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1、Module 1 Unit 3 & 4 I. Words:1. 日记日记, 杂志杂志 _2. 运送运送, 运输运输 _3. 最后最后, 终于终于 _ 4. 说服说服, 劝说劝说 _5. 顽固的顽固的 _6. 坚持坚持 _7. 适当地适当地 _ 8.下定决心下定决心 _journaltransportfinallypersuadestubborninsistproperlydetermineUnit 3 9. 山谷山谷, 流域流域 _ 10. 态度态度, 看法看法 _11. 短裤短裤 _ 12. 营地营地, 扎营扎营 _13. 记录记录, 录音录音 _ 14. 话题话题, 主题主题 _15. 熟

2、悉的熟悉的 _16. 勇敢的勇敢的 _valleyattitudeshortscamprecordtopicfamiliarbrave1. 梦想做某事梦想做某事 2. 毕业于毕业于(某大学某大学) 3. 说服某人做某事说服某人做某事 4. 使某人对某事感兴趣做使某人对某事感兴趣做 5. 坚决要求做某事坚决要求做某事6. 坚持要求某人做某事坚持要求某人做某事 dream of doing sthgraduate frompersuade sb to do / into doing sthget sb interested in sthinsist on / upon doing sthinsis

3、t that sb (should) do sth. 重点短语重点短语7. 改变主意改变主意 8. 在在的高度的高度9. 下定决心做某事下定决心做某事10. 向某人屈服向某人屈服 11. 穿过深谷穿过深谷 12. 像往常一样像往常一样change ones mindat an altitude ofbe determined to do sththrough deep valleysas usualgive in to sb13. 鼓励某人做某事鼓励某人做某事 14. 扎营扎营 15. 搭帐篷搭帐篷 16. 迫不及待做某事迫不及待做某事 17. 首先首先, 其次其次 18. 对熟悉对熟悉 19

4、. 为某人所熟悉为某人所熟悉 20. 一种对一种对的态度的态度 encourage sb to do sthmake campput up tentshardly wait to doFor one thingfor anotherbe familiar withbe familiar tohave an attitude to21. 破纪录破纪录 22. 把某人经历把某人经历 记录下来记录下来23. 期末考试期末考试24. 公交车费公交车费25. 详细地详细地26. 河的源头河的源头27. 醒着醒着28. 为为作准备作准备 29. 列出详单列出详单break the recordrecord

5、 ones experiencesthe final-term examinationbus farein detailthe source of a riverstay awakeprepare formake a list of detailsIII. Sentences:1. 他们坚持不完工就不休息。他们坚持不完工就不休息。(insist)_2. 一旦你下了决心就不该轻易改变主意。一旦你下了决心就不该轻易改变主意。(make up ones mind)_They insist that they should not rest until they finish the work. On

6、ce you have made up your mind, you should not change your mind easily. 3.说服我去参加运动会的是我的好朋友。说服我去参加运动会的是我的好朋友。 (强调句强调句) (persuade sb. to do) _ _4.我认为我们不该让步,毕竟这不是我们的错。我认为我们不该让步,毕竟这不是我们的错。 (give in) _ _5.父母所关心的是孩子的未来。父母所关心的是孩子的未来。(care about) _ _I dont think we should give in. After all, its not our faul

7、t. What parents care about is the future of their children. It was my good friend who persuaded me to take part in the sports meeting. Book1 Unit 4I. Words:1.法官法官, 判断判断 _ 2.荣誉荣誉, 尊敬尊敬_3.新鲜的新鲜的 _ 4.欧洲欧洲 _5.埋葬埋葬 _ 6. 矿山矿山 _7.地震地震 _ 8.休克休克, 震惊震惊_9.营救营救_ 10.毁坏毁坏 _11.电电, 电流电流_ 12.损害损害_13.池塘池塘 _ 14.蒸气蒸气 _

8、15.发臭的发臭的 _ 16.爆发爆发 _judgehonourfreshEurope buryminequakeshockrescuedestroyelectricityinjurepondsteamsmellyburstshake hands withwater pipenatural disasterright away / right now / at oncefresh air20 per cent of two thirdstens of thousands ofthousands of be famous /well-known as1.握手握手2.水管水管3.自然灾害自然灾害4

9、.立刻立刻, 马上马上5.新鲜的空气新鲜的空气6.百分之二十百分之二十7.三分之二三分之二8.数以万计的数以万计的9.成千的成千的10.作为作为而闻名而闻名. 重点短语重点短语in ruinstootogive out a smelly gasprepare forinstead ofin honor ofbe proud of / take pride injudging from / bymore thanraise / put up ones hand11.破败不堪破败不堪, 一片废墟一片废墟12.太太而不能而不能13.发出臭的气体发出臭的气体14.为为作准备作准备15.代替代替, 而不

