高中英语 2.1同步导学课件 外研版必修1 新课标 (山东专版)

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1、Section Introduction & Reading and VocabularyStep One:Warming upWhat kind of teacher do you like best?_答案:答案:He/She should be both kind to us and strict with us.He/She should have a good knowledge and have a good way of making his class lively and interesting.Step Two:Fast reading Read the text (P12

2、) quickly and answer the following questions.1Who is the most popular teacher?_答案:答案:Mr Wu.2Why was Mrs Li nervous and shy in the authors opinion?_答案:答案:Because it was her first lesson with them.3What does Mr Wu do when he gets excited?_答案:答案:He talks loudly and fast,and waves his hands about a lot.

3、Step Three:Careful reading.Read the text (P12),then choose the best answer.1Mrs Li avoids making students feel stupid by_.Aavoiding students making mistakesBpronouncing a word incorrectlyCexplaining English grammar clearlyDsmiling when they make mistakes答案:答案:D2The students wont be late for_.AEnglis

4、h classBChinese classCPhysics class DArt class答案:答案:C3According to the text we can know that_.AMrs Li is a teacher with a lot of experienceBall of the students like Mrs Chen very muchCMr Wu has ways of making his classes interestingDthe students have stayed at school for two months答案:答案:C4Which is N

5、OT the first impression of Mrs Chen to the writer?ATeaching too well. BStrict.CSerious. DVery old.答案:答案:A5Mr Wu has already become popular with his students because_.Ahe is handsome Bhe is full of energyChe is humorous Dall the above答案:答案:D.Read the text again and do Ture (T) or False (F) exercises.

6、1Mrs Li explains English grammar clearly and I can follow her.()2Mrs Chen is very strict and some students dont like her.()3Mr Wu is rather goodlooking,so all the students like him.()答案:答案:1.T2.T3.F.Read the text (P12) carefully and fill in the blanks.TeacherMrs LiMrs ChenMr WuSubjectEnglishPhysics8

7、._Character (性格性格)She is shy,kind and 1._.She is very strict,serious and doesnt 5._much.Hes full of 9_.TeachingfeaturesShe explains English grammar 2._and she avoids making you feel 3._.Her teaching is well organised and clear.She explains 6._what is happening during scientific experiments.Hes reall

8、y 10_and tells jokes when he thinks were getting bored.The authorsopinionI think maybe she goes a bit too 4._for the faster students,but for me its wonderful.My work is 7._and I think Ill do well in the exam with Mrs Chen teaching me.I respect him a lot.答案:答案:1.patient2.clearly3.stupid4.slowly5.smil

9、e6.exactly7.improving8.Chinese literature9.energy10.amusingStep Four:SummaryThis is my first year in senior school.I have now got new teachers.They are different and have made different 1._on me.Mrs Li,my English teacher,always tries to avoid 2._us feel nervous.She could explain grammar 3._clearly t

10、hat even I can understand it!Mrs Chen is another kind of teacher.She is 4._and serious.We dont dare to talk freely 5._we are asked to.But strange enough,most of us really 6._her.Mr Wu,a quite handsome and 7._teacher,has been teaching for only two weeks,but he is already quite 8._with us.He has a str

11、ange way to make his class 9._when we are bored.We all 10._him very much.答案:答案:1.impressions2.making3.so4.strict5.unless6appreciate7.energetic8.popular9.amusing10.respectamusing adj.有趣的;可笑的有趣的;可笑的(课文原句文原句P11)I like teachers who are amusing and can laugh with their students.我喜我喜欢有趣并且能与学生有趣并且能与学生们一起一起

12、娱乐的老的老师。I dont find his jokes at all amusing.我不我不觉得他的笑得他的笑话有什么可笑的。有什么可笑的。amused adj.被逗被逗乐的;愉快的的;愉快的amuse vt.使开心,逗笑使开心,逗笑amusement n开心;愉悦开心;愉悦to ones amusement使某人感到好笑的是使某人感到好笑的是 He had an amused look on the face.他他脸上露出一种愉快的神情。上露出一种愉快的神情。My funny drawings amused the children.我滑稽的我滑稽的图画把孩子画把孩子们给逗逗乐了。了。

