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1、Response to OffersInformation RelatedSample Letter StudyUseful ExpressionsTranslatingLetter WritingContentsContents第1页/共60页第一页,共61页。Information Related Declining an offer1 Conditional Acceptance(Counter-offer)2 Entire Acceptance3第2页/共60页第二页,共61页。Information Related If a buyer feels that the gap betw

2、een the offer and his expectation is too wide to be bridged, he may choose to decline the offer and end the negotiation. Silence and inactivity during the validity of the offer equals to declining. The offeree (受盘方) cannot revive the offer that is declined.(If the offeree declined the offer, he cant

3、 revive the offer.) Declining an offerDeclining an offer第3页/共60页第三页,共61页。Information Related A counter-offer is a partial rejection of the original offer and may show disagreement to the price, or packing , or shipment, and state his own terms instead. A counter-offer is actually both a rejection to

4、 the original offer and a new offer (buyers bid) made to the original offerer /seller. A counter-offer plays dual roles: 1) a rejection to the original offer; 2) a new offer (the buyer is the offerer, the seller is the offeree and the seller can choose to make a counter counter-offer).Conditional Ac

5、ceptance (Counter-offer)Conditional Acceptance (Counter-offer)第4页/共60页第四页,共61页。Information Related The offeree is willing to enter into a contract with the offerer according to the terms and conditions agreed upon. The word “offer” here includes counter-offers as well. A contract is concluded at the

6、 moment when an acceptance of an offer becomes effective in accordance with the provisions of the convention.Entire AcceptanceEntire Acceptance第5页/共60页第五页,共61页。 Letters of Response to Offers Sample letter 5: Accept an offer Sample letter 1: Decline an offerSample Letter Study Sample letter 3: Revise

7、d offer Sample letter 2: Counter-offer Sample letter 4: Counter counter-offer第6页/共60页第六页,共61页。 Sample Letter 1: decline an offerUseful expressionWords and phrasesSample letterWriting steps第7页/共60页第七页,共61页。Words and Phrases to quote for to quote for sth.sth./to make a /to make a quotation for quotati

8、on for sth. sth. place the place the order order elsewhereelsewhere invite invite a a quotation quotation / / an offeran offer从别处从别处(bi ch)(bi ch)定货定货邀请邀请(yoqng)(yoqng)报报价价/ /邀盘邀盘对某种商品对某种商品(shngpn)(shngpn)报价报价第8页/共60页第八页,共61页。 Sample Letter 1Textbook, P72-73第9页/共60页第九页,共61页。Writing Steps 1. The neut

9、ral opening: Be indirect and use neutral expressions: (Thank you for the offer of ) (We appreciate your trouble in making us an offer) 2.2. Convey the unpleasant news and explain the reasons briefly. (Regretfully we can not accept your offer. Your prices are much higher than those we have previously

10、 paid for.)3. The closing: Be courteous and sincere. (Thank you for your trouble in this matter. We shall continue to place orders and will invite your quotations on this line in the future.)第10页/共60页第十页,共61页。Useful Expression1.我们赞赏贵方产品的良好品质,但贵方报价大大高于此前我们所购同等质量草纸板(zh bn)的价格。We appreciate the good qu

11、ality of your products, but your prices are much higher than those we have previously paid for the strawboards of the same quality.2. 我们将继续订购此类产品,并且今后(jnhu)会继续邀请贵方报价。We shall continue to place orders and will invite your quotations on this line in the future.第11页/共60页第十一页,共61页。Sample Letter 2:counte

12、r-offerUseful expressionWords and phrasesSample letterWriting steps第12页/共60页第十二页,共61页。Words and Phrases articles in the articles in the medium price medium price rangerange. . make some make some allowance/allowance/discount on discount on your quoted your quoted pricesprices a small a small profit

13、on our profit on our salessales在贵方所报在贵方所报价格价格(jig)(jig)上打折上打折销售销售(xioshu)(xioshu)利利润微薄润微薄中等价位中等价位(ji wi)(ji wi)的货品的货品第13页/共60页第十三页,共61页。 Sample Letter 2Textbook, P73-74第14页/共60页第十四页,共61页。Writing Steps 1. Thank the seller for his offer2. Tell the reader what terms you are unable to accept and explain

14、s why. 3. Give your new offer/quotation. .4. End the letter with your hope for a favorable reply and your confidence in successful cooperation第15页/共60页第十五页,共61页。Useful Expression1. 我们对产品质量(chn pn zh lin)满意,但遗憾的是,贵方价格偏高.2. 接受(jishu)贵方报价,我们的销售利润微薄. We appreciate the good quality of your products, but

