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1、高考英语答题技巧高考英语答题技巧高考英语短文改错答题技巧高考英语短文改错答题技巧短文改错题型特征及要求该题属于该题属于写作部分第一节写作部分第一节,都是以修改中学生,都是以修改中学生 的习作形式出现,通常是约的习作形式出现,通常是约100词左右记叙文。词左右记叙文。“短文改错短文改错”是在语篇中考查考生对语法、词是在语篇中考查考生对语法、词汇和语用知识的掌握情况,考查内容全是中学生汇和语用知识的掌握情况,考查内容全是中学生应该掌握的核心句法、词法等语法知识及其在语应该掌握的核心句法、词法等语法知识及其在语篇中的的实际运用能力篇中的的实际运用能力( grammaring )。还涉及。还涉及一些最

2、常用的词块一些最常用的词块 (含习语搭配含习语搭配) 以及许多中学生以及许多中学生在写作中最容易犯的一些最常用词的准确用法。在写作中最容易犯的一些最常用词的准确用法。每处变动每处变动1词。改错不涉及标点符号词。改错不涉及标点符号, 大小写。大小写。几年课标卷短文改错几年课标卷短文改错10小题多是:小题多是:增增1词、删词、删1词、改词、改8处,但是处,但是2015年也可以是增年也可以是增1词,删词,删 2词,改词,改7处。处。样题是增样题是增2词、删词、删1词、改词、改7处。处。测试点测试点动动词词 名名词词 介介词词 连连词词 形容形容词词 副副词词 冠冠词词 代代词词 2014年课年课标标

3、2112311102015年全年全国卷一国卷一311120112015年全年全国卷二国卷二31110211近两年短文改错考点近两年短文改错考点1. I can return back to school now.2. I like playing piano.3. I major at accounting.theWrong wordMissing wordinUnnecessary word改改 错错 示示 例例动词形,动词形,名词数名词数还要注意形和副还要注意形和副代词格,细领悟代词格,细领悟介词短语须关注介词短语须关注习惯用法要记住习惯用法要记住冠词连词常光顾冠词连词常光顾短文改错纠错秘

4、诀短文改错纠错秘诀一、动词一、动词形形 1.1.动词的动词的时态时态和和语态语态错误错误. . 2. 2. 主、谓不一致主、谓不一致的错误。的错误。 3.3.动词的动词的及物不及物和非谓语动词及物不及物和非谓语动词的问题的问题高考链接高考链接:1.1.One Sunday morning we One Sunday morning we gogo fishing at a lake. fishing at a lake.2.2.Suddenly the arrows was flying down at us Suddenly the arrows was flying down at us

5、from the sky.from the sky.3.3.My dream school look like a big garden.My dream school look like a big garden.4. 4. It was turned out to be her own cupIt was turned out to be her own cup5. I was used to watch it every night.5. I was used to watch it every night.6.6. I was really disappointing and abou

6、t to I was really disappointing and about to leave whenleave when. . wentwerelookswatchingdisappointed二、名词二、名词数数 指指名词可数不可数,可数名词的单名词可数不可数,可数名词的单、复数形式复数形式的用法错误的用法错误。1.I came across a crew making a new film with one of my favorite actor.2.Within the next few minute, my grandfather walked away.3.Persona

7、lly, I found most lesson rather uninteresting.actorsminuteslessons三、还要注意形和副三、还要注意形和副 1.1.修饰名词,修饰名词,要用要用形容词形容词 2. 2.放在系动词后作表语,在宾语放在系动词后作表语,在宾语后后作宾补作宾补用用形容词形容词 3 3. .修饰动词,形容词修饰动词,形容词,副词副词,整个句子用整个句子用副词副词 4 4. .比较级和最高级的使用(切记无比较级和最高级的使用(切记无双重比较双重比较)careful1. Ill try to be more carefully next time. 2.As a

8、 result, people in the modern world generally live much more longer than people in the past. 3.My uncles immediate jumped up and4. We lived in a comfortably double room with a big bath.immediatelycomfortable3.3335. Still, your happiness makes him happily too.happy6. She was , in fact, rather attract

9、ively.attractive7. We can hear birds singing happy all around.happily四四、 代词代词格,细领悟格,细领悟1 1. .人称代词,物主代词人称代词,物主代词( (主格和宾格,男女人称,单复数主格和宾格,男女人称,单复数 ) )人称代词的人称代词的主格和宾格主格和宾格物主代词分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词物主代词分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词 . .反身代词反身代词oneselfoneself 的使用的使用 3. 3. 关系代词关系代词在定语从句中的应用在定语从句中的应用. .不定代词不定代词的使用的使用b both,

10、all,either,neither,noneoth,all,either,neither,none, , something, anythingsomething, anything等的用法等的用法. .5 5. . w whosehose 和和whowhos s, itsits和和 itits s的区别的区别1.I heard that Mr. Wang would teach our English this term.2.I would recommend any friend of me who is going to Beijing.3.We took ours fishing p

11、oles and headed for the lake.4.These boys like sports, but he dont like studying.5. Thank you very much for showing them around your city and providing us with the wonderful meals.6.It turned out to be her own cup, that shed left on the shelf by mistake.usourtheyusminewhich五五、介词短语须关注介词短语须关注 习惯用法要记住习

12、惯用法要记住 主要考查主要考查固定短语,固定介词固定短语,固定介词的搭配。的搭配。1.My uncles shot their arrows on the bird.1.My uncles shot their arrows on the bird. 2 2.And it is easy to go to anywhere from the .And it is easy to go to anywhere from the hotel by public transporthotel by public transport. .3 3.Mary was about to leave when

