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1、1The Performance Management Journey绩效管理之旅Manager Training Workshop经理级培训研讨会2Agenda 议程Module One: The Process 板块一:绩效管理的流程板块一:绩效管理的流程What is Performance Management? 什么是绩效管理?Why is it important? 为什么绩效管理至关重要?How does Performance Management fit into our IHG Employee Commitment? 绩效管理如何体现洲际酒店集团对员工的承诺?What i

2、s the Performance Management journey? 什么是绩效管理之旅?Module Two: The Components 板块二:绩效管理的组成要素板块二:绩效管理的组成要素What are the tools to support the Performance Management journey?绩效管理之旅有哪些辅助工具?How do we complete the necessary forms? 如何填写必须的表格?Module Three: The Review 板块三:绩效评估板块三:绩效评估How do we calibrate our Perfo

3、rmance Reviews in our organisation? 如何在组织内对绩效评估进行校准?What does a successful Performance Review look like? 成功的绩效评估应该是怎样的?How do we communicate performance to our employees? 我们如何与员工就其绩效进行沟通?Module Four: The Development 板块四:员工的发展板块四:员工的发展What is a Personal Development Plan? 什么是个人发展计划?How do ensure devel

4、opment occurs throughout the year? 如何确保发展计划在全年中得到实施?3Module One Objectives 板块一:目标By the end of this module, you will be able to:通过板块一的学习,你将能够:通过板块一的学习,你将能够:Understand what Performance Management means at IHG了解绩效管理对洲际酒店集团的意义Explain why Performance Management is important解释绩效管理的重要性Describe how Perform

5、ance Management fits with our IHG Commitment阐述绩效管理如何体现洲际酒店集团的承诺Know the five steps of The Performance Management Journey了解绩效管理之旅的五个步骤4Module One: Exercise 板块一:练习Why is Performance Management important to each of the following key stakeholders in the process? 绩效管理对以下各关键方为什么至关重要?IHG 洲际酒店集团Your organis

6、ation (hotel or corporate location) 所在组织(酒店或公司)You, as a leader 作为领导的你Employees 员工5Performance Management 绩效管理You will know what success means for your role 你将了解对你的角色而言什么是成功You will be involved in regular, quality feedback discussions你将参与定期的,高质量的反馈讨论You will have the opportunity to develop for your

7、current and future roles 你将有机会在你目前和未来的职位上获得发展You will know what career opportunities are available with IHG around the world你将知道洲际集团在全球范围内提供的职业发展机会成长的空间成长的空间6The Performance Management Journey 绩效管理之旅Establish KPOs 设定KPOTake Action 采取行动Review Performance 评估绩效Plan Development 发展计划Provide Recognition &

8、 Reward给予认可和奖励7The Performance Management Journey 绩效管理之旅Establish KPOs 设定设定KPOKPOs are established in January-February 1-2月期间设定KPOKPOs are linked to our core purpose; creating Great hotels guests love 将KPO与我们的核心目标联系起来;创造“出色的酒店,客人的最爱”KPOs cascade down KPO的逐级下达8The Performance Management Journey 绩效管理之

9、旅SMART KPOs KPO的的SMART要求要求SSpecific 具体MMeasurable 可衡量AAchievable 可实现 RRelevant 相关TTime specific 有时限9The Performance Management Journey 绩效管理之旅Take Action 采取行动采取行动Execute KPOs 实施KPODemonstrate IHG Leadership Competencies显示洲际酒店集团领导能力Live IHG Winning Ways 履行洲际酒店集团的致胜之道Use Brand Building behvaiours 通过行为打

10、造品牌Create Great hotels guests love 创造“出色的酒店,客人的最爱”10Cluster 类别类别Definition 定义定义Competencies 能力能力Team Focused 关注团队Working together effectively to meet business goals faster通过有效的协同合作,更迅速的实现企业目标通过有效的协同合作,更迅速的实现企业目标Fostering Collaboration 全面协作全面协作Leading and Developing People 领导和发展员工领导和发展员工Action Orient

