上海牛津英语7A Unit8、9知识点及语法重点_外语学习-语法

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《上海牛津英语7A Unit8、9知识点及语法重点_外语学习-语法》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《上海牛津英语7A Unit8、9知识点及语法重点_外语学习-语法(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 8 Growing healthy, growing strong 1. grow healthy and grow strong 长得健康强壮 2. Mike can swim well. So can his brother. Mike 能游泳游的很好。他的兄弟也能。 3. I have finished my homework. So has Mary. 我已经完成了回家作业。Mary 也完成了。 4. Joe likes playing badminton. So does Alice. Joe 喜欢打羽毛球。Alice 也喜欢。 5. We like having barb

2、ecues. So do they. 我们喜欢烧烤。他们也喜欢。 6. I dont like swimming. Neither do I. 我不喜欢游泳。我也不喜欢。 8. Jill doesn t want to read very much,either. = Neither does Jill. Jill 也不太想看书。 9. a cartoon called一部叫做.的卡通片。 10. go for a spring outing 去春游 go for an autumn outing 去秋游 11. stay healthy and strong. 保持健康强壮。 12. reg

3、ular a.有规律的 irregular a. 没有规律的 13. regularly ad. 有规律地 irregularly ad. 没有规律地 14. at least = not less than 至少 15. at most = not more than 至多 16. eat too much sweet food 吃太多甜食drink too many soft drinks 喝太多软饮料。 17. You should do sth. = You d better do sth. 你应该做某事 = 你最好做某事 18. You shouldn t do sth. = You

4、 d better not do sth. 你不应该做某事 = 你最好不做某事。 19. be late for school. 上学迟到。 20. ate three packets of crisps. (eat-ate-eaten ) 吃了三包薯片 21. have too few vegetables. 吃蔬菜太少。 22. have more vegetables. 多吃蔬菜。 23. change my bad habits. 改变 坏习惯。 24. some suggestions on sth. 给某人关于某事的建议 25. give suggestions to sb. =

5、give sb. suggestions 给某人建议 26. I didnt do enough exercise. = I didn t exercise enough. 我锻炼得不够。 27. lead to a healthy life. 渐渐生活健康了。 28. not any longer = no longer 不再 29. feel sleepy (feel felt felt) 感到困倦的 30. grow healthy 变得健康 grow strong 变得强壮 连系动词 grow+ 形容词 n. health a. healt 反义:healthier 31. Shall

6、 we do sth.? 表示建议 =How / What about doing sth.? =Why not do sth.? =Why dont you do sth.? =Lets do sth, shall we? =Would you like to do sth? 32. I like -So do I. 我喜欢。 。 。我也是 I dont like -Neither do I. 我不喜欢。 。 。 我也不 1 掌握 so/ neither 引导的倒装句 so, neither 开头的倒装句 so, neither 位于分句或句子的开头, 这种结构通常表示前面所说的情况也适合于

7、另一个人 (或事物) ,表示“我也这样”之类的概念。 其句型可归纳为: so / neither + be / have / 助动词 / 情态动词 + 主语。如: I wont do such a thing. 我可不做这样的事。 Neither will he. 他也不会。 She is interested in the story. 她对这个故事感兴趣。 So am I. 我也是。 温馨提示 1:如果第二分句只是重复前句的意思,用来表示赞同时,so 之后的主语和谓语就不能颠倒。如: It was cold yesterday. 昨天天气很冷。 So it was. 是很冷。 温馨提示 2

8、: so, neither 开头的倒装句一定要与上句的时态保持一致。如: Peter doesnt like swimming. Neither does Tom. Peter went to school by bus yesterday. So did Tom. 温馨提示 3:so, neither 开头的倒装句中的助动词或情态动词要根据人称的变化而变换。如: Peter doesnt like swimming. Neither do I. 语法追踪练 一、单项选择。 1. She likes collecting stamps. _ A. So do I. B. Neither do

