stonehenge, be linkedto sth., have a hand in, pull up, in terms of, technical development, Stone Age, Iron Age,through trade and

23、cultural links, the skills to make metal, be of high status, in the eyes of, localpeopleTask 3: Discussing and filling blanks.1. Now we are going to discuss the following questions in groups of four: According to the text, the discovery of the grave of the King of Stonehenge is of greatimportance. D

24、o you agree? Why or why not? Archaeology is a scientific branch. Do you agree with this point of view? Why or why not?Can you give some examples to support your idea?2. Fill in the blanks according to the textFinds _ Why important _ Peoples opinion _(A possible key)Finds: clothing, tools, weapons, p

25、ottery, spare materials to make new toolsWhy important:1. richest ever found from that era;2. buried near Stonehenge site;3. having a hand in Stonehenge;4. making culture and technique exchange possible.Peoples opinion:Thinking highly of what the King of Stonehenge had done.Closing up by interview.F

26、inally we shall hold an interview with the chief archaeologist who was in charge of theexcavation then. One of you will act as the archaeologist and others act as journalists, who areinterviewing the archaeologist.HomeworkTry to find out some useful information about this part, write a short article

27、 on underwaterarchaeology.Unit 20 Period 3 Lets study!(Grammar: Review the use of “It”)Goals Help the students to grasp some new words and improve the ability of defining words inEnglish. Help the students to review the use of “it”.ProceduresLeading in: by listening.Hello, everyone! We learned THE K

28、ING OF STONEHENGE yesterday. Now lets listen to thetape of the text.(After listening to the text)Now Ill ask you a question: Are you interested in archaeology? Do you want to be anarchaeologist?Task 1: Defining words.1. Turn to page 77 and ask the students to do exercises of word study and fill in t

29、he blanks withproper words from the text.2. Explain the meaning and use of the words.3. Ask the students to make sentences with the words.Task 2: Studying Inversion.语 法 精 讲 It 的 用 法1、 it 可指天气、温度、时间、距离等等It is cold today, isnt it? Yes, isnt it? Whats the temperature? Its 26.Whats the date today? Its M

30、ay 1, 2005.Whats the distance between the two towns? Its 10 miles.Its a fine day. Lets go fishing, _? (全国高考 90)A. wont we B. will you C. can you D. shall we2、 用作人称代词,代替前文提到过的事物The dog is not a cold-blooded animal. It doesnt need to hibernate.3、 为了避免重复,it 可用来代替前面说过的短语或句子I tried to persuade my father

31、to give up smoking, but found it impossible. (it = to persuade myfather to give up smoking)He is a living Lei Feng and is always ready to help others. I know it clearly. (it = He is a living LeiFeng and is always ready to help others)4、 代替指示代词 this, that Whats this? Its an album.Whose new bike is th

32、at? Its Marys.【注意】it 与 one,that 的不同:it = the (that, this) + 名词,特指并且代替前面提到的某特定事物Hes bought a new car, so he drives it everywhere to show it off.There is only one piano left in the shop. I wonder if you still want to buy _?A. it B. one C. another D. anyone = a + 名词,one 指前面提到的同类事物中的不同的另一个0。He needs _ c

33、omputer, but he cant afford _.A. the; one B. a; one C. one; one D. that; itthat = the +名词,that 指代的名词与前面的名词属于同一类,但不属于同一个。The population of China is larger than that of Japan. 中国人口比日本人口多。(注意:that 在句中指代 population,但其后有一个 of 短语作定语,以区别于 the population of China.)it 与 that 的异同:it 指同一事物,that 指同类但非同一的事物I lik

34、e the climate of Kunming more than that of Beijing. The climate of Kunming is mild, and Ilike it. Why dont we take a little break? Didnt we just have _ ? (全国高考,2002-23)A. it B. that C. one D. thisFor most students, their teachers advice is more important than _ of their parents.A. those B. that C. w

