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1、. 社会交往社会交往一、一、问候候1. 基本用基本用语:1) 见面面问候:候: Good morning. Hello/Hi. 2) 代向某人代向某人问候:候: Best wishes/ regards to sb.give ones regards to sb. give ones best regards to sb.3) 替某人向替某人向问好:好: say “Hi/ Hello” to sb. from sb. give ones regards to sb. Please remember me to. 回答:回答:I will. Thanks. 4) How do you do? (

2、初次初次见面面) How do you do? How are you? (比比较熟悉的人熟悉的人) Fine, thank you. And you? /Very well, thank you. How are you getting along with.? Everything is fine! How are you doing? Im just great! How is everything?Very well, thank you!How is your vacation/ holiday/ weekend?Not bad!Whats up? Couldnt be better

3、, thank you!Whats going on?Just soso.2. 注意要点:注意要点:1) “How are you?”用于用于询问对方的身体情方的身体情况,可根据况,可根据实际情况回答,如:情况回答,如:Fine/Very well, thank you. (very) good不能用来表示身体健康。假不能用来表示身体健康。假如身体确如身体确实不太舒服并想不太舒服并想让对方知道,方知道,不妨不妨说“Not too well, Im afraid.”2) 对于不认识的人,想要他对于不认识的人,想要他(或她或她)停下的停下的说法:说法:Hey, Sir/ Madam!或!或Just

4、 a moment, Sir/ Madam.3) 与英美人见面寒暄时,不应问及他与英美人见面寒暄时,不应问及他(或她或她)的年龄、婚否、收入等个人隐私情况。的年龄、婚否、收入等个人隐私情况。二、介二、介绍1. 基本用基本用语:1) This is Mr/ Mrs/ Miss/ Ms/. May I introduce you to.? Id like you to meet.2) How do you do? Nice/ Glad/ Pleased to see/meet you. Nice meeting you.3) My name is. Im a. (student/ teacher,

5、etc.) May I know your name?2注意要点注意要点:1) “Nice to meet you.”与与“Nice to see you.”有一点区有一点区别:前者是初次:前者是初次见面被人介面被人介绍相相识后的寒暄用后的寒暄用语(认识你很高你很高兴);后;后者与前者在意思上相同,但是用于熟人者与前者在意思上相同,但是用于熟人之之间一段一段时间未未见面后再次相遇。两者面后再次相遇。两者回答用回答用语与与问候候语相同。相同。2) “Nice to meet you.”表示初次表示初次见面面时的的问候,而候,而“Nice meeting you.”则是初次是初次见面告面告别时的用

6、的用语。三、告三、告别1基本用基本用语:1) 直接的告直接的告别语有:有: Goodbye/ Byebye/Bye! See you (tomorrow)!See you later! Farewell! Good night.2) 委婉的告委婉的告别语有:有: Id like to say goodbye to everyone. Im calling to say goodbye. Im afraid I must be leaving/ off now. I think its time for us to leave now.3) 其他其他带有祝愿以及叮嘱等意有祝愿以及叮嘱等意义的告的

7、告别 语: Ill look forward to seeing you soon. Lets hope well meet again. Hope to see you again. Drop in anytime you like.2注意要点注意要点:告告别前通常要前通常要说一两句客套一两句客套话,如:,如:Im afraid I must be off/ going now. 长久久告告别时,还可同可同时表达希望今后多表达希望今后多联系系 (Keep/ Get in touch.)、要、要对方保重身体方保重身体 (Take care.)、问候候对方家人方家人(Please send my

8、 best regards to your family.)等。等。四、感四、感谢基本用基本用语:1) 感感谢用用语: Thank you very much Thanks a lot. Many thanks. Thanks for. Its very kind of you to.I appreciate your help.Thank you all the same. Its most thoughtful of you. I dont know how to express my thanks.2) 答答语: Not at all. Thats all right/ OK. Your

9、e welcome. Its really nothing. Dont mention it.五、道歉五、道歉1. 基本用基本用语:1) 道歉用道歉用语: Im sorry. Im sorry for/ about. Im sorry to do. Im sorry to have done. Excuse/ Pardon me (for.) Please forgive me for. sb. be afraid that. What a pity/ shame! Its a pity that.2) 答答语: It is not important. Its quite all right