9、I. C. So I do. D. Neither I do. 2. Did you enjoy that trip? Im afraid not, and _. A. so didnt my classmates B. my classmates dont too C. neither do my classmates D. neither did my classmates 3.练习 Please choose the best answer: 1.I dont think I can walk any fur ther. _ _. Lets stop here for a rest. A

10、.Neither am I B.Neither can I C.I dont think so D.I think so 2.Mary is fond of singing, but she never shows any interest in painting. _. A.So it is with Jane B.So is it with Jane C.So does Jane D.So is Jane 3.I have never been there. _he. A.Neither have B.Nor has C.So have D.So has 4.He has been to

11、Beijing. _I. A.So can B.Neither can C.Nor can D.So have 5.Mike was born in New York and spent his childhood there. _. A.So was Bob B.So did Bob C.So it was with Bob D.So Bob was 1、Tom can speak French. _ _ Jack. 2、Tom asked me to go to play football and _ A. so I did. B. so did I C. so do I D. neith

12、er did I 3、 -Its raining hard. -_. A. So is it B. So it is. C. neither is it D. So does it 4、If you wont go, _ A. so will I B. So I will C. neither will I. D. neither I will 活健康了不再感到困倦的变得健康变得强壮连系动词形容词反义表示建议我喜欢我也是我不喜欢我也不长得健康强壮能游泳游的很好他的兄弟也能我已经完成了回家作业也完成了喜欢打羽毛球也喜欢我们喜欢烧烤他们也喜欢我不喜规律地至少至多吃太多甜食喝太多软饮料你应该做某事你

13、最好做某事你不应该做某事你最好不做某掌握引导的倒句开头的倒句位于分句或句子的开头这种结构通常表示前面所说的情况也适合于另一个人或事物表示我也这样之类的概二分句只是重复前句的意思用来表示赞同时之后的主语和谓语就不能颠倒如昨天天气很冷是很冷温馨提示开头的倒装句一定要与上句的时态保持一致如温馨提示开头的倒装句中的助动词或情态动词要根据人称的变化而变换如语法追2 连词 if 的用法 引导条件状语从句最常用的连词是 if, 常见的 if 条件状语从句表示在某条件下, 某事很可能发生,条件是可能存在的,主句中某种情况发生的概率也是很高的。如: If you ask him ,he will help yo

14、u 如果你请他帮忙,他会帮你的。 If you fail in the exam ,you will let him down 如果你考试不及格,你会让他失望的。 If you have finished the homework , you can go home 如果你作业做完了就可以回家了。 另外还要注意 if 条件句的时态搭配 1if 从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时 If he runs hell get there in time. 如果他用跑的,他就会及时赶到那儿。 The cat will scratch you if you pull her tail. 如果你拉猫的尾巴,

15、它就会抓你。 2if 从句用一般现在时,主句用 may/might/can If the fog gets thicker the plane may/might be diverted. 如果雾在大一些,飞机可能就会改在别的机场降落。 If it stops snowing we can go out. 如果雪停了,我们就可以出去。 3if 从句用一般现在时,主句用 must/should If you want to lose weight you must/should eat less bread. 如果你想减肥,你必须少吃面包。 选择(15 分) 1.If you _ to the

16、party, youll have a great time. A. will go B. went C. go D. going 2. It will be a long time _ Peter _ his work. A. since, has finished B. after, finishes C. when, will finish D. before, finishes. 3. What will father _ us from Japan? A. take B. bring C. carry D. make 4. Weifang is famous _ kites. A.