35、hat D. which5、 it 作形式主语it 在句中可作形式主语,而真正作主语的主语从句需要放在句子的末尾。 主语从句后置常用以下几种结构: 1)It is / was + adj. + subject-clause可用于此句型的形容词有:clear, certain,funny, good, impossible, likely, natural, obvious, possible, probable, strange, surprising, true,unusual, wonderful, 等。It is certain that the constant rising of t

36、he oil price will affect the development of the worldeconomy.It is possible that the King of Stonehenge had a lot to do with the stones.2) It is / was + 名词词组 + subject clause 可用于该结构的名词词组主要有:a pity / duty, agood thing, no surprise, good news, an honor, a fact, a mystery, a shame, manner, 等。Unit 20 Pe

37、riod 4Lets read and write!Goals Provide the students with opportunities to develop their reading and writing skills. Ask the students to create a flow chart.ProceduresLeading in: by introduction.Hello, everyone. Weve learned something about the archaeology in England, which shows its richculture. Bu

38、t in fact, our country, China, is a very large country with even richer culture and moreadvanced civilization just because of its long history. Why do the Chinese people, no matter athome or abroad, call themselves Chinese? It is because of the culture that they share, which nodoubt is very importan

39、t for all the Chinese people. But have you ever thought of what the root ofChinese culture is? OK, today we are going to read something entitled BOOTS OF CHINSESCULTURE. Now, Ill give you eight minutes to read the whole text and answer the questions:Do you think that Chinese culture is rooted in the

40、 activities of the ancient people? Why? Why not?Task1: Read and fill the box with proper wordsMain ideaPart 1(Paragraph 1-3): Jinsha Ruins (more than 1000 relics found in 2001, important materials forstudy, similar to those found at Sanxingdui, indicating Sichuan had wide trade links at home andabro

41、ad and was the political and culture center of the Shu Kingdom 3000 years ago)Part2 (Paragraph 4): The discovery of Sanxingdui in 1929 (over 400 jade objects found, given tothe government in 1953)Part 3 (Paragraph 5): More discoveries (further excavation and continuous work)Conclusion: Chinese cultu

42、re is rooted on ancient peoples daily activities.Task 2: Creating a flow chart.Suppose that you are an archaeologist. One day you received a telephone call, which was about adiscovery of an ancient tomb. It was at the construction site that workers found the ancient tomb.Of course you were excited a

43、t the news. But what should you do to deal with the situation? Pleasedraw a flow chart to tell what they should do.Closing up by copying down expressions.Useful expressionsbuild roads, find in the mud, close the site, belong to, serve as materials for study,remind of, the lower areas of the Yangtze,

44、 have trade links with, move from to, workin the fields, dig up, warmly receive, date back toReading after classThe Terra-Cotta Warriors of Xian The Eighth Wonder of the WorldThe terra-cotta warriors have become known as the Eighth Wonder of the World, after the SevenWonders of the world (the Egypti

45、an pyramids, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Mausoleumat Halicarnassus, the Temple Artemis at Ephesus, the Colossus of Rhodes, the Statue of Zeus byPhidias at Olympia, and the Pharos or Lighthouse at Alexandria.) Two thousand years later,among the seven wonders, only the pyramids are still intac

46、t.No written record of the terra-cotta warriors exists. With the collapse of the Qin Dynasty, theseartifacts of wonderful workmanship became unknown.Since the discovery of the first fragments in 1974, three pits containing terra-cotta warriors andhorses have been excavated.In Pit No. 1 stand more th

47、an 6,000 life-size warriors and chariots arranged in rectangular battleformation. The soldiers wear helmets and armor and also carry real bows and arrows, swords,lances, javelins and crossbows. Two hundred and ten warriors in three rows make up the vanguard.Following them is the main body of the arm

48、y, 38 rows of troops. There are also flanks and threerows of rear guards. The well ordered, tightly-knit military formation of combat-ready troops are atribute to Qin Shi Huangs tr5emendous drive to unify the country.Pit No.2 contains a larger variety of soldiers arranged in a more complex battle formation. Unlikethe first pit, where the chariots and foot soldiers are mixed, Pit No. 2 contains four separate unitsof archers, foot soldiers, cavalrymen, and chariots, each drawn by four horses.



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