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1、人教版新起点小学英语五年级上册人教版新起点小学英语五年级上册Unit 1Lesson 1 播放同学们课下用播放同学们课下用“学乐师生学乐师生”APP录制的表样自录制的表样自己未来职业规划的录音,回顾上节内容。己未来职业规划的录音,回顾上节内容。Warm-upI am_. I like _. I want to be a _in the future.Vocabulary聪明的聪明的聪明的聪明的 clevercleverVocabularycareless careless 粗心的粗心的粗心的粗心的polite polite Vocabularyquiet quiet 安静的安静的安静的安静的V

2、ocabularycute cute 漂亮的,可爱的漂亮的,可爱的漂亮的,可爱的漂亮的,可爱的Vocabularyfriendly friendly 友好的友好的友好的友好的Vocabularyhelpful helpful 肯帮忙的肯帮忙的肯帮忙的肯帮忙的Vocabularyactive active 活跃的活跃的活跃的活跃的Vocabularypopular popular 受欢迎的受欢迎的受欢迎的受欢迎的Vocabulary Think and say.Lets talk about our classmates!Lily is cute.And shes friendly, too.

3、Think and say.Whats your friend like?Hes active and popular. Hes tall. He has long arms and big hands. Think and say.Whats Joe like?He is helpful. He helps his teacher. He is clever. Hes good atMy little blue planeMy little blue planeIs flying in the sky.Is flying in the sky.It flies very slowly,It

4、flies very slowly,But it climbs up high.But it climbs up high. Listen and repeatSummary今天我们学习了今天我们学习了: :1.1.描述同学和朋友特点的单词:描述同学和朋友特点的单词:clever, careless, clever, careless, polite, quiet, cute, friendly, active, polite, quiet, cute, friendly, active, popular, helpfulpopular, helpful。2.2.字母组合字母组合bl, pl,

5、 cl, gl, fl, slbl, pl, cl, gl, fl, sl的发音规律。的发音规律。Homework1 1听录音,熟读本课内容听录音,熟读本课内容,使用使用“学乐师生学乐师生”APPAPP录音,分享给全班同学。录音,分享给全班同学。2 2把今天所学新单词在作业本上抄写一遍。把今天所学新单词在作业本上抄写一遍。The EndMost English people have three names : a first name. a middle name and a family name. But people dont use their middle names very m

6、uch. So John Henry Brown is usually called(称作)John Brown. People never(从不)use Mr, Mrs. or Miss before their first name. So, you can say John Brown, but you should never say Mr. John. They use Mr, Mrs. or Miss with the family names but never with the first names.Sometimes people ask me about my name.

7、 “Why do you parents call you Jim? Why do they choose(选择)the name for you?”The answer is they dont call me Jim. They can me James. People usually call me Jim for short 在一次作文课中老师让同学们以“名字的故事”为题做口头作文。结果一个最拙(ch zhu)于表达的女生摘走了“最美的名字”的桂冠。我本来叫秦玲玲,两岁那年发烧住进唐山市儿童医院,不幸遇上了大地震。陪床的妈妈被坍下来的一块楼板夺去了性命。我和两个阿姨被埋在了废墟下面。一开始,我不停地哭闹,喊着要妈妈,但很快就哭不动了我渴呀 ! 两 个 阿 姨 轮 流 抱 着 我 , 她 们 看 我 渴 得 快 死 了 , 就 试 着 往 我 的 嘴 里 滴 了 些 尿 液 , 可 我 说 什 么 也 不 肯 咽 (y n y ), 全 都 吐 了 出 来 。“这 孩 子 的 命 怕 是 保 不 住 了 。”一 个 阿 姨 伤 心 地 说 。.谢谢观赏谢谢观赏



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