九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Buying and Selling Lesson 21课件 冀教版

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1、 Unit 3 Buying and SellingLesson 21. 选词配图选词配图 cookies, coin, purse, afraid, bills答案答案:1. coin 2. bills 3. afraid答案答案:4. purse 5. cookies. 句型展示句型展示1. 那个女孩花了一美元买了那个女孩花了一美元买了4个小甜饼。个小甜饼。The girl _ one dollar _ four cookies. 2. 她走到丹尼的桌子边。她走到丹尼的桌子边。She _ _ _ Dannys table. 3. 如果你不喜欢它,我就把钱退还给你。如果你不喜欢它,我就把钱退

2、还给你。If you _ _ it, I _ _ _ your money. 答案答案:1. paid; for 2. goes over to3. dont like; will give back4. 恐怕我买不起那辆新车。恐怕我买不起那辆新车。Im _ I _ _ the new car. 5. 我认为在自行车上做作业不安全。我认为在自行车上做作业不安全。I _ _ it would be safe _ _ my homework on a bicycle. 答案答案:4. afraid; cant afford 5. dont think; to do 1. Do you have a

3、ny other things for sale? 你还卖别的东西吗?你还卖别的东西吗?【自主领悟【自主领悟】(1)any other的用法的用法后接后接_,意为,意为“其他一些其他一些”,常用于,常用于_和和_中。例如:中。例如:Do you have any other books on English? 你还有其他有关英语的书吗?你还有其他有关英语的书吗?后接后接_,意为,意为“其他任何一个其他任何一个”,主要用于,主要用于_中。中。例如:例如:Autumn is better for reading than any other season. 秋天秋天比其他任何季节都适合读书。比其他

4、任何季节都适合读书。(2)sale作名词,意为作名词,意为“卖;销售卖;销售”,常构成短语:,常构成短语:for sale待售,待售,供出售;供出售;on sale打折出售,减价出售。例如:打折出售,减价出售。例如:The car for sale is very beautiful. 待售的那辆车非常漂亮。待售的那辆车非常漂亮。 复数名词复数名词疑问句疑问句否定否定句句单数名词单数名词肯定句肯定句【活学活用【活学活用】 当你做作业的时候,不要做其他的事情。当你做作业的时候,不要做其他的事情。Dont do _ _ _ while you are doing your homework. 商店

5、里有一些打折销售的衣服。商店里有一些打折销售的衣服。There are some clothes _ _ in the store. 答案答案:any other things on sale2. Im afraid not. 恐怕不是这样的。恐怕不是这样的。【自自主主领领悟悟】 afraid作作形形容容词词,意意为为“害害怕怕的的”,只只可可作作表表语语,不能作定语。不能作定语。例例如如:Im afraid I cant go to your party. 恐恐怕怕我我不不能能去去你你的的聚会。聚会。【归纳拓展【归纳拓展】be afraid 的常用搭配的常用搭配be afraid _ sth

6、.害怕做某事害怕做某事Im afraid to go out alone at night. 我晚上害怕独自出去。我晚上害怕独自出去。be afraid _+名词名词/代词代词/v. -ing形式形式害怕害怕/担心担心Li Lei is afraid of facing his scores. 李雷害怕面对自己的成绩。李雷害怕面对自己的成绩。be afraid+ _恐怕恐怕/担心担心,常表示,常表示委婉的语气委婉的语气Im afraid that you will fail. 恐怕你会失败。恐怕你会失败。习惯用法习惯用法Im afraid so. 恐怕是这样的。恐怕是这样的。Im afraid

7、 not. 恐怕不是这样的。恐怕不是这样的。 to dothat从句从句of【图解助记【图解助记】【活学活用【活学活用】 我担心伤害朋友的感情。我担心伤害朋友的感情。I was _ _ _ my friends feelings. 我不敢想,如果我们迟到了会发生什么事情。我不敢想,如果我们迟到了会发生什么事情。Im _ _ _ what will happen if we are late. 答案答案:afraid of hurting afraid to think3. Im afraid I cant afford it. 恐怕我买不起它。恐怕我买不起它。【自主领悟【自主领悟】 affor

8、d作动词,意为作动词,意为“买得起;负担得起买得起;负担得起”,后面直接跟名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语,常和后面直接跟名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语,常和_ can, could或或be able to连用。例如:连用。例如:We cant afford to waste time and money. 我们不能浪费时间和金钱。我们不能浪费时间和金钱。情态动词情态动词【活学活用【活学活用】 五年前,我们买不起一座房子。五年前,我们买不起一座房子。We _ _ a house five years ago. 五年后,琳达将买得起那辆小汽车。五年后,琳达将买得起那辆小汽车。Linda will _

9、_ _ the car in five years. 答案答案:couldnt afford afford to buy. 选词填空选词填空purse, afraid, coin, safe, any other1. Is there anything else in your _? 2. I have a half dollar but no small _. 3. Do you have _ colors? 4. Can we do something to keep ourselves _ from earthquakes? 5. I was _ that the teacher wou

10、ld be angry with me. 答案答案:1. purse 2. coins 3. any other 4. safe 5. afraid. 单项选择单项选择1. Im afraid a car is too expensive for me. But more and more Chinese can afford _ one. A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. bought2. I havent seen Jack for three days. Is he ill? _. Ive seen him just now. A. Im afraid so B

11、. I hope not C. I dont expect D. Im afraid not3. I _ Bob to say hello to him. A. go over B. went overC. went over to D. went to4. We found it difficult _ there on time. A. get B. to getC. getting D. get5. Yang Mei, what about going boating if it _ tomorrow? Good idea. A. not rain B. will rainC. doesnt rain D. wont rain



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