15、unfortunately your prices appear to be on the high side.To accept the prices would leave us with only a small profit on our sales.第16页/共60页第十六页,共61页。Useful Expression3. 我方市场(shchng)上需求的主要是中等价位的货品。 4. 我们喜欢贵公司产品质量,希望有机会(j hu)同你们合作。 The principal demand in our market is for articles in the medium price

16、 range.We like the quality of your goods and would welcome the opportunity to do business with you.第17页/共60页第十七页,共61页。Sample Letter 3Useful expressionWords and phrasesSample letterWriting steps第18页/共60页第十八页,共61页。Words and Phrases to offer/give you a special discount new/revised offer place an order新

17、报价新报价(bo (bo ji)ji)下订单下订单(dn dn)(dn dn)给予特别折扣给予特别折扣第19页/共60页第十九页,共61页。Sample Letter 3Textbook, P74-75第20页/共60页第二十页,共61页。Writing Steps 1. Thank the buyer for his counter-offer.2. Tell the reader whether you can accept his counter-offer and explain why. (If not, give your new offer or quotation) 3. En

18、d the letter with your hope for a favorable reply or your confidence in successful cooperation.第21页/共60页第二十一页,共61页。Useful Expression传真收悉(shu x),很遗憾得知我们认为价格没有超出合理(hl)水平。I am sorry to learn from your fax of that We do not feel that the prices are at all excessive.第22页/共60页第二十二页,共61页。Useful Expression对

19、于(duy)贵方第一批2500件定货,我方给予4%折扣。这是我们(w men)能作的最大让步。We offer you a special discount of 4% on a first order for 2,500 pieces. It is the furthest we can go to help you.第23页/共60页第二十三页,共61页。Sample Letter 4 Counter counter-offerUseful expressionWords and phrasesSample letterWriting steps第24页/共60页第二十四页,共61页。Wo

20、rds and Phrases initial ordersinitial orderscharge your charge your subsequent subsequent orders to/on orders to/on the accountthe accountestablish an establish an account with account with us us 后续后续(hux)(hux)定单可记帐定单可记帐和我方建立和我方建立(jinl)(jinl)帐户帐户起始定单起始定单(dngdn)(dngdn)/ /首次定单首次定单(dngdn)(dngdn)第25页/共6

21、0页第二十五页,共61页。 Sample Letter 4Textbook, P75-76第26页/共60页第二十六页,共61页。Writing Steps 1. Express thanks - the neutral opening: Be indirect and use neutral expressions: (Thank you for the offer of )2. Convey the unpleasant news and explain the reasons briefly.3. The closing: Be courteous and sincere. 第27页/共

22、60页第二十七页,共61页。Useful Expression1. 感谢贵公司(n s)与我们合作意愿。2. 我们政策规定以不可(bk)撤销信用证或银行汇票在交货时或交货之前付款。We appreciate / Thank you for your interest in doing business with us. Our policy requires payment by irrevocable L/C or bankers draft on or before delivery.第28页/共60页第二十八页,共61页。Sample Letter 5:accept an offerUs

23、eful expressionWords and phrasesSample letterWriting steps第29页/共60页第二十九页,共61页。Words and Phrases conclude the transaction 接受定货达成交易 entertain ordersYou may rest assured请放心第30页/共60页第三十页,共61页。Words and Phrases fulfillfulfill anan orderorder销售确认书销售确认书履行定单履行定单 Sales Sales ConfirmationConfirmationcountersi

24、gncountersign会签会签第31页/共60页第三十一页,共61页。Sample Letter 5Textbook, P76-77第32页/共60页第三十二页,共61页。Writing Steps 1. State your acceptance. (We accept your counter-offer of March 2 and are pleased to confirm having concluded the transaction of the captioned goods with you.)2. Urge the reader to act as required

25、by the agreement. (Your L/C must reach here by the end of this month. Otherwise, shipment has to be delayed.) (We enclose our Sales Confirmation No.123 in duplicate. Please countersign and return us one copy for files/records.)3. End the letter by showing your confidence in the smooth execution of t

26、he transaction. (If this order is executed satisfactorily, we shall be happy to place further orders with you.) (we trust that our products will turn out to your satisfaction.)第33页/共60页第三十三页,共61页。Useful Expression1. 请放心,我们会如约(r yu)履行定单。2. 请会签并寄给我们一份(y fn)存档。You may rest assured that your order will