11、ed 行动导向Driving to achieve ambitious targets in an efficient way以高效的方式推动长远目标的实现以高效的方式推动长远目标的实现Drive for Results 成效驱动成效驱动Turning Vision into Action 将愿景转化为行动将愿景转化为行动Passionate 工作热情Caring passionately about our guests and business partners, and changing to meet their needs关注客户和商业伙伴的需求,积极做出变革关注客户和商业伙伴的需求

12、,积极做出变革Guest / Customer & Market Focus 关注客户与市场关注客户与市场Championing Change 主导变革主导变革Savvy 业务技能Knowing what it takes to beat our competitors, both now and in the future 了解现在和将来要击败竞争对手所需要的条件了解现在和将来要击败竞争对手所需要的条件Strategic Thinking 战略思维战略思维Understanding our Business 了解业务了解业务Winning Ways 致胜之道Demonstrating Win

13、ning Ways across the business whether we are assisting guests, working with business partners, or helping each other 在工作的各个领域,不论是服务宾客、与商业伙伴的合作,还是同事在工作的各个领域,不论是服务宾客、与商业伙伴的合作,还是同事间的互助,都显示出致胜之道的行为准则。间的互助,都显示出致胜之道的行为准则。Do The Right Thing 做对的事做对的事Aim Higher 追求卓越追求卓越Show We Care 体现关爱体现关爱Celebrate Differen

14、ce 求同存异求同存异Work Better Together 协作共赢协作共赢洲际酒店集团领导能力11The Performance Management Journey 绩效管理之旅Review Performance 评估绩效评估绩效Annual Performance Review 年度绩效评估Employee completes Self-Assessment Form 员工完成自我评估表Assess KPOs 评估KPO的达成情况Calibration Meetings take place 进行校准会谈Establish KPOs for next year 设定下一年度的KPO

15、Mid Year Performance Review 年中绩效评估Review KPOs 回顾KPO的达成情况Provide constructive feedback and coaching 提供建设性反馈意见和辅导12The Performance Management Journey 绩效管理之旅Plan Development 发展计划发展计划Create Personal Development Plan 制定个人发展计划Review Personal Development Plans throughout the year 回顾全年的个人发展计划Set milestones

16、for development 设定个人发展里程碑Execute Personal Development Plan 实施个人发展计划13The Performance Management Journey 绩效管理之旅Provide Recognition & Reward 给予认可和奖励给予认可和奖励STI payment after Performance Review 绩效评估后的短期激励奖金Merit increases linked to Performance Review 与绩效评估相关联的加薪Nominations to attend training and develop

17、ment activities 提名参加培训和发展活动Career development 职业发展Promotions 升职14The Performance Management Journey绩效管理之旅Manager Training Workshop Module Two: The Components经理级培训课程 板块二:绩效管理的组成要素15Module Two Objectives 板块二:目标By the end of this module, you will be able to:通过板块二的学习,你将能够:通过板块二的学习,你将能够:Explain the vario

18、us sections of each Performance Management form解释说明每个绩效管理表格中的不同部分Identify which forms are to be used for each employee population明确每个员工群应使用的绩效管理表格Understand how to write SMART KPOs理解如何制定符合SMART标准的主要工作目标(KPO)Know how to utilise the Rating Scale and its definitions 知道如何评分,以及各分值的含义Describe how to write

19、 behaviour based statements for each section of the Performance Review 叙述如何撰写绩效评估各部分中基于行为的评价16The Components 绩效管理的组成要素The Annual Performance Review forms: 年度绩效评估表:年度绩效评估表:Annual Performance Review Corporate Bands 1 3 年度绩效评估总部办公室1-3级Annual Performance Review Corporate Bands 4-7, Hotel Bands H1-H7, Su

