浙江省台州市天台县平桥第二中学高中英语 Unit3 warming up and speaking课件 新人教版必修1

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浙江省台州市天台县平桥第二中学高中英语 Unit3 warming up and speaking课件 新人教版必修1_第1页
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浙江省台州市天台县平桥第二中学高中英语 Unit3 warming up and speaking课件 新人教版必修1_第2页
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浙江省台州市天台县平桥第二中学高中英语 Unit3 warming up and speaking课件 新人教版必修1_第3页
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浙江省台州市天台县平桥第二中学高中英语 Unit3 warming up and speaking课件 新人教版必修1_第4页
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《浙江省台州市天台县平桥第二中学高中英语 Unit3 warming up and speaking课件 新人教版必修1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《浙江省台州市天台县平桥第二中学高中英语 Unit3 warming up and speaking课件 新人教版必修1(37页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Unit 3 Travel journalWarming up & speaking1.Do you like traveling?2. Have you ever been to any interesting places? Where have you been?3.Which place/country do you like to travel most? Why?Lead inLets discover the beauty of the world!Tiananmen SquareForbidden City组卷网The Great Wall (长城)(长城)in ChinaH

2、e who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.不到长城非好汉。不到长城非好汉。The Heaven Temple(天坛)(天坛)Eiffel Tower in France埃菲尔铁塔Sydney Opera House (悉尼歌剧院)(悉尼歌剧院)in AustraliaIts creative and beautiful.Enrich our knowledgeBe good to healthMake friendsRelax ourselvesWhy do people like to travel?contact with

3、different culturestravelingWarming upIf you can go to a place for a holiday, which means of transportation will you use?on footby bikeby busby trainby ship/seaby plane/ airTransport Advantage DisadvantagebustrainshipairplaneThink about the advantages and disadvantages of each form of transport and f

4、ill in the following chart.WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO CONSIDER BEFORE YOU DECIDE WHICH MEANS OF TRANSPORT YOU WILL USE?Cost(花花费)Safety(安全安全) Comfort (舒适舒适) Quickness Convenience (方便方便)Transport Advantages disadvantagesBusTrain 1. very cheap 2. efficient for short journeys3. goes to small towns/ cities1. ta

5、kes longer than the train or airplane2. does not provide meals3. uncomfortable1. cheaper than the airplane 2. good views along the road3. arrive at the centre of the cities1. takes longer than the airplane 2. No meals, crowdedAirplane1. quick 2. comfortable 3. provides meals 1. expensive 2. Airports

6、 are far from the centre of the citiesShip 1. cheaper than the airplane2. provides accommodation and meals1. slow2. seasick3. unsafeImagine that you plan to spend a holiday. Use these questions to make a dialogue with your partner about it. Where are you going on holiday? When are you leaving? Where

7、 are you staying? How are you going to ? How long are you staying in? When are you arriving in/at ? When are you coming back?Speaking Lily: Tom, where are you going on holiday?Tom: Im going to Beijing.Lily : When are you leaving?Tom : Next Sunday.Lily : How are you going to Beijing?Tom : Im taking a

8、 plane. I prefer to travel by air rather than travel by train.Lily : How long are you staying there?Tom : About two weeks.Lily : Great. Have a good trip.Tom : Thanks.What factors(因素因素) should you consider if you want to have a good trip?things to dotime to set outplace to gobackgroundinformationtrav

9、el costpoints for attentionmeans of transportationthings to takeA travel planWhat to take with you ?tentcompassmapraincoatflashlightumbrellamatcheswater bottleMAKE A TRAVEL PLAN Make a travel plan to a place where you want to go for your holiday. We are going to to spend our Spring Festival. We plan

10、 to go there by . We are leaving so that we can arrive . Whats more, we are taking with us. The travel cost is about . There are lots of interesting things we can do . We are coming back . A great journey!I cant wait. OUR TRAVEL PLANAccording to your travel plan, what do you expect to see?Here are s

11、ome famous rivers in the world. Do you know their names?The Yellow River 黄河黄河the second largest in ChinaYou can never wash yourself clean even if you jump into the _river.our mother riverThree Gorges Dam(三峡大坝三峡大坝)the third longest in the worldthe longest in China6300 kmThe Yangtze River长江长江 In Egypt

12、the longest in the worldThe Nile River尼罗河尼罗河Aswan Dam(阿斯旺大坝)(阿斯旺大坝)Mother river of RussianThe Volga River伏尔加河伏尔加河longest in EuropeLongest in BritainThe Thames River泰晤士河泰晤士河Mother river of Britain Begins in Qinghai Province The Mekong RiverFlows through several countries.In China it is calledthe Lanc

13、ang River. The Lancang River Out of China, it is calledthe Mekong River.(湄公河湄公河)In China it is calledthe Lancang River.(澜沧江澜沧江 )Which countries does the Mekong River flow through?China 中国中国Laos 老挝老挝Myanmar 缅甸缅甸 Thailand 泰国泰国Cambodia 柬埔寨柬埔寨Vietnam 越南越南NOW LETS COME BACK TO THE MEKONG RIVER! There is

14、a story of a boy and a girl who traveled there. Do you want to know what happened?New words and phrases1. 1. 说服;劝说说服;劝说2. 2. 骑自行车骑自行车3. 3. 毕业毕业4. 4. 最后最后5. 5. 时间表时间表6. 6. 缺点缺点7. 7. 顽固的顽固的8. 8. 坚持要求坚持要求9. 9. 组织组织10. 10. 有决心的有决心的11. 11. 旅行旅行12. 12. 弯;拐角弯;拐角13. 13. 山谷山谷persuadepersuadecyclecyclegraduat

15、egraduatefinallyfinallyschedulescheduleshortcomingshortcomingstubbornstubborninsistinsistorganizeorganizedetermineddeterminedjourneyjourneyaltitudealtitudeatlasatlasglacierglacierrapidsrapidsvalleyvalleywaterfallwaterfallpacepacebendbenddeltadelta14. 14. 海拔高度海拔高度15. 15. 地图集地图集16. 16. 冰川冰川17. 17. 急流急

16、流18. 18. 瀑布瀑布19. 19. 速度;步调速度;步调20. 20. 三角洲三角洲ever sinceever sincedream aboutdream aboutget sbget sb interested in interested inbe fond ofbe fond ofchange onechange ones minds mindbe excited aboutbe excited aboutmake up onemake up ones minds mindgive ingive in1. 1. 从那以后从那以后2. 2. 梦想做某事梦想做某事3. 3. 使某人感兴

17、趣使某人感兴趣4. 4. 喜欢喜欢5. 5. 改变注意改变注意6. 6. 对对感到兴奋感到兴奋/ /激动激动7. 7. 下定决心下定决心8.8.屈服屈服 Read the passage quickly and answer the questions.Fast Reading1. Who are Wang Kun and Wang Wei?2. What are their dream?3. Who are Dao Wei and Yu Hang?They are sister and brother, and both are college students. Taking a great bike trip.They are Wang Kuns cousins who are at a college in Kunming. Homework1. Write a travel plan of your own.2. Read the text, underline what you dont know.



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