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1、1.见到你很高兴 2.他的名字3.她的电话号码4.我的姓氏(2种说法)5. 二个身份证 6. 八个学生证 7.铅笔盒8.一个橡皮9.卷笔刀10. 40本词典 11.请原谅12.不客气(4)13.用英语14. 看电视15.玩电子游戏 1.Nice to meet you.2.his name3.her telephone number4.my last name/my family name5.two ID cards6.eight school ID cards7.pencil case8.an eraser9.pencil sharpener10.forty dictionaries11.E

2、xcuse me.12.You are welcome./ Thats OK./.Thats all right./Not at all.13.in English 14.watch TV 15.play computer games七年级英语上册词组纳16.一套钥匙 17.三套钥匙 18.给某人拨打 19.在失物招领箱里 20.在学校 21.在家里 22.在图画里 23.在地板上24.在椅子下25.为而感谢 26.我的全家照(2)27.他们的两张照片28.给你。 29.我不知道16. a set of keys17. three sets of keys 18. call sb. at 19

3、 .in the lost and found case 20.at school / in the school21. at home22. in the picture23. on the floor24. under the chair25. thanks for26. my family photo /a photo of my family27. their two photos28. Here you are.29. I dont know.。30.一个闹钟31.一些录像带32.许多东西33.把带到某处去34.把带到某处来35.通过电视机看36.英式足球37.羽毛球拍38.一个乒乓

4、球拍39.打网球40.让某人做某事41.打棒球打得好42.听起来很难43做运动(3)44.许多运动俱乐部30. an alarm clock31. some video tapes32. many things / a lot of things / lots of things33. take to 34. bring to35. watch on TV36. soccer ball37. tennis racket38. a ping-pong bat39. play tennis40. let sb. do sth.41. play baseball well42.sound diffi

5、cult43. do sports / play sports / have sports 44. many sports clubs /a lot of sports clubs / lots of sports clubs45.有大量的体育收藏品46.帮助某人做某事47每天48.喜欢草莓49.喜欢游泳和跑步50.吃午饭51.帮助某人某事52.吃得好53一位跑步明星54.大量的健康食品55.对于甜食56. 别的什麽人57.多少花椰菜58.这条短裤59.那条长裤45. have a great sports collection46.help sb. do sth.47. every day4

6、8. like strawberries49. like swimming and running50. eat /have lunch 51. help sb. with sth.52. eat well53. a running star54. lots of healthy food / a lot of healthy food/ much food55. for dessert56. what other people57. how much broccoli58. these shorts59. those pants60.我妈妈的短袜61.他弟弟的运动鞋62.她姑姑的短裙63.十

7、三美元(2)64.想要帮助你65.例如66.酷儿先生的服装店67.从某人处买某东西68.把某物卖给某人或某地69.以很好的价格70.能买的起汽车71.亲自来看看72.看一眼她73.廉价出售74.他叔叔的第42个生日60. my mothers socks61. his brothers sports shoes62. her aunts skirt63. thirteen dollars / $13 64. want to help you65. for example66. Mr Cools Clothes Store67. buy sth. from sb.68. . sell sth.

8、to sb.69. at a very good price70. can afford a car71. see for yourself72. look at her / have a look at her73. on sale 74. his uncles forty-second birthday75.汉语演讲比赛76.祝他生日快乐!77.两个生日晚会78.学校庆祝日79一个艺术节80.十二岁81.去看电影(5)82.动作片83.几种纪录片84京剧85.了解喜剧86.我最喜欢的演员87.一部成功的恐怖片88.在周末(2)89.少林寺75. Chinese speech contest

9、76. Happy birthday to him!77. two birthday parties 78. School Day79. an art festival80. twelve years old81.go to a movie / go to the movie/ go and see a movie / go to movies /go to the movies82. an action movie /action movies83. some kinds of documentaries84. Beijing Opera 85. learn about comedies86

10、. my favorite actor87. a successful thriller 88. on / at weekends89. Shaolin Tample90.一小时91.尖峰时刻92.弹吉他93.吹喇叭94.敲鼓95.加入游泳俱乐部96.摇滚乐队97.给我们表演一下中国功夫(2)98.在星期天早晨99.画一点100.说一点英语101.一个电子邮件地址102.几点了?(2)103.去上学104.去上班90. an hour91. Rush Hour92. play the guitar93. play the trumpet94. play the drums95. join th

11、e swimming club96. rock band97. show us Chinese kung fu98. on Sunday morning99. draw a little100. speak a little English101. an email address102. What time is it? / Whats the time ?103. go to school104. go to work105.去睡觉106.起床107.洗澡(2)108.刷牙109.工作长达数小时110.早饭后111.到达宾馆112.到家113.回家114.整夜115.爱听音乐116.听他们

12、讲117.找到一份工作118.在上午(下午、晚上)119做作业105. go to bed106. get up 107. take / have a shower108. brush teeth109. work for very long hours110. after breakfast111. get to the hotel112. get home113. go home114. all night115.love to listen to music /116. love listening to music116. listen to them117. find a job11

13、8. in the morning / afternoon / evening119. do ones homework 120.给他写一封信(2)121.告诉我关于他的家人122.给某人最美好的祝福123.上科学课和生物课124.一些城市125.忙于某事126忙于做某事127对某人严格要求128.对某事严格要求129 对于做某事严格要求130任何一门学科131.跑来跑去132.在美国133.放学前134.我姐姐的爱好135.在中国120. write a letter to him / write him a letter121. tell me about his family122. g

14、ive sb. best wishes= give best wishes to sb./ best wishes to sb.123. have science and biology124. some cities125. be busy with sth.126. be busy (in) doing sth.127. be strict with sb.128. be strict in sth.129. be strict in doing sth.130. any subject131. run around132. in America133. before school is over134. my sisters hobby / hobbies135. in China



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