13、1.完成句子完成句子孩子孩子们做游做游戏取取乐。The children_ _by playing games.使我感到好笑的是,他的假胡子掉下来了。使我感到好笑的是,他的假胡子掉下来了。_ _ _,his false beard fell off.答案:答案:amused themselvesTo my amusement2He was bored at home,so he began to_himself by playing computer games.AenjoyBplayCamuse Dtreat解析:解析:enjoy oneself玩得愉快;玩得愉快;treat对待;对待;am

14、use oneself自娱自乐。句自娱自乐。句意为:他在家里无聊,就开始玩电脑游戏来取乐。意为:他在家里无聊,就开始玩电脑游戏来取乐。答案:答案:Cpatient adj.耐心的耐心的(课文原句文原句P11)My father is lively and energetic,but he is not very patient.我爸爸精力旺盛,但没有耐心。我爸爸精力旺盛,但没有耐心。Our English teacher is very strict with us but he is patient when we ask him questions.我我们的英的英语老老师对我我们很很严格,

15、但格,但我我们问他他问题的的时候他也很有耐心。候他也很有耐心。patient n病人病人patience n耐心耐心with patience有耐心地有耐心地have patience (with sb.)be patient (with sb.)(对某人某人)有耐心有耐心 Louise was very patient with me when I was ill.在我生病的日子里在我生病的日子里,路易,路易丝对我很有耐心。我很有耐心。The nurses took care of the patients with patience.护士士们耐心地照耐心地照顾那些病人。那些病人。Have

16、the patience to finish your homework,and you can go out to play.耐心完成作耐心完成作业,然后你就可以出去玩了。,然后你就可以出去玩了。3.完成句子完成句子The young nurse_ _ _(有耐心有耐心) her patient.Youll get well soon.Just have_ _ _(耐心点耐心点)答案:答案:is patient witha little patience4Just be a little_.Soon you will find out what you want to know.Aserio

17、us BstrictCnervous Dpatient解析:解析:patient耐心的,后句是告诉对方很快就会知道想知道的事情,耐心的,后句是告诉对方很快就会知道想知道的事情,所以是让对方有点耐心。所以是让对方有点耐心。答案:答案:Dstrict adj.严厉的;的;严格的格的be strict with sb.对某人某人严格,格,严厉be strict in sth.对某事某事严格格 (课文原句文原句P12)Shes very strictWe dont dare to say a word unless she asks us to.她非常她非常严厉如果她不要求,我如果她不要求,我们连一句

18、一句话也不敢也不敢说。The teacher is very strict with his students.老老师对他的学生非常他的学生非常严格。格。My father is strict in his work.我父我父亲对自己的工作要求很自己的工作要求很严格。格。strictly adv.严格地,格地,严厉地地strictly speaking严格格说来,来,严格地格地讲Strictly speaking,your opinion isnt the same as mine.严格格说来,你的意来,你的意见与我的意与我的意见不同。不同。5.完成句子完成句子His parents_ _ _

19、(对严格格) him.She is_ _ _(对很很严格格) things like homework.答案:答案:are strict withvery strict in6We all hope that our teacher is both strict_us and friendly_us.Ain;to Bin;forCwith;to Dwith;for解析:解析:be strict with sb.对某人严格;对某人严格;be friendly to sb.对某人友好。对某人友好。答案:答案:Cavoid vt.(故意故意)避开避开avoid sth.避免避免/避开某事避开某事av

20、oid doing sth.避免做某事避免做某事 (课文原句文原句P12)She avoids making you feel stupid!她避免!她避免让人感到愚蠢!人感到愚蠢!(you泛指人泛指人们)She tried to avoid answering my questions.她避而不答我的她避而不答我的问题。He was lucky and avoided being punished.He was lucky and avoided punishment.他很幸运,避免了他很幸运,避免了惩罚。7.Dont worry,the guide will tell you how to