20、pervisory年度绩效评估总部办公室4-7级,酒店H1-H7级,主管级Annual Performance Review Corporate Band 8, Hotel Bands H7-H10, Non-Supervisory年度绩效评估总部办公室8级,酒店H7-H10级,非主管级The Self Assessment Forms: 自我评估表:自我评估表:Annual Review Self Assessment Form Corporate Bands 1-3年度绩效评估自评表总部办公室1-3级Annual Review Self Assessment Form Corporate

21、Bands 4-7, Hotel Bands H1-H7, Supervisory年度绩效评估自评表总部办公室4-7级,酒店H1-H7,主管级Annual Review Self Assessment Form Corporate Band 8, Hotel Bands H7-H10, Non-Supervisory年度绩效评估自评表总部办公室8级,酒店H7-H10级,非主管级The Additional Forms: 附表:附表:Key Performance Objectives Form 主要工作目标表Personal Development Plan Form 个人发展计划表17The

22、 Annual Performance Review Form 年度绩效评估表18ABCs of Documentation 表格填写要求A = Accurate 准确B = Behavioural 以行为为依据C = Consistent 一致统一 19How can we write SMART KPOs? 制定主要工作目标的SMART要求S = Specific - The objective should state exactly what the employee is responsible for achieving. S = 具体具体 工作目标应具体说出员工需要达成的职责。M

23、 = Measurable - The objective must define quantity, cost, frequency or quality (ensure measurement).M = 可衡量可衡量 - 工作目标必须具体说出在数量、成本、频率或质量上的要求(保证有衡量标准)。A = Achievable - The objective requires some effort or stretch to achieve, but do not discourage the employee.A = 可实现可实现 工作目标需要通过一些努力或一个过程才能实现,但不应太难而让员

24、工感到气馁。R = Relevant - The objective has a clear impact to the team/organisations goals and helps the individual meet their development needs.R = 相关相关 工作目标对所在团队/组织的目标有明确的积极影响,并且有助于个人实现他们的发展目标。T = Time specific - The time in which the objective is to be accomplished must be clearly stated.T = 有时限有时限 必须

25、明确说明完成工作目标的时限要求。20Winning Ways 致胜之道 We keep our promises and we dont let people down我们履行自己的承诺而不失信于他人我们履行自己的承诺而不失信于他人 We seek out the facts and trust our judgement 我们尊重事实并相信自己的判断我们尊重事实并相信自己的判断 We take decisions even when theyre difficult 即使有时是困难的,我们仍然勇于做出决定即使有时是困难的,我们仍然勇于做出决定We always do what we beli

26、eve is right and have the courage and conviction to put it into practice, even when it might be easier not to. We are honest and straightforward and see our decisions through.我们始终做我们认为正确的事,即使会面临困难,我们还是有勇气将之付诸于行我们始终做我们认为正确的事,即使会面临困难,我们还是有勇气将之付诸于行动。我们正直,坦诚,并能坚持到底。动。我们正直,坦诚,并能坚持到底。Do the right thing 做对

27、的事做对的事21Winning Ways 致胜之道 We treat people as individuals 我们将每个人视为一个独立的个体来对待。我们将每个人视为一个独立的个体来对待。 We look and listen for the little things that make a difference 我们积极寻找让我们体现关爱的细节之处我们积极寻找让我们体现关爱的细节之处 We use our experience to find new ways to deliver great service 我们利用过去的经验找出提供优异服务的新途径。我们利用过去的经验找出提供优异服务

28、的新途径。We want to be the company that understands peoples needs better than anyone else in our industry. This means being sensitive to others, noticing the things that matter and taking responsibility for getting things right. 在同业中,我们力求比其他公司更能理解人们的需求。这意味着关注他人,留意在同业中,我们力求比其他公司更能理解人们的需求。这意味着关注他人,留意周围的事物