27、befulfilled as contracted.Please countersign and return/send us onecopy for records/files.第34页/共60页第三十四页,共61页。Useful Expression我们欣赏贵方产品的良好品质,但贵方报价大大(d d)高于此前我们所购同等质量草纸板的价格。We appreciate the good quality of your products, but your prices are much higher than those we have previously paid for the stra

28、wboards of the same quality.我们(w men)将继续订购此类产品,并且今后会继续邀请贵方报价。We shall continue to place orders and will invite your quotations on this line in the future.第35页/共60页第三十五页,共61页。Useful Expression传真(chunzhn)收悉,很遗憾得知我们不认为价格超出(choch)合理水平。I am sorry to learn from your fax of that We do not feel that the pri

29、ces are at all excessive.第36页/共60页第三十六页,共61页。1. Offer sb. sth. at a price2. Give/make/send sb. an offer for sth. atTo accept an offerTo confirm an offerTo decline an offerTo entertain an offer To extend an offerTo withdraw an offerTo cancel an offerTo renew an offerUseful expression第37页/共60页第三十七页,共6

30、1页。Useful Expression对于贵方第一批2500件定货(dn hu),我方给予4%折扣。这是我们(w men)能作的最大让步。We offer you a special discount of 4% on a first order for 2,500 pieces. It is the furthest we can go to help you.第38页/共60页第三十八页,共61页。Useful Expression 我们对产品质量满意,但遗憾(yhn)的是,贵方价格偏高。 接受贵方报价,我们的销售(xioshu)利润微薄。 We appreciate the good

31、quality of your products, but unfortunately your prices appear to be on the high side.To accept the prices would leave us with only a small profit on our sales.第39页/共60页第三十九页,共61页。Useful Expression我方市场上需求的 主要(zhyo)是中等价位的货品。我们欣赏贵公司产品质量,希望(xwng)有机会同你们合作. The principal demand in our market is for artic

32、les in the medium price range.We like the quality of your goods and would welcome the opportunity to do business with you.第40页/共60页第四十页,共61页。Useful Expression感谢贵公司与我们(w men)合作意愿。我们政策规定以不可撤销信用证或银行汇票在交货(jio hu)时或交货(jio hu)之前付款。We appreciate your interest in doing business with us.Our policy requires p

33、ayment by irrevocable L/C or bankers draft on or before delivery.第41页/共60页第四十一页,共61页。Useful Expression 请放心,我们会如约履行(lxng)定单。请会签并寄给我们(w men)一份存档.You may rest assured that your order will be fulfilled as contracted.Please countersign and return/send us one copy for records/files.第42页/共60页第四十二页,共61页。Tra

34、nslating报给你方的价格是很实际的,很抱歉(boqin)不能接受你方的还盘。The price we quoted is quite realistic, so we regret that your counteroffer is unacceptable to us.第43页/共60页第四十三页,共61页。Translating 我们欣赏贵方产品的良好品质,但贵方报价大大高于此前我们所购同等质量草纸板(zh bn)的价格。We appreciate the good quality of your products, but your prices are much higher t

35、han those we have previously paid for the strawboards of the same quality.我们将继续(jx)订购此类产品,并且今后会继续(jx)邀请贵方报价。We shall continue to place orders and will invite your quotations on this line in the future.第44页/共60页第四十四页,共61页。Translating 传真收悉,很遗憾(yhn)得知我们不认为价格超出(choch)合理水平。I am sorry to learn from your f

36、ax of that We do not feel that the prices are at all excessive .第45页/共60页第四十五页,共61页。Translating 对于贵方第一批2500件定货,我方给予(jy)4%折扣。这是我们(w men)能作的最大让步。We offer you a special discount of 4% on a first order for 2,500 pieces. It is the furthest we can go to help you.第46页/共60页第四十六页,共61页。Translating 我们对产品质量(chn

37、 pn zh lin)满意,但遗憾的是,贵方价格偏高.接受贵方报价,我们(w men)的销售利润微薄。We appreciate the good quality of your products, but unfortunately your prices appear to be on the high side.To accept the prices would leave us with only a small profit on our sales.第47页/共60页第四十七页,共61页。Translating 我方市场上需求的 主要(zhyo)是中等价位的货品。 我们欣赏贵公司