21、 avoid_ill while travelling.Ato get Bbeing gottenCgetting Dto be getting解析:解析:avoid doing sth.避免做某事。避免做某事。答案:答案:Cimpression n印象印象have/make/leave a good impression on sb.给某人留下好印象某人留下好印象 What were your first impressions of Beijing?你你对北京的第一印象如何?北京的第一印象如何?The book left/made a deep impression on him.这本本书

22、给他留下了深刻的印象。他留下了深刻的印象。impress vt.给极深的印象,使感极深的印象,使感动,使,使铭记impress sb.with sth.给某人以某人以印象印象impress sth.on/upon sb.给某人某人铭记某事物某事物 8.完成句子完成句子他的他的话给她留下了坏的印象。她留下了坏的印象。What he said_ _ _ _ _ _.母母亲要我牢要我牢记努力工作的重要性。努力工作的重要性。My mother_the importance of hard work_me.答案:答案:had/made/left a bad impression on her impre

23、ssed;on9The young man acted strangely during the interview.He made a bad_on the employer.AImpressionBexpressionCexperience Dopinion解析:解析:考查短语。考查短语。make a/an.impression on sb.给给留下留下印象。印象。答案:答案:Aappreciate vt.感激;欣感激;欣赏;赏识(课文原句文原句P12)Some of our class dont like her,but most of us really appreciate her

24、because her teaching is so well organised and clear.我我们班有些同学不喜班有些同学不喜欢她,但大多数同学都欣她,但大多数同学都欣赏她,她,因因为她的她的课讲得清楚条理。得清楚条理。I really appreciate your telling me that.我非常感激你告我非常感激你告诉我那件事。我那件事。I would appreciate it if you would turn the music down.如果你把音如果你把音乐关小一些,我将不关小一些,我将不胜感激。感激。His talents are not fully app

25、reciated in that company.他的才干在那家公司未受到充分他的才干在那家公司未受到充分赏识。(1)appreciate (ones) doing sth.欣欣赏/感激感激(某人某人)做某事做某事would appreciate it if/when.如果如果,将不,将不胜感激感激(2)appreciation n欣欣赏;感激;感激 10.Id appreciate_if you would like to teach me how to use the computer.Athat BitCthis Dyou解析:解析:it作作appreciate的形式宾语,真正的宾语是的

26、形式宾语,真正的宾语是if you would like to teach me how to use the computer。答案:答案:B11I would appreciate_back this afternoon so that we can make an early decision.Ayou to call Byou callCyour calling Dyoure calling解析:解析:考查考查appreciate的用法。的用法。appreciate (ones) doing sth.赏赏识,欣赏,感激识,欣赏,感激(做做)。句意为:为了我们能早作决定,如果。句意为:为

27、了我们能早作决定,如果你今天下午回电话的话,我将很感激。你今天下午回电话的话,我将很感激。答案:答案:C(课文原句文原句P12)And a few students even admit liking her!甚至甚至还有几个同学承有几个同学承认喜喜欢她!她!He admitted his mistake.他承他承认了了错误。She admitted that she was too strict with her child.她承她承认对自己自己的孩子太的孩子太严格了。格了。He was admitted to /into a famous university,which made his

28、 parents very happy.他被一所名牌大学他被一所名牌大学录取了,取了,这使他父母非常高使他父母非常高兴。12.If you leave the club,you will not be_back in.Areceived BadmittedCturned Dmoved解析:解析:考查动词辨析。句意为:如果你退出该俱乐部,人家考查动词辨析。句意为:如果你退出该俱乐部,人家就不会重新接受你。短语就不会重新接受你。短语be admitted in表示表示“被录取,被接受被录取,被接受”,符合语意。,符合语意。答案:答案:B13He is such a student who neve

29、r_making a mistake even when it is pointed to him.Aexcuses BsuffersCadmits Dattends解析:解析:admit承认,其后可接名词或动名词充当宾语。承认,其后可接名词或动名词充当宾语。excuse原谅;原谅;suffer遭受;遭受;attend参加;出席。参加;出席。答案:答案:Crespect vt.& n尊敬,尊重,方面尊敬,尊重,方面(课文原句文原句P12)I respect him a lot.我很敬重他。我很敬重他。If you dont respect yourself,how can you expect

