Argumentative essay 英文议论文写作

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1、The Argumentative Essay2021/6/162021/6/161 1. Main communicative purposes of the argumentative essay: To convince or persuade to agree with an opinion; to defend an opinion; to attack an opinion you believe to be misguiding, untrue, or evil2021/6/162021/6/162 2. Basic features . Basic features The a

2、rgumentative essay must The argumentative essay must take a take a controversial issue controversial issue for an open for an open debate, i.e., the issue must be debate, i.e., the issue must be arguablearguable; ;The argument cannot be The argument cannot be l lgeneral belief;general belief;l lpers

3、onal preference ;personal preference ;l lor factor fact2021/6/162021/6/163 3Two sides are generally involved: Two sides are generally involved: proponentproponents s ( those in favor of the issue) and ( those in favor of the issue) and opponentsopponents ( those against the issue); ( those against t

4、he issue); The The thesisthesis must must take a side of an issuetake a side of an issue, and , and frequently proposes a course of action;frequently proposes a course of action;The argumentative essay areThe argumentative essay are highly highly persuasive and logicalpersuasive and logical ( often

5、expressed ( often expressed with the modal “with the modal “shouldshould”);”);Good logic Good logic is the heart of the argumentative is the heart of the argumentative essay. essay. 2021/6/162021/6/164 4. . Strategies for Strategies for logical persuasionlogical persuasion Be fully aware of your aud

6、ience or Be fully aware of your audience or reader;reader; As the purpose of an argumentative As the purpose of an argumentative essay is to convince the reader of essay is to convince the reader of your position, you should address your position, you should address your reader by your reader by wri

7、ting objectively, writing objectively, logically, and respectfullylogically, and respectfully. . 2021/6/162021/6/165 5Try to identify and understand Try to identify and understand your your opponents point of viewopponents point of view You You cannot just present your own cannot just present your o

8、wn opinionopinion in argumentation. This can in argumentation. This can never convince the reader. never convince the reader. You have You have to consider the point of view of your to consider the point of view of your opponentsopponents. .2021/6/162021/6/166 63. Use two forms of logical reasoning:

9、 3. Use two forms of logical reasoning: inductioninduction and and deductiondeduction. .l lInductionInduction(归纳)(归纳)(归纳)(归纳): the process of : the process of reasoning reasoning from the particular details from the particular details to the general conclusionto the general conclusion. It involves .

10、 It involves examining particular details such as examining particular details such as specific cases, facts, or examples. The specific cases, facts, or examples. The conclusion is conclusion is made based on the made based on the evidenceevidence coming from the specific coming from the specific de

11、tails.details.2021/6/162021/6/167 7l lDeductionDeduction(演绎)(演绎)(演绎)(演绎): the process of : the process of reasoning from the general to the reasoning from the general to the specificspecific. It begins with a . It begins with a generalization and is applied in a generalization and is applied in a sp

12、ecific case. The specific case. The conclusion is drawn conclusion is drawn based on a generalizationbased on a generalization. .2021/6/162021/6/168 8 Deduction involves Deduction involves a a three-step form three-step form of of reasoning called reasoning called SyllogismSyllogism(三段论)(三段论)(三段论)(三

13、段论): : Major Major PremisePremise ( the initial generalization), ( the initial generalization), Minor Minor PremisePremise ( the specific case ), and ( the specific case ), and ConclusionConclusion ( the resulting statement).( the resulting statement). This three-step form can be illustrated as This

14、 three-step form can be illustrated as follows:follows: Major Premise: Major Premise: Dogs bark.Dogs bark. Minor Premise: Minor Premise: Little Brown is a dog.Little Brown is a dog. Conclusion: Conclusion: Therefore, Little Brown barks.Therefore, Little Brown barks.2021/6/162021/6/169 9 To be more s

15、pecific,To be more specific, the major premise is the major premise is a generalization a generalization that you and your reader can that you and your reader can both both agree onagree on, whether it is a generally , whether it is a generally accepted statement or whether you accepted statement or

16、 whether you have already proved it earlier in the have already proved it earlier in the argument.argument.The minor premise is The minor premise is the part that the part that you need to prove in your argumentyou need to prove in your argument. . 2021/6/162021/6/161010 e.g. If the issue is about e