29、,察觉事情的重要性,并能主动担负起更正失误的责任。周围的事物,察觉事情的重要性,并能主动担负起更正失误的责任。Show we care 体现关爱体现关爱22Winning Ways 致胜之道 We put our hearts into learning new things我们尽心学习新事物。我们尽心学习新事物。 We challenge ourselves and those around us我们挑战自我及他人。我们挑战自我及他人。 We always look for ways to improve我们不断寻求改进之道。我们不断寻求改进之道。We aim to be acknowled

30、ged leaders in our industry, so we have built a team of talented people who have a real will to win. We strive for success and value individuals who are always looking for a better way to do things.我们致力于成为同行业中公认的领先者,所以我们建立了一支充满必胜信念的我们致力于成为同行业中公认的领先者,所以我们建立了一支充满必胜信念的精英团队。我们力求成功并珍视那些始终寻求更好工作方法的人。精英团队。

31、我们力求成功并珍视那些始终寻求更好工作方法的人。Aim higher 追求卓越追求卓越23Winning Ways 致胜之道 We welcome different perspectives and listen to everyones ideas 我们欢迎不同的观点并听取每个人的意见。我们欢迎不同的观点并听取每个人的意见。 We are respectful of all cultures and look to learn from others 我们尊重各种不同的文化并愿意向他人学习。我们尊重各种不同的文化并愿意向他人学习。 We play an active role in the

32、 communities in which we operate 我们在身处的社会团体中发挥积极作用。我们在身处的社会团体中发挥积极作用。We believe that its the knowledge of our people that really brings our brands to life. While other companies may want to impose a rigid, uniform view of the world, we do not. Our global strength comes from celebrating local differe

33、nces whilst understanding that some things should be kept the same.我们深信是大家的知识为我们的品牌注入生命。其他公司可能会强加员工一种死我们深信是大家的知识为我们的品牌注入生命。其他公司可能会强加员工一种死板而一成不变的世界观,而我们不这么做。我们全球性的优势源于在保持一致的板而一成不变的世界观,而我们不这么做。我们全球性的优势源于在保持一致的同时也乐于接受地方差异。同时也乐于接受地方差异。Celebrate difference 求同存异求同存异24Winning Ways 致胜之道 We work hard to deve

34、lop excellent working relationships 我们致力于建立优良的工作关系。我们致力于建立优良的工作关系。 We think about what we do and how it might affect others 我们充分顾及自己的言行及可能对他人产生的影我们充分顾及自己的言行及可能对他人产生的影响。响。 We trust and support each other 我们彼此信赖,相我们彼此信赖,相互支持。互支持。When we work together we are stronger. Were at our best when we collabora

35、te to form a powerful, winning team. We listen to each other and combine our expertise to create a strong, focused and trusted group of people.团结就是力量,同心协力使我们成为一个强而有力的致胜团队。我们听取每个人的团结就是力量,同心协力使我们成为一个强而有力的致胜团队。我们听取每个人的意见,结合我们的专业知识,创造一个坚不可摧,目标专注,相互信赖的团队。意见,结合我们的专业知识,创造一个坚不可摧,目标专注,相互信赖的团队。Work better tog

36、ether 协作共赢协作共赢25The Performance Management Journey绩效管理之旅Manager Training Workshop Module Three: The Process经理级培训课程 板块三:绩效管理的流程26Module Three Objectives 板块三:目标By the end of this module, you will be able to:通过板块三的学习,你将能够:通过板块三的学习,你将能够:Explain how to prepare for a Performance Review解释如何准备绩效评估Describe t

37、he Calibration Review process and its importance on The Performance Management Journey描述评估校准流程,及其在绩效评估之旅中的重要作用Understand how to successfully facilitate a Performance Review meeting理解如何成功的进行绩效评估会谈Know how to handle challenging situations in a Performance Review meeting知道如何处理绩效评估会议中容易引起争论的局面27Preparin

38、g for the Review 绩效评估的准备Time/Date 时间时间/日期日期Allow yourself enough time to prepare for the review and for the employee to reflect on their performance (at least one week notice).给自己和员工足够时间进行绩效评估的准备,让员工有时间思考一下他们的绩效表现(至少提前一星期通知)。Ensure that the time is during the employees work schedule. Employees will