17、for B. to C. on D. with 5 I _ her the answer if she _me. A. can tell, will ask B. will tell, will ask C. would tell, ask D. will tell, asks 6. What are you going to do tomorrow? - Well go to the library tomorrow if it _. A. isnt rain B. rain C. wont rain D. doesnt rain 7.Do you know when he will com

18、e back tomorrow? - Sorry, I dont know. When he _ back, Ill tell you. A. comes B. will come C. come D. may come 8. What will you do if you _ to the old folks home visit? A. go B. went C.going D. will go 9. If I eat _ food, Ill be very fat. A. too many B. many too C. too much D. much too 10. Ill give

19、the book to him if he _ here next Sunday. A. will come B. comes C. is coming D. came 11. There _an English film in our school tomorrow. A. is going to have B. will have C. is going to be D. has 12. Could you tell us where _ ? A. will the next Olympic Games held B. the next Olympic Games will be held

20、 C. would the next Olympic Games be held D. the next Olympic Games would be held 活健康了不再感到困倦的变得健康变得强壮连系动词形容词反义表示建议我喜欢我也是我不喜欢我也不长得健康强壮能游泳游的很好他的兄弟也能我已经完成了回家作业也完成了喜欢打羽毛球也喜欢我们喜欢烧烤他们也喜欢我不喜规律地至少至多吃太多甜食喝太多软饮料你应该做某事你最好做某事你不应该做某事你最好不做某掌握引导的倒句开头的倒句位于分句或句子的开头这种结构通常表示前面所说的情况也适合于另一个人或事物表示我也这样之类的概二分句只是重复前句的意思用来表示赞

21、同时之后的主语和谓语就不能颠倒如昨天天气很冷是很冷温馨提示开头的倒装句一定要与上句的时态保持一致如温馨提示开头的倒装句中的助动词或情态动词要根据人称的变化而变换如语法追13. When my mother returned last night, I _ a book. A. read B. am reading C. was reading D. am going to read 14.What _ you _ when it began to rain? A. do, do B. were, doing C. are, doing D. did, do 15. Ill wake you u

22、p wh en he _back. A. will B. is going to come C. comes D. come 1-5 CDBAD 6-10 DAACB 11-15 CBCBC 3 情态动词: used to 的用法 used to do 过去常常 be/get used to sth./doing sth. 习惯于 be used to do 被用来做 A. 选用适当的词组填空: 1. Life here is much easier than it _ be. 2. He _ hard work. 3. Ive lived in Paris for six years now

23、, so Im quite _ _ the traffic. 4. Its difficult to understand Scottish people if you_ their accent. 5. It was a bit of a shock: I_ paying so much for a sandwich and a glass of beer. 6. I dont play tennis much these days, but I _ _. 7. The wood _ make desks and chairs. B. 动词填空: 1. Youll soon get used

24、 to _(live) in the country. 2. I never used to _(eat) cakes, but I eat a lot now. 3. Im not used to _(treat) like this. 4. When I was younger I was used to _(walk) long distances. 5. I used to _(go) swimming on Saturdays. 6. Didnt she use to _(live) in Germany? 4 学会使用数量词 1March is _month of a year A

25、 a three B the third C a third 2We will have a meeting at 8:05_ Afive to eight Beight five Ceight o five 3Eight plus eight is_. Asixteen Bsixty-four Cone 4He is an _boy Aeight years Beight-year-old Ceight-years-old 5We will have a_ walk Aten minutes Bten minutes Cten-minutes 6The wall is_. Afour met

26、ers long Bfour meter long Cfour-meter long 7Whats the date today? Its_ AMarch the eight BMarch eighth Ceight,March 8It happened in the 1040s A in the forties of the eleventh century B in the forties of the tenth century C in the forty 活健康了不再感到困倦的变得健康变得强壮连系动词形容词反义表示建议我喜欢我也是我不喜欢我也不长得健康强壮能游泳游的很好他的兄弟也能我

27、已经完成了回家作业也完成了喜欢打羽毛球也喜欢我们喜欢烧烤他们也喜欢我不喜规律地至少至多吃太多甜食喝太多软饮料你应该做某事你最好做某事你不应该做某事你最好不做某掌握引导的倒句开头的倒句位于分句或句子的开头这种结构通常表示前面所说的情况也适合于另一个人或事物表示我也这样之类的概二分句只是重复前句的意思用来表示赞同时之后的主语和谓语就不能颠倒如昨天天气很冷是很冷温馨提示开头的倒装句一定要与上句的时态保持一致如温馨提示开头的倒装句中的助动词或情态动词要根据人称的变化而变换如语法追9About_ of the earths surface is covered with water. A. three-