17、.g. If the issue is about nuclear power plant nuclear power plant constructionconstruction, you may take the three-step , you may take the three-step form of reasoning like this:form of reasoning like this: Major premise: Major premise: Only safe sources of energy Only safe sources of energy should

18、be developed.should be developed. Minor premise: Minor premise: Nuclear power plants are Nuclear power plants are safe sources of sources of energy. Conclusion: Conclusion: Therefore, nuclear power plants Therefore, nuclear power plants should be constructed.should be constructed. (Notic

19、e: Some complex issues require Notice: Some complex issues require more more than one premisethan one premise to be proved.) to be proved.)2021/6/162021/6/161111 To To avoid being illogical avoid being illogical in this reasoning in this reasoning process, you need to keep the following process, you

20、 need to keep the following points in mind:points in mind:The major premise and the minor premise The major premise and the minor premise must be true must be true if the conclusion is to be valid;if the conclusion is to be valid; e.g., e.g., All people like to sufferAll people like to suffer. ( MaP

21、 ). ( MaP ) Jonny is a person. ( MiP ) Jonny is a person. ( MiP ) Jonny likes to suffer. ( C ) Jonny likes to suffer. ( C ) The above reasoning process appears The above reasoning process appears illogicalillogical since the major premise is not since the major premise is not based on the truth.base

22、d on the truth.2021/6/162021/6/161212The major premise and the minor The major premise and the minor premise must be set up to premise must be set up to follow the follow the correct logical ordercorrect logical order; ; T The correct logical order is as he correct logical order is as follows:follow

23、s: A = B All automobiles have A = B All automobiles have wheels.wheels. C = A Honda is an automobile. C = A Honda is an automobile. C = B Therefore, Honda has C = B Therefore, Honda has wheels.wheels. 2021/6/162021/6/161313 An An incorrect logical order incorrect logical order is as is as follows:fo

24、llows: All A = B All automobiles have All A = B All automobiles have wheels.wheels. C = B C = B Honda has wheelsHonda has wheels. . C = A Therefore, Honda is C = A Therefore, Honda is automobile.automobile. (Such an illogical order (Such an illogical order makes the makes the conclusion invalid,conc

25、lusion invalid, for Honda might for Honda might be a motorcycle or a wagon.)be a motorcycle or a wagon.)2021/6/162021/6/161414The terms The terms in one premise in one premise must be used the must be used the same waysame way in the other premise. in the other premise. Look at the following example

26、s: Look at the following examples: Some vegetariansSome vegetarians eat eggs. eat eggs. John is a vegetarian. John is a vegetarian. John eats eggs.John eats eggs. All Americans speak English. All Americans speak English. Mary is Mary is a South Americana South American. . Mary speaks English. Mary s

27、peaks English.2021/6/162021/6/161515. Planning an argumentative essay. Planning an argumentative essay When you plan an argumentative essay, When you plan an argumentative essay, keep in mind the following points:keep in mind the following points:l lThe argumentative essay should The argumentative e

28、ssay should introduce introduce and explain the issue or caseand explain the issue or case; ;l lThe essay should The essay should offer adequate reasons offer adequate reasons and support the reasons with good and support the reasons with good evidenceevidence; ;2021/6/162021/6/161616l lThe essay Th

29、e essay should should refute opposing refute opposing argumentsarguments. . This is a very particular characteristic which This is a very particular characteristic which distinguishes argumentative essays from distinguishes argumentative essays from expository essays. You must not only expository es

30、says. You must not only present your own point of view and prove it, present your own point of view and prove it, but also refute your opponents view and but also refute your opponents view and prove thatprove that yours is more valid or superioryours is more valid or superior. . 2021/6/162021/6/161

31、717. Organizing an argumentative essay. Organizing an argumentative essay (1) Introduction (1) Introduction To make a good beginning of such an essay, To make a good beginning of such an essay, you should first introduce the problem and you should first introduce the problem and the thesis to the th

32、esis to clarify the controversial issueclarify the controversial issue to your reader. Then you should to your reader. Then you should provide provide background informationbackground information. . 2021/6/162021/6/161818(2) The developmental partThe developmental part Confirmation Confirmation (2-3

33、 paragraphs) and (2-3 paragraphs) and refutationrefutation (1-3 paragraphs )are required in (1-3 paragraphs )are required in developing the main part of the essay.developing the main part of the essay. To confirm your personal point of view, To confirm your personal point of view, l lyou need to you