30、 others to respect you?自己不自重,又怎能受到?自己不自重,又怎能受到别人尊重呢?人尊重呢?You should respect the ideas of others.你你应该尊重尊重别人的意人的意见。Children should show respect for their teachers.孩子孩子们要尊敬老要尊敬老师。I cant agree with you in this respect.在在这方面我不方面我不赞同你的同你的观点。点。respect sb.for (doing sth.)因因而敬重某人而敬重某人have/show respect for sb

31、.尊重某人尊重某人with respect尊重地尊重地 14.完成句子完成句子Molly always told us exactly what she thought,and we_ _ _ _(为此敬重她此敬重她)答案:答案:respected her for that(课文原句文原句P11)Good teachers make sure that everyone in the class understands.好老好老师能确保班里每个学生都理解。能确保班里每个学生都理解。Make sure (that) you pick me up at five.你一定要在你一定要在5点点钟来接我

32、。来接我。Youd better go there to make sure of the time of the meeting.你最好去那儿弄清会你最好去那儿弄清会议的的时间。I think the doors locked,but Id better go and make sure.我我觉得得门已已经锁上了,不上了,不过我我还是去看看好放心。是去看看好放心。15._to obey the traffic rules when driving a car or youll be fined.AMake certain BMake sureCBe sure DIts sure解析:解析:本

33、题考查本题考查be sure to do sth.的用法,意为的用法,意为“确保做某事;确保做某事;一定做某事一定做某事”。make certain/sure后面只能接从句。后面只能接从句。答案:答案:Cmake progress 取得取得进步步(课文原句文原句P12)I feel Im going to make progress with her.我我觉得跟着她学得跟着她学习肯定会取得肯定会取得进步。步。He has made great progress in learning how to write.他在学他在学习写作上有了很大的写作上有了很大的进步。步。16.完成句子完成句子信不信

34、由你,你的英信不信由你,你的英语进步了。步了。Believe it or not,you_ _ _ _English.恐怕我恐怕我们进步不大。步不大。Im afraid were not_ _ _.答案:答案:have made progress inmaking much progressas a result 结果果(课文原句文原句P12)During scientific experiments,she explains exactly what is happening and as a result my work is improving.做科学做科学实验时,她把,她把发生的生的现

35、象解象解释得很确切,因此,我的学得很确切,因此,我的学习提提高很快。高很快。My car broke down on the way and as a result,I was late.我的我的车在路上出了故障,在路上出了故障,结果我果我迟到了。到了。辨析:辨析:as a result与与as a result ofas a result“结果,因此结果,因此”,一般放在句,一般放在句首,后面加逗号首,后面加逗号as a result of“作为作为的结果,由于的结果,由于”,后面接名词或动名词,后面接名词或动名词作宾语作宾语He played football in the rain.As

36、 a result,he caught a bad cold.他在雨他在雨中踢足球,中踢足球,结果得了重感冒。果得了重感冒。The sports meet was put off as a result of the bad weather.由于天气由于天气恶劣,运劣,运动会被推会被推迟了。了。17.He fell and broke his left leg._,he had to be away from school for at least one month.AAs a result of BAs a resultCAs usual DMore or less解析:解析:as a r

37、esult在句中作状语,相当于副词的作用。在句中作状语,相当于副词的作用。A项后应接宾语;项后应接宾语;as usual像往常一样;像往常一样;more or less或多或少。或多或少。答案:答案:B18Jenny nearly missed the flight_doing too much shopping.Aas a result of Bon top ofCin front of Din need of解析:解析:句意为:珍妮因为过多地购物差一点就误了飞机。句意为:珍妮因为过多地购物差一点就误了飞机。as a result of由于,表示原因,符合题意。由于,表示原因,符合题意。on

38、 top of在在的顶部;的顶部;in front of 在在前面;前面;in need of需要。需要。答案:答案:AShes kind and patient,and she explains English grammar so clearly that even I can understand it!她和善而且有耐心,她她和善而且有耐心,她语法法讲得如此清晰,甚至我也能听懂!得如此清晰,甚至我也能听懂!本句含有本句含有so.that.结构,意构,意为“如此如此以至于以至于”,that从句从句为表示表示结果的状果的状语从句,从句,so是副是副词,常用于以下句式:,常用于以下句式:Ive

