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1、九年级英语全册 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to教学课件 (新版)人教新目标版Section ASection B1.I prefer music that has great lyrics.(教材P65)我更喜欢歌词优美的音乐。解读 prefer是动词,意为“更喜欢”,相当于like.better。其用法如下:Section ASection BSection ASection B2.I love music that I can sing along with.(教材P65)我喜欢我能跟着一起唱的音乐。解读 sing along意为“跟着一起唱

2、”。其后常跟with sb./sth.或to sth.,意为“跟着某人或某物一起唱”。I sing along with music.我伴随着音乐唱歌。Its also exciting to read poems along with gentle music.随着舒缓的音乐朗诵诗篇也是很令人激动的。Section ASection B3.I like music that I can dance to.(教材P65)我喜欢能够伴舞的音乐。解读 dance to 意为“和着的节拍跳”,to为介词,意为“按照,随着”。She cant dance to the music by now.到目前

3、为止,她还不能和着那首曲子跳舞。The students are doing morning exercises to music.学生们正随着音乐做早操。Section ASection B4.I suppose Ill just listen to this new CD I bought.(教材P66)我想我会只是听一下我买的这张新CD。解读 I suppose 意为“我想;我猜”,可用作插入语,也可后跟that从句,that可省略。suppose为动词,意为“推断;料想”。Mike will win,I suppose.我猜,迈克会赢。I suppose(that) she will

4、be back next year.我想她明年会回来。注意:在I/We suppose(that).句型中,当从句表示否定时,从句的否定转移到主句中。我猜想他是不对的。I dont suppose (that) he is right. I suppose (that) he isnt right.Section ASection B拓展:be supposed to意为“应该;被期望”。The students arent supposed to take books out of the library.学生不应该把这些书拿出图书馆。名师解题 Section ASection BSecti

5、on ASection B5.Well,if you have spare time,do you want to watch a movie with me?(教材P66)哦,如果你有空闲时间,你想和我一起去看电影吗?解读 spare为形容词,意为“空闲的;不用的”。She spends her spare time reading books.她把业余时间用在读书上。Have you got any spare boxes?你有多余的盒子吗?搭配:in ones spare time(=in ones free time) 在某人的空闲时间里What do you do in your s

6、pare time?你在空闲时间做什么?Section ASection B拓展:spare还可作动词,意为“抽出(时间、房间等)”。Can you spare me a few minutes?你能为我挪出几分钟时间吗?Section ASection B6.Oh,in that case,Ill ask someone who likes serious movies.(教材P66)哦,既然那样的话,我会问问谁喜欢严肃的电影。解读 in that case意为“既然那样;假使那样的话”。In that case,just tell me your phone number.如果那样的话,那

7、告诉我您的电话号码吧。拓展:in case(of) 意为“以免;以防;如果”。Please remind me of it again tomorrow in case I forget.请你明天再提醒我一下,免得我忘记。In case of rain I bring an umbrella.我带了把雨伞以防下雨。Section ASection B7.What Do You Feel Like Watching Today?(教材P67)你今天想看什么?解读 feel like doing sth.意为“想要做某事”。I dont feel like cooking.Lets eat out

8、.我不想做饭,咱们出去吃吧。Do you feel like a cup of tea?你想喝杯茶吗?Section ASection B名师解题 Section ASection BSection ASection B8.While some people stick to only one kind of movie,I like to watch different kinds depending on how I feel that day.(教材P67)有些人固守仅仅一种电影,而我喜欢根据自己当天的心情看不同种类的电影。解读 stick to意为“坚持;固守”,其中to为介词,后跟名

9、词或动词-ing形式。Stick to your dream,and youll succeed with your hard work.坚持你的梦想,付出努力,你就会成功的。He never sticks to the point.他从不坚持自己的观点。Section ASection B拓展:(1)stick为动词,意为“粘贴;张贴”,过去式stuck,过去分词stuck。This stamp wont stick.这张邮票贴不上。They stuck the notice on the wall.他们把通知贴在墙上。(2)stick还可作名词,意为“棍;棒;杖;手杖”。Grandpa s