34、 need to give reasons to support give reasons to support your your thesis; thesis; 2021/6/162021/6/161919l lthe reasons must be the reasons must be convincing evidence convincing evidence which is normally fromwhich is normally fromexamplesexamplesfactsfactsauthoritative or expert opinionsauthoritat

35、ive or expert opinionsstatistical findingsstatistical findingspersonal experience or observationspersonal experience or observations2021/6/162021/6/162020 To refute opposing views,To refute opposing views,l lyou you should consider your opponents point should consider your opponents point of view of

36、 view at the same time;at the same time;l lacknowledge the good points of opponents acknowledge the good points of opponents views first,views first,l lexplain why your opponents views are not explain why your opponents views are not good enough.good enough. 2021/6/162021/6/162121 In developing the

37、main part of the In developing the main part of the argumentative essay, you may argumentative essay, you may choose any choose any patternpattern or combine the patterns or combine the patterns to further to further develop the thesisdevelop the thesis as we deal with cause- as we deal with cause-a

38、nd-effect genre writing ( description, and-effect genre writing ( description, narration, definition, classification, narration, definition, classification, exemplification, causal analysis, comparison exemplification, causal analysis, comparison & contrast, etc.)& contrast, etc.)2021/6/162021/6/162

39、222 (3) The Concluding part (3) The Concluding part To better conclude the essay, you shouldTo better conclude the essay, you shouldl l restate your thesis restate your thesisl lsummarize your main pointssummarize your main pointsl lurge your reader to take actionurge your reader to take actionl lpr

40、edict the futurepredict the future 2021/6/162021/6/162323. Some transitional words and phrases. Some transitional words and phrasesl lChronological orderChronological order first of all/first, after that/second, first of all/first, after that/second, then/next, last/finallythen/next, last/finallyl l

41、ExemplificationExemplification to illustrate this pointto illustrate this point, , can be illustrated can be illustrated as followsas follows, , a good case in point isa good case in point isl lAdditionAddition besides that, apart from this, in addition besides that, apart from this, in addition (to

42、), furthermore, whats more, moreover(to), furthermore, whats more, moreoverl lComparison & contrastComparison & contrast likewise likewise/similarly, in the same way, similar /similarly, in the same way, similar to, conversely/on the contrary, in contrast to, conversely/on the contrary, in contrast

43、(to), (to), on the other handon the other hand, different from, different from2021/6/162021/6/162424. Some typical sentence patterns for . Some typical sentence patterns for argumentationargumentationIt can be argued thatIt can be argued thatPeople argue/maintain /believe thatPeople argue/maintain /

44、believe thatSome people argue/claim that Some people argue/claim that But more But more often than not, the reverse/ the opposite is often than not, the reverse/ the opposite is usually the case/trueusually the case/true. .Some assume that , however, this proves to Some assume that , however, this p

45、roves to be the contrary/the be the contrary/the opposite/the other way opposite/the other way aroundaround. .They are right in, butThey are right in, butIt is true that, but it does not necessarily It is true that, but it does not necessarily follow thatfollow that2021/6/162021/6/162525 Writing ass

46、ignment:Writing assignment: Has man a future? Has man a future? Some people hold the view Some people hold the view that the world will get better day by day. that the world will get better day by day. However, as the fast development of the However, as the fast development of the modern society has

47、 brought unprecedented modern society has brought unprecedented challenges to mankind, this lingering question challenges to mankind, this lingering question continues to provoke deep thought, reflection, continues to provoke deep thought, reflection, doubt or even fear. Some people believe that if

48、doubt or even fear. Some people believe that if severe threats like nuclear weapons and severe threats like nuclear weapons and climate change remain unchecked mans life climate change remain unchecked mans life will be greatly endangered and “ the will be greatly endangered and “ the doomsday clock

49、 is on the verge of striking”. doomsday clock is on the verge of striking”. Discuss with your peers and Discuss with your peers and write an write an argumentative essay within 600 wordsargumentative essay within 600 words. . Have Have peer review after you finish your writingpeer review after you f

50、inish your writing. . You You may refer to may refer to the peer review checklist in your handout the peer review checklist in your handout (pp.350-351).(pp.350-351). Submit your essay next time for the class. Submit your essay next time for the class.2021/6/162021/6/162626 结束语结束语若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!



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