38、产品质量(chn pn zh lin),希望有机会同你们合作。 The principal demand in our market is for articles in the medium price range.We like the quality of your goods and would welcome the opportunity to do business with you.第48页/共60页第四十八页,共61页。Translating 感谢贵公司与我们合作(hzu)意愿。我们政策规定以不可撤销信用证或银行汇票在交货时或交货之前(zhqin)付款。We apprecia

39、te your interest in doing business with us.Our policy requires payment by irrevocable L/C or bankers draft on or before delivery.第49页/共60页第四十九页,共61页。Translating 请放心,我们(w men)会如约履行定单。请会签并寄给我们一份(y fn)存档。You may rest assured that your order will be fulfilled as contracted.Please countersign and return/

40、send us one copy for records/files.第50页/共60页第五十页,共61页。你方还盘与现行市场行情有出入。In line with/ out of line withThe present/current/ruling marketThe price you counter-offered is out of line with the prevailing market level.很遗憾我们不能把价格降到你方所表示(biosh)的水平。We very much regret that we cannot reduce our price to the lev

41、el you indicated.报给你方的价格是很实际,很抱歉不能接受你方的还盘。The price we quoted is quite realistic. And we regret that your counteroffer is unacceptable to us.第51页/共60页第五十一页,共61页。很遗憾地 说,由于(yuy)市场下跌,除非你们降价4%, 否则我们无法成交。We regret to say that we cant come to terms unless you reduce your price by 4% because of the declini

42、ng market. 我们以产品质优、价格合理、服务可靠而著称。 We are known for our high-quality products, reasonable prices, and reliable services. 第52页/共60页第五十二页,共61页。Letter WritingLetter writing 1Letter writing 11 key第53页/共60页第五十三页,共61页。情景:你公司收到ABC公司2月10日200件项链的报盘,价格为CIF上海每件 500美元。你公司买主认为价格偏高。市场情况是别国生产的同类产品以低于10%价格出售。二者价格差异(c

43、hy)不应达 到10%。 为了进行交易,你公司进行还盘,还盘价格为CIF上海每件420美元。请写一封还盘信。Letter Writing 1STEPS:1. 告知收到发盘2. 认为(rnwi)价格太高,说明市场情况3. 提出意见,进行还盘4. 建议卖方接受还盘第54页/共60页第五十四页,共61页。Key Dear Mr. Thank you for your letter of February 10 offering USD 200 dozen of women short skirts at USD 50 per piece CIF Shanghai. We regret to info

44、rm you that our buyer here find your price much too high. We learn that the similar products have been sold at a price about 10% lower than yours. We do not deny that the quality of your products is slightly better, but the difference in price should not be as big as 10%. To promote trade, we counte

45、r offer as follows, subject to your reply received by us on or before March 25, Beijing time: 200 dozen of women short skirts at USD 42 per piece CIF Shanghai, other terms as per your letter of February 10. AS the market is declining, we hope you can accept it immediately. Yours第55页/共60页第五十五页,共61页。第

46、56页/共60页第五十六页,共61页。Review 1. the main steps in writing counter-offer letter2. translating 第57页/共60页第五十七页,共61页。Writing Steps of counter-offer1. Thank the seller for his offer2. Tell the reader what terms you are unable to accept and explains why. 3. Give your new offer/quotation. .4. End the letter w

47、ith your hope for a favorable reply and your confidence in successful cooperation第58页/共60页第五十八页,共61页。Translation1. 虽然我们(w men)赞赏你们产品的质量,但价格太高难以接受。 We appreciate the quality of your products, but the prices are too high to be acceptable.你方还盘与现行市场行情有出入。The price you counter-offered is out of line with

48、 the prevailing market level.很遗憾地 说,由于市场下跌,除非你们降价4%, 否则我们(w men)无法成交。We regret to say that we cant come to terms unless you reduce your price by 4% because of the declining market.对于贵方第一批2500件定货,我方给予4%折扣。We offer you a special discount of 4% on a first order for 2,500 pieces.请会签并寄给我们(w men)一份存档。Plea

49、se countersign and return/send us one copy for records/files.第59页/共60页第五十九页,共61页。感谢您的观赏(gunshng)!第60页/共60页第六十页,共61页。内容(nirng)总结Response to Offers。2. 我们将继续订购此类产品,并且今后会继续邀请贵方报价。1. 我们对产品质量满意,但遗憾的是,贵方价格偏高.。2. 接受贵方报价,我们的销售利润微薄.。我们将继续订购此类产品,并且今后会继续邀请贵方报价。情景(qngjng):你公司收到ABC公司2月10日200件项链的报盘,。感谢您的观赏第六十一页,共61页。



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