10、是而不是16.为纪念为纪念17.为为而自豪而自豪18.从从来判断来判断19.超过超过, 不仅仅不仅仅20.举手举手21.结束结束, 终结终结22.挖掘挖掘, 发现发现23.为幸存者搭建避身处为幸存者搭建避身处24.煤矿煤矿25.组织一个晚会组织一个晚会26.营救某人脱离危险营救某人脱离危险27.毁坏一个城市毁坏一个城市28.弄伤一支胳膊弄伤一支胳膊29.突然大笑起来突然大笑起来at an enddig outbuild shelters for survivorscoal minesorganize an evening partyrescue sb from dangerdestroy a

11、cityinjure an armburst into laughter / out laughing. Translation:1. 动物们紧张得不吃东西。动物们紧张得不吃东西。_2. 老鼠从地里跑出来找地方躲。老鼠从地里跑出来找地方躲。_3. 世界似乎到了末日。世界似乎到了末日。_4. 也不是所有的希望都没有了。也不是所有的希望都没有了。_The animals were too nervous to eat.Mice ran out of the fields looking for places to hide.It seemed that the world was at an en

12、d!All hope was not lost. 考点例题考点例题: 1. persuade/ advise1) I tried to _ my father to give up smoking, but in vain.2) I _ my father to give up smoking, but in vain.3) He wanted to _ his wife to see his cousin, but failed.4) He _ that they should start at once.5) Finally she _ him into going to the hosp

13、ital.persuadepersuadedpersuadeadvisedadvised 6) His mother _ the chance to take part in the competition. (劝他不要放弃劝他不要放弃)7) He failed to _ his honesty. (使工人们相信使工人们相信)8) We have persuade him to give up smoking. 我们已经说服他戒烟了。我们已经说服他戒烟了。9) Advertisers _ consumers to buy their goods. (劝说劝说)persuaded him not

14、 to give uppersuade the workers oftry to persuade2. insist v.坚决要求坚决要求; 坚决主张坚决主张insist on / upon doing sth.或或insist that-clause, 从句动词用从句动词用(should) do She insisted on our staying there for supper.坚持认为坚持认为; 坚持说坚持说insist on / upon doing sth.或或insist that-clause,从句动词用陈述句语序和相应的时态从句动词用陈述句语序和相应的时态He insist

15、ed on his innocence. (无罪无罪)1) The farmer insisted that the neighbor _(steal) his sheep. 2) The government insists that waste water _ (make) clean before going into the river.(should) be madehad stolen3. determine v. 决定决定; 确定确定; 下决心下决心 + n/to do sth./clause + on/upon sth./doing sth. + 疑问句疑问句+to do st

16、h.你最好尽快决定开会日期。你最好尽快决定开会日期。You had better determine a date for the meeting as soon as possible. 当你阅读时没有必要确定每个单词的意义。当你阅读时没有必要确定每个单词的意义。It is unnecessary to determine what each word means while you are reading a passage.我还没决定去哪里打发七天假期。我还没决定去哪里打发七天假期。I havent determined where to spend the seven-day holi

17、day. 拓展:拓展:determination n. 决心决心; 决定决定determined adj. 决然的决然的; 果断的果断的be determined to do下决心干下决心干=make up ones mind to dogive sb. a determined look 坚定地看某人坚定地看某人a determined man 意志坚定的人意志坚定的人4. familiar adj. 熟悉的熟悉的;通晓;通晓The lady looked somewhat familiar, but I could not remember where I had seen her.拓展:

18、拓展:be familiar with 熟悉熟悉;通晓;通晓be familiar to 对对熟悉的熟悉的例题:例题:The song is familiar _ me. = I am familiar _ the song. withto5. rise (rose, risen)1) vi.上升上升, 起立起立(床床), 增长增长The amount of money spent in dealing with the problem of pollution keeps rising year by year.2) n. 上升上升, 上涨上涨, 升起升起a rise in price 涨价

19、涨价give sb. a rise 给某人提工资给某人提工资a rise in the cost of living 生活费用的增加生活费用的增加at the rise of the sun 日出之时日出之时 拓展拓展: raise vt. 举起举起, 提出提出, 提高提高, 饲养饲养The price of rice has been raised lately.= The price of rice has risen lately.raise chickens 养鸡养鸡rise ones voice 提高嗓音提高嗓音raise ones hands 举起手举起手例题例题: The liv