28、fours B. three-fourth C. three-fourths 10. He went down to the village which was_miles away from the city. A. three hundreds B. three hundred C. three hundreds of 5 学会用 shall we 和 lets 等表示建议 6 掌握 less, fewer 和 more 的用法 fewer 较少的;更少的, few 的比较级,修饰可数名词复数 我朋友比我的苹果少。 _ . less 较少的;更少的,little的比较级,修饰不可数名词 我

29、钱包里的钱更少了。 _ . more 更多的,many 和much 的比较级,可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。 瓶子里的水更多了。 _ . 我们有更多的挑战。 _ . 注意: few 和 little 表示否定,意为“几乎没有” ; a few, a little 表示肯定,意为“有一点儿” 。 7 学会用 not. any longer表示“ 不再” Unit 9 International Food Festival 1. We need to raise some money for the SPCA. 我们需要为 SPCA 筹钱 2. home n. 家 homeless a. 无

30、家可归的 3. nation n. 国 家 national a. 国 家 的 international a. 国际的 inationality n.国籍 4. sell sth. to sb/ sell sb sth 卖 给某人 buy sth from sb. 从某人处买. 5. buy sth for sb. 为某人买某物 6. Thatll be fun!那会很有趣 7. What great fun it is to do sth.! 做什么事很有趣 8. ask sb. to help us/ ask sb for help 向某人求助 9. get ready for = be

31、 ready for 为做准备 10. take part in = join in 参加(活动) join 加入组织、党派、兴趣小组、人群 11. around the world = all over the world 全世界 12. win free dinners 赢得免费晚餐 13. How much does it/ do they cost? 它/它们卖多少钱? 14. It costs/They cost . 它/它们卖. 15. Here is the money. 这是钱 16. Here is the change. 这是找头 17. I hope to hear fr

32、om you soon. 我希望尽快看到你的来信。 18. look forward to hearing from you soon 期待看到你的来信 19. salt n 盐 salty a. 咸的 20. mix v. 搅拌 mixture n. 混合物 21. mix A, B, and C together 把 A, B, C 活健康了不再感到困倦的变得健康变得强壮连系动词形容词反义表示建议我喜欢我也是我不喜欢我也不长得健康强壮能游泳游的很好他的兄弟也能我已经完成了回家作业也完成了喜欢打羽毛球也喜欢我们喜欢烧烤他们也喜欢我不喜规律地至少至多吃太多甜食喝太多软饮料你应该做某事你最好做某

33、事你不应该做某事你最好不做某掌握引导的倒句开头的倒句位于分句或句子的开头这种结构通常表示前面所说的情况也适合于另一个人或事物表示我也这样之类的概二分句只是重复前句的意思用来表示赞同时之后的主语和谓语就不能颠倒如昨天天气很冷是很冷温馨提示开头的倒装句一定要与上句的时态保持一致如温馨提示开头的倒装句中的助动词或情态动词要根据人称的变化而变换如语法追搅拌在一起 22. add a little sugar and some raisins 加一点糖和葡萄干 23. make the mixture into a dough 把混合物做成一个面团 24. raise some money for 为筹

34、钱 25. at ten oclock 在十点整 in the morning 上午 26. ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事 27. Yes, thatll be fun. 对,会很有趣的。 fun n.有趣的事 funny adj.可笑的,滑稽的 28. finally=at last=in the end 最后 29. How much do they cost? 多少钱?=How much are they? 30. 花钱:sb. spend on sth. sb. pay for sth. /sth. cost sb. 31. hear from= get a l