39、not be focused if their review is conflicting with their post work schedule.确保评估时间是在员工的工作日程之内。如果与员工工作后的时间冲突,他们将无法专心进行绩效评估。The end of the day is also a poor time for the review as the employee will be tired from the day and the review may be rushed to ensure they are out of work on time.在一天结束时也不适合进行评

40、估,员工将因为工作一天而非常劳累,可能会匆忙的进行评估,为了能准时下班。For manager reviews, allot at least 1.5 hours, for employee reviews, allot at least 45 minutes经理评估时间至少为1.5小时,员工评估时间至少45分钟。Location 地点地点Select a neutral location (i.e., not the bosses office as they may be anxious).选择一个中性的地点(即不要选择在可能会令人紧张的老板办公室)。Ensure it is a priv

41、ate location, the employee cafeteria is not ideal!确保私秘不受打扰,员工餐厅可不是理想的地点!Select a clean, quiet environment where both you and the employee can focus选择一个干净、安静的环境,你和员工都能集中注意力的地方。28Preparing for the Review 绩效评估的准备Advise the employee 通知员工通知员工Explain the purpose of the review 说明评估的目的Ensure the employee un

42、derstands how to complete the self-assessment form (see the Annual Performance Review Process Guide available on Merlin) 确保员工理解如何填写自我评估表(参见Merlin上的年度绩效评估流程指南)Ask the employee to begin thinking ahead about future plans and goals.让员工提前开始思考未来的计划和目标。29Preparation 准备工作Review the employees file 浏览员工档案浏览员工

43、档案Look for successes or achievements that have been added to the file寻找档案记录中员工取得的成功或成绩Identify concerns, if any 明确对员工的顾虑Review previous Performance Review documents 浏览过去的绩效评估文件Review the job description 浏览员工的工作职责描述浏览员工的工作职责描述Ensure the employee is performing the job they are assigned确保员工目前被分配的工作职责得到

44、执行See if there have been any changes in the role during the year确认一年中员工的工作角色是否有任何变化Obtain feedback from other managers 从其他经理处获取反馈信息从其他经理处获取反馈信息If you are a new manager, speak with the previous manager (if possible) or other managers that the employee partners with in your location如果你是新任的经理,(如果可能)与前任

45、经理或员工共事过的其他经理交谈了解情况。30Preparation 准备工作Fill out the Performance Review form: 填写绩效评估表:填写绩效评估表: Consider how well the employee has performed against their KPOs. Remember, the KPO achievement also covers key job responsibilities, including technical abilities.对照员工的主要工作目标,考虑员工的工作表现如何。须记住,主要工作目标同时包括主要工作职责

46、,以及技术能力。For Corporate Band/Hotel bands H7-H10-Non Supervisory employees, review the results of any Special Projects and/or Additional Responsibilities accomplished during the year.对于总部办公室/酒店H7-H10非主管级员工而言,需要回顾其在一年中是否有任何特殊项目和/或附加工作职责方面的绩效。Consider the employees performance against the IHG Leadership

47、Competencies.对照洲际酒店集团领导能力,评估员工的工作绩效。Think about how the employee can best contribute to the organisation over the next year.思考一下,在下一年度员工能够怎样对组织作出最大贡献。Make notes on possible development activities注明一些可能的个人发展活动Determine an Overall Performance Rating 决定员工的总体绩效评分31Calibration Meeting 校准会议Prior to the me

48、eting: 会议前:会议前:Identify a facilitator to manage the process, keep the debate on track and ensure that appropriate time and attention is given to all employees discussed (generally chaired by the function head/GM and facilitated with an HR representative) 指定一名会议主持人,管理会议的流程,保持讨论不偏离主题,同时确保对所有被讨论的员工都给予了

