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1、Unit 4Unit 4What time do you go to What time do you go to school?school?第四课时第四课时(Section B 1a1d)一、核心一、核心词汇。(44分分16分分)1外出外出 out2. 练习 practice3碟;碟;盘 dish 4. 在在以前以前 before二、核心二、核心词组。(46分分24分分)5外出外出(娱乐) go out6清洗餐具清洗餐具 do the dishes7帮助帮助妈妈做早做早饭 help mom make breakfast8在上学的晚上在上学的晚上 on school nights三、核心句型

2、。三、核心句型。(110分分10分分)9戴夫上学日的晚上能外出戴夫上学日的晚上能外出吗?不,他不能。不,他不能。Can Dave go out on school nights?No,he cant.四、根据句意及提示写四、根据句意及提示写单词。(55分分25分分)10Can I go out this evening,Mom?No,you cant.11I often practice (练习)the piano in the evening.12My sister cant wash the dishes,because she is too young.13We always sing

3、an English song before (在在之前之前)our English class.14The library is always quiet(安静的安静的)五、五、单项选择。(55分分25分分)15Im afraid we C go out to play.Its raining hard outside.Adont BarentCcantDdidnt16I have to get home B five oclock.Aon Bbefore Cwith Din17She often A on weekends.Adoes the dishes Bdoes the dishCd

4、oes dishes Ddo the dish18Our school dont let students go out B school nights.Ain Bon Cat Dof19We must practice D more English.AspeakBto speakCtalkingDspeaking一一、根根据据句句意意,从从方方框框中中选择恰恰当当的的短短语填填空空,每每词限限用用一次,有的需要一次,有的需要变换形式。形式。(54分分20分分)make breakfast,do the dishes,go out,practice the guitar,clean the r

5、oom1My mother usually does the dishes after dinner in the kitchen.2June practices the guitar in the music club on weekends.3Bob,I want to go out to play basketball.4Dale is a tidy boy and he cleans the room every day.5What do you want to eat?Lets make breakfast now.二、二、单项选择。(54分分20分分)6Every night Al

6、ice has to go to bed B nine oclock so she can come to school on time.AinBbeforeCafter7I A the piano every day and I want to be a musician.Apractice Bclean Cdo8I usually help my mother B the dishes.Atake Bdo Cmake9Why do you wear uniforms every day?Because its a school AArule Bgame Ctrip10Wang Lan us

7、ually helps her mother B supper.Aclean Bmake Ctake三、句型三、句型转换。(56分分30分分)11Nick has to practice the piano every day.(改改为一般疑一般疑问句句)Does Nick have to practice the piano every day?12Does Li Qiang have to eat lunch at school?(作肯定回答作肯定回答)Yes,he does13Can he go out to see friends on school nights?(作否定回答作否定回

8、答)No,he cant14Tell me a story after dinner.(改改为否定句否定句)Dont tell me a story after dinner.15Maria gets to school early every day.(改改为同同义句句)Maria arrives at school early every day.四、根据四、根据对话填恰当的填恰当的单词。(103分分30分分)A:Can you go to the movies tonight,Emily?B:No,I 16 I cant go out 17 school nights.A:Oh,that

9、s too bad.I can go out,but I have to be back home 18 ten oclock.B:Youre lucky.I have to follow so many rules.A:Like 19 ?B:I cant 20 out with my friends 21 school.A:Oh,I cant,either.And I have to 22 the guitar every day.B:Well,I have to 23 my room every weekend.And I cant 24 TV after school.A:I cant 25 onbefore what go after play clean watch either



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