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1、Unit 6 Dont eat in class.Section B (1a-2c) . 选选短短语语配配图图do the dishes, do his homework, watch TV, help his mom make breakfast, practice the guitar, clean the room答案:答案:1. do the dishes 2. help his mom make breakfast3. practice the guitar答案:答案:4. do his homework 5. watch TV6. clean the room . 句型展示句型展示

2、1. 起床整理你的床起床整理你的床铺铺。Get up and _ _ _. 2. 不要把不要把脏盘脏盘子子丢丢在厨房里。在厨房里。Dont _ the dirty dishes _ the kitchen. 答案:答案:1. make your bed 2. leave; in3. 放学后我也不能放松。放学后我也不能放松。I cant _ after school, _. 4. 我知道你的感我知道你的感觉觉。I know _ you _. 5. 他他们们制定制定规规章制度来帮助我章制度来帮助我们们。They _ rules _ _ us. 答案:答案:3. relax; either 4. h

3、ow; feel 5. make; to help1. before prep. & conj. 在在以前以前 adv. 以前以前I must read a book before I can watch TV. 在看在看电视电视前我必前我必须读书须读书。I usually brush teeth before breakfast. 我通常早我通常早饭饭前刷牙。前刷牙。I have never seen the movie before. 我以前从未看我以前从未看过过那部那部电电影。影。【探究探究总结总结】 before的用法的用法(1)用用作作介介词词,后后接接名名词词、代代词词或或动动词词

4、的的-ing形形式式,常常用用作作时时间间状状语语。(2)用作用作连词连词,连连接接时间时间状状语语从句。从句。(3)用作副用作副词词,常与完成,常与完成时连时连用。用。【学以致用学以致用】 She always says goodbye to her mother before _(go) to school. He always washes his feet _ he goes to bed. A. after B. because C. if D. before答案:答案:going2. strict adj. 严严格的;格的;严厉严厉的的 Parents and schools ar

5、e sometimes strict. . . 父母和学校有父母和学校有时时是是严严格的格的My father is very strict with me. 我爸爸我爸爸对对我要求很我要求很严严格。格。Our teacher is very strict in his teaching. 我我们们的老的老师对师对教学很教学很严严格。格。【探究探究总结总结】 strict的两的两结结构构(1)be strict with sb. 对对某人要求某人要求严严格格(2)be strict in sth. 对对(工作等)要求(工作等)要求严严格格【学以致用学以致用】 The boss is stric

6、t _ his workers and he is also strict _ his work. A. with; with B. with; inC. in; in D. in; with3. remember v. 记记住;住;记记起起. . . but remember, they make rules to help us. 但是但是记记住住, 他他们们制定制定规规章制度来帮助我章制度来帮助我们们。Please remember to do your homework. 请记请记得做你的家庭作得做你的家庭作业业。I remember giving the book back to h

7、im, but he said no. 我我记记得把那本得把那本书还给书还给他了,但他他了,但他说说没有。没有。【探究探究总结总结】 remember的用法的用法(1)remember to do sth. 记记得去做某事得去做某事(未做未做)(2)remember doing sth. 记记得做得做过过某事某事(已做已做)【学以致用学以致用】 The room is dirty. Remember _ (clean) it. 我我记记得关上得关上门门了。了。I remember_the door. 答案:答案:to clean closing . 选词选词填空填空noisy, relax,

8、before, follow, dirty1. You must close the window _ you leave home. 2. Your shoes are _. Please wash them. 3. Dont be _; please be quiet. 答案:答案:1. before 2. dirty 3. noisy4. We must _ the rules in the school. 5. Im tired. I want to _. 答案:答案:4. follow 5. relax . 完成句子完成句子1. 我我经经常帮常帮妈妈妈妈洗洗盘盘子。子。I often

9、 help my mom _ _ _. 2. 他的父母他的父母对对他要求他要求严严格。格。His parents _ _ _ him. 答案:答案:1. do the dishes 2. are strict with3. 请记请记得把你的得把你的词词典典带带来。来。_ _ _ your dictionary. 4. 你考你考虑虑考考虑虑它,它会它,它会对对你有帮助的。你有帮助的。You _ _ it; it will help you. 5. 放学之后我也不能看放学之后我也不能看电视电视。I _ watch TV after school, _. 答案:答案:3. Remember to bring 4. think about5. cant; either



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