49、适当的时间和关注(通常由职能负责人/总经理担任会议主席,一名人事部代表担任主持人)All managers should prepare Overall Performance Ratings for their direct reports. 所有经理都应准备好直接下属的总体绩效评分。Gather evidence to support ratings including evidence to support achievement of KPOs and behavioural indicators observed for IHG Leadership Competencies and

50、 Winning Ways. 收集用以支持评分的证据,包括主要工作目标的成绩证明,以及在洲际酒店集团领导力和致胜之道方面观察到的行为指标。32Calibration Meeting 校准会议During the meeting: 会议中:会议中:Facilitator will establish ground rules for the meeting to include:主持人将设定会议的基本原则,包括:Remember, when making judgments around an individuals performance they should be related to f

51、acts and supported by evidence须记住,在围绕个人绩效作出评判时,应该与事实相关,并提供证据支持。Ensure that you are aware of your own preferences and prejudices when make a judgment; judgments should be based on concrete outputs.确保在作出评判时,你意识到自己的喜好和偏见;评判应该根据客观的结果作出。Each Calibration Team member should present the Overall Performance

52、Rating for each direct report and provide evidence for their rating.每一名校准团队的成员应作出对所有直接下属的总体绩效评分,并提供评分依据。Focus attention on the high and low end of the ratings (i.e. Do we have enough evidence to support to support a 4 or 5 or What are we doing to help develop those with a 1 or 2集中关注评分中的高分和低分(即,我们是否有

53、足够的证据支持4分或5分的评分,对那些1分或2分的员工,我们将采取什么方法帮助他们进步)Provoke debate around employee Overall Performance Ratings围绕员工的总体绩效评分展开讨论Ensure there is consistency of the ratings regardless of the person. In other words, a rating of 3 is based on performance and does not change based on the person being reviewed.确保评分的

54、一致性,不会因人而异。换句话说,一个3分的评分,是对员工绩效的评价,而非被评估的人是谁。33The Performance Review 绩效评估1.Treat the employee as a guest, put them at ease.对待员工象对待对待员工象对待客人客人一样,让他们感到放松自如。一样,让他们感到放松自如。Do not leave the employee waiting不要让员工久等Dont cancel the meeting at the last minute不要在最后时刻取消会谈Welcome them warmly, Show we care对员工热情欢迎

55、,体现出关爱Offer them a beverage (coffee/tea, water)询问他们是否需要饮料(咖啡/茶,水)Remove barriers (desk, folded arms)搬除一些障碍物(桌子,扶椅等)Ensure they understand the purpose of the review is the development of their performance and for their benefit确保他们理解评估的目的是出于他们工作绩效的提高,和他们自身的利益相关Build rapport with the employee与员工建立相互信任和

56、友好的关系1.Explain the format of the review解释说明评估的安排Set the stage that this will be a constructive conversation奠定谈话前提,将是一次建设性的会谈34The Performance Review 绩效评估2.Review the employees accomplishments回顾员工取得的成绩回顾员工取得的成绩Let the employee start by highlighting their successes which allows you to see how they vie

57、w their performance先由员工开始,对已取得的成绩作重点性说明,从而使你能够了解他们如何看待自己的工作表现。Use the Performance Review Form as a guide for your conversation discussing ratings for each component of the form利用绩效评估表,指导你与员工针对表格中各部分内容的评分进行讨论。Give specific feedback using behvaioural examples举出行为中的实例,给出具体的反馈意见。Dont spend all your time

58、 on the past不要将全部时间都用在关注过去上50% of the review on the past 50%时间用于回顾过去20% on the present 20%时间用于关注现在2.30% on the future 30%时间用于思考未来35The Performance Review 绩效评估3.Ensure employee understands any performance areas for development确保员工了解到工作绩效中可以继续发展的领域确保员工了解到工作绩效中可以继续发展的领域Ask questions: 提问:Open ended ques