10、till walks without a stick.爷爷走路仍不拄拐杖。Section ASection B名师解题 Section ASection BSection ASection B9.When Im down or tired,I prefer movies that can cheer me up.(教材P67)当我心情不好或疲惫时,我更爱看那些能使我高兴起来的电影。解读 down为形容词,意为“悲哀的;沮丧的”。I feel a bit down today.我今天感觉有点沮丧。Ive been feeling down since I lost my job.自从失去工作后,

11、我的情绪一直处于低潮。Section ASection B拓展:down还可作副词,意为“下;向下”,反义词为up;也可作介词,意为“沿着;顺着”,相当于介词along。Please sit down.请坐下。He is walking down the seaside.他正沿海边散步。Section ASection B10.Documentaries like March of the Penguins which provide plenty of information about a certain subject can be interesting.(教材P67)纪录片可能有趣,

12、如帝企鹅日记,提供了关于某一主题大量的信息解读 plenty of 意为“大量;充足”,可接可数名词和不可数名词。She asked plenty of questions.她问了很多问题。I need plenty of time to finish the work.我需要很多时间来完成这项工作。Section ASection B易混辨析Section ASection BSection ASection B11.I can just shut off my brain,sit back and enjoy watching an exciting superhero who alway

13、s saves the world just in time.(教材P67)我可以停止思考,坐下来,尽情地享受一个超级英雄及时拯救世界的情节。解读 shut off 意为“关闭;停止运转”。Please shut off the hose before the grass gets too wet.请及时关掉水管,以免草地太湿。The road is shut off from traffic.此路禁止车辆行驶。Section ASection B拓展:(1)turn off意为“关掉;切断(水、电、煤气等)”。Please turn off the lights when you leave

14、 the room.离开房间时请把灯关掉。(2)shut为动词,意为“关闭;关上”,过去式和过去分词都是shut。When we leave,we shut the office door.当我们离开时,我们关上办公室的门。Section ASection B易混辨析Section ASection BSection ASection B12.Once in a while,I like to watch movies that are scary.(教材P67)曾有一段时间,我喜欢看恐怖电影。解读 once in a while意为“偶尔地;间或”。He went to see them o

15、nce in a while.他偶尔去探望他们。She eats junk food once in a while.她偶尔吃一次垃圾食品。拓展:sometimes =at times,意为“有时,偶尔”。It is sometimes warm and sometimes cold.天时热时冷。Everyone may make mistakes at times.每个人偶尔都会犯错误。Section ASection B13.I always bring a friend who isnt afraid of these kinds of movies,and it doesnt feel

16、 so scary anymore.(教材P67)我通常会带一个不害怕这类影片的朋友,因此,这类影片就不再那么可怕了。解读 not.anymore相当于no more,表示“不再”,通常和瞬间动词连用,着重表示数量或程度的减少。After they quarreled they didnt speak to each other anymore.他们争吵后不再和彼此讲话。Time lost will return no more.失去的时间不会再回来。Section ASection B拓展:not.any longer相当于no longer,表示动作不再延续,一般和延续性动词连用,表示时间

17、或距离的“不再”延长。You cant stay here any longer.你不能再留在这里了。The boy was no longer under the tree.男孩已不在树下了。Section ASection B1.The piece which was played on the erhu especially moved me.(教材P70)那首用二胡演奏的乐曲尤其使我感动。解读 move为动词,意为“感动”。His story moved me very much.他的故事让我深受感动。Section ASection B易混辨析Section ASection BSe

18、ction ASection B拓展:move还可作动作,意为“移动;搬动”。He moved the huge stone by hand.他用手移动了那块大石头。They moved to Beijing two years ago.两年前他们搬到北京去了。Section ASection B2.Even after Abing got married and had a home again,he continued to sing and play on the streets.(教材P70)即便在婚后又有了家,阿炳也继续在街上唱歌、演奏。解读 get married 意为“结婚”,表