39、 had so many falls that Im black and blue all over.我摔了好多次跤,我摔了好多次跤,浑身青一身青一块紫一紫一块的。的。There was so little water left that only little children were given some.剩剩下的水不多了,只下的水不多了,只给小孩分了一些。小孩分了一些。He made such rapid progress that before long he began to write articles in English.他他进步很快,不久就开始用英步很快,不久就开始用英语写

40、文章了。写文章了。It is such fine weather that Id like to go out for a walk.天气如此好,以至于我想出去散散步。天气如此好,以至于我想出去散散步。He is such a good teacher (so good a teacher) that we all love him.他是那么好的一位老他是那么好的一位老师,我,我们都喜都喜欢他。他。so that可引可引导结果状果状语从句,也可引从句,也可引导目的状目的状语从句,引从句,引导目的状目的状语从句从句时,从句,从句谓语动词常与常与could,might等情等情态动词连用用 I go

41、t up early so that I caught the early bus.我起得很早,我起得很早,结果赶上了早班果赶上了早班车。(so that引引导结果状果状语从句从句)She speaks English slowly so that we can follow her.她的英她的英语说得慢以便于我得慢以便于我们能听懂。能听懂。19.The weather was_cold that I didnt like to leave my room.Areally BsuchCtoo Dso解析:解析:句意为:天气是那么冷以至于我都不想离开房间。句意为:天气是那么冷以至于我都不想离开房

42、间。so.that.如此如此以至于以至于,引导结果状语从句。,引导结果状语从句。such修饰名修饰名词,排除词,排除B。A、C和和that不搭配。不搭配。答案:答案:D20It was_that we wanted to stay here for another two days.Asuch fine weather Bsuch a fine weatherCso fine weather Dso fine a weather解析:解析:weather为不可数名词,故不能选为不可数名词,故不能选B、D。so后只能接表示数量后只能接表示数量的的much,little然后再加不可数名词,故排除然

43、后再加不可数名词,故排除C项。项。答案:答案:A21Id like to arrive 20 minutes early_I can have time for a cup of tea.Aas soon as Bas a resultCin case Dso that解析:解析:句意为:我要提前句意为:我要提前20分钟到,以便能有时间喝杯茶。分钟到,以便能有时间喝杯茶。so that引导目的状语从句,意为引导目的状语从句,意为“为了,以便为了,以便”,从句中常用,从句中常用“can/could,may/might动词原形动词原形”结构。结构。as soon as表示时间,表示时间,意为意为“

44、一一就就”;in case表示条件或让步,意为表示条件或让步,意为“在在情情况下,以防况下,以防”;as a result作状语,意为作状语,意为“结果结果”。答案:答案:DShes very strictwe dont dare to say a word unless she asks us to.她非常她非常严厉除非她允除非她允许,否,否则我我们一句一句话也不敢也不敢说。unless conj.除非,如果不,引除非,如果不,引导条件状条件状语从句,相当于从句,相当于if.not。Unless you go at once you will be late.如果你不如果你不马上走,就会上走

45、,就会迟到的。到的。Unless he studies hard,he will never pass the examination.他如果不努力学他如果不努力学习,就永,就永远不能考及格。不能考及格。22.I wont call you,_something unexpected happens.Aunless BwhetherCbecause Dwhile解析:解析:句意为:我不会给你打电话的,除非有出乎意料的事情句意为:我不会给你打电话的,除非有出乎意料的事情发生。发生。unless除非,符合题意。除非,符合题意。whether是否;是否;because因为;因为;while而,尽管,

46、均不符合题意。而,尽管,均不符合题意。答案:答案:A.but I think that Ill do well in the exam with Mrs Chen teaching me.但我想由但我想由陈老老师教我,我一定会考好的。教我,我一定会考好的。with Mrs Chen teaching me是是with的复合的复合结构,即构,即with宾语宾语补足足语,在本句中表示,在本句中表示“原因原因”。宾语补足足语可以是可以是现在分在分词、过去分去分词、动词不定式,也可用形容不定式,也可用形容词、副、副词、介、介词短短语等。等。(1)with宾语doing.We found her hou