35、etter from= receive a letter from 收到。 。 。的来信 32. a letter to sb. 一封写给的信 a letter from sb. 一封来自的信 结构: 1.What 引导的感叹句的中心词是名词。该名词前常有形容词修饰,句中的主语和 谓语一般可省去。 句型为:What (a / an) 形容词名词(主语谓语) ! 例如: 1)What a cold day (it is)! 今天天气真冷啊! 2)What an old house (it is)! 这间房子真老啊! 3)What nice air (it is)! 空气真好啊! 4)What d

36、elicious food (it is) ! 多好吃的食物啊! 5)What happy children (they are)! 孩子们多快乐啊! 注:What 结构中的名词若为单数可数名词,要用不定冠词 a/an,而不用 the;如句 1)2); 若为复数或不可数名词(常见不可数名词:work, weather, fun, food等) ,则不用冠词,如句 3)4)5). How 引导的感叹句的中心词是形容词或副词。 句型为:How 形容词副词(主语谓语) !例如: 6)How cold (it is )today! 今天天气真冷啊! 7)How happy (the children

37、are)! 孩子们真愉快啊! 8)How hard (the student works )! 这个学生学习多努力啊! 9)How well (Mr Zhao teaches ) !赵先生教得多好啊! 10)How happily (the boys are playing) !那些男孩们玩得多开心啊! 注:how 结构中主语如果是名词,常常前面要用定冠词 the(比较第 5 和 7 两句); 6)7)两句是感叹形容词,8)9)10)是感叹副词。 感叹句巧解:感叹句要看后面,即看形容词后的东东, 1) 若形容词后紧跟可数名词单数,就用 what a/an ;是不可数名词或可数名词复数,只用 w

38、hat 。 活健康了不再感到困倦的变得健康变得强壮连系动词形容词反义表示建议我喜欢我也是我不喜欢我也不长得健康强壮能游泳游的很好他的兄弟也能我已经完成了回家作业也完成了喜欢打羽毛球也喜欢我们喜欢烧烤他们也喜欢我不喜规律地至少至多吃太多甜食喝太多软饮料你应该做某事你最好做某事你不应该做某事你最好不做某掌握引导的倒句开头的倒句位于分句或句子的开头这种结构通常表示前面所说的情况也适合于另一个人或事物表示我也这样之类的概二分句只是重复前句的意思用来表示赞同时之后的主语和谓语就不能颠倒如昨天天气很冷是很冷温馨提示开头的倒装句一定要与上句的时态保持一致如温馨提示开头的倒装句中的助动词或情态动词要根据人称的

39、变化而变换如语法追2)若形容词后后紧跟 a/an/the/my/your/this/that/Toms 等等乱七八糟的东西,想都不用想,直接用 how 就 OK 了。如: 例句 1:What a good boy he is! 他是个多么好的男孩啊! / 形容词 单数名词 例句 2:What good boys they are! 他们是多么好的男孩啊! / 形容词 复数名词 例句 3:What cold weather it is! 多么冷的天气啊! / 形容词 不可数名词 例句 4:How good the boy is! 这男孩多好啊! / 形容词 乱糟糟 若没有形容词,而出现副词或是句

40、子,直接用 how. 例:How well he plays the guitar! 他吉他弹得多好啊! / 副词 (what 不可以修饰副词,看到副词直接用 how ) How time flies! How fast Liu Xiang runs 打油诗一首: 感叹句往后看 形容词后是名单 就用 what a 或 what an 形后若是不可数或名复数 只用 what 就可以 形容词后乱糟糟 只写 how 就 OK 了 感叹句练习题 一、选词填空。(What / What a / What an / How ) 1. _ nice girl she is ! 2. _ careful th

41、e boy is ! 3. _ beautiful flowers they are ! 4. _ delicious the food tastes ! 5. _ interesting film we will see ! 6. _ good news it is ! 7. _ the time flies ! 二、句型转换 1. The students are listening to the teacher carefully . ( 改为感叹句) 2. We had a good time in summer holidays . (改为感叹句) 3. The river is l