10、. Never mind. It doesnt matter (at all). Not at all. Its nothing. Thats nothing. Please dont worry. Its nothing to worry about. Dont mention it. Thats okay. Dont let it bother you.2注意要点注意要点:1) “Excuse me”常用于下列情形:需要打断常用于下列情形:需要打断别人人谈话或工作或工作时;有求于他人;有求于他人时;因;因故需要故需要暂时离开离开时;就某事表示不同意;就某事表示不同意见时;自己的言行将会影响

11、他人;自己的言行将会影响他人时。(即:即:在在说或做可能令人不悦的事情之前使用或做可能令人不悦的事情之前使用以引起以引起别人注意人注意) 打打扰别人人为“劳驾”;请求求别人人让路、向路、向别人人问路、打听消息意路、打听消息意为“对不起,不起,请问”。回答。回答时说:Yes?2) “Sorry.” 说话人做了人做了错事或无意中与事或无意中与别人人发生冲撞生冲撞时于事后向他人表示歉意;可表于事后向他人表示歉意;可表示因不能示因不能满足他人要求而表示歉意。足他人要求而表示歉意。3) “I beg your pardon?”表示听表示听话人未能听人未能听清楚他人所清楚他人所说的的话,希望,希望说话人重

12、复所人重复所说的的话时的礼貌用法,的礼貌用法,“麻麻烦再再说一遍一遍”。4) “Im sorry to hear it/that.”则是是对说话者者本人或近本人或近亲属已属已经发生的不幸表示生的不幸表示遗憾。憾。六、邀六、邀请1基本用基本用语:1) Would you come to.? Would you like to.? Id like to invite you to.2)Yes, Id love/be glad/happy to(.) Ill be glad to. Of course. Yes, its very kind/nice of you. Yes, great. Sure

13、. Yes, with pleasure.3) Id love to, but. Im sorry, but I cant.2. 注意要点注意要点:1) 接受他人邀接受他人邀请时通常通常还要表示一下感要表示一下感谢: Yes, Id love to. Yes, its very kind/ nice of you. Yes, with pleasure.2) 如果是稍有保留地接受,可如果是稍有保留地接受,可这样说: I will if I can. Its very kind of you to invite me, but Im not sure if I can come.3) 拒拒绝他人

14、的邀他人的邀请一般不直接一般不直接说No,而要,而要婉言婉言谢绝(通常会通常会说明理由明理由),并要声明自,并要声明自己是愿意接受己是愿意接受“邀邀请”的,但因某种原因的,但因某种原因不能接受,并表示歉意或感不能接受,并表示歉意或感谢。常用:。常用: Id like to, but Im too busy. I really enjoy it, but Ive got to go now. I wish I could accept your invitation, but Im afraid I dont have time to go. Thank you for your kindnes

15、s, but Ive got an appointment at that time. 七、祝愿和祝七、祝愿和祝贺基本用基本用语:1) Best wishes to you! I wish you good health. Good luck! Good luck with. Wish you success!May you success/succeed!2) Merry Christmas!3) Congratulations (on.)!Well done!4) Enjoy your vacation!Enjoy your stay in China.八、提供帮助八、提供帮助基本用基本用

16、语:1) 提供帮助:提供帮助: Can/Could/Shall I help you? What can I do for you? Is there anything (else) I can do for you? Would you like to.? Can you do me a favor?2) 接受帮助:接受帮助: That would be nice/fine. Thats very kind of you. Thank you for your help. Yes, please. Here, take this/ my.九、打九、打电话1. 基本用基本用语: Hello!M

17、ay I speak to.? Hello!Is.in? May/Could I speak to.? Is that. (speaking)? Hold on, please. Hello, who is it/that? He /She isnt here right now. Can I take a message for you? This is. speaking.2. 注意要点注意要点:代接代接电话的人叫某人接的人叫某人接电话时,先,先对打打电话的人的人说:Hold on, please. Just a minute, please. 然后叫人接然后叫人接电话:You are w

18、anted on the phone. Theres a call for you.十、就餐十、就餐基本用基本用语:What would you like (to have).?Would you like something (to eat/drink)?Help yourself to some. Let me give you. Make yourself at home.Id like. A cake/ Two eggs, please.Yes, please. Just a little, please. Ive had enough. Im full, thank you. No,