20、ing standard of the people in Nanjing _ since 1983.A. has raisedB. had been risenC. has risenD. rose C 6. injure v. 受伤受伤, 伤害伤害They were slightly/seriously/badly injured in the crash.Smoking will surely injure ones health.拓展拓展: injured adj. 受伤的受伤的injury n. 伤口伤口, 受伤处受伤处hurt (身体部位身体部位)感到疼感到疼; (肉体或精神上肉体

21、或精神上)受到伤害受到伤害wound 受伤受伤(枪伤枪伤/刀伤刀伤)等等harm 意指无形伤害意指无形伤害, “对对有害有害”常指伤及常指伤及一个人的健康、权利、事业等。一个人的健康、权利、事业等。damage 主要用于无生命的东西主要用于无生命的东西, 常指对价值和常指对价值和功能的损坏功能的损坏, 可修复。可修复。destroy 意为意为“毁坏毁坏, 消灭消灭”, 指不可修复的破坏。指不可修复的破坏。例题例题: Reading in the sun _ your eyes.It _ me to think that so many people died in the flood.In t

22、he battle, hundreds of soldiers were_ and some were even killed.Although the city had been attacked by the storm several times, _ was done. A. a few damages B. few destroy C. little hurt D. little damageharmshurtswoundedD 重点短语:重点短语:1. care with 关心关心, 担忧担忧, 惦记惦记What she cares about is her own future.

23、I dont care about what he is talking about.拓展拓展: care for 喜欢喜欢; 照顾照顾; 关心关心He had to care for his sister while studying in college.I care much for pop music. 2. change ones mind 改变主意改变主意It is easy for him to change his mind, so dont believe him easily.拓展拓展: make up ones mind 下决心下决心keep ones mind on 专

24、心于专心于read ones mind 看出某人的心思看出某人的心思bear/keep sth. in mind 记住某事记住某事speak ones mind 坦率说出心里话坦率说出心里话翻译:翻译:更深入地了解他之后更深入地了解他之后, 我改变了对他的看法。我改变了对他的看法。_ Since getting to know him better, Ivechanged my mind about him.3. give in (to) (向向)屈服屈服, 让步让步I will never give in to difficulties.拓展拓展: give away 泄露泄露; 送掉送掉;

25、 赠送赠送give back 归还归还give up 放弃放弃(后接后接sth./doing sth.)give off 发出发出(蒸汽、光等蒸汽、光等)give out 分发分发; 筋疲力尽筋疲力尽give way to 让位于让位于; 妥协妥协We cant give way to their demands.He had no choice but to give up going abroad for further education. 4. for one thing., for another一方面一方面另一方面另一方面;一则;一则再则再则I am not going to Be

26、ijing for a holiday with them. For one thing, I have no time; for another, I have been there.拓展拓展: On (the) one hand, on the other (hand)用以引出相互矛盾的观点和意见用以引出相互矛盾的观点和意见On the one hand, the concert really is worth going to, but on the other hand, the ticket is too expensive. 5. tens of thousands of 数以万计

27、的数以万计的Tens of thousands of people were watching the game in the stadium when it began to rain heavily.拓展拓展: hundreds of 数百的数百的hundreds of and thousands of 成百上千的成百上千的thousands of 数千的数千的millions of 数百万的数百万的dozens of 许多许多; 大量大量scores of 许多许多; 大量大量 考点例题考点例题:1) Every year _ foreign visitors come to China

28、.A. tens of thousands ofB. ten thousands ofC. over ten thousands D. thousands upon thousands2) There were _ people in the hall.A. two scores of B. scores ofC. two and score D. two scoresA B 6. be known/well known as = be famous as作为作为而出名而出名Shenzhen is well-known as a modern city.拓展拓展: be known for 因

29、为因为而闻名而闻名be known to sb. 为为所熟悉所熟悉It is known (to all) that 众所周知众所周知As is known (to all), . 众所周知众所周知It is well-known to us all that it is very important to keep the balance of nature.=As is well-known to us all, it is important to keep the balance of nature. 7. break out (战争、火灾、疫病等战争、火灾、疫病等) 突然发生突然发生

30、, 爆发爆发A fire broke out in the supermarket last night.拓展拓展: break down 出毛病出毛病, 不运转不运转break away from 脱离脱离, 摆脱摆脱break in 插话插话, 破门进入破门进入break into 破门闯入破门闯入break off 突然终止突然终止break through 突围突围, 突破突破例题例题: The fire was put out 15 minutes after it _. broke out8. lose hope 绝望绝望He never loses hope even when