42、ong . (改为感叹句,两种) 活健康了不再感到困倦的变得健康变得强壮连系动词形容词反义表示建议我喜欢我也是我不喜欢我也不长得健康强壮能游泳游的很好他的兄弟也能我已经完成了回家作业也完成了喜欢打羽毛球也喜欢我们喜欢烧烤他们也喜欢我不喜规律地至少至多吃太多甜食喝太多软饮料你应该做某事你最好做某事你不应该做某事你最好不做某掌握引导的倒句开头的倒句位于分句或句子的开头这种结构通常表示前面所说的情况也适合于另一个人或事物表示我也这样之类的概二分句只是重复前句的意思用来表示赞同时之后的主语和谓语就不能颠倒如昨天天气很冷是很冷温馨提示开头的倒装句一定要与上句的时态保持一致如温馨提示开头的倒装句中的助动词

43、或情态动词要根据人称的变化而变换如语法追4. How nice the food is ! (改为同义句) 5. How well he swims ! (改为同义句) 6. What strong men they are !(改为同义句) 三、同步练习题:(将下列句子改为感叹句) 1. Tom is a clever boy. What_! How_ ! 2.The flower is beautiful. What_! How_ ! 3.The book is very interesting. What_! How_ ! 4.The weather is sunny. What_! H

44、ow_ ! 5.The work is very hard. What_! How_ ! 6.Andy studies hard. How_ ! 7.The girls are singing well. How_ ! 四、单项选择 ( )1. _ fine the weather is ! A. What a B. What C. How D. How a ( )2. _ exciting film we saw yesterday ! A. What a B. How a C. How an D. What an ( )3. _ great fun they had ! A. What a

45、 B. What C. How D. How a ( )4. _ heavy rain it was ! A. What a B. What C. How D. How a ( )5. _ fun place to go Shanghai is ! A. What a B. What C. How D. How a ( )6. _ happy life the old live ! A. What a B. What C. How D. How a ( )7. _ nice fish they cooked ! A. What a B. What C. How D. How a ( )8. _

46、 blue the sky is! A. What a B. What C. How D. How a ( )9. _ dangerous the animals are ! A. What a B. What C. How D. How a 活健康了不再感到困倦的变得健康变得强壮连系动词形容词反义表示建议我喜欢我也是我不喜欢我也不长得健康强壮能游泳游的很好他的兄弟也能我已经完成了回家作业也完成了喜欢打羽毛球也喜欢我们喜欢烧烤他们也喜欢我不喜规律地至少至多吃太多甜食喝太多软饮料你应该做某事你最好做某事你不应该做某事你最好不做某掌握引导的倒句开头的倒句位于分句或句子的开头这种结构通常表示前面所说

47、的情况也适合于另一个人或事物表示我也这样之类的概二分句只是重复前句的意思用来表示赞同时之后的主语和谓语就不能颠倒如昨天天气很冷是很冷温馨提示开头的倒装句一定要与上句的时态保持一致如温馨提示开头的倒装句中的助动词或情态动词要根据人称的变化而变换如语法追 ( )10. _ good time we are having ! A. What a B. What C. How D. How a 活健康了不再感到困倦的变得健康变得强壮连系动词形容词反义表示建议我喜欢我也是我不喜欢我也不长得健康强壮能游泳游的很好他的兄弟也能我已经完成了回家作业也完成了喜欢打羽毛球也喜欢我们喜欢烧烤他们也喜欢我不喜规律地至少至多吃太多甜食喝太多软饮料你应该做某事你最好做某事你不应该做某事你最好不做某掌握引导的倒句开头的倒句位于分句或句子的开头这种结构通常表示前面所说的情况也适合于另一个人或事物表示我也这样之类的概二分句只是重复前句的意思用来表示赞同时之后的主语和谓语就不能颠倒如昨天天气很冷是很冷温馨提示开头的倒装句一定要与上句的时态保持一致如温馨提示开头的倒装句中的助动词或情态动词要根据人称的变化而变换如语法追



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