19、 thanks.Can I have the bill, please?Its my treat this time. Ill pay.Lets go Dutch this time.Waiter! The bill, please.十一、就医十一、就医听到自己的听到自己的亲人、朋友或熟人等人、朋友或熟人等谈到有关到有关身体健康的身体健康的问题时,如,如“I think I have a bad cold.”如果是朋友,回答如果是朋友,回答“Im sorry to hear that.”或或“Youd better see a doctor.”如如果是果是说给医生听,医生需用医生听,医生需用“

20、Take it easy.”来回答。来回答。1) 医生医生询问病人的用病人的用语: Whats the matter with you? Whats wrong with you?2) 病人病人应答答语: Theres something wrong with my back. I have a headache/ My head aches. I have got a cough. I have got a pain here. It hurts here and there. I dont feel well today.3) 医生医生诊断、提建断、提建议及安慰用及安慰用语: Let me

21、 take your temperature. Its nothing serious. You had better ask for a leave and have a rest for a few days. Drink more water and have a good rest. Take these pills 3 times a day.十二、提醒注意十二、提醒注意Dont forget your raincoat.Remember to lock the door.Make sure that all the windows are closed.No Smoking! No

22、 Spitting!Look out! Be careful!Wet floor! Dont touch! Its dangerous!Keep off! Wet paint!十三、建十三、建议与与劝告告以建以建议或者或者劝告的形式要某人做一件事,告的形式要某人做一件事,不同于直接命令,因不同于直接命令,因为说话人只是提出建人只是提出建议,而把做与不做的决定,而把做与不做的决定权留留给听听话人。人。对于他人提出的建于他人提出的建议和忠告,若和忠告,若认为可以可以接受,要表示接受,要表示赞赏或感或感谢。在拒。在拒绝对方的方的建建议时,一般要,一般要给出理由。出理由。基本用基本用语:1) I ad

23、vise you (not) to. Youd better (not). I suggest that you (should). Why not.? Why dont you do.? How/ What about doing.? Shall we.? Lets.2) Yes, I suppose so. Yes, but dont you think.? Thats great. Thats a good idea. Why not?3) Thats impossible, but thank you all the same. Its not our fault. Im afraid

24、 I cant do that. Im afraid I cant follow your advice. . 情感情感一、高一、高兴Im glad/ pleased/ happy to. Thats nice/ wonderful/ great.How wonderful/nice!二、惊奇二、惊奇Really?/ Is that so? Oh dear!/My God!Good heavens!/ Thank Goodness!I can hardly believe my ears/ eyes.三、三、忧虑Whats wrong?Whats the matter (with you)?

25、Is there anything wrong?Oh, what shall I do? We were all anxious about.四、四、满意意Good!Well done!Perfect! Thats fine. Thats better. Thats good enough.Im pleased with五、五、遗憾憾Im so sorry!Its a great pity!What a shame! Thats too bad!I wish I had never given it up.If I had been there, he would not have made

26、such a serious mistake.六、同情六、同情Im so sorry!Im so sorry about your illness.Im sorry to hear you are going away.Please accept my deep sympathy. 态度度一、同意与不同意一、同意与不同意当当对方提出某种方提出某种观点、意点、意见或或请求求时,要表示,要表示恰当而具体的恰当而具体的态度。要有明确答复。度。要有明确答复。1. 同意:同意:Certainly/ Sure/ Of course. All right. Yes, I think so. Thats tr

27、ue. Good! Excellent! What a good idea! It couldnt be better.Thats a good idea. Its a good idea that.I agree(with you). Thats the right thing to do.2. 不同意:不同意:No, I dont think so. Im afraid not.Im afraid I (really) cant agree with you.Its not very nice. I dont think that is a good idea. Personally, I

28、 feel that its unwise.What a terrible idea!No way!二、肯定与不肯定二、肯定与不肯定对某件事情的真某件事情的真实性是否肯定、是否有把性是否肯定、是否有把握,在英握,在英语中常用中常用sure,certain,doubt等等词或或may,might,must等情等情态动词表达。表达。may,might具有具有试探性,探性,must表示一种表示一种逻辑推断的必然。此外,推断的必然。此外,为了增了增强强客气的口客气的口吻,表示不肯定吻,表示不肯定时可以伴随一些表示可以伴随一些表示遗憾、憾、担担忧或歉意的表达方式。或歉意的表达方式。三、可能与不可能三、可

