八年级英语上册 Unit 9 Can you come to my p arty单元同步作文课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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《八年级英语上册 Unit 9 Can you come to my p arty单元同步作文课件 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语上册 Unit 9 Can you come to my p arty单元同步作文课件 (新版)人教新目标版(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、UNIT 9 CAN YOU COME TO MY PARTY?UNIT 9 CAN YOU COME TO MY PARTY?WritingWHAT IS IT? WHAT IS IT USED FOR?LEARNING OBJECTIVES11能力目能力目标(1 1)正确提出邀)正确提出邀请或拒或拒绝邀邀请;(2 2)明确邀)明确邀请函的写作要求,向相关人士函的写作要求,向相关人士发出出邀邀请,同,同时完成相完成相应的写作任的写作任务。22情感目情感目标(1 1)学会)学会组织协调,积极参与活极参与活动策划;策划;(2 2)能)能积极参与合作学极参与合作学习,学会分享互助。,学会分享互助。

2、3A READ THE INVITATION AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. 1.Whoismakingtheinvitation?2.Whatistheinvitationfor?3.Whenwilltheeventhappen?4.Whatwillhappenafterthis?5.Doparentshavetobringanything?6.Howshouldpeoplereplytothisinvitation?Writing task 假设下个月,你校将举办英语文化节,请根据以下表格,向你的笔友Tom写一封邀请函,邀请他参加该活动。要求:1. 内容完整,语句连贯,

3、语法准确; 2. 词数70个左右。eventEnglish Culture Festivaltime 8 am-5 pm, Tuesday, January 5thplaceNo. 1 High Schoolactivities1. English dramas, English Singing Competition,English Movie Poster Show.2. free lunch at the school dining hall at 12:00the date to replyFriday, December 25ththe way to replyE-mail: hel

4、losmithhotmail. comWRITE AN OUTLINE(WRITE AN OUTLINE(写写写写提纲提纲提纲提纲) ) 称呼:_ 正文:_署名:_ 人称人称: 第第 _人称人称 时态:时态:_ 一、二一、二一般将来时一般将来时1. Is there a topic sentence? 2. Did you use the simple future tense? 3. Are there any spelling or grammatical mistakes? 4. Is your handwriting good? Check and correct your writi

5、ng according to the form below.(自评评价量表)Dear Tom, I would like to invite you to the English Culture Festival at No.1 High School. It will be on Tuesday, Juanuary 5th, from 8 am-5 pm. During the festival, you will enjoy wonderful English dramas, English Singing Competition, English Movie Poster Show a

6、nd other interesting activities. At 12:00, we will provide a free lunch for you in the school dining hall. I am sure you will have a great day here. Please reply to this invitation in e-mail at hellosmithhotmail. com by Friday, December 25th.John Smith项目标准评价结构(3分)段落合理(2分) 衔接自然(1分) 内容(8分)要点全面(6分) 拓展合理(2分) 语言(3分)词汇丰富(1分) 句法正确,语言优美(2分) 卷面(1分) 书写工整(1分) 你的习作你的习作1.要点是否齐全?要点是否齐全?2.是否注意了人称、时态、体裁?是否注意了人称、时态、体裁?3.是否用到了连接词?是否用到了连接词?4.是否用到好词、好句?是否用到好词、好句?5.书写是否规范、漂亮?书写是否规范、漂亮? Homework 1. Rewrite a better composition. 2. Exchange and enjoy your group members compositions.



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