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1、人教版新目标(Go for it)版英语八年级上 Unit 7 Will people have robots 课件It was sunny yesterday.It is cloudy today.It will be rainy tomorrow. Who is she?When she was young, she was a pretty girl; what will she be like in 50 years? now she is an excellent singer,she sings very well;in 50 years, she will be a lovely

2、 old woman.Who is he? What will he look like in 30 years?When he was young, he was very happy ,now he is the president of America, he is very busy. He will be very old in 30 years .A B. C default.12 + =?。Free robotPeople _ in their homes. People _ money. Everything _ free. Kids _ to school. Theyll s

3、tudy at home on computers.There _ one country.Listen to the tape, how will the world be different in 100 years?Fill in the blanks.will have robotswont usewill bewont gowill only beFree talk:Do you think these preditions(预言) will come true? People will live to be 200 years old.Books will only be on c

4、omputers, not on paper.Ms Steen and some kids are predicting the life in the future ,too.What will the life be like in the future?Listen and fill in the blanks with more/ less/ fewermore/ less/ fewer1. There will be _ people.2.There will be _ free time.3.There will be _ cars.4. There will be _ pollu

5、tion.5. There will be _ trees. 6.Cities will be _ and _ because there will be a lot more people.morelessfewerlessfewerbigcrowdedThere will be fewer cars in the future.smogThe air will be clean, there will be less pollulion(污染) in the future.My preditionsMake predictions: my future life in 20 yearsMa

6、ke predictions:What will your life be like in 20 years ?I wont go to school.I will be a cook.I will make delicious food for my family.I will have a beautiful wife and a lovely son, I will live a happy life.句型转换She will be a teacher in 10 years.(一般疑问句,作肯/否定答,画线提问,变否定句)Will she be a teacher in 10 year

7、s?Yes, she will./No, she wont.What will she be in 10 years?She wont be a teacher in 10 years.你你能能归归纳纳will构构成成的的一一般般将将来来时时句句型型结结构构吗吗?主语+will+V原形+.Will+主语+V原形+.?Yes,主语+will./ No,主语+wont主语+wont+V原形+.特殊疑问词+will+主语+V原形+.?1.陈述句:陈述句:2.一般疑问句:一般疑问句:3.简短肯定、简短肯定、否定答:否定答:4.否定句:否定句:5.特殊疑问句:特殊疑问句:II.Fill in the b

8、lanks.1.In the future, there _ (be) less fresh water.2._ people _ (use) money in 100 years?3.We _ (come) to see you next week.4. There _ (be) a meeting this evening.5.They _(be) singers when they _(grow) up.will beWillusewill comeis going to beare going to begrow will和和be going to的相同与不同处的相同与不同处一般将来时

9、态,其后常一般将来时态,其后常跟的时间状语有哪些?跟的时间状语有哪些?Summary1.will和be going to的相同与不同处都用于一般将来时,后面都跟_will侧重于表_,没有人称和数的变化,而be going to侧重于表_,有人称和数的变化。2.一般将来时态,其后常跟的时间状语一般将来时态,其后常跟的时间状语tomorrow 明天明天/ in the future 将来将来 next week/ year/month下周下周/明年明年/下月下月 the day after tomorrow 后天后天this afternoon/evening今天下午今天下午/晚上晚上in 10

10、years/2020. 十年后十年后/在在.年年动词原形意愿计划和打算 .l .look at these sentences, Can you find out the usages of ook at these sentences, Can you find out the usages of more/ less/ fewermore/ less/ fewerand the future tense of There be.?1. There will be _ people.2.There will be _ free time.3.There will be _ cars.4. T

11、here will be _ pollution.5. There will be _ trees. 6.There will be _ money.7.There is going to be a party tonight.morelessfewerlessfewer 归纳归纳more/ less/ fewer的用法的用法(其后分别跟其后分别跟什么名词)以及一般将来时的什么名词)以及一般将来时的There be句型句型moreSummary 3. more/ less/ fewer的用法:more+可数名词/不可数名词less+不可数名词fewer+可数名词There will be+.T

12、here is/are going to be. 以及一般将来时的There be句型:Nick and Jill are talking about the future life, listen to the tape, fill in the blanks, role-play the conversation.Nick: What are you reading,Jill?Jill: Its a _ about the future.Nick: Sounds cool. So what will the future be like?Jill: Well, cities will be

13、 more crowded and _. There will be fewer trees and the environment will be _.Nick: That sounds bad! Will we have to move to other planets?Jill: Maybe. But I want to live on the earth.Nick: Me, too. Then what can we do?Jill: We can use _ water and plant _ trees. Everyone should play a part in _ the e

14、arth.bookpollutedin great dangerlessmoresavingGroup work: Predicting peoples future lives Will people live on the earth or on the moon in the future? Why?live on the earthmove to the moon(or another planet)Homework Write a short passage about yourself, using the simple past tense, the simplepresent tense and the simple future tense.水星(mercury),金星(venus),地球(earth),火星(mars),木星(jupiter),土星(saturn),天王星(uranus),海王星(neptune)



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