29、能与不可能He may. It is possible that. It is likely that.He is not likely to do/ that. It looks as if/ though it might rain later.It appears to me that well have to go on foot.I doubt that.Thats/ Its quite impossible. Its very unlikely. Thats hardly possible. Thatll never happen. 四、偏四、偏爱与与爱好好Which do you

30、 prefer, tea or coffee?I prefer tea to coffee.prefer to do rather than doprefer doing to doingId like to go by train.My favorite subject is physics.Id rather drink coffee than tea.五、意愿与打算五、意愿与打算当希望当希望别人做某事或者不愿意人做某事或者不愿意让别人做某人做某事,或者表达自己的一种希望、愿望事,或者表达自己的一种希望、愿望时需需要恰当用要恰当用词,这样才能准确地才能准确地传达自己的达自己的意意图。Im

31、going to. I will.I would like to. I feel like.I (do not) wish/ want/ hope to.I wish that.I intend/ mean/ plan to.Im ready to.I would rather not tell you.I would do it if I should have the chance.If only I could see him.六、征求或表达意六、征求或表达意见在表明自己在表明自己对事物的判断事物的判断时,好坏要明确,好坏要明确,是非要分明。尤其在是非要分明。尤其在对方干得比方干得比较出

32、色出色时,要多加鼓励。如要多加鼓励。如Well done!Good job!Quite perfect!等。!等。如果要如果要陈述自己的某些述自己的某些观点点时,英,英语中一中一般要使用一些般要使用一些较委婉的短委婉的短语,如:,如:in my opinion, as I see it, so far as I know, personally speaking等。等。交际用语的考查点相对集中。主要考查社会交际用语的考查点相对集中。主要考查社会交往中的一些日常交际用语。交往中的一些日常交际用语。以应答为主,以应答为主,提问为辅;提问为辅; 以跨文化交际中差异明显的交以跨文化交际中差异明显的交际

33、项目为重点考查对象际项目为重点考查对象。1. 考查习惯应答语。考查习惯应答语。问候、告别、打电话、问候、告别、打电话、问路、看病、购物、感谢、道歉、祝愿、请问路、看病、购物、感谢、道歉、祝愿、请求等常见的交际话题均有其较为固定的套语。求等常见的交际话题均有其较为固定的套语。用英美人的思维方式,遵循习惯进行回答。用英美人的思维方式,遵循习惯进行回答。常见回答用语主要有以下几个方面:常见回答用语主要有以下几个方面:1) 常用于接受或拒绝请求、邀请的应答用常用于接受或拒绝请求、邀请的应答用语有:语有:With pleasure./ Yes, help yourself./ No problem./

34、Good idea./ Sorry, but/ Id rather you/ Thank you, but/ No way./ Forget it.等。等。2) 常用于感谢的应答用语有:常用于感谢的应答用语有:Thats all right./ You are welcome./ Dont mention it./ It is my pleasure (My pleasure)./ Not at all.等。等。3) 常用于道歉的应答用语有:常用于道歉的应答用语有:Never mind./ It doesnt matter./ Not at all./ Thats all right./ Th

35、at is nothing.等。等。4) 常用于祝愿和祝贺的应答用语有:常用于祝愿和祝贺的应答用语有:Good luck!/ Best wishes to you!/ Have a nice time!/ Congratulations!/ Merry Christmas!/ Thank you./ The same to you.等。等。2. 考查文化差异语。考查文化差异语。汉语和英语在交际文汉语和英语在交际文化方面有许多共同之处,但也存在诸多差化方面有许多共同之处,但也存在诸多差异。这些差异往往是考查的重中之重。避异。这些差异往往是考查的重中之重。避免母语交际定式的干扰,根据英语的文化免母

36、语交际定式的干扰,根据英语的文化交际习惯来应答是掌握文化差异的关键。交际习惯来应答是掌握文化差异的关键。3. 考查语言结构语。考查语言结构语。根据不同的交际情景,根据不同的交际情景,说话者会采用不同的交际用语来表达自己说话者会采用不同的交际用语来表达自己的态度和情感。当说话人对刚刚提出的说的态度和情感。当说话人对刚刚提出的说法或意见持肯定态度时,可以说:法或意见持肯定态度时,可以说:Yes,I think (suppose, believe) so./ Yes, Im afraid so. 对刚刚提出的说法或意见持否对刚刚提出的说法或意见持否定态度时,则说:定态度时,则说:No,I dont