19、示动作,不能和表示一段时间的状语连用。married为形容词,意为“已婚的;结婚的”。They will get married in May.他们将于今年五月结婚。拓展:marry为动词,意为“结婚”,表示动作,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。汉 他们结婚已经五年了。误 They have married for five years.正 They have been married for five years.Section ASection B注意:marry表示“与某人结婚”时,常用marry sb.或 get married to sb.,不能用marry with sb.。The

20、girl will marry the boy.这女孩将嫁给这个男孩。Section ASection B名师解题 Section ASection BSection ASection B3.By the end of his life,he could play over 600 pieces of music.(教材P70)晚年时,他能够演奏超过600首曲子。解读 by the end of 意为“到末为止”,仅指时间,指某一动作在某时间点以前或到某一时间段为止就已发生或完成,多用于过去完成时,有时也可用于一般过去时。若后面接的是将来时间,句子要用将来时态。We had learned s

21、ix units by the end of last week.到上周末为止,我们已学了六个单元。By the end of next year,we will set up a modern hospital in my hometown.到今年年底为止,在我们家乡将会建一家现代医院。Section ASection B拓展:(1) at the end of 意为“在尽头(末端)”。You will find the hospital at the end of the road.在路的尽头你会找到那家医院。He came back at the end of March.他是三月底回来

22、的。(2)in the end(=at last)意为“最后;终于”。In the end we found the house.最后,我们找到了这座房屋。Section ASection B4.It is a pity that only six pieces of music in total were recorded for the future world to hear.(教材P70)遗憾的是,一共只有六首曲子被录了下来得以传世解读1 pity为名词,意为“遗憾;怜悯”,前面通常加不定冠词a。其用法如下:Section ASection BIts a pity that you h

23、ave to leave.你非走不可真是件憾事。What a pity!I should have come earlier.真遗憾!我应该早点来的。Its a pity to waste the food.浪费这些食物真可惜。拓展:pity还可作名词,意为“同情;怜悯”。I listened to her story with pity.我同情地听她讲她的故事。Section ASection B名师解题 Section ASection BSection ASection B解读2 in total意为“总共;合计”,可以放句首也可放句末。There are 21 letters in t

24、otal in my name.我的名字总共有21个字母。There are six persons in total.总共6个人。定语从句“现在播报”复合句中,修饰一个名词或代词的从句叫作定语从句。被定语从句所修饰的词叫先行词。引导定语从句的词叫关系词,如下图:关系词包括关系代词和关系副词,关系代词有that,which,who,whom,whose等,关系副词有where,when,why等。初中阶段我们主要接触关系代词,它们的用法如下表:【友情提示】1.关系代词只用that情况有:先行词是不定代词 all,everything,nothing,anything,much,little,f

25、ew 等时。Is there anything (that) you dont know?有你不知道的事情吗?先行词被all,every,any,no,little,much等修饰时。I want to read all the books that were written by Lu Xun.我想读所有鲁迅写的书。先行词被序数词及形容词最高级修饰时。This is the second book (that) I borrowed from the school library.这是我从学校图书馆借的第二本书。先行词被 the only,very,the last,the same 修饰时

26、。He is the only person (that) I know here.他是我在这里唯一认识的人。先行词中既有人又有物时。We are talking about the people and the things (that) we met in the country.我们正在谈论我们在这个国家遇到的人和事。当句中已有疑问代词who或which时,先行词用that。Who is the girl that is under the tree?树底下的那个女孩是谁?2.当介词放在关系代词前时,用which而不用that。Is this the village in which you spent your childhood?这就是你度过童年时代的那个村庄吗?3.定语从句的谓语动词应与先行词保持一致。汉我有一个精力充沛的朋友。误I have a friend who have lots of energy.正I have a friend who has lots of energy.【口诀助记】关系词,引定从,它们用法须分清。that可作主与宾,指人指物都能行。which用来指代物,主语宾语都可充。who和whom来指人,作主作宾不相同。whose一词作用大,表人表物都能用。



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