47、se easily with the little boy leading the way.在在这个小男孩的个小男孩的带领下,我下,我们很容易地找到了她的家。很容易地找到了她的家。(2)with宾语doneWith the work finished,she went home happily.工作做完了,她高工作做完了,她高兴地回家了。地回家了。(3)with宾语to doWith so much work to do,I have no time to go for a holiday.由于我有由于我有这么多工作要做,我没有么多工作要做,我没有时间去度假。去度假。(4)形容形容词、副、副词

48、和介和介词短短语作作宾语补足足语时,表示状,表示状态。He is used to sleeping with the windows open.他他习惯开着窗子睡开着窗子睡觉。He went out with all the lights on.他开着灯就出去了。他开着灯就出去了。He went out into the dark street with a stick on his hand.他手里拿着一根拐杖,走他手里拿着一根拐杖,走进了漆黑的街道。了漆黑的街道。23.You have no idea how she finished the relay race_her foot wou

49、nded so much.Afor BwhenCwith Dwhile解析:解析:考查考查with宾语宾语done结构。结构。“her foot wounded so much”不是不是一个完整的句子,所以不能用连词一个完整的句子,所以不能用连词for,when,while引导。句意为:你引导。句意为:你根本无法体会,在脚伤得那么厉害的情况下她是怎样完成接力比赛的。根本无法体会,在脚伤得那么厉害的情况下她是怎样完成接力比赛的。答案:答案:C24John received an invitation to dinner,and with his work_,he gladly accepted

50、it.Afinished BfinishingChaving finished Dwas finished解析:解析:“with宾语宾补宾语宾补”结构中,宾补表示完成用过去分词。结构中,宾补表示完成用过去分词。答案:答案:A.单词拼写单词拼写1. The old farmer is always_(精力充沛的精力充沛的) as if he never knew tiredness.答案:答案:energetic2When we turn on the TV,we can hardly_(避免避免) watching advertisements,which sometimes troubles

51、 us.答案:答案: avoid3We_(感激感激) your efforts for the development of the company.答案:答案: appreciate4His heroic deed created a lasting_(印象印象) on people.答案:答案: impression5My teacher told us an_(好笑的好笑的) story.答案:答案: amusing6Dont worry.Youre an i_boy and you will catch up with the others soon.答案:答案: intelligen

52、t7Youd better not be n_but stay clam when you are faced with the heavy burden.答案:答案: nervous8The young man a_having driven the car without a driving licence.答案:答案: admitted9Almost everyone h_being laughed at.答案:答案: hates10Those heroes are r_by all the people in the country.答案:答案: respected.短语翻译短语翻译

53、1.make _查明,明,务必,确保必,确保 2._ mistakes 犯犯错误 3.make _取得取得进步步 4.be well _非常有条理非常有条理 5._ a result 结果果suremakeprogressorganisedas 6.in _事事实上上 7._ asleep 睡着睡着 8._ ones hands 挥舞双手舞双手9tell _讲笑笑话10the first _第一次第一次factfactwavejokes/a joketime.完成句子完成句子1As a matter of fact,you are_ _(完全完全错了了)答案:答案:completely wro

54、ng2She has to_ _(避免吃避免吃) fatty food.答案:答案: avoid eating3. The bus was crowded with people,_ _(结果果) we couldnt get on.答案:答案: so that 4You have to_ _ _(对有耐心有耐心) my mother.She is going rather deaf.答案:答案: be patient with5John _ _ _(已承已承认违反了反了) the school rules.答案:答案: has admitted breaking6Please_ _(确保确保

55、) the light is turned off before you leave the office.答案:答案: make sure7He didnt study hard._ _(结果果),he didnt pass the exam.答案:答案: As a result8Everyone should _ _ _(对表示尊敬表示尊敬) our parents.答案:答案: show respect for9John ran_ _ _(如此快以致于如此快以致于) we couldnt catch up with him.答案:答案: so fast that 10He was late for class_ _ _ _(因因为) the heavy snow.答案:答案: as a result of练规范、练技能、练速度



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