13、 her husband .Mary was about to leave when her husband walked out a buildingwalked out a building. . 4 4. .It was very kind for them to meet me at It was very kind for them to meet me at the railway stathe railway stat tion. ion. 5 5.Because the help you gave me that summer, .Because the help you ga

14、ve me that summer, my life changemy life changeofofofat. . 冠词冠词a, ana, an和和thethe的用法错误的用法错误 连词连词but,and,or, because,sobut,and,or, because,so,howeverhowever和和althoughalthough的用法错误的用法错误1.What a good news weve heard.2.We ran to escape, but fortunately no one was injured.3.There is the Mr. Smith outside

15、 asking to see you. 4.The boy bent down and picked it up to look at a price on it.5.As result, the plants are growing . 6.He was right there in the front of me.and六六、冠词连词冠词连词常光顾常光顾athea四不改四不改l标点符号不改标点符号不改l大小写不改大小写不改l词序错误不改词序错误不改l单词拼写不改单词拼写不改“短文改错”解题思路读通全文理逻辑 考句分析清结构 Pant作路径(定向筛查) 词块习语为依据 最常考点要留意(Pan

16、tssentence patterns , agreement, number,tense)重重点点筛筛查查动动词词,名名词词,词词块块;还还有冠词、介词有冠词、介词 读通全文 理(顺)逻辑短文改错是在语篇层面考查核心词法、句法真正读通文章选用能贯通上下文“信息词”。somewhere everywhere here therehe found where they were missing. (where that)理顺全文逻辑关系,选用恰当连接词或副词。There the air is clean or the mountains are greenand I bought my tick

17、et but turned aroundand (顺承顺承) Besides (the bookstoreis )But (前后转折前后转折)考(点)句分析(理)清结构只分析涉及考点句子,理清其结构、成分和语意再解题;先定考查目标词词性再定形式先找句中动词,再看其有否相应主语弄清结构句中若有两套主谓结构必有一关联词 (that可省) He had, he was He had, +and he was.Although we allow , but we have neverhad any disease.两解法两解法 去去but butyetI was at the Shanghai Rai

18、lway Station buy a ticket toHangzhou.buying(buy无相应主语无相应主语, ,v-ing状语)状语)On the box was a card say: “ 25 cents each.” saying (was主语是主语是 card ,无无and, , v-ing用作用作状语状语)弄清考查词在句中成分,先定词性后定形式。a very seriously problem. serious (修饰名词修饰名词) were terrible worriedterribly (修饰形容词修饰形容词) It was real a nice experience

19、.really( (修饰动词修饰动词) ) Interesting, it had a connection with the Britishporcelain(瓷器瓷器)industry.Interestingly(修饰全句修饰全句) ) This made for the grow in the foodindustry.growth (介介词词即即前前置置词词后后接接名名词词) ( are kind and) helpfully helpful (平行平行)最常见考点要特别留意中学生常把握不住某些最常用词语准确用法冠词a, an与the之间的混用及其基本用法。when I have th

20、e problema (四形式全方位考冠词四形式全方位考冠词) on second floor + the (冠词缺失) 去掉去掉all kinds of the flowers中的中的the及物动词与宾语之间不要添加小品词。 he lent to me lots of clothes 去掉去掉 to invite for you to 去掉去掉 for (介词多余)The book Im reading of 去掉去掉 of I wasnt able to return to your bike on time.(去去 to) 将Pant作筛查改错方向标中学生写作常犯错误较多集中在句型、前后

21、一致、名词的数、时态四四方面,纠错时应特别观察分析以上4类语言表达形式。牢固掌握中学英语中常用常见句型。They (are three lessons)There (there be句型)(提醒学生根本不存在(提醒学生根本不存在 “there have”结构)结构) Its been a week after we left your family since确保前后文人称、指代、主谓等等的一致。Thank you for showing them around your city and providing us with the wonderful meals. us ( (人称)人称)

22、At Christmas Eve, Jim went with hisfather to choose a Christmas tree. They choose a big one. It was almost as taller as the room!They put them in the corner of the sittingroom. Kate was covered it with a lot of Christmas light. The sitting room lookedreally beautifully at the moment. There was a fir

23、e burning in the fire place, but the Chistmastree lights was shinning brightly. Jim and his parents singing and dancing happily.实实 战战 演演 练练At Christmas Eve, Jim went with hisfather to choose a Christmas tree. They choose a big one. It was almost as taller as the room!They put them in the corner of t

24、he sitting_On_chose_tall_it动词形形介介词短短语常常考,常常考,习惯用法要用法要记住住还要注意形和副要注意形和副代代词格,格,细领悟悟room. Kate was covered it with a lot ofChristmas light. The sitting room lookedreally beautifully at the moment. There was a fire burning in the fire place, but the Christmastree lights was shinning brightly. Jim and his

25、parents singing and dancing happily._lights_beautiful_andwere动词形形还要注意形和副要注意形和副动词形形名名词数数冠冠词连词须关注关注were动词形形The next passage is mainly about_.the weather report in our city Now here are the weather report for our city.Tomorrow will be fine with the high temperature3 in the daytime. In the nights, the t

26、emperaturewill fell down below zero. The temperature will be 8 . The day before tomorrow, there will be the strong wind and the temperature willbe low. It will falls down to 10 . You had better to wear your warm clothes. If you are a driver, youd better be more carefully when you are driving because

27、 the strong wind. Now here are the weather report for our city.Tomorrow will be fine with the high temperature3 in the daytime. In the evenings, the temperaturewill fell down below zero. The temperature will be 8 . The day before tomorrow, thereisaeveningfallafterwill be the strong wind and the temperature willbe low. It will falls down to 10 . You had better to wear your warm clothes. If you are a driver, youd better be more carefully when you are driving because the strong wind.acarefuloffall



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