31、he fails.拓展拓展: lose heart 泄气泄气; 灰心灰心lose courage 沮丧沮丧lose face 丢脸丢脸; 受屈辱受屈辱lose touch (with sb.) 与某人失去联系与某人失去联系lose ones way 迷路迷路lose ones breath 上气不接下气上气不接下气lose ones head 昏了头昏了头lose ones life 丧生丧生, 遇害遇害例题例题: Never _ even after you have failed several times. lose heart / lose hope重点句型重点句型1. It was

32、my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.是我姐姐首先想到骑自行车沿湄公河从它的是我姐姐首先想到骑自行车沿湄公河从它的源头骑到终点的。源头骑到终点的。It was who引导的是一个强调句型。两个引导的是一个强调句型。两个where引导的从句均作介词宾语从句。引导的从句均作介词宾语从句。强调句型结构:强调句型结构:It is/was +被强调部分被强调部分+that/who+其余部分其余部分It was they that put

33、forward the problem at the meeting.It was not until you told me that I realized that she hadnt turned up yet.What is it that happening there? 例题例题: Is it in the town _ he worked last year? I am sure that it is at 10:00 _ the plane for Dalian takes off. It wasnt _ he came _ I knew that basketball mat

34、ch would be delayed. where thatuntil that2. While dairy writers try to record how they feel very soon after things happen, journal writers try to better understand what has happened to them much later.虽然日记作者试图在事情发生后不久就记录虽然日记作者试图在事情发生后不久就记录他们的感受他们的感受, 但是日记作者要在很久后才能但是日记作者要在很久后才能努力尝试更好地理解发生在他们身上的事。努力尝试

35、更好地理解发生在他们身上的事。while引导的是一个让步状语从句引导的是一个让步状语从句, how和和what引导的均为宾语从句。引导的均为宾语从句。while作连词用法小结作连词用法小结: 1)=though/although 尽管尽管, 虽然虽然While I admit that there are problems, I dont agree that they cant be solved.2)与与同时同时He listened to music while doing his homework.3)在在期间期间, 当当时候时候He fell off the bike while h

36、e was practicing riding.4)(表对比表对比)而而, 却却 He was against the plan while the majority was/were in favor of it.例题例题: She has golden hair when she was a child but _ she got older and older, her hair went darker and darker. A. while B. when C. after D. asD 1. The student helped the teacher _ English pape

37、rs.2. It is always the husband who _ first when a quarrel breaks out between the young people.用所给词组的适当形式完成句子。用所给词组的适当形式完成句子。give outgives inbe familiar to; change ones mind; give in; at an end; dig out; prepareto; right away; give out; persuade .to; a number of; no wonder; dream of3. In my opinion,

38、Kurt will think it over and _.4. I must warn you that my patience is almost _.5. _ letters are never delivered because the addresses are incorrect.6. The song he sang at the party _ all of us.change his mindat an endA number ofwas familiar to7. I must remember to _ that book for you.8. John was _ hi

39、mself _ sit for the examination.9. When I answered the telephone this morning, I knew _ the lady had the wrong number.10. Have you ever _ there being such a good chance for further study abroad?dig outpreparingtoright awaydreamed of二、用所给动词的适当形式完成下列句子。二、用所给动词的适当形式完成下列句子。1. I left him, _(determine) ne

40、ver to set foot in that house again.2. She _(insist) that he must go out no more until he was cured.3. They have to _(persuade) to buy a stock, or indeed , sell it.4. The firemen succeeded in _ (rescue) three women from the burning house.5. American airplanes helped _ (transport) the soldiers to the

41、 front.determineinsistedbe persuadedrescuing(to) transport三、根据所给提示翻译下列句子。三、根据所给提示翻译下列句子。1.更深入地了解他以后更深入地了解他以后, 我改变了对他的看法。我改变了对他的看法。 Since getting to know him better, Ive changed my mind about him.2. 这次广播是事先录音的这次广播是事先录音的, 不是现场直播。不是现场直播。 The broadcast was recorded in advance, not live.3. 他救出了一个快要淹死的人。他

42、救出了一个快要淹死的人。 He rescued the man from drowning. 4. 那次坠机事件是今年最严重的空难。那次坠机事件是今年最严重的空难。 The airplane crash was the worst air disaster this year.5. 我必须努力把生活安排得更有条理。我必须努力把生活安排得更有条理。 I must try to organize my life a bit better.6. 今天晚上我要跟今天晚上我要跟Peter会面会面, 他要带我去看戏。他要带我去看戏。 Im meeting Peter tonight. He is taking me to the theater.



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