59、tions to get the employee talking 开放式问题,让员工畅所欲言 (What about the _ project stands out as an accomplishment, I see you noted it in your self-assessment?) (谈谈那个成绩不错的_项目,我看到你在自我评估中提到了。)Probing questions to gain clarification or find details探索式问题,寻求对一些问题的澄清或细节(Who was on the team, what did you do, what d

60、id you say?) (团队有哪些成员,你做了什么工作,你说了什么?)Funnel questions to get specific information 漏斗式问题,获取具体信息(Tell me about it, what happened exactly?)(告诉我,具体发生了什么事情?)3.Closed questions only to get commitment or approval 封闭式问题,只为了得到员工的承诺或同意(Do you agree we need to work on team focused behaviour?)(你是否同意,我们需要更关注以团队为

61、中心的行为?)36The Performance Review 绩效评估4.Agree Personal Development Plan and discuss career goals同意个人发展计划,讨论职业目标同意个人发展计划,讨论职业目标Focus on the future关注未来发展This conversation can occur with the Performance Review or as a separate meeting这方面的谈话可以在绩效评估上进行,也可以单独会谈进行All Personal Development Plans are due by Apr

62、il 30th 所有个人发展计划应于4月30日前完成Discuss KPOs for next year讨论下一年度的主要工作目标(KPO)37The Performance Review 绩效评估5.Close the review结束评估结束评估Summarise the discussion, recap the main points总结谈话内容,复述要点Advise the employee that the review form will be completed and they will be asked to review, sign and add comments告知员

63、工,评估表将在填写完毕后给他们查阅,签字和补充意见Ask the employee to think about their objectives or KPOs for the upcoming year让员工思考一下,他们在未来一年的目标或KPOSet time/date to finalize KPOs and Personal Development Plan, if not done at this meeting如果KPO和个人发展计划没有在这次谈话中完成,定一个完成的时间/日期期限Check for any signs of discomfort查看是否有任何不自在的迹象Ask

64、the employee if they have any questions询问员工是否有任何问题Thank them for their contributions感谢他们所做的贡献5.Let them know about the Mid-Year review and any reviews dates in between告知员工关于年中评估日期及其他在此期间的评估日程安排38Management techniques to remember需牢记的管理技巧Respect and support an individuals morale 尊重员工,鼓舞士气尊重员工,鼓舞士气When

65、 people feel good about where they work and who they work with, they work better! Ensure your employees feel respected. 当人们喜爱工作的场所和共事的同事时,他们会工作的更为出色!切记要让你的员工感觉受到尊重。1.Focus on performance issues, not the person 关注绩效问题,而非个人关注绩效问题,而非个人Remember, this is a PERFORMANCE review, keep all assessment behaviou

66、r based. 请牢记,这是绩效评估,所有的评估都应以行为为依据。2.Listen, check understanding and respond appropriately 聆听,确认对方是否理解,聆听,确认对方是否理解,并做出恰当的回应并做出恰当的回应Ensure that you are listening throughout the review, not planning your next statement. The review is important to the individual, respect their time. 保证在评估的整个过程中仔细聆听,而不是在

67、计划自己接下去的陈述。绩效评估对个人非常重要,请尊重他们的时间。3.Make sure all goals and commitments are mutually agreeable 确保所有的目标和承确保所有的目标和承诺得到双方的认同诺得到双方的认同When setting goals and due dates, show Work better together by openly discussing time frames that are achievable. 在设定目标和完成期限时,要体现协同共赢的精神,对时间框架进行开诚布公的讨论。Show we care througho

68、ut the process 在整个过程中在整个过程中体现关爱体现关爱Offer your support as they continue to develop in their role or future roles.在他们不断努力,为目前和未来职位发展自我的过程中,给予你的支持。39The Performance Management Journey绩效管理之旅Manager Training Workshop Module Four: The Development经理级培训课程 板块四:员工的发展40Module Four Objectives 板块四:目标By the end o

69、f this module, you will be able to:通过板块四的学习,你将能够:通过板块四的学习,你将能够:Explain the purpose of development解释说明员工发展的目的List benefits of development for the company, the employee and you the leader.列举出员工的发展对于公司、员工以及作为领导的你能带来哪些益处。Describe responsibilities in the development process叙述在员工发展过程中担负的职责41Four Step Pers

70、onal Development Plan Process个人发展计划流程的四个步骤1.My Target 我的目标我的目标“What I am going to focus my development on?” “我的个人发展将集中在哪个方面?”2.What will success look like? 成功将是怎样的?成功将是怎样的?This step in the process is for the employee to document what success will look like when they achieve their development goals.