37、think (suppose) so./ No, I dont believe so./ No, I believe (suppose) not./ No, I hope not./ No, I am afraid not.1. Reading is the best way to pass time on the train. _. I never go travelling without a book. A. You are joking B. Thats true C. I dont think so D. It sounds like funB2. Im sorry for brea

38、king the cup. Oh, _Ive got plenty. A. forget itB. my pleasure C. help yourself D. pardon me 3. _!Somebody has left the lab door open. Dont look at me. ADear me BHi, there CThank goodness DCome onA A 4. Is Anne coming tomorrow? _If she were to come, she would have called me. AGo ahead BCertainly CTha

39、ts right DI dont think so 5.How about dinner tonight? Its on me. _ A. You are welcome B. Oh, Id like to C. Well, Im afraid so D. Thats all rightD B 6. I am going to Spain for a holiday soon. _. A. Its my pleasure B. Never mind C. Leave it alone D. Good for you7. Could I use this dictionary? _. Its a

40、 spare one. A. Good idea B. Just go ahead C. Youre welcome D. Youd better not D B 1. Im sorry, Sir. I got stuck in the heavy 2. snow on the way to work this morning. _ you were so late. It is none of your business. A. Go ahead B. Forget it C. No wonder D. No way解析:解析:go ahead “继续继续”; forget it “没关系没

41、关系; 算了算了”; no wonder “难怪难怪”; no way “没门没门”。2. You know what? I am going to Shanghai on a free trip this weekend. _. A. Good for you! B. It is none of my business. C. You must have been cheated. D. So what? 解析:解析:Good for you! 你真行你真行! It is none of my business这不关我的事这不关我的事; You must have been cheated你

42、肯定被骗了你肯定被骗了; So what? 那又怎样那又怎样? 3. My father is in hospital again. _. I hope hell recover soon. A. Its OK B. Sorry to hear that C. All right D. Dont mention it解析:解析:Sorry to hear that听到那件事我很听到那件事我很难过; Its OK/All right好的好的; Dont mention it别客气。客气。4. Will you complete the task in time? Sure, I will. _.

43、 A. Everything is possible B. But its too hard C. No matter what will happen D. Though its a piece of cake解析:解析:此此处答答语部分相当于部分相当于Sure, I will complete the task in time, no matter what will happen。No matter what will happen是是一个一个让步状步状语从句。从句。5. It took me twenty years to build up my business, and it al

44、most killed me. Well, you know what they say. _. A. There is no smoke without fire B. Practice makes perfect C. All roads lead to Rome D. No pains, no gains解析:解析:“花了我二十年花了我二十年时间成就事成就事业, 费了了不少不少劲”可知可知, 另一方另一方则表达了表达了观点点“不不劳无无获(No pains, no gains)”。6. Do you enjoy the seafood here? _, but Ive got used

45、to it anyway. A. Cant like it better B. Not really C. Not bad actually D. Im really sorry7. Its been raining for a whole week. I think itll get fine soon. _. We are getting into the rainy season now. A. Yes, it will B. Of course not C. Its possible D. Its hard to say解析:解析:一方一方认为“天很快会天很快会转晴晴”, 另一方另一方

46、则表示一种表示一种“不肯定不肯定”的看法的看法: 很很难说。8. Do you mind if I open the door? _. I feel a bit cold. A. Of course not B. Id rather you didnt C. Go ahead D. Please close it解析:解析:考考查回答回答Do you mind if. . . 的用的用语。根据。根据I feel a bit cold可知可知, 此此处表示表示“我宁愿你我宁愿你别开开”。故。故选B。9. It was announced that another student in our s

47、chool had won the first prize for China High School Chemistry Olympiad. Oh, really? _ He must have put a lot of work into it. A. That sounds fine. B. Thats quite something. C. Thats a good point. D. Get a move on. 解析:解析:Thats quite something. 表示表示对上面所上面所说情况的情况的赞扬和肯定和肯定, “真了不起真了不起”。10. Im not good at table tennis, you know. _. Were playing for fun. Just try and youll see you can do it. A. Well, it depends. B. Take your time. C. Come on! D. Thats OK. 解析:解析:A “好的好的, 看情况而定看情况而定”; B “别着急着急”; C “(用于鼓励他人用于鼓励他人)来吧来吧”; D “好的好的”。



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