71、The employee should make these very specific so anyone that reviews the form would be able to say whether the employee successfully developed in the area. 这个步骤是由员工阐述,当他们达成他们的发展目标后,将获得怎样的成功。员工的表述应非常具体,从而使任何浏览评估表的人都将能够判断出员工在这方面是否取得了成功的发展。3.What action(s) will be taken? 将采取哪些行动?将采取哪些行动?List specific ac

72、tions that will taken to ensure they achieve their goals. 列举出为了达成员工的发展目标将采取哪些具体的行动。4.Keeping on track 保持持续发展保持持续发展List milestones with due dates to ensure that goals are being reached. 列举出为了确保达成目标,需要实现的个人发展里程碑以及预期的达成日期。42Step 2: My Success 第二步:我的成功Ask the following questions: 提出以下问题:提出以下问题:What will

73、 be different? 会有什么不同?What will the employee be able to do, see, hear, say, after the development of their job skills, knowledge, behaviour or experience? And what will others be saying? 员工的工作技能、知识、行为或经验得到发展以后,他们将能“做”、“看”、“听”、“说”什么?其他人将会怎么说?43Step 3: My Action 第三步:我的行动Remember: 须记住:须记住:Be clear and

74、specific要明确而具体Identify who else needs to be involved确定是否需要其他人参与Decide when the learning will happen决定将何时开始学习Determine if the solution is appropriate to the individuals learning style判断解决方案是否适合这个员工的学习风格Ensure the target has some stretch but is not discouraging确保目标有一定延伸性,但不要过难而给员工带来挫败感44Step 3: My Act

75、ion using SMART Language第三步:我的行动 使用SMART的语言S = Specific - The objective should state exactly what the employee is responsible for achieving.S = 具体具体 - 工作目标应具体说出员工需要达成的职责。M = Measurable - The objective must define quantity, cost, frequency or quality (ensure measurement).M = 可衡量可衡量 - 工作目标必须具体说出在数量、成本

76、、频率或质量上的要求(保证有衡量标准)。A = Achievable - The objective requires some effort or stretch to achieve, but do not discourage the employee.A = 可实现可实现 - 工作目标需要通过一些努力或一个过程才能实现,但不应太难而让员工感到气馁。R = Relevant - The objective has a clear impact to the team/organisations goals and helps the individual meet their devel

77、opment needs.R = 相关相关 - 工作目标对所在团队/组织的目标有明确的积极影响,并且有助于个人实现他们的发展目标。T = Time specific - The time in which the objective is to be accomplished must be clearly stated.T = 有时限有时限 - 必须明确说明完成工作目标的时限要求。45Step 4: Keeping Myself on Track 第四步:保持持续发展Employees should record milestones (deliverable dates and how d

78、evelopment will occur)员工应记录下个人发展的里程碑(达成日期以及将有怎样的发展)Manager should review Personal Development Plan to ensure there is agreement on what will be developed and how it will be developed经理应审核个人发展计划,确保在个人发展目标以及发展途径上达成一致Manager should review the milestones to ensure that the Personal Development Plan is being executed as agreed upon经理应审核个人发展里程碑,确保个人发展计划按照双方同意的方向得到实施Manager should not approve a Personal Development Plan that is not executable经理对无法实施的个人发展计划不应予以批准Manager should continue to provide support and resources where appropriate经理应在需要的情况下继续提供支持和需要的资源



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